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Aoaia NowtPapia Association
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a fralocisilun
Ben Stein's last column talks
about what really matters
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
Evet gone should read Reil
Stein (Alllericitn acini;
writer, lawyer; and com-
mentator on political and eco-
nomic issues) last column, 1le
takes a reflective approach to
what is important to hint and
what should be our Locus of
the world atemnd us. i le's tight
o11 so llliltly levels. Are We the
hest Mother, father; sister,
brother; daughter son -that we
can be? i le talks about the
stars in 1 Iollywood who slake
insane amounts ot•dollars to
remember lines and stand on
a stage while at the same time,
those fighting for their country
take backstage with little fan-
fare. Again he is correct. Last
week we published the Sun-
shine list. 'those people who
make huge amounts of dollars
and for what- teaching us or
our children, looking after our
healthcare, running the corpo-
rations that govern where we
live, work and play, fighting
our tires, Lighting crime.
Apples and oranges. Stein is
right. 'those people on 1 lolly -
wood's stage or even in the
sports world making crazy
amounts of money are not the
people who are important -in
the scheme of things. 'the Sun-
shine list is a means for the
province to be transparent and
open regarding the civil serv-
ants we, as tax payers foot the
hill for. Can our hospitals,
(:I l(:s, education facilities,
police, fire, ambulance or gov-
et'nillents tint without them?
Not likely. leaving said that -
there are people who are
bringing home boatloads of
cash and we have to shake our
head. But when i see a doctor,
see the education our children
receive, or even pay my taxes -1
want the best possible people
at the helm. Stein talks about
values. Ile talks about hems
and he talks about devotion.
We need the BeIi Stein's of the
world to put reality into focus.
letters to the editor
Beach draws people not the events, reader
'Ibis letter is in response to every-
one who thinks that having events
on the Grand Bend beach is good for
economic development. l beg to dif-
fer, but the reason that people want
their events on the beach, is because
that's where the people are, not the
other way around. The beach draws
the people, not the events.
People conte to the (rand Bend
beach when the weather is warm
and sunny, 'they want the sand and
water to he clean. 'they appreciate
clean bathrooms, garbage cans, the
security of life guards who can help
if someone gets Into trouble in the
water and it place to park their vehi-
cle within easy walking distance of
the beach. As far as food is con-
cerned, they can bring their own or
enjoy the vast variety of opportuni-
ties to eat on the Main Street and
elsewhere. Any food offered on the
beach, including the concession
stand, is in direct competition to our
businesses in town.
People do not want big tents set
up on the beach, taking up valuable
sand space, amplified noise to inter-
rupt the peaceful enjoyment of the
day or people running around trying
to catch a hall that eventually goes
astray, hitting them or their things
with the inevitable sand being
kicked up and having to he dealt
i lave your "events", including serv-
ice club events, not for profit events,
and commercial events and their
economic spin offs, but have them
somewhere else in the Bend other
than our precious, sand beach!
Sandra Crook,
Long time cottage owner and life-
time user of the Grand Bend beach.
www.IakesI1 , t)a(Iv,lnct3.cnln
With development
comes needed serviceD
it is like a catch 22 at Lamb -
ton Shores council. As budget
talks continue with a thesis' by
some councilors of bringing
corporate tax to this munici-
pality to relieve the residential
tax payers from tax hikes, also
comes the realization if you
want development- you better
have services.
"Let's demonstrate we are
open for business," was what
Gonne. Doug Bonesteel said lit last Week's meeting. It was
discussed by deputy nuryor Elizabeth Davis 1)agg that maybe
this would he an opportune time to bring those displaced
from Japan here to l.ambton Shores to set up shop. Good
economic idea. Bonesteel said it was time to be creative and
Counc. John Russell said it was time to rock the boat and
maybe change the law this one time so Win'1'ru could develop
the Canadian Tire on Main Street east. All good ideas for the
future. But---toallow development to forge ahead- doesn't
that show need for a sewage treatment plant? 'there's a hole
in my bucket dear Liza!
It was 1994 when the MORE realized there was more
capacity in the lagoons than they thought. This was great -
because now every development in Stephen Township and
Grand Hend that had been put on hold for the five previous
years could now be built. The commercial development, the
seven property owners at the end of Lake Road and a couple
on Shoreline (Southcott Pines) could join the sewage collec-
tion system- a request that had been in the works for a long
time. That was a great spring day in 1994 when that lost
capacity was found. '1)tx dollars could now sprout because all
those developments would get the capacity green light.
Stephen Township was taking half of the new found capacity.
A short term solution, said the Ministry of the day. Me MOI;I?
said that 22 per cent of the plant's unused capacity would
now be used for new or proposed subdivisions. 'chat left 2h
per cent to divide between Stephen and Grand Bend. The
question of the day- for Jane 1994 was "Can that amount he
sufficient for the two communities for the next 20 years? So,
let's see, what has been built since that fine day in 1994, 17
years ago.
In the past 17 years Grand Bend and Stephen have added
or added capacity for:
Shoppers Drug Mart, Sobey's and the rest of Rocco'Rdlios'
development, Grand Rend Community I ieealth Centre, New
Grand Bend School, 'Tint I lortons, The Village Gate Subdivi-
sion (Phase 1 only), The I larbourside Village Subdivision,
Beauty and the Beach, Growling Gator, 'ileo Oakwood Resort
expansions, POG, Motorptex, 'Ihe' 1luron Country Playhouse
That takes us to today and the flow capacity. In a report
that came to council last week it was detailed that there is no
free and available flow/capacity in the current sewage treat-
ment facility, and so new development cannot he approved
or proceed. An important part of any municipal economic
development strategy would include municipal infrastr'
tore capable of supporting development now and in
future, says the Planner who also says being able to provide
sanitary treatment for the Grand Bend area and being capa-
ble of supporting existing future development should
form part of any Municipal economic strategy.
So, kudos to the councillors who want to chase big busi-
ness to make I.anlhton Shores a mecca for commercial taxes-
but- without it treatment plant big enough for that growth- it
is just a pipe dream,
Sands of Time
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Editor, Lakeshore Advance