Lakeshore Advance, 2011-02-23, Page 71
6 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 23, 2011
A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community
Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
Tel: 1-877-786-2335, 519-786-2335, Fax: 519-786-2135, Email:
Visit our Web Site at
NOTICE of Lambton Shores' 2011 Budget Meeting
Please be advised that the Municipality of Lambton Shores Council will be discussing the 2011 Budget
March 9"' at 2:00 p.m. in the downstairs meeting room of "The Shores" Complex and If required, at the
regular Council meeting scheduled for March 15th, 2011 at 3:00 p.m.
The Legacy Recreation Centre
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System,
Thedford, ON
The Municipality of Lambton Shores is issuing a Request for
Proposals (RFP) to solicit submissions from qualified
proponents for the supply and installation of a complete solar
photovoltaic (PV) system for Tho Legacy Recreation Centre
located at 16 Allen Street In Thedford, Ontario.
Tho nominal 24 kW PV system will be mounted on the roof of
the new addition to tho recently renovated Recreation Centre
and will generate clean, renewable electricity as part of an
overall effort to enhance the energy and environmental
performance of the building.
Interested proponents may request an RFP package from
the Municipality that defines tho Scope of Work,
Specifications, Project Timeline, and the Temps & Conditions
for the work at
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO
Tel: 519-786-2335 or Toil Free: 1-877-786-2335
There Is a non-refundable cost of $50 (Including HST) for tho
RFP package.
Formal, hard -copy proposals are required from all interested
proponents to be considered for this project. All proposal
requirements and procedures for Requests for Clarification
are listed In the RFP package.
Proposals must be delivered to the Municipality of Lambton
Shores by no Tater than Thursday. March 10. 2011 at 1 f:OQ
mat the following address:
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON 1J0
Tel: 519-786.2335 or Toll Free: 1-877-786-2335
Proposals will be evaluated based on price, technical merit,
contractor experience, and overall suitability for the project.
2011 Dust Suppression
Tho Municipality of Lambton Shores Is Inviting prequalified
contractors to sutxnt proposals for the supply of approximately
CALCIUM CHLORIDE, Alternative proposals will also be
accepted for this project. All proposals must Include an
Environmental Statement and references of previous works.
Interested contractors miry obtain tho documents Thursday,
February 24", 2011 from tho
Forest Municipal Office
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON 1J0
Tel 519-786-2335 Fax 519.786.2135
The closing date for submissions Is Thursday March 10'",
2011 at 11:00 a.m.
Peggy Van Mierlo-West, Director of Community Services
2011 Gravel Tender
The Municipality of Lambton Shoros is inviting
prequalified contractors to submit tenders for the above
noted project. Prices will Include all things necessary
but not limited to, the supply of labour, material, supervision
and equipment necessary for the supply, delivery and
stockpile of approximately 18,000 tonnes of Granular 'A' gravel
at the Northville and Forest yard, and to supply granular to
venous roads within the Munldpallty.
Interested contractors may obtain the tender documents
Thursday, February 24"', 2011 from the:
Forest Municipal Office
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON 1 JO
Tel: 519-786-2335 Fax: 519-786-2135
Tha closing date for submissions Is Thursday March
10"', 2011 at 11:00 a.m,
Peggy Van Mierio-West,
Director of Community Services
The Interim 2011 Tax Notices have been Issued. The Installment due dates are February 28"' and May 31st.
Payments may be made by PRE -AUTHORIZED withdrawal forms are available at the Municipal offices or on our
website —, mall, Internet or telephone banking, or In person at any of the 3 offices.
If you have not received your bill please contact the Grand Bend office at 1-866-295-8232 or 519-238-8461.
