HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-23, Page 3• 2 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 23, 2011 Practise home fire escape planning this family day Ensure everyone in your home knows what to do in case of fire Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance There have already been 12 fire - related fatalities in Ontario this year. The number is too high for Ontario's new Fire Marshal and he is urging families to practise their home fire escape plans and ensure all smoke alarms are working. Simple steps for home fire escape planning include: Develop a home fire escape plan and discuss it with the entire household. Show everyone two ways out of each room, if possible. Check that all exits are unob- structed and easy to use. 65 Main St. E., Grand Bend 238-8540 FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY Get Rid of It with the classifieds! Find buyers for your unwanted items with a classified ad. Call Today! "'GRAND LEND DECORATING AL FLOORING et-ot4te RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Benjamin Moore Paints • Wallpaper Carpet • Flooring • Blinds GRAND BEND 48 Ontario St. S. 238-8603 FOREST Hwy 021 788.6761 Determine who will be responsi- ble for helping young children, older adults or anyone else who may need assistance. Choose a meeting place outside, such as a tree or a lamp post, where everyone can be accounted for. If there is smoke, get low and go under the smoke to the nearest safe exit. Call the fire department from out- side the home, from a cellphone or neighbour's home. Once out, stay out. Never re-enter a burning building. "When a fire occurs, people may only have a few seconds to escape, said 'lied Wieclawek, Fire Marshal of Ontario. "We are urging people to develop and practise a home fire escape plan so that everyone knows what do when a fire occurs. Having working smoke alarms in the home as part of the plan will help people get that early warning to escape." WHAT'S HAPPENING? LEARN MORE It's the law to have working smoke alarms on every storey of the home and outside all sleeping areas. For added protection, it is recom- mended to also Install smoke alarms inside all bedrooms. Failure to com- ply with the Fire Code smoke alarm requirements can result In a ticket for $235 or a fine of up to $50,000. For more safety tips to keep your family safe from fire, visit www,ofm.gov.on.ca. If your non-profit group or organization would like to list their event on this page please contact Cindy Maxfield at the Grand Rend Community Health Centre 238-2362 or fax 238-6478 by the third Monday of the month prior to the event being held. Our thanks to the advertisers who made this page possible. What's Happening March 2011 March 1st "Healthy Lifestyk F.ierrise in Pori Franks ": Linedancin0 starts at 8:30 followed by exercise from 9-10 a.m. Port Franks Community ('entre, Instructor lathy Jones. ('all (Indy Maxfield at the Grand Bend Area Community Health ('entry 519-238.1556 eat 131. March 2nd "Savanna Strollers Pinery Part or 1.ambtoa Heritage Museum Indoor Walking Program" every Wednesday we meet at the I.ambton Heritage Museum 9:311 a.m. Contact Cindy Maxfield al 519-238-1556 ext 2.31 for mere into .Pease bring dean dry running shoes if walking outside pkase dress appropriately. March 2nd "Grand Berl Golden Agers" Annual Lunch 12:31 p.m. Shuffleboard every Mon 10.12 and Tluurs. from 9:30 am., Euchre every 2 & 4 Thursday at 1 pm. Contacts: Shirley Pok 519.23E -0k5 or Fled Wheal 519.238.6128. March 2nd "Meditation Relaxation Circle" Flet program every Wednesday 7 p.m. Community Room at the Grand Rend Area ('HC . Everyone welcome . Instructor Dane I.ittk johns. ('all 519.238.1556 ext 231 for details. March 3rd "Healthy 1.ifestyk Exercise and Gentle Fxerxise (lacers Grand Bend ('H("' 9:10 am. and 10:30 a.m. Even Mon. & Thurs. Please bring ckan indoor running shoes and wear loose coelortabk (iothes. Contact Health Promoter Cindy Max&id at 519.218.1556 ext 231 for detaik !starch 3rd "St John's Matters" meet even Wednesday at 10 a.0 St John's Anglican Church Grand Bend March 3rd "Ealy Stage Ableimer's Support Group" This series Ls for Individuals who are in the early stages of Alzheimer's..Adult Day ('entre Grand Bend ('H(' from 10.11:30 am Contact Jennifer Burns F1rst bink coordinator atI.81/-561:5012. March 3rd "Sunset thenar" at the Grand Bend Arra ('HC community room. