HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-13, Page 22 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Councilors believe developer should get go ahead
Lynda Hilwnan-Rep ey
Lakeshore Advance
Lambton Shores councilors
differed as to the whether one
developer should be able to go
ahead without following policy
while others have to toe the line.
At Council's March 21st meet-
ing, Ed Hooker and Murray Troup
( Grand Bend Shores Develop-
ment - Located on Main Street,
East (South Side of Hwy. #81)
came to council to bring Council
up to date on their proposed
Grand Bend development on
Main Street east that includes a
Canadian Tire, and requested :
■ concurrence to proceed with
the development of a portion
of their lands though the con-
sent process; and
• permission to allow the pro-
posed severed parcels to be
serviced on a temporary or
permanent basis by the exist-
ing Grand Bend sanitary sewer
collection system.
What they wanted was to seek
exemption from the Municipali-
ty's requirements to approach
development in
a comprehensive way by
addressing all issues related to
development of the entire parcel,
as has been the case with other
development proposals to date in
the Municipality.
Troup currently has an offer to
purchase the entire Pollock farm
which has a total area of 95.21
acres. The portion of the lands
located within Lambton Shores
has an area of 42 acres and is
designated "Commercial" and
"Residential" in the Lambton
Shores Official Plan and zoned
"Future Development" in the
Lambton Shores Zoning By-law.
The balance of the lands, having
an area of 53.21 acres, lies within
South Iluron and are designated
and zoned "Agriculture'.
In the summer of 2008, munic-
ipal staff, including engineer Bill
Boussey and representatives from
the Ausable Bayfield Conserva-
tion Authority, met with Troup to
discuss the development of his
lands. The initial proposal was to
develop the entire Pollock farm
which included the lands in
South Huron. The Municipality
and the Conservation Authority
emphasized to him at that time
that the municipal and conserva-
tion authority's approach to
development of the lands would
be comprehensive (big picture).
He was advised that any applica-
tion for development would have
to be accompanied by a prelimi-
nary servicing report and that any
application would not be consid-
ered complete until the report
was accepted by the municipality
and conservation authority.
The preliminary servicing
report was received along with
planning applications at the end
of 2008. The report was reviewed
by the Municipality and the Con-
servation Authority and found to
be unacceptable. The report did
not address the development of
all the lands within Lambton
Shores in a comprehensive man-
ner. It simply addressed the five
commercial blocks and a block
proposed for seniors housing.
The planning applications were
deemed incomplete.
The subject lands are not
included in the service area for
the Grand Bend sanitary sewer
collection system or the
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treatment facility. As a result there was
never a long term strategy developed for
providing sanitary servicing for the
lands. As well there is no long term com-
prehensive storm water management
plan for the lands or a strategic approach
to access and traffic.
engineering report and provide for the
comprehensive development of his
Troup gave five options as to what he
wanted and at last week's rneetin,
cilor John Russell said he was
ment to option one: Option 1: to allow
We need partners who give back- $100,000 in
corporate taxes. The economy is precarious at
best and we should set a precedent. We have to
demonstrate Lambton Shores is open for business.
We don't know how long these guys will stick around.
This is an opportunity...We need to be creative
— Councilor Doug Bonestet'l
The Municipality has retained Dillon
Consulting to prepare a traffic report for
Main Street East. the completion of this
study is essential in assessing future road
improvement requirements to accom-
modate growth and development in the
area, including Troup's lands. Troup
was advised of the need for a traffic
study and was asked to contribute finan-
cially to the cost of the report, as Rice
Development Group has, however he
declined the request.
The lands were included in the area
subject of the (rand Bend Sewage Treat-
ment Facility Expansion and Upgrade
Environmental Assessment and also
included in the area subject to the Zone
3 Sanitary Sewer Collection System Envi-
ronmental Assessment. The Zone 3 EA
recommended alternative for providing
sanitary sewers to the subject lands was
a forcemain constructed on Moltard
Line from the subject lands directly to
the sewage treatment plant. The EA has
been temporarily withdrawn for Zone 3.
Troup is requesting permission to
access the Grand Bend sanitary sewer
collection system to service four (4) pro-
posed commercial properties with a
total area (including the proposed access
road) of 12.61 acres. 'Ibis represents 30%
of the Lambton Shores portion of the
parcel. 1 le also is requesting that Coun-
cil allow hhn to create the proposed par-
cels by consent through the Committee
of Adjustment prior to the submission of
a Zoning By-law amendment applica-
tion, which would establish the regula-
tions for development of the lands. the
current zoning does not permit any
Troup has requested, 011 previous
occasions, permission to sever only the
4 acre Canadian Tire lot and connect it
to the (rand Bend sanitary sewer collec-
tion system.
Such requests were denied by Council
and 'Troup was advised to complete his
the proposed four (4) acre Canadian 'Tire
lot to be developed independent of the
entire property and connected on a tem-
porary basis to the Grand Bend sanitary
sewer collection system. The lot would
have direct access to Main Street or alter-
natively a portion of the proposed access
road could be constructed to provide
access to Main Street East. Storm water
management would be addressed Inde
pendent from the balance of the lands
and may require the pumping of storm
water to the north side of Main Street
and utilization of storm sceptors and
existing roadside ditches. 'Ihls may need
to be a temporary arrangement as well,
so that it can be integrated into the com-
prehensive serving plan for the entire
property. Financial security may he
required to ensure that these temporary
solutions are converted in the future to
the permanent serving strategy antici-
pated, Finally, perhaps a financial con-
tribution should be required for the site's
share of the cost of implementing the
long term serving strategy as well as a
contribution to the treatment facility
costs. It was noted that the granting of
"temporary access" would have to he
presented to and approved by the
Municipality of South Huron as they are
joint owners of the pump station and
Comic. Ruth lllnuun disagreed stating
she could agree with option 5, which
was not piecemeal, stated, "'rhe applica-
tion of current municipal policy which
would provide for a comprehe ','•
approach to the development
entire property. This approach would
require the developer to submit to the
Municipality, an acceptable servicing
report, which provides an overall servic-
ing strategy for the lands. Following
acceptance of the preliminary servicing;
study by both the Municipality and the