HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-16, Page 5Cimimlty A great week at "Stephen Central Stephen Central Baylee and Emily HAPPY BELATED VALEN'T'INES DAY? We hope it was a great day for you. We had yet another great week at school with our friendly 'Tigers' stu- dents. Our Winter Carnival was filled with lots of fun and exciting games for the junior and primary grades, with our soon-to-be Grade 9's running the events and showing the younger stu- dents what leadership is all about. Also tomorrow we are bussing our stu- dents to the Stephen Township arena for a skating field trip. This is a great opportunity to show off their skating skills and also is an opportunity for some of students to help their peers skate. This Friday we are holding our Valentine's dance for all grades. We are reminding students to dress in your funkiest pink, red and white out- fits. Also one lucky teacher will have the opportunity to be dressed up in a giant red heart along with heart anten- nas and heart glasses. 'The special can- didate will most likely feel embar- rassed but that's not a problem because funds raised are to make a better tomorrow for students at Stephen. Our student council also sold little chocolate hearts last week for candy grams for students to send little valentines to their friends. Have a great week. St. Anne's settling in for semester two Mlkenna Lane Lakeshore Advance Students are settling into their new routines post semester one exams and this semester will go down in history as St. Anne's fitness centre is officially up and running! Everyone who is inter- ested in youth fitness is encouraged to attend our Grand Opening on Wednes- day, February 23rd at 7:30 p.m. at St. Anne's Catholic Secondary in Clinton. St. Anne's athletes consisting of the members of the Nordic Ski Team, the Junior and Senior Boys Basketball Teams, Curling Team, Male and Female Hockey Teams, Swim Team, and the Midget, Junior, and Senior Girls Volley- ball Teams gave it their all this past week. On Monday February 7th, the ski- ers competed in Kinkora, and brought home two IIP Championship pennants. Sr. Boys Basketball Team played in St. Mary's and have advanced to the finals. On Thursday the 10th the Junior and Senior Girls Volleyball Teams played at St. Mikes Stratford and on Friday the 11th the Boys Hockey Team played fS South 1 iuron in Exeter. *Note* for those who are interested in becoming referee certified In a sport of interest, OFSAA is now accepting appli- cations for subsidies to help offset the cost of becoming certified as officials, who are in great demand. Call Mr. Dit- ner at St. Anne's for snore information. In addition, the clubs and teams of St. Anne's remain to be as busy as ever while entering semester two, The Con- cert Band attended an overnight 'Boot Camp' trip in Toronto departing on Thursday the 10th and they returned on Friday the 11th. Ms. Philips, the school Chaplain, is organizing the graduating class' Second Annual Graduation Mass and coffee house and is encouraging the grade twelve class to be involved and contribute to the organizing efforts. St. Peter's Parish of Goderich, Clinton, and Kingsbridge are beginning preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Information packages regarding the process are in the St. Anne's main office. Also the club Habitat for Humanity encouraged students to collect commu- nity service hours and help out the com- munity on February 9th at Snow Family Fun Day which occurred at St. Anne's on Sunday. Furthermore, the Mathe- letes of St. Anne's are becoming more competitive as time progresses as St. Anne's notorious math teacher Mr, Gei- ger is challenging them to a math con- test on February 24th. The very special 'I Iigh Skills Major' programs which the school offers in Renewable Energy, Arts and Culture, and Agriculture-l'echnol- ogy classes had the opportunity to become first aid and CPR qualified on February 10th. Wednesda 10 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 5 Joseph on stage soon at St Boniface; Grease at Zurlch Public Carmel Sweeney Lakeshore Advance The men's breakfast was held at St. Boniface parish hail on Feb. 12 with good attendance. Guest speaker was Jack Baker who spoke about his trip to the Philippines with his wife for the whole month of January. St. Boniface parish held their Brother Bob's Mission bake sale on Feb. 12 and 13 after both masses. Ail the proceeds go to Jest' Ashram In India. Anyone still wanting to make a donation can do so at the church office as soon as possible. A Sweetheart Luncheon for 14 couples who are residents at the Blue Water Rest I lone was held on Valentine's Day. The Zurich Agricultural Society held their monthly meeting Feb. 15 at the complex. The prize list for the upcoming fair in July is now available at the stores In town or by calling Irene I Ioffman at 519-236-4839. St. Boniface CWL held their meeting on Feb. 15 with good attendance to hear speaker Pauline Cantin talk about saint Brother Andre. The school children are still col- lecting Campbell's soup labels. They can also be left on the shelf at the back of the church where they will be picked up. Students at the Zurich Public School are busy with rehearsal's for their upcoming play "Grease." Also, the Grade 6 to 8 students at St. Boniface school are getting ready for their play, "Joseph and the'1'echnicolour Dream cont:' Announcements On Fri., Feb. 18, Stacey Pfaff will show pictures and talk about her trip to St. Lucia at the home at 2:30 p.m. 