HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-16, Page 44 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda Februa 16, 2011
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'lNi Woo** tie finsmAris ppatof11.
Ohre mento/Caned"UvoughUA.Rebra.dasAadiYno.Aogrrn
(Nip) board oarmedic coals"
A«na eill, opc
Want a sure vote -winner? Back values
Contrary to popular opinion, most politi-
cians are not inntx'ciles. Many are clever and a
few are brilliant. So low -hanging fruit in politics
is hard to come by. lilt's a vote -winner and
doable and good for the country, chances are
sotfleone has already done it or is planning to.
So why, we have to ask, have neither the lib-
erals nor Conservatives yet seized the banner
of Canadian "values -based" it atriotism and
made it their own?
It's waiting to he done. It should be done.
Whoever does it will reap a powerful electoral
benefit, maybe even a majority -building wave.
'they'll tap into sentiment that bubbles just
beneath surface everywhere across Canada,
especially in Quebec.
So why haven't they done it?
Last week in Munich, British Prime Minister
David (:atneron made an extraordinary
speech. Some young British Muslims, he said,
find it hard to identify with Britain beeause
"we've allowed the weakening of our collective
identity. Under the doctrine of state multicul-
turalism we've encouraged different cultures to
live separate lives apart from each other and
apart from the mainstream."
Cameron We've failed to provide a vision of
society to which they feel they want to belong.
We've even tolerated these segregated e otmmt-
nities behaving in ways that run completely
counter to our vats:. So when a white person
holds objeetion€able views, racist views for
instance, we rightiy condemn thein. But %viten
Nuttily unacceptable views or practices roust'
from someone who isn't ‘vhite, we've been too
cautious frankly -- frankly even fearful -- to
stand up to theta:'
Cameron was condemned by opposition
politicians, who said he was playing to Britain's
far night. 'the Muslim Council of Btitaln called
the speech "disappointing." !len' in Canada,
then' wasn't i11uch response at all. It was as
though the British PM hadn't opened his
untruth. Or as though everything he said didn't
apply equally here. When of course, it does.
'the recent sprat over kirparts in Quebec's leg-
islative assembly is a case in point. 'Ihire weeks
ago a group of observant Sikhs were turned
away from the aasstie'nibty building after tln'y
refused to leave their kirpans, small ceremonial
daggers, with security, 'this week, Quebec
MIAs voted unanimously to support the has.
In Ottawa this issue has h.een handled with
great delicacy -- as though it were the unfortu-
nate act of a misguided cousin. Neither (tithe
major parties quite knows what to do when
one "oppressed" minority flexes its cultured
muscles In a clash with another "oppressed"
tninority.'lhe political reflexes cancel each
other out.
Canadians have grown accustomed over the
past 41) years to thinking it's rude to assert
shared values -- secularism, fret` siwech, gen-
der equality, religious pluralism, racial equality,
the right to laugh at anything -- when they con •
t11rt with the religious observances of a
Cameron's point is that Britons can no
longer safely allow this to continue.'Ihe dem-
onstrated murderous capacity of British home-
grown militant Islam, in particular, tuts junvt'it
'the sane applies here. We rmist become
more intolerant of intolerance. We must insist
00 live -and -let -live, rather than sinnpiy advo-
cate for it and hope for the hest.
A simple way to make this point in Canada
would ix' to amend the Oath of Citizenship, to
include a vow to uphold values of tolenture,
liberty and gender equality. Yet none orate
parties it Ottawa want to go there.
Why not? Conservatives are afraid it would
backfire, alienating communities they're work-
ing hard to woo. And Liberals art' stuck in their
belief that state-sponsored multiculturalism is
a sacred cow.
nap'iuu'l.den ta►ul@sunnu'rlui.rya
letters to the editor
Writer would like real
7b the Editor:
If you are a supporter of the CBC, you may
have recently signed a petition or two pro-
testing the musings of our I leritage Minister,
Dean Del Maestro, wondering if it was not
time to get out of public broadcasting. 'Then,
you probably received a letter, ostensibly
from your Member of Parliament assuring
you that the Federal Government has no
intention of cutting the CBC loose.
I luh? 1 saw the video; l heard his com-
ments. The thousands of us who have signed
the petitions can't all be deaf and blind,
As I read the letter, supposedly from my
MP, Hen Lobb, I began to suspect that it did
not emanate from his office nor was the con-
tent his work. Apparently we all got the same
1.'tter and it actually came from the Prime
Minister's office.
So, 1 spoke to friends, political people in
the know, well informed acquaintances and
this is what I found out.
Mr. Lobb, a.k.a, the PMO tells us:
"In the last election we made specific
promises to either maintain or increase fund -
ing to the CBC and we have delivered. Inflict
our Conservative Government has increased
support to CBC in every one of our budgets, "
What actually happened was that during
the recession, according to the Federal gov-
ernment's own estimates, total spending on
the CBC was reduced by about 63 million in
the 2009-10 fiscal year.
Lobb's (sic) letter read:
"By comparison the last l.iberrtl Gove'rn-
me'nt delivered $414 million in budget nets to
the CB(;, amounting to 4,000 jobs lost."
That much is true. If you go to www.
friends.ca/fact-sheet/252, you will see a
chart that clearly outlines the drop in fund-
ing during the years that Jean Chretien was
Prune Minister.
'ihen the letter continues with:
"1 would also point out that the N1)1' has
voted against funding for the (.BC every year
we have been in office."
Me Friends of the (:HC refute that claim
and point out that is:
"'lie comment about the NOP is mis-
leading because what the NOP did was vote
against they budget. They were no mon' voting
against "funding for the CRC" than they were
against old age pensions or the Governor
Ge'neral's salary."
1 am disgusted.
1 not disgusted by the spins on the truth
that are in this letter.
I ant disgusted by the fact that every time 1
write to my Member of Parliament i receive
a form letter in return. i have requested sev-
eral times that Mr. iobb answer the issues i
address but all I get is the same carefully for-
mulated release from the PMO. Whether or
not 1 helped elect Mr. Lobb, he is meant to
represent me as one of his constituents,
the final paragraph of the letter is insult-
ing in its insincerity:
"'hank you again for taking the time to
Well,1 will probably write again, knowing
full well that i will once again be answered
by a generic response. Hut, the most mean-
ingful letter! will write will he the letter "X"
on the election ballot beside the non -Con-
servative candidate of my choice,
Yours sincerely,
Annette Lindsay
Zurich Thunder
moving on to OMHA
semi finals
lb the Editor:
'the Zurich Midget 'thunder finished tht'
last playdown series vs,Hotinweli in 4 ( dunes.
Winning Game 1 on Feb.3rd in Rothwell 4-3,
losing Game 2 on !tome Ice 6-4, '(hey then
finished the series off with two straight wit is
last Wed. and Thurs. night 7-3 anti 5 to
time then into the WOAA Finals/OMI IA
Semi Finals in the E division vs (Norntanby)
from Ayton, Ont. They travel North to Ayton
on Monday night (Feb 1 4th) and then host
Gana' 2 at the Hluewater (;enter in %urirh
tonight (Feb.16th) fin) B:30pm. Coaches, Play
ers and Families would like to invite every-
one out to help cheer on the defending
WOAA /OMI IA Champions to another suc-
cessful season. Come out and enjoy some
great local hockey!
Donna Cooper