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Lakeshore Advance, 2011-02-16, Page 6
6 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Grand Bend Chamber requests annual funding Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance The Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce want funding to reflect the services they provide. 1n a delegation process, Glen Baillie, repre- senting the Chamber spoke to council regarding their wants. "'Ihe Chamber currently provides valuable vis- itor services to an expanding base of visitors and residents on behalf of the municipality and exist- ing businesses," he explained, Baillie stated that with the recent reorganiza- tion of Tourism Ontario our own Tourism Sarnia Lambton (TSL) has had to redefine their delivery of services and like other Destination Marketing Organizations (UMOs) do not fund local visitor services, "The position of the Chamber is that the local level of government must provide funding for visitor services. This is the arrangement In Situ- geen Shores, Goderich, Kincardine and others to the tourism based economy" said Bailite, A plan with goals was given as background and said the municipality needs to pay their share to help fund it. "Our plans are attainable, measurable and practical. Other communities have funded their chambers for similar reasons., " The Grand Bend Chamber is requesting part- nership funding of $40,000 a year. This, says Ilail- tie, reflects the work they are currently doing and will allow them to do the work outlined in their plan. The Municipality of Lanibton Shores, LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, P.O. Box 610, Forest, Ontario NON 1,10 Tel: 1-877-786-2335, 519-786-2335, Fax: 519-786-2135, Email: admin,strationalambtonshoros c it Visit our Web Site at www.Iambtonshores.ca NOTICE of Lambton Shores' 2011 Budget Meeting Please be advised that the Municipality of Lambton Shores Council will be discussing thtt :011 Budget If required, at the Council meeting scheduled for March 15th, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. COMMUNITY GROUPS Lambton Shores is accepting submissions for the listing of upcoming events in the community from any community group or organization for inclusion in the Living and Playing in Lambton Shores newsletter. Please submit events for March, April and May. We are also interested in any suggestions for articles from community groups. A listing in the newsletter will be at no cost and provided space is available we will try to include as many articles as we can Please send events and suggestions for articles to Ashley Farr, Facilitator of Recreation and Leisure by fax at 519-243- 3500 or email eve,p tsCg2lambtonshores.ca no later than Friday, February 11r, 2011. 2011 TAX NOTICE The Interim 2011 Tax Notices have been issued The installment due dates are February 281" and May 31st. Payments may be made by PRE -AUTHORIZED withdrawal -- forms are available at the Municipal offices or on our website www.lambtonshores.ca, mail, Internet or telephone banking, or in person at any of the 3 offices. If you have not received your bill by February t8'" please contact our Grand Bend office at 1,866- 295-8232 Ntiti295-8232 or 519-238-8461. Committee of Adjustment ... The Lambton Shores Committee of Adjustment will be considering the following matters at the Thursday, February 24, 2011, meeting. 7:05 p.m. - Walden & Walden, Agent for Gary & Joanne Eastman - B-0312011 Consent - 8608 Mona Road The applicants are request permission to sever a 3.087 acre parcel of land that will have a frontage of 40.150 metres and a varied depth. This severance will allow the creation of a new non-farm dwelling lot for the existing dwelling which is surplus to the applicants' farming operation as the result of a farm consolidation. 7:05 p.m. - Adrian & Maria 'Mendel* - A-0112011 Minor Variance - 42 Ann Street, Arkona The applicants are requesting permission to allow the construction of a 111.48m2 detached accessory building whereas Section 3.3.4 of Zoning By-law 1- 2003 states that the maximum size of all accessory buildings shall be 67m2. The applicants are also requesting permission to place the proposed detached accessory building 1.32 metres from the rear property line, which in this case Is considered a front yard as the lot is a through lot which fronts onto Ann and Smith Streets, whereas Section 7.2 c) of the Zoning By-law states that the minimum setback is 6 metres. Full copies of the notices for these applications are available on the Municipal Website or can be obtained by calling the Forest office at 786-2335 or 1-877-786- 2335. The meetings are held at the Thedford Village Complex, corner of Main and Peart Streets, Thedford Ontario. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT The Municipality of Lambton Shores is seeking resumes he Aiming*, employment for the following positions: Lifeguards Concession Operators General Maintenance Parking Attendant Grand Bend Harbour Dock Hands Port Franks Harbour Dock Hands All interested people are requested to either email or mail a rw,unia with attached cover letter stating interested position no later than Friday, March 25"', 2011 to. Municipality of Lambton Shores 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO Attention: Peggy Van Mierlo-West, Director of Community Services Email: kcameron©tambtonshores.ca BEACH MANAGER The Municipality of Lambton Shores is seeking iesun+", Mi the above seasonal position. As the Beach Manager tui the (,rani Ne,hl beach operations you will be responsible hu the operation ,d this concession, parking lots and general maintenance cit the ileal h House and area. All interested parties aro requested to either email or mail a n+sunk, with attached cover letter stating Interested position no late, than Friday, March 25'", 2011 to Municipality of Lambton Shores 7883 Amteleoom Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO Attention: Peggy Van Mierio-West, Director of Community Services Email: kcemeron@ilembtonshores ca Our plans are attainable, measurable and practical. Other communities have funded their chambers for similar reasons..." (,it'll Raillie "'Thee work ahead is vital to enable growth, and to shave off the competi- tive pressures ftoiu better flmded, bet- ter planned events and destinations in the southern Ontario Brea," said Bailer, Mayor Bill Weber explained that TSI, is asking for $700,000 front the county this yew ;Ind thi% council wants to make sure some of those dol tars are directed here. Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg asked about the plans and dreams for the $40,000. She asked for a more extensive report to they could maks their decision, .. Count,, John Russell said he would like to see a two-part motion. 'lite first being to send this request to budget talks and secondly to support this through the strategic plan- working on developing partnerships for the future, Count:. Doug Bonesteel asked if this could be a partnership with the rest of the community. Baillie said they want to work on short term prosperity for long term success, illman also suggested an education lesson from 'ESL may be in order. Russell's motion passed. Lynda Hillman -Replay l nkeshoie Advance e j ) Back to the 80s The Grand Bend winter carnival began in the 80s and that Is what 2011 chair Dave Maguire had In mind when he dressed the part for some of this weekend's festivities,