HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-16, Page 23Strikes, spares and mentors Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Huron holds its 31st Annual Bowl for Kids Sake fundraising campaign to connect local kids to mentor Lakeshore Advance 41 Big Brothers Rig Sisters of South Iluron is announcing its Bowl For Kids Sake 2011 fund- raising campaign to take place at the i,ucan Bowling Lanes and the Town and Country Bowling Lanes in Zurich between Febru- ary 25/11 and March 6/11 with a target goal of S25,(XT0. Friends, family, co-workers, local busi- nesses, local churches, politi- cians and media are asked to put teams together and fund - raise for Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Iluron, 'Ihe teams com- pete at local howling centres to bowl and have fun in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor- ing programs for local children and youth. This annual fund- raising event will directly fund local mentoring for kids in need of a Big Brother/Big Sister This Space Could Be Yours Call 8194138u5383 Today! relationship. Rig Brothers Big Sisters of South I luron is among 117 Big Brothers Rig Sisters agencies across Canada that will host their own Bowl For Kids Sake campaign in their respec- tive communities this year, In South Iluron, the demand for youth mentoring far exceeds the supply of available Big Brothers and Big Sisters, More than 25 children and teenagers are on waiting lists and some remain without 1► mentor for as long as 2 years. Howl for Kids Sake k our most important fundraising event of the year. Funds raised are abso- lutely critical to connecting chil- dren and youth in need with mentors that will help them learn, grow and succeed, livery child in South I luron, Northern Middlesex and Grand Rend who needs a Big Brother or Rig Sister should have one: that is our goal! Again, each dollar from the Howl for Kids Sake fundraising campaign is used exclusively for Big Brothers Big Sisters of South I luron, 'Ihe funds go directly to support our children and youth mentoring programs, match "11igs" with "Littles", maintain existing relationships, recruit new "Rigs" and form new matches, Big Brothers Big Sisters of South l luron offers the following programs: Traditional Matching, In -School Mentoring, 1n -School Mentoring Co-op, Cross Gender Matching, Couples for Kids and I1IGItunch, '1'o find out more or to register a team, visit the web -site at www, shbbbs,on,ca, e-mail the office at cw(Pshbbbs.on,ca or call Amy Wilhelm at 519-237-3554, DO • RS EI WINDOWS • Wednesda , Februa 16, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 23 TORY - call: 238-5383 BLUEWATER WINDOWS & DOORS Sale • St'rvic ` • (ll!;LIIII,it. 1011 145 Hem Rd., Ooderith 513.524.15111 - ,4z Dime.41 OMat* SI, M. wiwaGreed lend Cliab laminate Flooring 5111434400R (34471 CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON WINDOWS AND DOORS LIFE COACH Elizabeth Lotz t melt* M #$,1t1, for lurIitlilt, Lalli: s1 r- ellialII i1 1•litalt11111,1i1 , .t tt t, tt , 111 11,, thlnt: , .I t 1,l C',i ;`1 Your Roofing, Siding & Window Professionals! 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