The Municipality of Lambton Shores Is seeking resumes for summer employment for the following positions:
Lifeguards • Concession Operators • General Maintenance Parking Attendant Grand Bend Harbour Dock Hands •
Port Franks Harbour Dock Hands
All interested people are requested to either email or mall a resume with attached cover letter stating Interested
position no later than Friday, March 25th, 2011 to:
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO
Attention: Peggy Van Mlerlo-West, Director of Community Services Email: kcamoron®
The Municipality of Lambton Shores Is seeking resumes, for the above seasonal position. As the Beach Manager for
the Grand Bend beach operations you will be responsible for the operation of the concession, parking Tots and general
maintenance of the Beach House and area.
All interested parties are requested to either email or mall a resume with attached cover letter stating Interested
position no later than Friday, March 25"', 2011 to:
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO
Attention: Peggy Van Mlerio-West, Director of Community Services Email: kcameron®
Blown away
Small southwestern
Ontario town about to
he inundated with
giant windmills and
underground gas
Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
:Lakeshore Advance
%URI(:11 -- It sounds like something
out of it science fiction movie.
The plot? A shall town, of less than
1,000 people is surrounded by hun-
dreds of giant 150 -metre -tall wind tur-
bines that will dwarf every structure in
the i1l'l'il.
Add to that plans for a massive
underground gas storage facility, that
would store natural gas under pressure
beneath a residential area, including a
school --- and really, what could go
Just no one light a match.
Local residents fear it's a recipe for
'They're worried vibrations from the
giant turbine 419 -storey wind turbines
could destabilize the underground gas
storage "pool."
Located close to Lake heron, even in
the dead of winter this small town is set
in stunningly beautiful countryside.
"We will be completely surrounded
by the turbines," said local resident
} leather Redick,
'T'urbines can be placed as close as
550 metres to her home, a figure she
says the provincial government has
plucked from the air.
'three giant projects totalling 260 tur-
bines will affect the village. The
planned turbines will have blades as
wide as a Boeing 747 wingspan.
'They point out that so close to a lake,
ice will build up on the blades, which
could fly off and hit people or
Residents feel their way of life is
being sacrificed on the altar of green
political correctness.
"Why Is our provincial government,
through the Green Energy Act, exploit-
ing rural Ontario with questionable
benefits to global climate change?"
asks Doug ()esch,
"Why are they willing to sacrifice our
quality of life?"
What's more, each turbine consumes
about four acres (1.6 hectares) so resi-
dents estimate between all the planned
projects, about 1,000 acres (405 hec-
tares) of prime farmland will be taken
out of production.
Meanwhile, Tribute Resources in
London has been offering homeown-
ers in the area $500 for the mineral
rights to their land.
'that would allow them to pump nat-
ural gas underground at pressure for
The unique geological formation of
the rock --- it's old lake bed - provides
an underground "pool" where natural
gas once occurred naturally. That gas
was depleted in the 1940s and the pro-
posal now is to pump in gas from out-
side the area and store it - - under three
times the pressure of the naturally
occurring gas.
Residents fear their water supply will
be affected. They use well water and
the project will drill through their acq-
uifer in order to access the gas.
The "pool" is about three miles (4.8
kin) in diameter and sits directly tinder
the Catholic school. 'the project is the
first of its kind in I turon County.
Redick says the village just doesn't
want it and they're angry they've been
Why is our provincial
government, through
the Green Energy Act,
exploiting rural Ontario
with questionable
benefits to global
climate change?
-- Doug Oesrlt.
forced to fight it.
"There is no financial benefit to the
"'There is no tax benefit to the
"'There won't be any jobs created,"
she said.
They're angry that they may be
forced to spend money on costly legal
representation in order to fight the
project at the Ontario Energy Board.
Tribute did not respond to requests
for comment,
The government recently slapped a
moratorium on off -shore wind tur-
bines, saying there wasn't enough sci-
ence to say they're safe.
What about onshore projects? Can
we be sure these giant structures really
won't rob rural residents of their way of
'Phis isn't a horror flic. It's not Chil-
dren of the Corn. It's a lovely part our
province that deserves better,
Twitter: @ChrizBlizz