HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-27, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, April 27, 2011 MAt\t (AiW sat /i1'1 �lll�� S/Wit Ill0l1 Mit UM/ /(/ .(,ti1's1(1%. ‘‘.rri.11%,•.r‘‘ „li.,':1 1 ,�,ti ti'!! !II; 1 The 'Munk:i 11 of Lampton Shores LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1,10 Tel: 1-877-786-2335, 519-786-2335, Fax: 519-786-2135, Email: administration®lambtonshores.ca Visit our Web Site at www.lambtonshores.ca REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PORT FRANKS COMMUNITY CENTRE ROOF REPLACEMENT The Municipality of Lambton Shores Is seeking pre -qualified persons for the removal and replacement of the asphalt shingles on the Port Franks Community Centre roof. There will be a mandatory pre-bid job walk will be conducted at the site on Friday April 29'", 2010 at 10:00 a.m., at which time proposal packages will be distributed to all attendees, The Port Franks Community Centre Is located at 9997 Port Franks Road, Port Franks Ont. Attendees should assemble outside the main entrance promptly at the specified date and time. Failure to attend this job walk will result in disqualification from bidding on this project. Proposals are to be submitted no later than May 12`h, 2011 at 11:OOam. Questions can be directed to Director of Community Services Peggy Van Mierlo- West at 519-243-1400 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL LEGACY CENTRE ROOF - WATER PROOFING The Municipality of Lambton Shores is seeking pre -qualified persons for all things necessary for the Installation of a water proof treatment on the Legacy Centre Roof, using single component liquid applied polymer based material over the pre-existing roof area, The Legacy Centre Is located at 16 Allen Street, Thedford, Ontario. Proposal packages can be picked up at the Municipality of Lambton Shores -Forest office at 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON 110 after Wednesday March 27th, 2011. TENDER - Grass Cutting at the Arkona Cemetery Tenders are now being solicited for tho grass cutting and general land maintenance at the Arkona Cemetery, and forms are available at the Lambton Shores - Forest office (Address below) or by mailing clerksalambtonahores.ca. Sealed, completed tenders, clearly marked as to content, may be submitted only to: Municipality of Lambton Shores - Forest Office 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario Tenders to be received no later than 11:00 a.m., Thursday May 5th, 2011 More information on the requirements can be obtained by contacting: Lambton Shores Area Manager Bill Bentley at 519-243-1400 or 1.866-943.1400 NOTICE OF A TOWN HALL MEETING DISCUSSION: CENTRE IPPERWASH LAUNCH RAMP ISSUES Date and Time: Saturday, May 7, 2010 - 10:00 a.m. to noon Location: Port Franks Community Centre Please be advised that the Council will be holding a Town Hall meeting at the above noted time and place to review options for the use of the Centre /pperwash Road Allowance for the launching of boats. Planning The Lambton Shores Council will be considering the following matters at the May 2, 2011 meeting: 7:05 pm ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION ZO-02/2011 LOCATION: Clemens Lane OWNER: Cecil and Kevin Thody AGENT: The Municipality of Lambton Shores The Municipality of Lambton Shores has initiated an amendment to the Lambton Shores Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 to correct a mapping error which occurred when the current zoning by-law was initiated. The amendment will amend the Environmental Protection - Natural Conservation (EP -NC) Zone on lands located on the south side of Clemens Line in Ipperwash and owned by Cecil and Kevin Thody to a Environmental Protection - Natural Conservation 2 (EP-NC2) Zone to allow a dwelling to be constructed on the lot. Speclal meetlng pay defeated, clerk explains remuneration Lynda Hillman-Rapiey Lakeshore Advance The special meeting fee that had been part of councils before amalgamation and during the transition stages was eliminated in 2001. These were council sanctioned meetings that took the coun- cilor out of Lambton Shores. An agenda item that talked to special meetings, mileage and conferences was presented last Monday night. At an earlier budget meeting, the allo- cations for Council remuneration and conference/travel expenses were reviewed, and the decision was for the amounts to remained unchanged in 2011. Carol McKenzie, clerk said with respect to remuneration, during each terns of Council, a review of the remuneration paid to members is undertaken and a determination made as to the portion of the renumeration that is to be deemed "expenses" incurred by members In the course of their duties. Currently, 1/3 of the remuneration is designated as expenses, and a by-law is being drafted to confirm this allocation and the overall Council remuneration. Councillor claims for reimbursement of eligible expenses over and above the 1 /3 are done by way of the submission of an "Expense Report': As members am aware, the municipal auditors require the signature of tt department head on all payments made, including Council- lor's expense reports. In this situation, the responsibility rests with the Clerk, and she asked for input from the council members at last weeks meeting. From the clerk Special Meeting Pay During the preparation of the remu- neration by-law, it was noted that there was an error in the "Council Remnera- tion and Benefit Survey" recently pro- vided to members, as it included a pay- ment of $4 5.0O for "special meetings, however, this payment was eliminated in 2001. The extra payment for "special meetings" was considered by Council at that time, and the decision was that the payment to attend any meeting would he included in the Coun- cil remuneration. The current policy is that members are reimbursed for mile- age only when attending Council approved meetings outside of the Municipality. "Since this decision has remained unchanged since 2001, it may be benefi- cial to review this ruling, as circum- stances may have changed," she said. "Currently, Council members are appointed to a number of outside Hoeu'ds, Agencies and Commissions. Some of the Hoards, such as the Ausable. Hayfield Conservation Authority and Hluewater Recycling, provide compensation for Hoard members. Others, such as the 2 Water Boards, and the Tri -Municipal Committee, do not provide compensation for meeting attendance." She asked if Council wants to initiate a payment for members appointed to boards that meet outside of tht Municipality, when members are not compensated by the board? "Often times, alternates or other interested Council members attend external meetings to keep informed of the issues. If the "special meeting pay" is continued, should alternates and other members of Council receive compensation for attending meetings when not the appointed members or if the appointed member is in attendance?" Mileage: Part of the 1/3 expense component of renumeration is to com- pensate members for mileage incurred attending meetings within the Munici- pality. Mileage is paid for any Council sanctioned meeting or conference that takes place outside of the Municipality of Lambton Shores, "'1'o make sure members are adequately compensated and ensure standardization across the board, when Councillors travel to sanctioned events outside of the Municipality, they are entitled to charge mileage front their Lambton Shores' residence (or qualify- ing address), as opposed to location where they originated from that day," said McKenzie. The clerk explained that the Municipal policy is that mileage is paid for Council sanctioned meetings and conferences. if a member attends a special or educational event outside of the Municipal boundaries, is prior Council approval required. Conferences and Seminars: Conference/travel allocations its the budget remain unchanged in 2011. The allocation provides $1,700.00 per mem- ber for conferences and seminars which will usually accommodate 1 major con- ference and 1 seminar per year, includ- ing registration costs. "Often times, when a new Council is elected, there is a greater desire for mem- bers to attend training sessions, courses and seminars. Please note that in the conference policy, there is the opportu- nity for nienmbers to attend more events, with Council's permission," said McKenzie adding "Approval to attend Conferences/Semi- nars over and above an individual Councillor' budget allocation is to he considered and approved by Council prior to the event, and the review wi'. take into consideration the total 'twig( .71/ allocation for conferences/seminars, the relevance of the conference to Council and the potential benefit that may result from the conference and the fair and equitable division of opportunities for Councillors to attend Conferences/ Seminars." CONTINUED > PAGE 7