HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-03-16, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, March 16, 2011
F�c1Fpl-s-zciS?tt�l;x ii agrrsai -•ra: a=:aa- >,, -. �.x.xrt�fae ,:.: :::.�:p t,r, rx rr ware. *r z,r c:: esa tr
The Municipality of Let lbtott1 SS,tf�'`i►>� t.?resp
A weekly Updefu on Mu Municipal tvunfv In your Cf) nte'unify
Administration Department - 7853 Atnteleoom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
Tel 1 877 786 2338, 819-788 2336, (ax 111 Hitt 133, I' mall ettnlnlatrationaile tblonshoren c0
Visit Web Silo et www lambtonshurtvs cfo
Applications ore belny accepted from property owner it In the lone 3 and /ono 4 moan of l anlblo11 Shorne ( north of
Ihn Amiable Cut) to survn 011 011 Ad Noe Committee to review Issues pertaln11ly to the extension of wombs wader
services In lone 3 and 4 Application ferrets and the dints tuonn of reference for the Comolrtloe me nv011at11a un lire
homepage of the notlicipel website www.l(tllltrtu tiltuIu Gt1
Applications will be eceopted until March :11, 201 1, 01111 curt be 01011011 450 dnl1vnred to
Municipality of l tenbton Shores
70H3 Atntelncont Parkway
Forest, Onlerlo NON 1.10 A1ln Ad Nut• Committee Appillntiot)
111 by tonna 40 . (111ttjtQIg1)1t111)L15t1QUWJ]d 111 sutJ0c1 IUIe, phloem note "Att Noc Connn11(1(( Appllcetkm'
CHIP WAGON LICENSES... l'Innnn he 1lt'vinod the* n lit entre in required to Opotato a
0111(1 W119011 111 l Iem11)1011 511010n A l IMI 11 1) (1011111111 of licenses met allocated by oleo, 01111 are Intuit'
10 Ihn first 4pplh:a,t that provider( nil the required information l4onee co111111 the 1 oltthtou Shone(
Forest Office for more information it 6141.788-2336 or 1-077 MO 2336
)Notice of lnttntlon to Discuss !
Moratorium on Council
Please be advised that Council will consider
n report 111 the continuation of the
nloretorlu,n on the comm leder use of the
municipal sidewalks I1) Grand timid at the
sheeting trek( the 21" day ui March Itt
approximately 7 18 p m Anyone Is welcomes
to attend the meetln9 to hear the discussion
or send In comments, either In favour 01
against the proposed continuation of the
Volunteer Firefighter
!ht. 1 mnhton Shorne' Volunt 1 tie
l)n(lnrtmmltn ul /0111110*. 1 ureal, (115101 (lend,
Northville 1 1 teethed ore stinking e{tplicetlant
from prulutlo11ctcy or fuefiuhter 111)111,1,1 nppilcolltn
ovollohl, 11)1 (tavtltttl responnee 111 those
11111 Mtnlclpnllly In ho1lil) of upd/tdew our peal / flat of Int led
pontoon fee putnlhl11 follow 111111111 Wa will 140111 y(%( lontnnu un
11In 100 nix (0) r50110114
('r(fertencee will 6( Wynn to Ihote Ilpplltd11114 With 11.111111'*1 01141
cartlllcatlot1 In (:1'I2, 1 11111 Aid, 1) of 11 (Invent Ik:11nt e t ei(It 0 .111un
would tie on onset
Applications mrd )oh dencrlph(nn con be plcka11 up el the
Munic.lp:dlty of l emblon 5(00,5s tub offices 11) (Aloud llontl (4
(-entero St f), Northville (Corruntorrty Servrces i),41s,0) m11I
I moat Adt itIIMIrntlun Office locntntt (1p1114111n 111 1 he tiholet
ltecle0tloo Centre, 71183 Aureole( l'arkwny
Interested cnndldnten 0111 risked to stitlmlt npplk (Ilion mrd
resume by trend 01 mail, nr lud11hp relevant experlentet by
11 011om, April 1", 7011 to
Mr ,Io)ln (1yrnn, Chief Adminlntrntive Offlcar
MunIC1pellty 111 1 1euhtuu Shores
70113 Amtlelecom I'arkwny
Forest ON NON 1,10
