HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-27, Page 5Wednesda , ' ' 127, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 5
letters to the editor
When did coalition become a bad word?
+t When did "coalition" become such a bad word? fairly recently 1
think, thanks to Mr. E Inrper and his cohorts, 'There have been many
successful coalitions, both political and non-political,in the past. In
most peoples' vocabulary, l think it has been a fairly positive word,
and there is no good reason why it should not remain so,
Mr. Harper insists that Mr. Ignatieff will forst a coalition govern-
ment if he (! carper ) does not get a majority, in spite of Mr. Ignatieff
saying many titres that he would not. And so what if he ( Ignatieff )
dict? Those are the rules of a L'arlintentary democracy. If you
cannot win the support of the 1louse of Commons, then the other
parties can try if the Governor General asks,
I wonder what Mr, Harper would do it' the Liberals won a minority
government, but then lost favour in the [louse. Oh, wait, we know
the answer, because hlr, 1 larper wrote to the Governor General with
the support of the NDP and the Bloc to ask her to consider "options"
when the Paul Martin liberals had a minortiy, Le, ask the other
parties to forst a government. Precisely what he accuses Mr.
Ignatieff would do!
So 1 atn happy with the way our Parliamentary detnocarcy works.
But if I never hear Mr. flamer and his lot say the word "coalition" in
their depreciatory wary again, it will not be too soon,
'There is one word though that has taken on a negative tone
recently: "prorogation':
Ron Holmes
Developmentally delayed students need
your help
I ant a supply Educational Assistant with the I.ambton Kent
District School Board. l am writing this letter to Inform the residents
of I.ambton Shores of an atrocity that is happening within our
school board. We all know that cuts are inevitable but are you aware
of what some of the cuts are?
'The Developmentally Delayed or f )1) CI ASS at North latmhton
.Secondary School has had the misfortune of being cut by 1.5 EAs in the
past year. The result of these cuts has a very negaftve impact on these
very special students. 'The students are no longer able to participate in
the (;o -op program as there is inadequate staff to assist therm. Our
business community 1s more than willing to to assist tate DI) students
fulfill their Co-ops so they can learn luny to intentct with others , leant
good work skills and help to elevate their self-esteem. 'the absene of this
program is a major step backwards. 'these are the students that need the
hands on experience. If regular stream students had their Co -Op
programs cut 1 tun sure we would hear an outcry from the public.
In the past the 1)I) program at N1,SS has held a reputation for success
and this success has spread like wildfire, l have witnessed many , many
parents, teachers and board members from other schools come to
observe the DE) class and leant from our program. We had team of EIAs
and a very experienced teacher that worked together smoothly and as a
result the 1)1) students flourished.
I can see the tvr(t(ng on the Wali already. Eventually the tx)art is going
to try to integrate the 1)I) students into the regular classroom stream, In
my opinion this is like re -inventing the wheel, Been there, done that and
it does not work. Integnttion on some levels is great; physical education
is an example of an area where it can work. But to plat the 1)1) students
back into the regular stream is only going to result in lowering their self
esteem resulting in failure. And guess what? 'the board will have to hie
As to assist them in the classroom. I Irma, stakes one think doesn't 1t?
Metter dated March 5 'lO11, written by a l atke Smltlt Conservation
member advocating for the l )1) room was signed by approximately 300
people and submitted to our trustee Jane Bryce. It is now the tend of
April and we have had no response.
I ant asking you, the people of l arnhton Shores to step up to the plate
and eontnct the tx)art and advocate for this I )1) classroom and other
I)1) students within launhton Kent District School Board. the number is
1-800-754-712,5, 'the students need your help.
Monica McPherson, UM
Thanks to Oakwood and Custom Catering. Everything was perfect
We have. just enjoyed the marriage
of it son and a daughter here in Grand
Bend.1 would like to take the oppor-
tunity to remark on the excellent
experience that was provided by our
host, "'lite Oakwood Inn". 'the plan-
ning and delivery of all details of their
service and accommodation was
exceptional, We feel fortunate to have
chosen this venue and to have stayed
local for such an important family
event. 'thank you, Dave Scatchard
and all the professionals responsible
for staking the wedding so memora-
ble. The weather may not have
cooperated, but everyone else did!
An additional thank you to
"Custom Catering" by Stephen and
Barbara of Grand Bend. Before and
after the wedding, you provided our
guests with a delightful feast.
Everything provided was timely and
For anyone local, we suggest that
you do not have to travel fur to host
that important event.
Thanks from the Brunelle
and Hodder famllles,
Grand Bend and Exeter
St. Anne's celebrate Earth Week and the environment
Mikenna Lane
Lakeshore Advance
'!he students of St. Anne's were able
to reflect ttpott two values which are
close to their hearts this post week.
