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Lakeshore Advance, 2011-04-13, Page 14
14 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, Apri Mike & Terri's K 98 Ontario Street South, Grand Bend itiltiN DON JOHNSON INSURANCE INC. Representing Lambton Mutual Ins. Co. Box 268, Thedford, Ontario NOM 2N0 Farm - Horse - Auto - Commercial and Life Insurance Bus: 296-4916 Fax: 294-5826 Cell: 851-6852 BOB CASE PLUMBING, ELECTRIC, HEATING& AIR CONDITIONING Serving Grand Bend, Exeter & Surrounding Area Reliance Water Heater home comfort` Rentals dl Service GRAND BEND 519.238-8193 McCANN RED1-MIX INC. 3 locations to serve you Dashwood, Exeter, Mitchell Head office: 519-237-3647 www. mccannredimix.ca One Pearl Place Grand Bend Specializing In SIi.VER.SKIN ONIONS For the Pickle and Frozen! hum! Industry ?rl (519) 238.5704 Fax (519) 238.2424 BOB DIETRICH INCOME TAX SERVICE Experienced service with any tax return. 12 Mary Street, Zurich 519-236-4989 the new 238 -WIN Amu) one 6raPev of Bend "Make it at Home or with Us" Beer • Winemaking Supplies • QHtw►are 30 ONTARIO ST. S. GRAND BEND • REPAIRS & INSTAI.I.ATIONS • EI.ECRTIC EEI. SERVICE • SEWER Fi.USHING • SEWER CAMERA INSPECTION • RAFFLE INSPECTION & REPAIRS • SEPTIC SYSTEM iNSPECTIONS ( \I 1 : \\It\ I'► 1135 , ,e) (m2 April is cancer a Relay for life By Lynda Hillman-Rapley It was happen place that resulted in becom- ing chair of Grand Bend's Relay for Life - hut Carol MacDougall could not be more pleased with the position. MacDougall says she is thankful her family is virtually can- cer free. She is not naive though and knows this infliction can happen to anyone in any family. When a friend could not make it to a meeting for the proposed Relay for Life in Grand Bend, she offered to attend and soon became the chair. "This is a fulfilling job she says adding she has never worked with a better group of, volunteers. Relay For Life, which began in Tacoma, Washington. in the mid-1980s, Dr. Gordy Klatt, a Tacoma colorectal surgeon, wanted to enhance the income of his local Ameri- can Cancer Society office and to show sup- port for all of his patients who had battled cancer, He decided to personally raise money for the fight by doing something he enjoyed mmning marathons. In May 1985, Dr. Klatt spent a grueling 24 hours circling the track at Baker Stadium at the university of Puget Sound in 'Taco- ma. Ile ran for more than 83 miles. That tint year, nearly 300 of Dr. Klatt's friends, family, and patients watched as he ran and walked the course. Throughout the night, friends donated $25 to nen or walk with Dr. Klatt for 30 minutes. Ilk aborts raised $27,000 to tight cancer. While circling the track those 24 hours, Dr. Klatt thought about how others could take part in his cnission to tight cancer, Ile envisioned a 24-hour team relay event that could raise more money to fight can- cer. Over the next few months, he pulled together a small committee to plan the first team repay event, known as the ('ity of Des- tiny ('lassie 24 -Hour Run Against Cancer. The first Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life event in Canada raised $85,00( in 1999. Since then, the number of Relay events and participants have steadfastly in- creased to reach its eleven -year milestone in Canada - raising over $52 million at 474 events across Canada. MacDougall says this event is inspirational frim start to finish. She said it takes a spe- cial person to be a volunteer. The teams are made up of ten people. In some cases it is a group of people who want to support their tinnily member or friend who has cancer. In other cases businesses get together to put in a team to support the much needed research. The event is 12 hours from 7-7 with the reason, "cancer does not sleep, so why should we?" Relay is a moving celebration of cancer survivorship. The event begins with a Sur- vivors lap in which cancer survivors take a victory lap around the track. A candle- light ceremony is held later in the evening to honor cancer survivors and remember those who wc'vc lost to this disease. "Grand Bend is a caring community," says MacDougall. Some residents join teams, others pledge or become spon- sors, There are also many reasons why people participate. Letters from You can register on line www. or go to GRANT) BENI) DEI;('ORATIN(; & FIAMMING CENTRE 46 Ontario St., (.rand Bend (519) 238-8603 FAX: ( 519) 238.5097 Ilwy 21, Forest (519) 786-6761 FAX: (519) 786.6381 For All Your Paint Flooring & Decorating 1Seedall Bernice 6. (;ary TD Canada Trust on ('rescent Street. Getting involved April 27 is the spring launch at (;ram), Jimmys on highway 21 Grand Bend 6:30 p.m. July 8 is the date for the Relay Jor life' a the Klondyke Park, south of the Bend. Volunteers are welcome, students can re ccivc volunteer hours and youth are wel come as part of the teams if accompanicc by an adult. For more information call Carol at 519 238-2297. South Huron Relay for Life Launch n Wednesday, April 13 the South uron District High School's Relay Fol Ifs Committee will be hosting their an. ual 'Relay Launch' at SHDHS at 9:00 m. The purpose of this event is to raise wareness, and motivate students and e community to participate. Various embers of the committee with be peaking at this time and will be ex' laining their roles on the committed, here will also be a guest speaker. This aunch is held in order to get participants ady and excited for the Relay For Life ich will be held on Friday, June lq o Saturday, June 11 from 7:00 p.mi O 7:00 am. We encourage members f the community to attend the Relei aunch and spread the word to oth. rs. Our goal is to have another suc• ssful Relay and continue the fight gainat cancer. If you require any irm' tion please email Tracy McLenl an at tracmcle©fc.amdsb.ca or cal e school at 519-235-0880. Togetho can make cancer history! Mang HAYT.ER'S • TM A O 1 • 1 0 N ( ()\(.I: \I I 1 \11(►\' 1:11 \\ I()1:1 111 �I I:\I\11I'.,\ \1:11( II' \\I" ( )I'I \ 1 \ 1 I:\ 1► \ \ 1 \I: I:e)1 \Ii II `( i11'1 ‘„'.1 .'1 11.1,111,111111 I , 1 (•ns '' '1 11 11.11 I 1 1 . 1 .11 111.1 11111