HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-20, Page 21General Help Wanted (,ener,ll Help Wanted General Help W,►nted RIM COUN7lrY (2) Summer Literacy Co-ordinators Applications will be accepted until 4:30 Wednesday May 4th, 2011. �$e www,huroncounty.ca for more information regarding qualifications, hours of work and the application process. (Mil thaw ind,rndualr Wietied Jiff an intrnmnu u,U ?e roniru ted. lnforrnaluti a collided solrh for the purpose of foo selection under Mr pnnnnons of the Municipal l'iredorn of information and I►ruertwn of !henry Art. The Corporation of the County of Huron Huron County Library Requires The Corporation of the County of Huron Inptil Huron County Physical Services • Requires the following; position U N Y Full Time Administrative Services Clerk (Temporary 9 month contract) Applications will be accepted until 4:30pm, Friday April 29th, 2011. See www.huroncounty.ca for more information regarding qualifications and the application process. (Mh tharr rnditodunlr selected for an inlm'no 14411 hr ronlnrled. Information ti collided 1oL11 for aepurpau oJJ4+;Anions under the 'mouton.; of rhe .lfumetpal hmionr of In/orrmnhtm and ihNn tion of hivnee Art. FULL -TIM E Custodian/Janitorial Position. Time: 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., 42.5 hours per week. Fax or email resume to Huron Shores Cleaning Co. 519-243-1855 or iohn0huronshores landscaping.ca Submit 3 references from past employers with resume. Police background/record checks will be required upon hiring. SUMMER students wanted for assistant maintenance and store/maintenance po- sitions at campground In Bayfield. Experience with (awn tractors and weed Dating an asset. Fax resume to 519.565-5355 or email paulbunynn0paulbunyan ca PET Love Is ready to expand Its pet sitting service to Grand Bend and looking for a ma- ture, reliable, trustworthy pet sitter. Job entails deity dog walks, cat care, occa- sional overnight stays, weekend and evening sits. Must have li- cense, be able to provide long term, year round commitment and of course, have a love tor animals. Please call Kim at 519-402-3382 and check out pet-Iove.ca for more details. j AZ TRUCK DRIVER, TTK Transport is tak- Ing applications for full time truck drivers. Based out of Goderlch, mostly Ontario loads but must be able to cross border on occa- sion. Clean abstract, FAST card eligible and Passport required. Ex- cellent wage package with driver and family benefits. Please fax re- sume and drivers abstract to TTK Trans- port Inc. in Goderich. Fax 519-524-9658 or visit our web site at www.tlktransport.com for more company info. PART-TIME BARTENDER required at the Grand Bend Legion. Please send resume to Box 429, Grand Bend NOM iT() or drop off at the Legion Bar on Municipal Drive Lit ION MILLWRIGHT / MECHANIC ►►'e are seeking an energetic indi►vulu- (d to join our frraite'uart'e (('Urrr Seasonal Position Qualifications: The ideal applicant will he provincial- ly certified Millwright/Mechanic with "hands-on" PLC experience and at least 5 years in a food processing environment Apply in person or by fax Hwy 81 East of (!rand Bend 8:1111 a.m. - 4:(X) p.m. Fax# 519-238-68(R) P.O.G. Inc. Grand Bend WANTED - Energetic and experienced part time sates associate required for a position at a fashionable women's retail store. Experience required. Must be willing to work weekends. Reply to Box 929, Grand Bend, ON. NOM 1TO 00 i4ERE! Seminars & Workshops WANTED: FIREARMS STUDENTS. Our next "Ono Stop" Firearms Course is in Dashwood on April 30, May 1 & 7. Advance registration only. Email: terry;®hayy.net or call Terry Romphf at 519-237-3248 and leave message. Restaurant/Hotel WALLYOATORS Ipperwash Beach Mature wait stall and kitchen staff required. Call 519-630-2021. CCner,►i VI( VS Genet al Net vites Spring Is here! BOOK EARLY... LAWN ROLLING MR B"s RENOVATION & REPAIR "No Job Too Small" Siding - Soffit & Facia Windows - Roofing and Marc Cell: 519-282-6064 Office: 519-236-7074 Rnstness Services TAX OR Q 8698 BOGG LI D. RR4, THEDFORD, ON 519-296-4738 Personal and Small Business Income Tax