HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-23, Page 54 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 23, 2011 opinion www,lakeshoreadvai ce,cursl eS1oro Maw letters to the editor PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: (advance@bowesnet.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/Advertising Manager nclifford@bowesnet.com LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor !advance@bowesnet. com STEVE NORTHEY Advertising Sales JULiE HARRISON Typesetting/Classifieds KATHY YOUNG Accounts Receivable SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular $39.95 (3805i 1.90 GST) Online subscriptions available—came rates Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 PAP REGISTRATION NO. 7594 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 119558 Ontario St. North Grand Bend ON NOM ITO For any non-dellveries or delivery concerns: phone: 519.238.5383 e• mail: ladvanceObowesnet.com Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (retum postage guaranteed) are to be sent to LakesAoreAdvance at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that In the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid et the applicable rates. soiblowledgs Me Mond eIswat of the Government of One* trough ire NDNice =Assist nue /twin (PIP) loom! our resift oasts' Canada A,ocna eak opc Ontario's MicroFIT Program "Thousands of Ontario families, farmers and community groups are taking part in Ontario's MicroFlT program - which allows small scale renewable energy projects to provide power to Ontario's energy grid. Over 20,000 Ontarians have submitted applications, wanting to participate in the program. So far over 3,700 projects have been connected to the grid and another 2,500 project approvals are ready to go. Due to the success of the MicroFlT pro- gram, the number of applications we have received is currently outpacing needed upgrades to the system in some areas. 'This is an issue we first identified in our Long Term Energy Plan and we have taken a number of steps to address it. We are work- ing diligently to make the needed upgrades in order to connect those projects as quickly as possible. Last week we communicated with appli- cants to address the issue with them, let them know where they stood, and more importantly, what live are doing to find a solution for them. in order to properly Futures competition a first for Zurich location address the issue and resolve it in a timely manner, we are asking applicants who have not already done so to contact their Local Distribution Company to determine where they intend to connect their project. This information will be crucial to being able to slake the necessary upgrades and connect as many people as quickly as possible. We also !made a change to the Microtl l' program to ensure that all applicants are screened upfront to determine whether they can connect right away, or it' they would need to wait. Currently, about five per cent ofappli- cants are facing delays in connecting their MicroFil' projects. 'lir resolve these issues, i have made it a priority for I lydro One to tar get areas of greatest need for upgrade's to our transmission and distribution system, to enable projects to connect as soon as possible. in addition, we are offering to extend the conditional offers to MicruIl F applicants for one year for those who are not ably to connect right away. This will provide them with nurl'e tlexihility with For the first time in its history the Bluewater Zurich Skating Club has been chosen to host the regional Futures competition sanctioned by Skate Canada. 'ibis event will be held March 5 and 6, 2011 at the Bluewater Complex in Zurich. Futures is designed for young skaters. The approximately 540 registered competitors will represent their home clubs located in a large chunk of Ontario stretching from Goderich to Port Stanley and Guelph to Strathroy. Each skater will perform a solo choreographed by his/her coach to music from 1 to 2 minutes in length. Possibly you have already enjoyed watching such shows as Battle of The Blades, Skating With The Stars and Stars On Ice and the Olympics on TV. Some of you may even fondly remember hav- ing watched local ice dancers Scott Moyer and Tessa Virtue at a rink polishing their skills during their beginning years. This event at Zurich may just give you a preview of Canada's next genera- tion of gold medallists! Spectators are welcome to enjoy the skating each day between the hours of 8 and 8. Food will be available. Marta and Barry Nicholls their ploiet'l as \\'t' make the Iteressai y upgt arks, Ideally, ‘we'd he \vol k.iilg with a Inndrrn, 21st velum y system hut unfortunately for too long, necessat v upgrades \vete not dune <uld the pterions government did nut make thr h VOStlients !hilt 0111 s\'xtt'1n 111 needed. \\'e have made great strides in upgrading tui system over 50011 K111 of transmission and dish illtttiou lines have been tt'stoled over the last several years. 11111 Illtnt' \\ tick. needs to he done, 1 want 10 asstae \out tenders that \vt' \will ht' Making the itt't'essal\' intvesttlieltts to address the challenges \ve are e\pet lenrittt: today, 10 eustite the long ter lel stistalitabil ity of the \ticlttl l 1' illuglam and continue to fol tier ( )Ileal it's piaci (IS (t leader in thr t'It'(111 t'ltt'lg\' It'\'t1111ti)lt. \\'Mile the t)1position wants11) kill these ptogrants, dote! Mined to slake Mem \work lot t )ntatlo families anti f;tnitets. CORRECTION Brad Duguid Minister of Energy In the February 23rd edition of Lakeshore Advance, it stated "Ile said his ministry is concerned about the Great lakes as a source of drinking water and with only 10 offshore turbines operating in the world, in oceans and no fresh water, they will not support offshore wind without proper revh' v ' there are actually 1,100 operational offshore wind turbines, 'lit' 3,000 MW of off• shore projects currently under construction will add approximately 750 additional offshore wind turbine's. 'There are ten 3 MW offshore wind cur bines in the fresh water lake Vattern in Sweden, 'the project was not built as a pilot project but was built on a cooperative basis by local electrical users. Too lenient on drunk drivers With drinking and driving being a major pinhlem in 1 amicus 1.ouniv, why are our courts so lenient on drunk tit ivt'rs? Recently, a drunk driver with a second conviction was sentenced to .10 bays in jail. It is obvious that whatever sentence this person got for his first comic tion did not stop him from drinking and driving and this little slap on the hands will not likely stop hint front drinking and th iving in the future. 1 lis next conviction might be for killing someone while thinking and dt wing. Why not start handing out sentences like five yens for the first convictlun and 10 years for the second conviction? We need to get these drunks off the road for good and the very lenient sen te11ce5 or11' courts are handing out arc' obviously not working. Kon Moore Sarnia LET'S MAKE CANCER HISTORY For information about cancer, services or to make a donation le 888•939•3333 • www.cancer.ca t'anrcdien Canes Sewlety c Sot'tOt0 rnrindienne du cancra