C)tffy those npplh:entn se/eche/ f), tin Inhmtvhew well ten corlfechm.l
The Municipality of l-amblon Shores is tnderteklny a ttnaearCh 7. Consultation)
initiative to determine how to 411111011Ca 1110 (rand Rend beach for the
enjoyment of residents anti visitors, and serve the community's needs Into the
A eggag titi201f1t1ull...Q110t(9 la being 1)01(1 on Leh 24. 2011 at the Grand
B end Legion, Upper Level (70 Municipal Drive, Grand Send) from 4 O0pm1
7:OOpm. This open house -style meeting will provide residents the opportunity
to review and cot nt 011 the draft Grant Fiend Reach Study For further
Information, visit frfisreallitlIbilMIIIIQIIILC. or contact the Community Services
Department at 1.888-943-1400.
The clroff study will be ovallab/n omllrw of ry,'1 lantbtgnewrip6Ca MOn:h 75. 2011 fond will h0 omit) hr vont until
April 8, 2011.
Committee of Adjustment ... The (-nnlhton Shores C:onrltttes of Adjustment will he considering
the following matters at the Thursday, March 24, 2011, meeting.
7:05 p.m. - Walden 4, Walden, Agent for Derek William Boyd - 0-04/2011 Consent ('art Lot 4(1, elan 20 Macl/only Sheat
The applicant Is requesting permission to sever one por:el of lend 1n11) two parcels 111e proposed severed lot will have a frontaya
of 20.12 m (80 00'), a depth of 34 14m (112.011'), a total lot area of 1380 74m' end w111 front onto Mai:Henry Sheet The proposed
retailed lot w111 (xlnlprlse the west 0 metres (20') of l of 41% and Is Intended to Inouye with the adjacent resklentlal panel 111 the west
A north, also owned by the Applicant and know as 17 Ilrnwdwoy Street this appllcwtklm was tlrlulrlally heard In January, 2010,
however the Condltona of Approval were nal aatlsflwd withal the one year Mee limit prescribed by the l lononnu Act and therefore,
the consent approver lapsed
7:05 p.m. - Adrian • Marie Wlendels - A-01/2011 Mlnor Variance 42 Ann Street, A010110
Hie applicants originally applied for a variance to construct a 111 411 UI' detached accessory building that world be 1 Al metres
from the riser property 11110 (Smith Street) The application was deferred 111 order for the Applicants to deckle on a revised site and
locatk)n of the accessory bulktlny as the original proposal was not supported by the Committee, and therefore, would haves been
refused. The Applicants aro 110W proposknu to construct a 03 00 111' accessory bu1111119 (het will bo 7 metres h Smith Shoal
7:05 p.m. - !lose Marie tlesdhead, Agent for Huron Woods Community AssooletIo11 - A-05/3011 Pemnlsslonn to Enlarge e
Legal Nen-Conforming Use 9902 Hlvervlow Hoed, grand Hand
The applicants 0141 requestl11g permission (11)1101 SW:WWlll 411(2)(o)(t) of the ('1ar1111110 Act, to nnle mn a boils' nonrunlorthlig time.
being tate Huron Woods Community Centre, located at 0902 Riverview Hood ill grand (tend, by toddler a 03 11 mo' basement
addtiko and a 10 m' main flexr storau0 room the Association applied 11x, and was yrantad by the Committee, all olllatyalilorll to
the community centro In May of 7010, which consisted of an 83 0 re' 1110111 floor 91 oat room end kitchen addllMn endo 33 m' (Inc.k
Due to costs asaocleted with Ili* orlulnal des1911 of the mala floor 00111114x1 yr011leot 111 7010, Ihe Assox-lettlon hat dnuktod to put a
traditional basement under this proposed main floor addition, thus 10101111)9 In en lncrease in the site of the conxn0nlly 4n11(1es.
