HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-20, Page 7Wednesday, April 20, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7 Lambton Kent Theft at ATM machine from high school Middlesex candidates CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 6 Married to a retired teacher with four children and 11 grandchildren, Stucke began working as a teacher in 1965 in London and Wallaceburg, then as a principal in Dres- den and Chatham, before becoming a superintendent and director, a position she held for seven years. "I've had to take on tough issues and I've always done it by going to the people in the communities," she said, "by seeking information from every source that 1 could, and working with people to find solutions." Stucke grew up in London and has strong connections to Middlesex County, she said. She's lived and worked in Chatham -Kent and worked in Sarnia-1.runbton. She's involved with united Way, is an executive member of the Women's Leadership Council, and a member of Gregory Drive Alliance Church in Wallaceburg. lobs and the economy are at the forefront of people's attention this election, she said. "We believe that to have a strong economy begins with education. 'that's my experi- ence and, of course, a passion for me." Those in Lambton-Kent- AA I've had to take on tough issues and I've always done it by going to the people in the communities; by seeking information from every source that I could, and working with people to nd solutions." — Gayle Stucke Middlesex need a strong voice, she said. "Because we're a rural area we don't have many of the services that you have availa- ble to you right at your door- step in cities." The Liberal Party, she said, stands for the less advan- taged and middle class families. "'There's an emphasis on education and training which, in the end, is what is going to make Canada a strong economic entity," she said. NOTICE To all our vanucd customers. Grand Bend Sanitation has relocated to: 35767 Grand Bend Road, Corbett Phone Number is (519) 238-2291 / (519) 294-6500 Fax Number is (519) 294-6501 Mailing address remains the same. Thank you from Andy & Cheryl O'Brien & Staff OPP Lakeshore Advance Sometime between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm on April 16 unknown suspects removed the ATM machine from South Huron District High school while a concert was going on at the other end of the school. Me ATM had been bolted to the ground and would have been loaded into a vehicle for transportation. It is currently unknown how much money was inside the machine. Any person with information regarding this incident should immediately contact the Huron OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or (519) 524- 8314. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crirne Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 - TIPS (8477), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. Suspicious male - motorists beware On April 17, at approximately 3:45 am a couple were driving north on Bluewater Highway in the Municipality of Bluewater when they saw a person lying in the southbound lane. The couple stopped to check on the wellbeing of the person. When the husband approached the male, he Jumped up and headed towards the husband who was making a hasty retreat back to his car. The suspicious male tried to enter their car however the couple locked the doors and drove away northbound. The suspicious male was last seen running northbound in an attempt to catch up to their car. The male is described as being in his late 20's. He was wearing a grey coat, a red toque and was carrying a backpack. Anyone observing this suspicious male is being advised not to stop their car but to call 911 so police can attend. Any person with information regarding this male should immediately contact the Huron OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or (519) 524- 8314. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 - TIPS (8477), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. Seatbelt campaign - midpoint report Huron OPP officers have been busy reminding motorists of the legal CirR,AII DPA JIITIITIY'S SCo-!1ISH BAKERY ,filfiko rV /o a Roped ebbing Reception 4sdwh a12 - 4tm -ice Some ant I dared c4eam alit Xe�aalseanirstaAmidisof oak 36 Ontario St. N, Grand Bend, ON 519-238-5055 - www.grandpajimmys.com ulr• us on Facebook obligation to wear a seatbelt. Some still have not got the message. As of April 18, 2011 more than 11,300 seatbelts have been checked in Huron County. 97 charges have been laid against both drivers and passengers, who also have a legal obligation to wear a seatbelt. In addition, Huron officers have checked 147 child restraints. It's disappointing that the number of charges is Mill ser high - despite the increased fine of $240.00. Please make it a habit to ensure both you and your passengers are well secured BEFORE putting your vehicle, into 'drive: Attention Advertisers.... It's SPRING HOME IMPROVEMENT and GARDENING time! Book your ad in these special pages which will he published on Wed. May 4th & Wed. May 18th. First Week - Reg. Price Second Week - 112 Price Call: Mark, Steve or Neil today! Grand Bend 519-238-538 3 omit: ticosboro Advancs nclityordor'I owt.sw +all► Liberal Family Pack: • Family Care for elderly or seriously 111 • Early Childhood Leaming and Care • Green Renovation Tax Credit • Stronger Public Pensions • Learning Passport FEDERAL LIBERAL CANDIDATA. LAMBTON-KENT- MIDPpLESE www.Ga Istituoka.oat Portia Needs a Home! MM ROYAL LEPAGE Ask Marje about Portia and Real Eatate at 98 ONTARIO S'l'.S in (:rand Bend (next to Nouse of Flags, Sears & No Frills) Marje Crowe* is helping Sarnia-1.4unbton SP('A Lind arlui+t{‘r parents for Portia. If you can give Portia a loving & happy home, please call Marje for more information or go on lhr SPCA website at http:/lsucuiuhunwncsmicty,cum Helping You is What 1 1)o! 37 Years of Caring Experience! If you're buying or selling your home or cottage, please call Marje Crowe' at 514 1)61 0380 ... and don't forget to spay or neuter your pets.