HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-23, Page 16Wednesday, February 23, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 15
Canadians to vote on stamp design
First time
QM! Agency
Lakeshore Advance
ip For the first time in history,
Canadians will have the final say
on a postage stamp design. l)ntil
midnight (EST) on March 14,
Canadians can vote for one of five
stamp designs. The design that
receives the most votes will
become the 201 1 Mental Health
stamp. Votes can be cast by visit-
ing www.deliverhope.ca and is
limited to one vote per design,
per compute(', per day. The
winning design will lw announced
in April 2011.
After more than :100 designs
1Vl'1'1' I'el'e'jVCd fl'o111 an open
design call last November, a panel
of judges and the Stamp Advisory
Committee (a national commit-
tee that guides Canada Post in
selecting stamp subjects and
designs) narrowed the selection
down to five designs that hest
reflect the stamp's mission - to
raise awareness of the mental
health issue and break down the
stigma attached to it.
"Canadian stamps al't' among
the best in the world' says 11on-
urable Rob Merrifield, Minister of
State ('Transportation) and
Bahl':i'li Faith
rr('oneer'ning 111(' 1)r'('f11cdi('('
O/'race; i1 is an illusion,
a S1//)er',\'liliO11 1)tlrt' and
,Simple! b'Or (iod c'r•('(aecl
us all of one race('. "
Por information on devotional gatherings
call 519-238-8092
(\nrte Worship with Us
Knox Presbyterian Church
2 Main St. Ilaylield
Reverend Susan Moore
Phone 519-565-2')13
February 27
Worship Service
at 11:00 a.m.
"A 11if/k church with a great h(t: head"
(rand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen
Minister: Rev. Harry 1)isher
Organist: Elva McIntyre
February 27
11:00 a.m.
Epiphany Vlll
Reverend Harry Dis er
"Judgement Call"
All Welcome
Minister responsible for Canada
Post. "Opening the door to select
the 201 1 Mental Health stamp is a
great opportunity for Canadians
to understand the process and he
proud of its results.'
"I was very impressed by the
quality of the designs we were
asked to review," says Jim Phillips,
Director of Stamp Services at
Canada Post. "Not only did we
see incredible talent reelected in
the designs, but we were also
moved by the willingness of many
designers to share their very per-
sonal story, either of their own
journey through the illness or of a
loved ones struggles with mental
highway 21 at
Ausahir Cut
NAM ('luu1 ' (iingetic I
10:30 a.m,W t hip tux( Sutxltty School
(muscly i>tuvitktl)
r ehruary 27th
".(esus Sacrifices — Ilimself" (Part 1)
Mid -week srrvicr
Thursday 7:31 p.m.
'Ihe designers of the
five stamps are:
■ NO NEED 'I'O1111)1:, designed by
Brian Minnick' of London (()N);
■ IIEAU'1'IF111.110PE, designed by
Richard Green of Thronto (ON);
■ t'OI(I:(:AS'1' 1101'1:, designed by
Marie'lbnueoki of 'h Tonto (()N);
■ '1111: FACE OF MI:N'IA1.11.1.N1;SS,
designed by Norbert Lisinski of
Coul'tice (ON)
■ 'I'1 I1:
PUZZLE, designed by Mill -
ane Majeau of'R'irehonne (Q(:).
'1 he designer of the winning design
will receive a framed commemora-
tive enlargement of the stamp and a
$5(X) honorarium will he donated to
a mental health charity of their
St. Peter's 1.uthenut Church (14.14('1C)
Zurich, Ont. x-11-1
Ret. Nadine Seht s. ter Km/
Organist Nits. (•luistane 1?ugleson
Secretary Jennifer Schellenttrrger, Office 5l9 -23(1-4h97
Sunday, February 27
8th Sunday after Epiphany
Service 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School 10:20 a.m.
Coffee Hour 11:00 a.m.
\1'e tilt, lxopte 01 51 Poet's ate called, by the g,.tee oI clod, to
he a tteltununl; t\ uot\htpputg tori egation,
,;ltein); In latlh tht,,ti h the gospel .\ It' I III ; out to out
communal & the tot
(:rand Bend Church of (sod
Come ►t'Orshil) with NS
11ighw•ay 81 and Gill Road
Phone 519-238-2142
Sunday, February 27
Brian Laidler
9:30 • 10:30 Adult Sunday School
10:30 - 11 a.m. Coffee '1'iim'
11:(X) a.m. Worship Service
Wed. 1:30 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study
Everyone Welcome
Wheelchair Accessible
Zurich Mennonite Church
37815 /mull 11en4dl ltd , \Vest of Lon. h
5l9•23() .033
Lewd l'M\tur:'rill( 1hthetty
%Ml' • Tactor: 'lust Roes
February 27
9:30 a.nti. Worship Gathering
Pastor Tim Doherty
No Sunday School
6:00 p.m. 'I'he Gathering Place
Everyone Welcome
Zion Lutheran Church 14C-('
t 148 Frederick St., 1)ashwutxl
Rev. John E. 'I'rentbulak
Sunday, February 27
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Adult Bible ('lass
11:00 a.m. Family Worship
Everyone Welcome
w'ww.hay/net/-hni hni(tt'hay.net
ale°"0.% United Church
• hof Canada
Minister 'Ih 'ey WhitsonBttlau
February 27
Calvary in Dashwood
9;30 a.m.
Emmanuel in Zurich
at 11:00 a.m.
.Sun. Feb. 27- Emmanuel anima/ erecting;
tit V:30 ti m. with lunch following
quirt h .terrice
1,1. %fart•() 4 -World 1),ir of Prayer at
St. Bni/doer' ehun'h
[Muffin Time Tues. from
10-11 am, Everyone Welcome
111,K1 , I,I 1
Ono Goof, Ow Saviour,
Ono Spirit, Die! church
"God has said, 'Never will
1 leave you; never
will 1 forsake you.' "
(Hebrews 13:5)
latt a ark "manie the Nuri
"kir ate YAtratalbs, l it
Thom errI Ilise#q(50)4} $7
Rtsbald or Paste P tkbtl ar ( 2431114
Rejoice Together
I1wv. 21, North of Grand Bend
Ismail: st.johns(r►'hay.net
Web: w\\•w.stjohnsgIandhend.ca
Friday February 25
1:00 p.m.
11(.1) Service and holy Eucharist
The 'Trial: An Examination (lithe Book ofJob
Scripture Study
Sunday February 27
Eighth Sunday atier the Epiphany
10:01 a.m.
holy Eucharist
"A Community of Faith to ('a11 Hoine"
The Reverend Father (,rayhame R. Boweott
A warn evangelical evprrwiun of the betel) of (ht ht in North Ianthton
located between Prince/Albert Stv at Wellington A Queen Sol in rorr.t
Sig 7tln•tWWo !Win (auric North IpatltutiaLL[ICMIutt7lttMytlyld'al
Sunday February i7:
tiunday School for all ages at 9:4u ant
All welcome to share in these professions of faith!
Von can check out the entire schedule on our website:
6 pni on—in the Multi Purpose Rom
'Worldview Weekend Online Rally'
featuring great speakers including
Brannon Howse and Erwin Latzer!