HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-27, Page 15Local candidates talk local
Billion dollars in new support pro-
grams. If re-elected, we will continue
supporting and honouring our brave
Canadian Veterans by investing in the
'Helmets to ilardhats' program,
which will help former military per-
sonnel find work in the construction
From Gayle Stucke, Liberal
candidate for Lambton-Kent-
"The Liberal Party encourages an
active, healthy life-style for all Cana-
dians, Our policies regarding quality
local foods and protection of the
environment will also support the
ways in which people seek to improve
their level of fitness. Good steward-
ship of our parks and fragile ecosys-
tems, which will be a focus for a Lib-
eral government, will provide places
for people to walk, explore and enjoy
our natural habitat."
Arts and culture
A Liberal government would double
the budget for the Canada Council for
the Arts to $360 million and restore the
Promart and 'trade Routes cultural pro-
motions program increasing their fund-
ing to $25 million. The CBC and Radio -
Canada will be provided with stable
funding to support their important
roles. We are also committed to effec-
tive copyright legislation that will
reward creators while ensuring con-
sumers enjoy freedom for personal use
of digital content.
Political party funding
The public funding of political par-
ties, thrbugh mechanisms such as the
per -vote subsidy is designed to keep
big money out of Canadian politics
and strengthen our democracy. In
fact, the previous Liberal government
brought in the subsidy as we were
phasing out big money donations.
Eliminating it would cripple smaller
parties and would silence their ability
to represent the Canadians who voted
for them.
What could you do better?
The Liberal Party will continue to
work collaboratively with the other
parties and stakeholders both at the
provincial and federal level to find
solutions and make decisions in the
best interest of the people of this vast
and diverse country.
If there was a biography on you
what would it be called?
"Gayle Stucke-A Woman Who Cares
and Gets Things Done"
By working together with the prov-
inces, municipalities and stakeholders,
a Liberal government will develop a
new Canadian Freshwater Strategy to
preserve Canada's fresh water for gen-
erations to come, It will address chal-
lenges such as ground water contami-
nation and develop new measures for
better water consumption efficiency.
Gayle Stucke
$100 million would be invested - rising
to $125 million annually - to clean up
key water basins such as the Great
Lakes and advance research to hnpmve
efforts to protect freshwater ecosystems
from invasive species such as Zebra
Rural health services
A Liberal government will invest an
additional $40 million over 2 years to
improve rural health services in
cooperation with provinces, territo-
ries, municipalities and medical pro-
fessionals. A new incentive will also
be put in place forgiving a portion of
Canada Student Loans for doctors,
nurses and nurse practitioners choos-
ing to practice in a designated under-
served small town or rural commu-
nity. Family doctors will be eligible
for student loan forgiveness up to
$8000/year to a maximum of $40,000.
Nurses and nurse practitioners will
be eligible for student loan forgive-
ness up to $4000/year to a maximum
of $20,000.
Small business
'to help small business a Liberal
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• Garden & Nursery Suppees
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Friday, Saturday & Sunday
May 6th, 7th & 8th
Watch next week's paper
for details!
government will initiate:
(1) a Youth Hiring Incentive
with a full El premium holiday
on all new youth hires
(2) an Innovation and Pro-
ductivity Tax Credit and exten-
sion of flow-through shares for
investment in start-ups in
emerging sectors
(3) a responsible plan to
reduce the deficit without
increasing personal or
small business taxes or the GST
(4)a Canada learning Strat-
egy with major new invest-
ments in the knowledge-based
workforce of tomorrow
(5) a Secure Retirement
Option which is a voluntary,
low cost option within the
CPP that small businesses
can choose for affordable
Working with provinces and
territories a Liberal government
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 15
will support enhancing the CCP
through a gradual increase of the
defined benefits under the core
CPP and propose a new volun-
tary supplement to the CPP
called the Secure Retirement
Option. This SR() would be avail-
able to any Canadian worker
who wants it with maximum flex-
ibility built in.
The GIS benefit for low-in-
come seniors will be increased
by $700 million/year.
'Ibis will be an important tool
to help eliminate poverty among
seniors, especially those with
We will ensure that those col-
lecting long-term disability
benefits are given greater pro-
tection in the event that the
company providing the benefit
goes bankrupt and a stranded
pension agency will be created.
In the event that an employer
goes bankrupt, this agency will
give Canadians a chance to
move their pensions to the
Our veterans
Our Canadian veterans
deserve the best possible care
and support to meet their
needs. The New Veterans
Charter is a valuable tool to
help them reintegrate
brink into civilian life but it is
not perfect. A Liberal govern-
ment will work with Veterans
groups, advisory group, Senate
and House committees, injured
and their families to improve
the Charter, making it more
responsive, family -focused and
veteran friendly.
We will also implement a
new Veterans' Learning Benefit
that will totally cover all costs
of post secondary education
and training after completion
of service.
Oa for your
support during my first term as your Member of
Our team is successfully building strong, effective
relationships within our Federal Government and our
objective is to make the Huron -Bruce to Ottawa
connection work for you.
The Conservative goal is to build a stronger, safer,
better Canada for today and for generations to come.
Again, thank you for your support. On May 2nd please
vote Ben Lobb - Conservative!
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