HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-27, Page 3Three municipalities weigh in on ratepayer questions
determine the seasonal fluctuation of
flows into the existing facility. I)ue to
this lack of data assumptions had to
be made based on the available data
at the time.
Subsequently as part of the project
•pecific EA for the facility itself, Dillon
4,s .arried out a flow study to obtain bet-
ter data to determine the cariation of
flows and the areas that most largely
influence the cariation. Although esti-
mates were used in the Master Plan
stage it was determined that a flow
study was a more appropriate way to
size the facility for existing flows and
as the basis for estimating flow char-
acteristics from future developments
and currently under -serviced areas.
This improved data was used in the
the Grand Bend Sewage Treatment
Facility Class EA.
Seasonality has always been con-
sidered, however the exact design
parameters are detertnined through a
project specific Class EA. The final
design parameters for any project are
not determined at the Master Plan
stage. In this case the Master Plan
identified the STP as one of the six
projects that would make up the long
term sanitary servicing strategy for the
Grand Bend area. As one of the six
projects identified the project specific
Class EA for the facility became the
basis for a detailed approach to the
design parameters used for the
In sutninaryn
The Master Plan phase used flows
of 2,202 m3/day off season and
4,960m3/day peak season based on
the available data while identifying the
STI as one of the six priority projects
identified (Page 55 Master Pan) .'Ibis
is an ultimate (high-end) flow projec-
tion basad on the year '20'26.
'the project specific (rand (tend S'i't:
Class EA determined that 4,659m3/
day and 7,867m3/day were the most
appropriate design parameters tin the
facility (Page 36 ( ;ntntl (tend S'11: MSR).
'Ile Class EA also determined a multi
train design for the plant would also
be ideal to handle the verifying flows
and reduce operating costs, 'these N-
umbs are based on ultimate (high end)
flows for the year 2031 (the projection
period was extended In the class EA).
'Ihrough the Master an (.lass EA and
project specific (null Bend NUE( .lass
EA seasonality of flows has always
been considered.
Q. The Zone 2 collection system is
in the Municipality of South 1luron
between 03 and Al then easterly to
pumping station 2 at Gill Road. 'there
appears that the titre matin to the S'1'1:
on Mollard line will have to be
replaced as well. ('This is not clear)
What is the detailed cost j)er property
for the /one 2 collection ction system? Since
the Environmental Assessment for
/.one 2 has not been completed yet,
will this Issue he addressed In the
A. A number of the outstanding
questions regarding the collection sys-
tems will be answered once the PA
process is cottnpleted, lhtr ('ouncil
bas yet to make decisions regarding
financing for the treatment plant and
collection systems before the end of
the year. 'I he suggestion by 1 aunbton
Shores to put forward a tender for
Io)th a hill build out and phased plant
was welcomed by South I luron's
Board members as we work through
the merits of both options. South
futon won't comment on the posi-
tions posed as questions in the letter.
Q. 'Lone 3 is In l.ambton Shores.
Council withdrew the "Notice of (:om-
pletion".'Therefore there is no FA for
/.one 3. Is the Tri Municipal Sewer
Itoattl Including%A)ne :1 colletilon sys-
tem as as component of the STI:
project? If they are including Zone 3,
A. Accepted planning procedures
dictate that facilities should he sized
for ultimate build out within the pro-
jected service tura. the (rand Bend
S'1'1 (:lass PA includes Zone 3 in the
ultimate servicing area and wits sized
and designed accordingly. Much as
the facility sized for future develop-
ment It Is also sized for un serviced
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 3
haul within the study area that may
require servicittg within the planning
period (2031). In this case it is in the
hest interest of the Municipality to
consider all possible flows as the "high
end" treatment facility design.
Q. /Amt. 4 Is also in lambkin Shores.
tins the I.ambton Shores (;.A.O.
advised the'l'ri Municipal Board that
the Lampton Shores Council has
ilasse I a resolution to amend the EA?
1 las the 1.ambton Shores C.A.O.
informed the said Board that he (the
(;.A.0.) has advised the Ministry of the
Environment as ter his instructions
contained in that resolution?
A. Zone 4 is included in the servic-
ing area in the Grand Bend STF Class
EA. The S'11: was designed accordingly
to the SIM of the study area. It appears
that it is in the interest of the munici-
pality based on the functionality of the
proposed plant and the planning
timeline (2031) that the SA:should be
sized to include collection systems
throughout the study area and includ-
ing Zone 4. the issue of notifying the
Ministry of the Environment about a
proposed change in the preferred
solution for Zone 4 was tabled by
council, pending a report from a spe-
cial Ad Hoc committee to be
appointed to review the sewer issue
for Zone :t&4.
Q.The '1'r1 Municipal Sewer Board
is discussing the S1'F with a view to
letting tenders.
I low can the Board consider letting
tenders to start construction without
having completed the F.As for all four
Since it appears that the principal
"Proponent" of the entire project,
latnnbton Shores is adamant that the
STI: construction begin immediately
does that mean that this is a wary of
forcing all four zones are to be forced
into the project?
A. At this point the Grand Bend S'IT
Class EA is a completely separate
project than the collection system
(lass EAs.'ihe municipality is eager to
begin tendering to take advantage of
funding opportunities that appear
won't be present in the near future.
The existing Lagoon facility is at
allocated capacity. No future develop-
ment can be approved without addi-
tional capacity created in the Lagoons.
'Ihe'Tri-municipal board has received
funding of $15,900,000. (plus GMF
funding) which covers a large portion
(66%) of the capital costs and will
expire in 2016.
Beginning the project immediately
provides the following benefits to
l.unbton Shores:
■ Ensures that the funding will be
■ Addresses capacity issues and
mei Ili aro le_la
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