HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-20, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Election 2011: Advanced polls April 22-25 Tyler Kula QMl Agency The Lambton-Kent-Middlesex federal riding cov- ers an area larger than Prince Edward Island and includes more than 107,000 people, according to the 2006 census. The riding is made up of the townships of Brooke- Alvinston, Dawn-Euphenia and Warwick; Kettle Point and Walpole Island reserves in Lambton County; part of Chatham -Kent, lying northwest of the Thames River; and Middlesex County, exclud- ing London and Thioles Centre. Candidates for the May 2 election are listed below in alphabetical order, Joe Hill: NDP The 69 -year-old Sarnia resident, originally from Wallaceburg, ran in the 2008 federal election as a last-minute replacement for a candidate that withdrew. 1101, the NOP riding association president in Stu•- nia-l.antbton, has four children, six grandchildren and is in the midst of getting a divorce. Ile worked at the Royal Hank in Wallaceburg, Owen Sound, and ibronto, before joining Nortel to work in field operations in his early 20s, Based in London, Ont., he travelled across Can- ada and the world — including a five-year sting in the Caribbean and six years in Dallas, '11ex. Ile returned to Canada in 2002 and picked Sarnia to be near the water. Hill volunteers with SHARE (Sarnia Handi- capped Aisling for Rehabilitation and Equality), a Sarnia organization that advocates for handicapped people; with BPAC (the Binational Public Advisory Council), which monitors environmental impacts on the St. Clair river; and with Lambton Elderly Outreach, with which he drives people to medical appointments. Jobs are the hot -button issue for l.tumbton-Kent- LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1.10 Tel: 1-877.786-2335, 519-786-2335, Fax: 519-786-2135, Email: administration®lamblonshores.ca Visit our Web Site at www.lambtonshores.ca HYDRANT FLUSHING SCHEDULE 2011 Commencing May 9, 2011 the Municipality of Lambton Shores will be commencing the Hydrant Flushing Maintenance Program in the following locations as scheduled below: East Lambton Shores: Ipperwash & Port Franks, Grand Bend to Northville (Including all subdivision along Highway #21) May 9 to June 17 Thedford, Ancona - Rural Distribution System and August 2 to September 2 West Lambton Shores: Forest June 13 to June 17 West Bosanquet including Lakeview Haven, Glendale Beach, Lake Valley Grove & Lakeshore Road to Indian Hills Golf Course Rural Distribution System June 20 to June 24 During the above maintenance procedure, you may notice some discoloration in the water from the taps, Hushing toilets, doing laundry etc. We recommend that you run the cold water tap for a few minutes or until the discoloration disappears. For more information contact: Nick Verhoeven, Project & Infrastructure Manager at 1-866-943-1400 or email nverhoevenelambtonshores.ca REMEMBER... A big part of being a responsible pet owner is ensuring you comply with the Dog Control By-law, Lambton Shores requires that all dogs be leashed when not on the owners property, and that all pet owners follow `stoop and scoop' practices. Failure to comply with the Dog Control By-law requirements is an offence and could result in a fine of$ 101.00 TENDER - Grass Cutting at the Arkona Cemetery Tenders are now being solicited for the grass cutting and general land maintenance at the Arkona Cemetery. The term of the contract will be three years commencing in May 2011, and tenders fomes are available at the Lambton Shores - Forest office (Address below) or by emailing clerks®lambtonshores.ca. Sealed, completed tenders, clearly marked as to content, may be submitted only to: Municipality of Lambton Shores - Forest Office 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0. Tenders to be received no later than 11:00 a.m., Thursday May 5th, 2011 More Information on the requirements can be obtained by contacting: Lambton Shores Area Manager Bili Bentley at 519-243-1400 or 1.866.943.1400 Reminder to the Farming Community: Please ensure that dirt and other field debris or waste is not deposited on municipal roads as it could cause a safety hazard for the travelling public. Middlesex this election, he said. "The loss of jobs because of the eco- nomic downturn, the automotive sector is crashing, and of course our legislation in Ontario and Canada in general, is very weak when it comes to foreign takeo- vers," he said. health care privatization and seniors living in poverty are other important issues, he said, while the lack of voter turnout last election is cause for concern. 