HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-04-06, Page 6Taking a look at Lambton Shores' economy Lynda NINman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance The economy of Lambton Short's has three primary economic sectors, agricul- ture, tourism and commerce, primarily conducted in municipal centres along with a smaller industrial component. All these sectors remain relatively strong in our community in spite of the global economic challenges being experienced over the last several years. 'that is not to suggest that there aren't still challenges but for the most part businesses are holding their own. The Municipality's approach to supporting businesses and economic development is diversified and while most business promotion and mar- keting is conducted through the Sarnia l,tunbton Economic Partnership and'Iburisnl Sar- nia l.ttmbton, Chamber of Commerce and Business The Municipality of Lambton Shores • xi. a< gli,3V*j6 ..$isle:. ^. tl:S4:'3-Xl1 i+�.t Fe LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES •A• A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Department - 7889 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1..10 Tel: 1-877-786-2335, 519-786-2335, Fax: 519-786-2135, Email: administration©lambtonshores.ca Visit our Wob Site at www.lambtonshoros.ca LEAF PICKUP PROGRAM Spring Program 2011 Lambton Shores' residents: Please be advised that leavos raked onto the street or piles in the street or ditch will not be collected. This poses a danger to pedestrians, bicycles and motorists and can cause drainage problems. Leaves can be bagged for pickup by the Community Services Department. This program Is in effect April 4'" May 27'", and is as follows: 1. All leaves must be bagged in clear plastic hags. 2. Each bag must be tagged with ',S a garbabe sticker. 3 Only leaves will be picked up; not garbage or brush please. 4. All bags must be placed at the curb for pickup. 5. Leaves will be picked up sometime during the week as time and quantity dictate. If your leaves aro missed please call 519.243.1400, toll free 1-866-943-1400 or the municipal office nearest you and pickup will be arranged. LAMBTON SHORES COMPOST SITE HOURS OF OPERATION Tho Lambton Shores Compost Site will be open on both Saturdays and Wednesdays from 9:OOam to 2:OOpm starting April 9, 2011 until November 26, 2011 (weather permitting) The site is located et 7550 Brush Road adjacent to the Forest Wastewater Treatment Plant. Leaves and brush materials will bo accepted. Brush and wood must be bundled and no longer than 4 feel In length. Ratepayers (no businesses of the Municipality of Lambton Shores can pick up compost Ind wood chips. REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS 2011 Capital Plan Vehicle 8 Equipment Replacement The Municipality of Lambton Shores is inviting suppliers to submit completed request for quotation documents for the following. One (1) 2011 Now Tandem Axle Truck and Ons (1) 2011 New 4 -Wheel Drive Utility Tractor & Self Leveling Loader Interested suppliers may obtain the appropnato documentation frau the Municipal office located al 7883 Amtelocom Pkwy Forest, ON NON IJO Th. closing data for submissions Is Thursday, April 7m, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. Peggy Van Mrorio•Wost Director of Community Services pvmwest(t)lambtonshoros ca Request for Quotations Fire Tanker Truck The Municipality of Lambton Shores is inviting suppliers to submit completed roquest for quotation documents for the following One (1) Flre Tanker Truck Interested suppliers may obtain the appropriate documentation from the Municipal office located at 7883 Amtelecom Parkwya Forest, ON NON IJO The closing date for submissions is Thursday, April 14"', 2011 at 11:00 a.m. The lowest or any Tonder may not necessarily bo accepted. SENIOR OF THE YEAR NOMINATION Tho Municipality of Lambton Shores is pleased to participate in fhe 2011 'Senior of fho Year- award program offored though the Ministry Responsible for Seniors. Eligible recipients am Individuals over the ago of 65 who have enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community on a volunteer basis. The program allows a municipality to nominate one citizen for this award. Lambton Shores will accept nominations from the community until Apnl 25' , otter which, ono nominee will be selected and his/her name forwarded to the Minister for recognition Nomination fomes are available on the homepago at www.lemtripnshor s.ca or by calling 519-786-2335 or 1-877-786-2335. If you know of someone deserving of this honor, please complete and remit the nomination form PRIOR TO APRIL 25, 2011 to: Municipality of Lambton Shores - Senior of the Year Award, 7883 Amtelcom Parkway, Forest Ontario NON IJO; or Fax: 519-786-2135; or E -Mail: clerfcs©lambtonshoros.ca Associations and the businesses them- selves, there is touch that the Municipal- ity has done to stabilir.e and strengthen the local economy. Agriculture The Municipality has supported the local agricultural economy through its Official Plan policies, which make the protection of agricultural land a priority thereby ensuring that viable agricultural operations can continue to (loutish. Agri- culture continues its transition from its former "family farm" makeup to more of "factory