beyond that pr.vklusly granted by the Committee 1 opener, a main fl storage 01014 1a 110w proposed
7:05 p.m. - John McMahon -- A-03/2011 Minor Variance 991 7 Nlpluun futon*. Pun 1 ranks
The appIk•0nt Is rsqu.stiny approval of minor variances hang the provisions of /oldnu Ity•Iww 1 of 2(1[1:1 as they relate to lends
known as 9917 Niplglwn Street In Port Franks to permit a (labelled accessory buildlny to be constructed which *111 have 0) a lot
coverage (ground floor building area) of 297 3 111', whereas the Hy -law permits a nlaxlmum Irl coverage of 07 in, for ettweeny
buildings, end b) w h0(9ht .0 7 017 metres, wherein the 11y -10w perndts an accessory hu11(11119 to have w maximum height of 11 11
7:05 p.m. - MOR Properties - A-04/2011 Minor Variance 211 Main Sheet, Gland flood
Tho applicant Is requestll1U approval of a minor variance 15001 1110 provisions of /011111) Ily-law 1 of 2003, as they relate to land•
known as 29 Main Street, West 111 Grand Hand, 10 penn11 a) the sec 1 floor of the existing bonding to be (unveiled tom threw
e panments to restaurant which will have 413 0 ml' 1)f 8410 area accessltll0 to the public as well as allow the (451)11(151111)111 of two
outdoor patios which will have a total area of 01 3 1)11 of floor area accessible to the puW1:. without prov1d111y the 3) porkier spat ns
required by the By•Iaw The applicant 01sn proposes to remove the two exlatin9 colleyas on the property, 01)11 b) an eddMloot to be
constructed t0 the rear(IoH11 11110 01 the bu1111111y) w$111:11 U Intended to provide a new enclosed access stairwoy 10 the exlMln9 1111101
flocs apartment, to provide 00 exterior ante yard of 0 24 metres, whereas the Ity law requires that a 1 11 metre exterior nide yard be
7:05 p.m. - Harry & Sharon Semitone - A-02/2011 Minor Variance 23 1'1111wcxd Avenue, grand Hand
The applk:anti are requesting approval 01 w 1111/11 va,1am:0 11040 1110 provisions o1 /on1nt By-law 1 of 2003 as Ihwy relate to hums
known es 23 Elmwood Avenue in Grand (fend to permit a 10 32 111' (2 4 111 by 7 92 in) uncovered deck purposed to het 1111101111i 1101
onto the 11001 of t110 (.wo111011 111 p1o)0c1 to wlihirr 0 01 metres of the front lot Unto, whereas the 11y -law would permit a deck to project
to within 4 metres of the Mond lot I1110
run (x)3)101 of the notices for these applications are avwUohla 1111 aha Muolc1p01 Wehslle or can he obtained by 0011111u 11)0 1 ores)
of*cxe at 760-2336 o1 141 7-7113-2336
The meetings are hekt at the 1hedfoml Village Complex, 011/1101 of Main and (aoll 81,0.111, Medford Ontario
Lambton Shores continues
to work on Budget 2011
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
't'reasur'er Janet Ferguson said they al't' cul'I't9ltly looking at a 0.95 pt's' cent tax
rate hike over last year. 'They still have a long way to go before those number
stick. Ferguson says there are many increase's across the county to attribute
those increases including policing and insurances. Nothing will be finalize
until the end of April. The next budget meeting is March 15 at the Medford com-
plex and everyone is welcome to attend these public meetings.