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The movk this month is "1k-Iosel►" the ('ole Porter Story with Kevin Kline and Ashley Judd. Nominated for 8 awards it is one of the best musical biography ever made. Everyone welcome, no charge but donations accepted. March 5&6th "Futures Figure Skating ('onrpd ition" 'I.urkh Rh ewsier Arena in 'Zurich Kam -11 pan. Admission at the door. Everyone welcome! March 7th "Alzheimer Caregiver Support" 7 pa. Grand Bend Am ('HC. Group program that provides education and support to caregivers. ('tease contact the Alzheimer's Society of Huron at 1.801.561.5112 for detaik March 8th "Grand Bend Women's Probut" Grand Rend legion 9:30 am. Theme: March lfares tea party (bring a rabbit I. Topic Event planning. E►er)one welcome. March 8th "Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast" St Johns Anglican (lurch Grand Bend 8 a.m. March 8th "Quit For life" Stop smoking program starts Community Room Grand Rend Area ('H(' at 7pm. This four week FREE program will help you with the tips and tools to stop smoking for good! ('onatact (.lady Maxfield Health Promoter at 519.238.1556 ext 211 to register. March 9th "Men ('an Cook" 10-1 p.m. Grand Bend Ara ('H('. Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a tasty healthy lunch for S. Contact Miranda at 519.238.1556 ext 222. www.gbacbc.ca. March 10th "Dining for Senior's" St Johns Anglican Church Grand Rend at noon March 12th "Return of the Swans Festival" rust until April 3rd Lambton Heritage Museum, ('al 519-243-2600 or 1.800.265.316 or visit www.returnoftbeswans.com March 12 - April 3 "Return of the Swan Festival & paint Mario Art Competition & Sok" I.ambton Heritage Museum, 519.243-2610 or I-800265-0316 www.returnoRheswaus,com March 15th Grand Bend Men's Probrai Alerting" Grand Bend Legion 10 ane Topic: Business on Grand Bend's Main Street. Everyone welcome March 15th "Port Flanks Garden (lub General Meeting" 7:30 pm, Port Franks Community ('entre Guest Speaker: Jim Drkker "Pruning 101", Refreshments & (Mor Prizes, Everyone Meant. ('ala Heather at (51912 3.1818 for further info. March 17th "Grand Bend Women's Institute Meeting" Adult day wing GRA('H(' 1:30 pm Topic Mystery Author. March 23rd "Huron County Playhouse Guild" regular monthly luncheon meeting at the Grand Bend Area ('ommunitv Ileatth ('entre. Guest speaker Ian McCrae Physiotherapist GRA('H('. ('*11 Marguerite at 519.238.2331 for ialoraaatioa everyone welcome!! March. 28th Ile Living Wel (lob" Grand Bend Area Community Health ('entre 2-4 p.. Join us for our free monthly program. Refreshnxnts, guest speakers .Everyone welconte! Contact Kate Maaoe at 519.238.2362 ext 241 kr detail. March 28th `Grand Beed Hortkultural Society Mee*" 7 p.m. Grand Bend Legion. Speaker: Master Gardiner Rowland ('nig will talk about growing roses. Everyone welcome. March 30th "Mea ('an Cook" 10-1 p.m. Grand Bend Area ('HC. Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a tasty healthy lunch for S5. Contact Miranda at 519-238.1556 ext 222, www,gbachc.ca March 31st "Blood Pneewrre (link" Grand Bend Area Cannrrity Health ('entre 2-4 p.m. in the Adult Day FINANCIAL PLANNING BRIAN IIA1.1„ (111 RIM Certified Financial Planner Chartered Financial ('anxuFtant 519-238-8892 45 Ontario St. N. Grand Bend ENTHUSIASM... SERVICE... SOLUTIONS. "Over 28 years experience in helping to plan bright futures" Waypo1ft Financial Group Inc. G3 Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre Primary Care Health Promotion Programs 69 Main St. E Grand Bend For information call 519-238-1556 ext. 231 GRAND BEND CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTRE Chiropractor Registered Massage 1 herapist Orthotics 111ltrasound Natural Sato Effective Caro 519-238-1111