'Throughout April pith - 20th, the globe
celebrated Earth Week where environ-
mentalists promote the importance of
improving all aspects of the 'ecological
world: On April 19th, selected students
volunteered their time improving the
environment and raising awareness
regarding environmental issues by
competing in their first 'Envirothon'
meet of the year at the Pinery in Grand
Bend. As always, the'Envirothoners'
represented St. Anne's well.
In addition, St. Anne's reflected on
their appreciation of Christ's sacrifice
during our I poly Thursday Liturgy. A
wonderful prayer service was offered
where the St Anne's community
remembered all that testis has done for
us and how it is our responsibility to act
as his disciples. On behalf of St. Anne's,
we would like to wish everyone a safe,
reflective, and joyful }aster.
'The! more active than ever group, St.
Anne's Me to We, wish to invite people
from the community to come and join
them on April 29th, 2011 at their first
'Freedom Fashion Show: 'tickets are $5
for children, $10 for students and $15
dollars for adults where Al.l. proceeds
will put forth the development of a
school in the developing country of
Ecuador. Phil Main, Run -Wary Shows
and South American Dancers will he
just part of the entertainment. For fur-
ther information please do not hesitate
to contact the school at 519-482-5454.
The Friends of Pinery Park annual general meeting
Lakeshore Advance
'I'he Friends of Pinery Park is
embarking on its twenty-second year
of operation. The organization was
formed by a group of area residents
who soured both a passion and Beep
interest in Pinery Park. 'the Friends of
Pinery Park was incorporated in 1989
as a registered charity and continues
to support the Pinery in a multitude
of ways,
Over the past year, The Friends of
Pinery Park has obtained a number of
grants to support trseturh on the Park's
turtle population, which include u
number of "species at risk': The
"Savanna Strollers", to community
walking group that utilizes the trail
system in the park, is sponsored by the
"Friends" and has just celebrated Its
first anniversary.
'The community Is invited to learn
more about the friends of Pinery
Park and become a new member by
joining them for their Annual Gen-
eral meeting on Saturday April 30,
2011. (Details helow)
'Ihe Friends of Pinery Park AGM
If you go:
Saturday, April 30th
■ 1:000 pan - Annual General Meeting
- Visitor Centre indoor 'theatre
• 2:00 pm - Speaker - 'Turtle
Researcher, Christina Davy
Mennlers will receive free entrance to
the pork for the day of the A(;M, Let the
gate staff know that you will be attend-
ing the friends' AGM to receive your
temporary day pass, 'the Friends store
will be open and will be featuring an
inventory reduction sale to snake room
for some new product lines,
the guest speaker at the AGM will
be Christina Davy who has been lead-
ing the turtle research at Pinery for
the past few years.
Christina is a PhD Candidate at the
lhniversity of'li)mnto and holds a Mas-
ters in Zoology from the University of
Western Ontario, and a BSc (''Zoology)
from the University of Guelph. 1ler
PhD dissertation investigates the
conservation genetics of freshwater
turtles in Ontario, and the efficacy of
ex situ nest incubation as a tool for tur-
tle conservation. She has worked with
endangered turtles in Canada, Costa
Rica and Greece, with endangered
passerines and reptiles in Mauritius,
and with hats in Canada, Costa Rica
and 'Taiwan. She is happiest when
wandering around in a wetland,
Please RSVP by sending an entail
to foppooxford.net, or by phone to
Barb Ferris, Executive Director at
(519) 243-1521
Stephen Central wrap up their graduatlon fundralser
Ste hen Central
Be lee an d Emil
Wow, this week Is crazy. With the
much dance corning up on Friday and
the Easter egg hunt being put on by stu-
dent council yesterday we are a very busy
school! last week on Monday our grade
8s girls got their IIPV shots and the grade
7s got their hepatitis shots, Also Inst
Thursday our junior floor hockey team
went to Zurich to compete against many
surrounding schools. With the help of the
coach, Mrs Hempel, and the support they
gave each other they did a very
good Job! Yesterday we had an
Baster egg hunt put on by stu-
dent council. 'Ihe classes had
the opportunity to a little extra
egg hunting with a rewarding
prize of six chocolate eggs per
student. 'Thank you student
council! Also our grade 8 class
wrapped up their Huron Ridge
flower sales which gave them
$1,858 to go towards gradua-
tion. ibis Friday the Optimist
club is holding the Much
Dance at the Exeter Arena.
That will be a very fun night
full of dancing and celebrating
the arrival of spring. 'this past
weekend was Easter of course
and all of our kids were excited
that they got a 4 day weekend
and loads of chocolate, Our
local Crediton optimist club
held a Easter egg hunt here at
our school due to the park
being under construction.
'there was lots of fun for all and
a coloring contest for all ages.
!lope you all have a great
week! Bye now.