farm" operations, ihis change in and of itself has had an impact on the local economy both positive and nega- tive; while it has reduced the number of family farm operations and the famiiies that they pi -twitted to the community, the new breed of factory type farms have been very successful operations that slake their own contributions to the com- munity in other ways, 'there has (leen a steady growth in agri- cultural investment over the past 11) years with the expansion of dairy (arms, grain elevators, beef cattle operations, green- house additions and even a commercial riding stable. One of the other signs (tithe health of our agricultural economy has been the success of ventures like tht' For- est Glen Herb Farm, 'twin Pine Farms, and other innovative agricultural busi- Ile'ss Vl`Illtlrt's, The Municipality has also supported the introduction of‘yind energy projects in the rural area that has provided a valu- able new revenue source for fanners. Additionally the municipality has sup- ported the development of farmers mar- kets in Forest and Grand Rend. The Municipality itiso invested in the develop- ment 1,f tht' Rural %Vat et System that serves the needs of residents and farm operations in the rural area ensuring that they have a reliable and safe' supply of potable water to meet their needs. Many farmers have pointed to the availability of this reliable told safe water source as a key to their business viability, particularly those that are required to meet water quality standards established by their marketing Wants. 'iburiam 'Eht' tourism economy of Lambton Short's remains strong, with umiak. - shorts ur lake - short' and pristine beaches and natural areas us the draw, the sector includes Otit• Ponderosa, Klondyke, Rus 'h n, Wood- haven, Sunnysiele, Silver Birches, Rock Glen, Pinehurst, Bitch Pine, Carolinian Forest, 1iarhourside, Green liaven, Oakridge, Orchard View Campgrounds and 't'raile'r Parks. 'These along with the hotels, motels, restaurants and shops in Grand Bend, 'Medford, Port Franks, Ravenswood, 1pperwash, Arkoma and Forest all play key toles in servicing the tourists economy. The municipality also litis numerous golf courses including Forest Golf & Country Motel, Sand 11111s, Widder Sta• tion, Indian 1 lilts, Our Ponderosa, and Arkuna Fairway that attract visitors to the area. 'llie Forest t',ulf& ( :ountry 1 lotel has recently come under new ownership and has plans for major upgrades to their facilities. Although The Pinery Provincial Park operates independently of the municipal- ity it is one of our most significant tourism assets and has recently undergone a mil - ti -million dollar upgrade of its facilities to respond to its continued popularity. Lambton Shores is also working closely with the province and the Kettle & Stony Point First Nations to see what can be done to revitalize the former Provincial Park property and ipperwash Beach area. The Municipality has supported the tourism economy through its strategic investment in the enhancement of the (rand fiend beach, the revitalization of Main St. Grind Bend, the development of the Medford Village Green, the develop- ment of the Shores & Legacy Cense rec- reation centres, the acquisition and devel- opment of parking lots in Grand Rend, its participation in the Communities in Bloom and Blue Flag programs, support for programs, like Aquafesl, Burgerfest, Winter Carnival, Lawnmower Racing, Canada Day celebrations, litmus & Gar- den shows, Fusion 1)ays, '1'i i -Sport, Silver Stick 1 iockey Tournaments, etc., are all signs of a healthy tourism economy. Industry & Commerce 1.unhton Shores has a small industrial component to its economy it is none the less an important one with companies, like Armee (drainage tiles), Corma Prod- ucts (aluminum roundly) !hipper Foun- dry (caon t'md),1e Pwd- urts (austtoirnu►tivote parttys), ;Ill'orest opeWitrating out of Forest, Van Gory Fabricating and 'Thompson Wood Products (lumber mill- ing) operating out of"1 he'titintd and Grand Rend Pnxiuce (potatoes, etc.). Lambton Shores also has its own 9.1 Industrial Park north of Forest on high- way #21, which offers prospective indus- try will% low cost fully serviced industrial land. The park has been in competition for a number of industrial development proposals hut has yet to secure a sale or lease at this time. The Municipality has also re -designated additional lands along the 1 lighway #21 corridor for industrial and commercial purposes to ensure that there is un ample supply of sites available. i.unbton Shores has consistently shown its support for the commercial sector of its economy as well, through its facilitation of continued residential devel- opment and growth, the acquisition of the Forest Industrial Park, the intersec- tion improvements at King and Mttin St. in forest, which facilitated the movement of truck traffic, the development of "Com- munity improvement Plans" for each of our core tu'n'as that provide a guide for future investment like the recent "acces- sibility" upgrades along Main St. (;rand Rend, the "facade improvement loan pro- gram" in Forest, the Village Green and Legacy (:entre project in 'Medford, the cleanup oldie Arkoma Brownfie'id prop erty, and the purchase of the Port franks Marina property at the time of amalgamation. CONTINUED > PAGE 7