'the Goderich music group will entertain the residents on Feb. 21. Jim and Elaine Scott are coming from Goderich at 2:30 p.m, St. Boniface Grade 4/5 students will visit their buddies at the home at 2 p.m. Feb, 28. Just a reminder parents that there is no school for the kids on Mon., Feb. 21 as it is Family Day. If anyone still wants to play in the co-ed hockey or volleyball tournament Feb. 18 and 19 at the complex, contact Dwayne LaPorte at 519-236-7277 as soon as possible. Personals Lenoa McBride from Goderich had several friends from the Zurich area help her celebrate her 90th birthday on Feb. 5 in the common room at the Goderich Place. Seven musicians were on hand to play music for the party including Leona who played the trumpet. Encourage Doug Willem to lose weight. Doug started at the Grand Bend Fitness Centre at 550 lbs. His goal is to lose another 50 lbs. by April 30. 1 Ielp encourage him by making a pledge either by the pound or a flat out donation. All proceeds go to Blessings Food Bank in Zurich. Give hits your support. Pledge sheets are available at Blessings Store in Zurich or the Grand Bend Fitness Centre. Cindy 1lendrick from Zurich along with her friends from Credi- ton recently enjoyed a warm week at a resort in Punta Cana, Dominican. Beth and Joe Boyle and their two children Michael and James of Southcott Pines in Grand Bend enjoyed a Caribbean cruise last week with some friends. Tim Klopp ('I'.!) and friend Jocelyn enjoyed spending a few days in B,C. at Victoria Island vis- iting his grandparents, Herb and Donna Klopp. They also helped Herb to celebrate his 80th birth- day on Feb. 7. Joey and Patty Groot of RR 1 Zurich and friends recently returned home from a lovely week long Caribbean cruise. Shuffleboard scores Jan. 31 4 wins - Grace Martin 264; 2 wins - Elaine Weido 221, Helen Gingerlch 212; 1 win - Mary Gin- gerich 194. Travelling with your furry family member Mlchelle Gerrie/Pet groomer Lakeshore Advance Is traveling with your pet fea- sible? More and more people are not only taking their pet with them In the car or the train, but are also on the planes and in hotels. Here are a few tips and precautions to take. Some may travel to ride their horse over green pastures in Ire- land or mush their team of dogs across the Great White North, but it is generally cats and dogs that are doing the travels lately. On the plane some animals are rather fortunate: sometirnes they travel In the cabin of the plane - guide dogs always do, while other dogs are allowed depending on their weight - but more often in cages no larger than 115cm in the cargo hold. This area allows them to travel in comfort, since the pressure, temperature, and ventilation are controlled. 'Tickets for pets can vary from free to a flat rate or some will be determined by the weight of the animal including the crate. So always check with the airline you are travelling with or the agent you are book- ing through. Since each airline has a maximum number of ani- mals they can hold in cargo, informing them is important when you hook. 'Ihe other thing to keep in mind is the breed of your pet. Certain breeds are sometimes refused. Your furry family member needs a travel kit Just as you do and it should have in it: Health records signed by a veterinarian - especially for International flights. As of July 2011 your pet will have to wear a microchip transponder or have a tattoo of your passport's number or their health re'cord's id number. Available now are Pet Passports, so if travelling a lot is in its future then you may want to purchase one. Things to do Inform the airline company, when making your reservation, or at the very least, 72 hrs. before your flight. Make sure to double check that the door of your pet's cage is securely locked. Place the owner's contact information in the animal's cage. Give your pet a little bit to eat prior to the flight, as food is not permitted in the cargo hold. If more than one Airline Company will be carrying the animal, make sure you are aware of their requirements, as they may differ. Encourage that your pet does its business an hour before boarding. And if necessary for hygiene and the stress of the pet you may want to speak to your vet about sedatives. Happy travels.