HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-06, Page 18111111411111111111111111111111111111111.11 LakOsitom Advance • : Wedna il'p $011 youth) ca • Marking your milestones. For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 •-mall: obltuarles,n yourIlf•moments.ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 •mall; mlleston•s.sun,4 ourllfemoments.ca Obit Liar res In (l n1orIan) Thinks Bit ths (. eiebration. Mor In Memoriam In Memoriams VOOQEL In loving memory of Ted Voogel, dear hus- band, father, grandfather and great grandfather who passed away one year ago April 6, 2010. Remember him with a smile today He was not one for tears Remember him with a song or a dance Or maybe a glass of beer. Remember his smile, his laugh And how he liked to tease Remember how much he was Proud to be Dutch and Remember the love he gave Through the years, Time will not return when we Were all together. But with the memories we hold In our hearts He will be with us forever. Remembered with love, Judy and family In.rlentoriants in Menwnanls FiTZGERALD In memory of a dear wife and mother, Janis Fitzgerald, who passed away April 7, 2010. A year has passed since you left us. Your pain and suffering are now over. Our lives have been forever changed. You left behind broken hearts, and happy memories, too. Your presence is missed, so much, You gave us all you had, however great or small. Most of all, you gave us love, support, and companionship. EVERY SINGLE DAY i AM REMINDED OF YOU Every day, as I think of you, tears flow, and my heart pounds. There is no wife, or mother, in all the world, more precious than you. JANIS. Your voice, your laugh, may be silenced forever, but we will always hear them. You gave me 35 years of happiness, then came pain, sorrow and tears. They say, in time, it gets easier. I know this isn't true. WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU, DEAR JANIS You and I, will be reunited soon. lour loving husband John, and childron: Elizabeth, Kenneth and Jack, brother Peter, and grandchildren, Obituaries OVERHOLT, L J W (Willi.) - Surrounded by his family, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Friday, April 1, 2011, L. J. W. "Willie" Overholt, of Zurich, passed away in his 74' year. Beloved husband of Martha (Denomme) Overholt. Dear father of Vicki and Randy Geoffrey, Steve and Deb Overholt, Patti and Steve Geoffrey, Deb Regier and Mark Regier all of Zurich, Paul and Colleen Overholt of Exeter, Cathi and Marc Clausis of Exeter and Peter and Stephanie Overholt of R,R. 2 Zurich. Loving grandfather of 24 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren Dear brother and brother-in-law of Elva and Ted Taylor, Doreen and Frank Regier, Jean and Jerry Cooper, Marie and Charles LaPorte, Victor and Jacquie Overholt, Blanche Overholt, Rose Overholt, Clarence and Theta Overholt, Joe and Jan Overholt, Gerard and Anne Overholt, Cecilia and Don Denomme, Dear son-in-law of Olivia Bedard and the late Dennis Denomme. Sadly missed by his many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his parents Norman and Caroline (Bedard) Overholt, one sister Beatrice Overholt and two brothers Milfred and Norman Overholt,. Visitation at the J. M. MCBEATH FUNERAL HOME, 49 Goshen St. N., Zurich, Ont. was held Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m, The Funeral Mass was celebrated on Monday, April 4, 2011 at 11 a.m. in St. Boniface Roman Church, Zurich, Fr. Graham Keep celebrant. Interment St. Boniface Cemetery, Donations may be made to the Leukemia Society or Huron Mental Health. Condolences forwarded through www.Immcbeathfuneralhome,com 111 A tree will be planted as a living . ..memorial to Willie Overholt Obituaries CLACKETT, Beverly Charms - it is with great sadness that the family of Beverly "Bev" Charles Clackett, of RR 2, Grand Bend, formerly of Chatham, announce his passing, after a courageous battle against Acute Myeloid Leukemia, on the 30' day of March, 2011 in his 67' year, at the London Health Sciences Centre, Victoria Hospital. Dear and loving husband to Karen "Moose" (Hopkins) Clackett, Bev will be dearly missed by children Deborah and Mike Meuwissen, Jamie and Linda Hopkins, Melissa Hopkins and companion Ed Atchison, Mandy and Rob McQuillan, Lacey and Brian Gidge and John Dickson. Grandchildren Jennifer, Cheyenne, Tyler, Taylor, Colton, Jacob, Kurt, Emma, Karah, Allie and Kylee will forever remember their Poppy. Bev was predeceased by his parents Verdun and Lois (Barclay) Clackett and is survived by sister Bonnie. The family would like to thank all the staff of the 7' floor oncology unit of L.H.S.C. Bev thought you all were truly his angels on earth. Special thanks to Dr. Xenocostas and Nurse Practitioner Susan Collins, Rested at the T. HARRY HOFFMAN 8 SONS FUNERAL HOME, Dashwood, visitation was Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. and where the Funeral Service was held Saturday, April 2, 2011 at 11 a.m, Tho Rev. Harry Disher officiated, Cremation with interment Pinery Cemetery, Grand Bend. If desired, memorial donations to the London Health Sciences Foundation, Oncology Unit would be appreciated. Condolences at www. hoffmanfuneralhome,corn 'CRUM...FCC Z • Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! 10 AZ TEAMS NEEDED NOW - Our Company teams consistently sem 5120.140,000 per year. Excellent Equipment, Waterloo Region Based, West Coast US Runs CAN 7 days per week 1 • 888.213-9401. www.transpcxyobs net AZ DRIVERS (2 years exp.) required for U S. 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