HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-27, Page 44 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda 127, 2011 oplolon www.lakestioreadvance.com Moro Ailvanco PUBLISHED WEEKLY P,O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St,, North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: Iadvance@bowesnet.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/Advertising Manager nclitford4bowesnet.con LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor ladvancedbowesnet.coin STEVE NORTHEY Advertising Sales JULIE HARRISON Typesetting/Classif leds KATHY YOUNG Accounts Receivable SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular $39.95 (38.05+ 190 Gtil) Online subscriptions available—same rates Publications Mail Agreement No.40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 1195 58 Ontario St. North Grand Bend ON NOM 1 TO For any non -deliveries or delivery concems: phone: 519.238-5383 e mall lathance®bowesnet.com Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to Lake sho a Advance at the address Indicated here. Advertising Is accepted on the condttlon that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous Item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. Canada Member of the gnaoMn AeCna. *mover Aaodatlm andnd the t1,.Ontarlo Community Newspapers Associnlbn letters to the editor Mayor sends letter to province regarding lack of input (Ed note: this letter was in response to concerns from I.ambton Shores ratepayers (April 4). The mayor acted upon the request of c'ounc'il in a carried motion that stater!: That the correspondence regarding the concerns with the industrial wind turbine be n'ceiereel and that corresponde'nc'e on the issue of wind turbines in the community be' forwarded to the local MPP, the Minister of Energy and the Nei?! ler so that the concerns can be addressed at the appropriate' govern- ment le'twl, and the municipal concern that the local municipalities need to have control over the number and location Qf units be included.) The ifonourable Dalton AfcGuinty, Premier Dear Sir: While the Municipality of 1.anlhton Shores is supportive of the government's intention to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, the lack of public input into decisions that affect local communities is Of grave concern. '!here are often ramifications of the "greener solutions" that should be consid- ered when applications are received, and solar projects and wind farms should not disrupt the way of life of the community, nor impact the natural habitat of the native ani- mal population. Planning documents are created based on Provincial rules and regulations, along with input from the residents on how they would like to see their community deVelop. The wants, needs and concerns of the commu- nity have been documented and vetted by the community. 'ihe installation of wind turbine's or sola!' farms in a community with no regard for municipal regulations or plat ning documents is not acceptable. 'the requirement to hold a public meeting when a change Is proposed, allows an opportunity for the community to review the issues specific to the proposal and make rec- ommendations 01' suggestions. Municipali- ties must be able to control these develop- ments in the interests of fairness and consistency, Attached is a copy of recent correspond cure f1'0111 1 dnllht011 Sulli'e's residents regard - ing wind turbines and their impact on the community, Husband of cancer patient not impressed with pharmacy reply Re: Pharmacist explains drug '1 he explanation the pharmacist gives is laughable. 'they state that the rules changed about five years ago -in Ontario requiring phar- macist to take a compulsory course to he able to dispense the drug methadone. They have had d111p1t' t111)1' to d0 so. Many other 1vo1'kt'1's and professionals undertake upgrading courses over their working careers. As to their comment about dispensing methadone being labour intensive; since my wife is still able to take the drug orally, 1 would imagine their work would entail counting out pills from a pig hottte and putting 1111911 in a small bottle. 'ihe tine' will c01111' when she will have 11) take injections, •1hen they could take the liquid version 1!'0111 a pig bottle and put it into it shall bottle. Me shall town of Forest has two phar mach's, one is able to fill their customer's needs for this drug. ihe next closest phar- macy ' is in Seaforth. Perhaps there are other explanations why Find common ground for future of Bend, reader Over the past two years, incredible amounts of dedication and effort from numerous individuals in this community have led to huge improvements in both the beach and the downtown core of (,rand Bend. Individuals and groups have voiced their opinions on the improvements s11111t` supportive, some not so favourable. An additional benefit of the beach enhancement project is that it seems to have stimulated further improvements in some of the buildings and in some new construction further enhancing the core. I lowever, all of this work will have little positive effect if fewer people come to enjoy the great amenities that Grand Bend offers. If individuals in this community continue to dispute and interfere with recreational use of our beach and succeed in making the beach for only walking, sitting, standing and lying then the opportunities that will be lost will cause long term irreversible damage. We moved to Grand Bend 10 years ago based on having visited many tinges In our youth. if we continue to offer a viable alter- native to large urban centres, moving here could be a choice for those young people visiting us now on the weekends. We have been involved in both local community beach volleyball and indoor volleyball during the winter, 'Ibis sport hrings together both adults and youth and provides a great opportunity to learn 11'0111 each other and have a great deal of fun. We also played for four consecutive years in the Not 5o Pro 'T'ourname'nt where the average age of our team members was 50 years. 'Ilse tourna- ment was we'll run, re'spe'cted the members of the public and did everything possible to make it a great weekend for all including the many spectators. Visiting team members rented accommodations, ate at local restau rants, bought t -shirts, sunglasses, hats, ice- cream, and many other articles supporting our local business community. In 2001 Grand Bend was host community for sailing and beach volleyball during the Canada Suuunt't' Games resulting in the pavilion that is now the centrepiece of our beach and was the beginning of our beach enhancement. What has happened in the past few years creating such bitterness among members of this community? 1)Isa- greenlents are healthy but common sense is also essential. if this community does not find a common ground for the present and future use of our beach, the commercial establishments will suffer and any chance of achieving the long-term goals of improving our community will he lost resulting In Sincerely, Bili Weber, Mayor \V(' can't get methadone in (;rand ilend, This stigma surrounding methadone has got to stop. its use in the treatment of ;tt1dIt'11011 Is well known, !tut it Is also very important in severe pain Itiillagellil'llt, I hope that none of your readers, their friends, their neighbours or their loved ones ever have to take this il11pt11'tallt drug, Unless things change, they will just have h take their business elsewhere, Bruce Beatty Grand Bend fewer job opportunities for everyone, 'Ihe most striking isstit' that has occurred during all the community meetings, news paper articles, anti public discussions is the absence of any concern for till' youtit of out community. Not once have their concerns, 01' wishes 111111 Ilt'eds t'Vt'il t'nitt'1't'd in tilt' conversations. Our personal t'xl)t'i'te'I1t't` participating In recreational activities with youth has been incredibly positive. From at youth perspective, there is evidence that slaking healthy connections with positive peers and adults can be'ne'fit youth in making healthier choices and avoiding risk taking behaviour. Youth are 11 resource to 11 coit111ttlility, they have it lot to contribute and represent the middle ground be'twe'en adolescence and adulthood. Unfortunately, their issues art seldom palet of the political agenda. We suggest that Grand Bend take a lead in not only supporting youth positive events but also use local youth 11s a resource in planting them, Robin Loader and Penny Nelligan Grand Bend