1 just want to see more people actu- ally get engaged and conte out and vote, period," he said. Micheal Janssens: (:HP The 24 -year-old Christian I leritage Party candidate lives in Strathroy and was born in Inwood. Married with a 20 -month-old son, and a daughter born this month, Jans- sens is running in his third election — his first was at age 19, Chairman of the electoral district association in Lambton-Kent-Middlesex for CIIP, and vice president of the Ontario council for the party, Janssens is a financial security advisor with Free- dom 55 Financial. Other than work, family and time with (:BPR Janssens is an active member at Grace Canadian Reformed Church in Kerwood. "A lot of people in this election are concealed about the economy," he said. Economic problems are largely caused by interference from govern- ments, he said. "So we're big advocates for smaller government." Eliminating the national debt and eliminating income tax are major issues for the party, he said. Hut Janssens' reasons for running are based on the party's moral stance, he said. "Our party is the only one that stands for traditional family values as well as standing universally against abortion and euthanasia" Jim Johnson: Green A 55 -year-old llderton resident, John- son is running in his third consecutive election. The number of votes he received in 2008 increased more than 50% from 2006, he said — 3,400 from 2,100. He's hoping its indicative of a trend. Divorced with two grown children, the professor at the Lawrence Kinlin School of Business at Fanshawe College in London has volunteered with minor baseball in London, llderton and l.ucan. He's also done work with the Child Poverty Action Group, the London Dres- sage Association, and provided strategic planning for Helton House, a home for adolescent girls in London; Before teaching at Fanshawe, Johnson was president Of Paradynamics, a soft- ware company. An important issue this election is accountability in government, he said. "We just see over and over again that the government is ignoring parliament and now it's starting to ignore people. I think people are tired of that and 's time for a big change that way." Investing in a smart economy investing in sustainable industries; building strong communities with employment opportunities in l.anlbton- Ke'nt-Middlesex; and rebuilding 0 sense of community are other important issues, he said. "Most people don't like politicians, they don't trust them," he said. "It's time that we brought some noble action back to this line of work." Bev Shipley: Conservative Elected in 2006 and again in 2008, Shipley is now seeking a third terns as MR The 63 -year-old former farmer lives near Strathroy, has been married for 39 years and has three children and eight grandchildren. Before he was elected to Ottawa, Ship- ley spent 20 years in municipal politics, as reeve of Lobo and mayor of Middle- sex Centre. Ile ran federally in 2004 and lost. Shipley simultaneously farmed cash crops and livestock while in municipal politics. Ile still owns a farm 15 minutes east of Strathroy that a young farming family runs. It's the same fann where he was raised and worked with his father, before Ship- ley eventually bought him out. Volunteer work includes agriculture and dairy organizations, supporting the United Way and involvement with com- munity fairs, he said. 1 love what I'm doing. I work hard. I love working for constituents. 1 think that comes with the municipal back- ground, it tells you a little bit how impor- tant it is to serve local people:' Issues include addressing unemploy- ment and helping businesses, he said. "Particularly through tax regimes, helping our communities be strong and attractive to businesses. I want to con- tinue that so we can continue to get more people involved and employed." Agriculture is also exciting, he saki, noting he's on the federal agriculture committee. "Right now we're looking at the effects of biotechnology and the importance of it in agriculture," he said. Ile also touted Canada's strength emerging from the recent recession. "That doesn't just happen because you're Canada;" he said. "'that happens because a government has done a number of things since the recessic started," Gayle Stucke: Liberal Less than a year after retiring from her position as director of education for the Lambton Kent District School Board, the 65 -yettr-old Wallaceburg woman is embarking on her first election campaign. CONTINUED > PAGE 7