HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-13, Page 88 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Pharmacy explains why customer can't get prescribed drug Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance April being cancer awareness month brings a time when niany people want to share their sur- vival stories or the sadness of los- ing a loved one. When Bruce Beat- tie carne to the Lakeshore Advance, we were not prepared for his story. Last fall, Bruce's wife was diag- nosed with a late stage cervical cancer. 'Treatment began imme- diately with eight weeks of daily trips to London for chemother- apy, radiation and brachytherapy. Ile said over the holidays things seemed okay -but by mid Febru- ary the "cancer had gone crazy" as did the pain. After a few weeks of ever increasing amounts of hydro - morphine use she was hospital- ized for a week where full-blown • chemotherapy treatment started and switching to methadone to manage her pain. One day last week Soni was brought home after being released in the late afternoon. 'That's when Bruce's concerns began. It was late and they detoured the London can- cer clinic pharmacy knowing there is a pharmacy here in (rand Bend. Once back honk' he was surprised to find out he could not get the much needed drug at home and was forced to drive hark to London to get a prescription filled. "They could not fill the order here at home. Now i have this added stress of making sure she (his wife) does not run out of this important medi- cation," said Bruce. "'1he pharmacy appears to have the right not to provide you with this pain killer," he said. Out of frustration be says he can't in good conscience spend any more money there, but knows this is his only means of lashing out at a system that makes no sense to him. Ile acids that many local communi- ties (10 offer the drug by prescrip- tion and that makes the decision by the local pharmacy even more puzzling. Pharmacy explains (rand Bend Shopper's Drug - mart Pharmacist lames Banne'r- illan said he can understand this family's frustration. Methadone has uses and special rules and this patient would not have known that. Approximately five years ago the rules changed in Ontario. Since that tient' at least one pharmacist, and the Ontario College of Phar- macists prefers two pharmacists to have taken the methadone dis- pensary course with the (:entre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. Because there are very few patients with prescriptions for this drug and because the Grand Bend pharmacists are spread so thin- there has not been the hours needed to take this course. So, none of the Grand Bend pharma- cists have the required education to dispense methadone and that means they can't fill the orders. Bannerman said he was not at the pharmacy this reddest carne, but would have explained there are other place's that do dispense meth- adone- but not many, Because car- rying methadone is labour inten- sive for pharmacies -many don't have the staff or resources to have it. This pharmacist is also frus- trated that doctors wit() also need a NOME PLAN OF THE WEEK PLAN NUMBER 9-3-204 CRAFTSMAN -STYLE TWO-STOREY HOME traditional touches like the deep main -noir veranda, wide overhang and second -storey porch lend this Craftsman -style two-storey home plenty of character. Designed especially for a narrow lot, the plans Include three bedrooms as well as a for dining room. living room and great room The great room, definitely designed with family time in nnd. features a built-in fireplace and access through irench doors to n patio Open to the great room is the kitchen, where a large work Island, raised eating bar and generous walk-in pantry will ensure convenience and comfort for the cook. To the left of the compact foyer Is the more formal living none, with a trio o1 large windows overlooking the shady veranda. A two-sided fireplace separates this room from the dining room, with Its optional built-in buffet A half -wall and archways divide the dining room from a corridor, whore a powder room is tucked In beside the staircase Upstairs, the master suite enjoys access to a covered porch that looks out on the back garden. The roomy walk-in closet will provide ample space, even for a couple of clothing collectors. In the nnsulte aro a soaker tub with a tiled surround, a glass shower stall and a double vanity. Light will lilt the room through large windows The second and third bedrooms, overlooking the front garden, share a bathroom fitted with a towel cupboard. The laundry room and linen closet aro conveniently placed nearby Outside, wood shingles, siding and detailing, spindle railings, square pilasters, and partly mullioned windows contribute to the home's Rif of old-tashloned elegance. The house is 25 foot wide and 50 feet, six Inches deep, for a total of 2,030 square Leet of living space, not including the unfinished basernent Included in the plans Plans for design 9-3-204 are available for $736 (sot of 5), $825 (sol o1 8) and $880 for a super set of 10. Also add $30.00 for Priority charges within B.C. or $55.00 outside of B.C. Please add 12% (I.S.T., 13% H.S.T. Or 5% G.S.T (where applicable) to both the plan price and Priority charges Our NEW 43rd o1 the Homo Plan Catalogue containing over 300 plans is available for $13 50 (Includes taxes, postage and handling). Make all cheques and money orders payable to "Home Plan of the Week" and maul to HOME PIAN OF THE WEEK c/o Tho Lakeshore Advance Unit 7, 15243 91st Avenue, Surrey, B.C. 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