Budgets and Budget Increases/Decreases
Municipal budgets, usually involve' two components: ;In "Operating Budget„
which represents the day to dry costs of delivering service to the property own-
ers of the municipality, 5(11'11 as fir;', police, by-law enforcement, roads and side-
walk Illailltl'llance, parks and recreation facility operation etc., and a "Capital
Budget'; which represents the cost of maintaining or replacing old 01. building
new capital infrastructure like roads,wate'rnlatns, sewers, recreation facilities,
Lire trucks etu. 'Ile final budget ends alp
determining the total cost of "operating the business" and is usually com-
pared against what 11 cost to operate the Sallie business the year pi'IUI'. 1,ikl'\\'ise
the revenue side of the budget determines flow those costs will be met whether
it is through fee's for se'1'Vi('t'S, pr()\'ill('ial l)1' federal grants, and user feces like
water and \VaStl'\Vate'r rates and tlll'ough property taxes.
CA() John Byrne says the cost of running the Lambton Shores business
increased by 4.7% over last year, driven 1)y thr'e'e )11(111 factor's: increased Polic-
ing Costs (9.07% over the previous year), increased Property S liability insur-
ance l)1'('i11i111115 (17% over last year'), and increased utility and staffing costs of
about 3% (over last year). Municipal revenues also increased in 201 1 by approxi-
mately '1.7% through measures Sti('II as \Vater 81 wastewater late adjustments,
municipal sel'vices like (dockage fees, facility rentals, building permit fees etc.
;11111 through asst'SSlllt'llt increases lull' tt) reassessment and growth. The rise'
additional revenue from assessment increases is what the City of London used
in its recent effort to produce a 0% tax rate increase for the city.
Byrne says the previous (:erect) set a 2% rate of inflation target for the 2011
budget and even though we achieved that target in most of the budget, the fac-
tors beyond our control caused the budget to rise to a 4.7% increase over last
year. All of which would result in a 0.95% increase to the tax rate in 2011. 1le said
council should also keep in mind that a large component ($1,854,676.93 or
22,44% of the budget) the Operating Budget relates to the contribution to the
Reserve bunds for
future capital projects. 'Burt along with Policing costs ($2,084,894.65 or 25.22%
of the budget) make up nearly halt' the cost of the entice Operating Budget. Add
7,02% towards Fire Services and 33.87% for Transportation (including the con-
tribution to reserves) and you have nearly 90% of the budget accounted for by
services which you have very little 1001)1 to cut costs from. With many of the
remaining budgets being self funded.
Market Value Assessment was intended to "even the playing field" across
Ontario as to how property values were determined for taxation. The use of
"Market Value" was Seen as the fairest form of assessment as it placed every
property on an equal footing as to how that assessed value would he determined
and because the market value of property varied significantly from one city or
town to the next because of different factors, Le. proximity to Toronto or larger
growing centres, property values in specific
neighbourhoods versus other neighbourhoods etc. the assessed values would
reflect those factors.
Council has seen in the recent presentation from MPA(;, and say the assess-
ment process is extremely complex and comprehensive all in an effort to give
fair and reasonable values, Ilse Province, has required a "reassessment" of all
properties on a five (5) year cycle to ensure that assessments keep pace with
changing values (up or down) in the market and allows for a phase in of those
assessments over foto' (4) years when the changes are significant. 'this is the case
here in Lambton Shores which is now on the third year of a four year phase in.
Without a phase in period, those properties with significant assessment value
changes would have been required to pay their taxes based on those values, so
the de'ferre'd implementation doe's give those property owners some measure of
relief, albeit not what they would have preferred.
"At the end of the day, the whole issue is one of fairness and equity. Everyon
111 Lambton Shutes pays their "fair" Shaft at taxes
based on this folmul►
determining assessment Vault`s. So the retired couple living 111 a two bedroom
home in Arkona pays
the same "fair" share of taxes as the young working professional family living
on the lake 111 the (;rand Bend area. No more, no less," says Byrne. Budget talks