Returns - Bookkeeping E -tiling - Reasonable Rates Cleaning STEAM CLEANING, of carpets and uphol- stery. Thorough cleaning. Fast drying. Call Nils Swenson 519-296-4721. CLEANING lady available, experience, reliable, references, 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Please call 519-228-8054. Doors R Windows WINDOWS & DOORS Call tor a free esti- mate. Sales, Service and Installation, Blue - water Windows & Doors, 145 Huron Rd., Godorich, 524-1250, e- mail salosRCbluowator• windows ca or 48 Ontario St. N., Grand Bend, 519 -238 -Door (3667), e-mail bluowa- tersalesOhay.net, www.bluewatorwin- dows.ca Business Services "HONEY DO" property maintenance - Home repairs, odd fobs, grass cutting, trim- ming, snow removal. Large properties easily maintained Glenn Pfaff 519-237-3835 V . 409 With a Nttle extra effort, raiding sates a lot! One ton of recycled paper saves up to 17 trees. Recycling paper, plastic and metal saves tons of garbage from being put into local landfills. These are Just a few of the many reasons to recycle and use recycled products. By cutting down on waste and using more eco -friendly products, we can keep our area and our planet a healthy, beautiful place to live. Legals 8 Tenders Wednesday, April 20, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 21 Legals & Tenders Legals & Tenders COUNTY OF HURON .�_�.•� REPAIRS TO CULVERTS BB17 HURON ON KIPPEN ROAD ANDBB21 ON RO[)183 COUNTY CONTRACT NO. BR1014/ BR1015 Scaled tenders, addressed to the Director of Public Works, Mr. Dave Laurie, ('ounty of Huron, Public Works Department, 1 Courthouse Square, (ioderieh, Ontario, N7A 1 M2, will be received by him until: 2:00 p.m., Friday, May 6, 2011 For the installation of concrete looting struts and erosion protection at Culvert 131117 (west of Kippen) and Culvert 131321 (northeast of Kippen). Plans, specifications and tender tonus for this contract may be obtained from the office of the undersigned upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $30.00, payable to B. M. Ross and Associates Limited, which includes all taxes. Each tender must he accompanied by a certified cheque or hid bond in the amount of $5,000. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender is conditional upon ('ounty budget approval. Bidders are advised that the ('ounty has an established tender evaluation process. 13. M. ROSS ANI) ASSOCIATES LIMITED 62 North Street (iodcrich, ON N7A 2T4 Phone: (519) 524-2641 Fax: (51 9) 524-4403 www.bntross.net Grass Cutting / Carden Maintenance Required St. Peter's Catholic Church is calling for tenders for the grass cutting and garden maintenance at the Church and Cemetery properties located at 73334 l5luewatcr liwy. St. Joseph. Grass cutting, weed trimming and garden weeding are required for both properties on a regular basis through- out the 20 I 1 season. The tender needs to be based on a seasonal rate quoted separately for each of the Church and Cemetery proper- ties. Vendor needs to be bonded and insured, please indi- cate terms of payment required. For additional information on this tender please contact Mark 'fucker, Building/Prop- erty Committee at -519 236-4925. All tenders must be submitted on or before April 22nd, 2011 to; Grass 'lender St. Peter's Catholic Church 22 Mary Street Zurich, ON NOM 2'1'O Lowest tender not necessary the winner. EXTRA! EXRRAi moments.ca For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 e•mall: otsltuarlos myourlifomoments.ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 e -mall: milestones.sun myourltlomomentscA 01)1111.111(?S In M4»n►ori.'m Thanks Births Celebrations More Coming Events Coming Events NOTICE of Annual Meeting: Hensall Senior Citizens Homos Inc. (Northcrost Apart- ments) Wednesday, May 4 2011, 7:00 p.m. in the lounge at 80 Queen St., Hensall, ON. All welcome. Coming Events Corning Events REUNION Junior and Sonior Outer's Club reunion of South Huron District High School. Late 1960's and 1970's and on, June 4, 2011 1 p.m.; Pot luck supper 4:30 at Pinery Provincial Park. Plan to attend and spread the word, Call Mary Margaret Thompson, 519-294-6547.