HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-16, Page 19Lynda H(Ilman-Rapley Laikeshole Advance Church chili Grand Bend United Church held a very ,-- successful chili dinner '1 after the night time parade on Saturday. Delicious pie was the dessert after the meal for the hungry carnival goers. Wednesday, February 16, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 19 Baha'i Faith "..,the essence (?1' all the 1'n,l,he'ts u/ (iud is one and the same. Their units' is absolute. God, the ('relate►; sctith: mere iv no distinction whatsoever among the Heaters of Alt' Message" For intimmttion on devotional gatherings call 519-238.8092 www,ca.bahai.org www.bahailambtonshores,org Come Worship with Us Knox Presbyterian Church 2 Main St, Hayfield Reverend Susan Moore Phon.: 519-565-29 1 3 Sunday February 20 Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. "Adak churl, with a great big !hart" (rand Bend United Church Street at Queen 519.21!}-2.102. Minister: Rev. harry I)isher Organist: Elva Whit)ie www.grandhein1 greenwayp.•.clan Sunday February 20 11:00 a.m. Epiphany VII Reverend Harry Dasher Sermon: "Divine Architecture" All Welcome Highway 21 at Ausahlc ('ut Church 519-243-21.14 R i r Sb rt Ging tick 10:30 a.m. Winship and Sunday Sc kx)1 (new cr' pnwi4k'd) February 20th Message: Jesus and the new covenant Mid -week sen Thursday 7:30 p.m. St. Peter's Lutheran Church (EI.CIC) Zurich, Ont. X111 Rev. Nadine Schroet1er-gran, lI Organist Mrs. Christine htglest n Secretary Jennifer Schellcnhergcr, Ot)iee 519-2364697 Sunday, February 20 7th Sunday after Epiphany with Holy Communion Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:20 a.m, Coffee Hour 11:00 a.m. \Ve the people nI Si Pete,'\ Are ialleel 1�) Ihr glare of litkt, hl be a t.ekumu g ' t%or‘Inpiiing rnngregaunt , gnl.. ntg nt laoh Ihiuugh the gl,\1><•I .\ tearhutg nut Il, nut """"moth \ the t\otId Grand Bend Church of God Conte worship with us highway 81 and Gill Road Phone 519-238-2142 Sunday, February 20 Brian Laidler 9:311 - 10:3(1 Adult Sunday School 10:30 - 11 a.m, ('otl'ee Time 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Wed. 1:30 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study ►r►► w.grandbendchurchorgod.org Everyone Welcome Wheelchair Accessible C Zurich Mennonite Church 37818 /mill Hen\all Rd , \\'e'. of /um h 'v 51st -236-4933 w w w.kinksticldeom mon.e•a Lead Pastor: rim 1h11teat� %1111' • Pastor: Trent Ree\ Sunday February 20 9:30 a.m. Worship Gathering Pastor Ryan Jantzi No Sunday School 6:00 p.m. The Gathering Place Everyone Welcome lion Lutheran Church 1.0-C t1.8 Frederick St., Dashwood Rev. John li. Tremhulak 519-237-3548 Sunday, February 20 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible ('lass 11:00 a.m. }Family Worship Everyone Welcome v ww.hay/net/-bne hni(a'hay.net United Church ;of Canada <c " Minister..'lhrxyWhitson -Balm Sunday February 20 Calvary in Dashwood 9:30 a.m. Emmanuel in Zurich at 11:00 a.m. Sun. Feb, 27- Emmanuel annual meeting al V:30 am with lunch hollowing chun'h service Mullin Time 'flies. from 10-11 am, Everyone Welcome PLEASE Co RECYCLE CHURCH One God, One Saviour, One Spirit, One church "The wise shall inherit glory but shame is the highest rank conferred on self-confident fowls. (Proverbs 3:35) hsi a data~ "amide the !lax" Foram itbroa oo, Tomas or (:rdl Ila y (519) 2431597 Railroad or Patine Mnitbdoer (519) 2&.10164 Community Church Service Directory Rejoice Together ST. JOIN'S BY -TI IE -LAKE ANVtICAN CNV.a 11 l lighway. 21, north of Grand fiend Office 519-238-2.89 st.johns(athay.net ' l lee Wesnixi 1'ltttxr (itztfaime It- Berm* Wednesday. February 16 1:00 p.m. 13('P Service and Boly l':ucharist l'he Trial: An Examination of the Book ot'Joh Scripture Study Sunday February 20 Seventh Sunday atter the Epiphany 10:00 a.1n. 1loly Eucharist ALL WELCOME FOREST BAPTIST CHURCH 1 Hann eIangell.al ewre..ion nl the fwd) ut ( hi 1.t in North 1 ainbton located bet iecu Prime/Albeit St. at t%eliington i( Duren St' in ture.t NV 7$ Win Pastor Vainly Mott}.Ipastinktitictetotestbaytitt,ca Friday Feh i8--ut 7 pm ''Thank You Canada' Tour with David Mainse Town Hall meeting Su ll(iu ys ly Sunday School for all ages at 9:40 am MORNING WORSIIiP—to:5o am 'The Care of the flock' nurse) /fr (hnrrh EVENING SERVICE - 6 pm 'The Danger of Underestimating' Wednesdays at 7:io pin -prayer Meeting