HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-16, Page 2Munlcipalftysp�ksto questions for cofle�tion Lynda MOknan-Rapley system %vatic the sewers Initiation and second man- problems identified i11 Phase 1. public at titin meeting. Lakeshore Advance At the Feb. 7 meeting the datory point of contact is Between phase two and three Advertising was on the web - Environmental Assessment the Notice of Completion. a public information session site, a)uncil reports and adver- Some say they want cwt- timelines for the lone 3 V a n M i e r 1 o - W e s t (PIC) will be conducted to tised in the Lakeshore Advance ter communication while and Zone 4 sewage collet'- explained that Phase 1 of allow for the public to have fur- twice in September 2008, others say that's not the tion system studies carte an Environmental Assess- cher input on the project, com- Comment cards were distrib- problem. Back on the tape back to the table, stent is a discretionary ment cards are also provided uteri in the area. at last week's Lampton Peggy Van Mierlo-West, public review consultation at this event. After public coin- Then the residents wanted Shores council meeting director of Community which identifies problems inentshave been reviewed, the another meeting so a second was the questions sur- Services said questions o r opportunities fo r NoC will be publicly advertised PIC was scheduled. That was rounding the timelines of have risen regarding the improvement. and the project file is distrib- October 29, 2009 and about the proposed collection timelines and explained as Phase 1 was completed uted to public areas for view- 300 people came to that. This system. Counc. Ruth III- per the Municipal Class during the development ing. This notice Is also filed additional meeting was not a man says thisnuuticipality F.ltvirotunentalA.ssessment and approval of the tri- with the Ministry of the requirement of the F.A process, has done everything they a 'Schedule irb.arequires mun1cipa1 (Lainb1on Environment. however council felt it was were legislated to do and it two mandatory points of Shores, Bluewater, South Zone 3 EA time frame important to discuss the study. is the communication that contact to the public and Iluron) sanitary sewage Me project initiation notice This was to inform residents seems to be the issue. agencies. The first being a servicing master plan. along with comment forms the findings on the gmundwa- Countc. Doug Bonesteel notice inviting public tom- Phase 2 o f t h e 1; A were prepared and mailed to ter monitoring study and to said the communication is meat, a Notice of Study involves the creation of affected residents on July 8, answer questions and con - just fine, they just don't Commencement or Project alternative solutions to the 2008. This notice was also cerns that stemmed from the included within the local 2008 PIC. Advertising for this newspaper twice in August was on the municipal web site 2008. Over 80 respondents and newspaper Oct. 6 and 19, asked to be kept informed 2009. about the project, 72 were resi- 2010 dents of the area. The Ministry of the linviron- lhe first PIC was held Sept. ment requested an additional 30, 2008. There were approxi- 30 day review period to be held mately 285 members of the during the summer of 2010 to A loose bogie a the Yellow Pages froM1A. 1%3... Kira otic RevLol wft'i 7 digit vtiuw(,bers avLd Zurich stilt with 2. worgllie 9011 Mf NAV MUTOI%L Mswtc/tc& COMPANY NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of Hay Mutual Insurance Company will be held at Hay Mutual Insurance Company, 37868 Zurich-Hensali Road, Zurich, Ontario on Thursday, the 10th day of March, 2011 at 2:00 p.m., for the following purposes: 1, To receive and consider the annual statements for the year ending December 31, 2010; 2. To appoint an Auditor for 2011; 3. To elect three Directors for a three year term, Directors whose terms expire are John Coleman, Kippen and Bill Gibson, Clinton both of whom are eligible for re-election. Any person wishing to seek election or re-election as a Director must file their intention to stand for election in writing with the General Manager of the Corporation at least ten days prior to the Annual Meeting; 4. To ratify and confirm all resolutions, contracts, acts and proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Company enacted, made, done or taken since the last Annual Meeting of the members; 5. To consider and if thought fit, to confimi with or without such variation and amendments as may be made at the meeting, amendment to by-laws, passed by the Directors on February 9th, 2011. A copy of the proposed amendments to the by-laws can be requested by any Policyholder of the Corporation from the Head Office during regular office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday; and 6. To set the remuneration of the Directors. Dated the 9th day of February 2011 By the order of the Board Bill Gibson, Chairman Shawn R. Durnin, General Manager ensure all seasonal affected residents would be aware of the study. 'the munici- pality decided to extend the deadline for 45 -days for the public's benefit. The study did receive numerous bump - up requests, however staff were not noti- fied of most of these as residents sent their requests directly to the MOE withot' either carbon copying the municipality c. their concerns or without contacting the municipality prior to allow for staff to review their concerns and come to an amicable solution. Zone 4 A project initiation notice was prepared and issued in September 2007. The project description was "the proposed pumping station and pressure sewer will service Pinery Provincial Park, the pro- posed South Bend Fstates and other exist- ing and future land uses in the study area. The aim of the notice was In relation to the construction of the Pinery/Goose- marsh forcemain and that servicing of other areas in Zone 4 "will be determined by the municipality." I'he servicing of other areas in Zone 4 would be dealt with at a later date by council as it deemed appropriate. A PIC was held on Feb. 12, 2008. The notice for this went to two newspapers Jan. 23 and Feb. 6, 2(X)8 and was mailed out to a contact list. The PIC was attended by over 40 people. A NoC was issued on May 9, 20)8. com- ments and concerns were accepted throughout the 30 day review period. All concerns were subsequently satisfied and under the terms of the Municipal Class EA process the pmje(: t was approved. In 2009 construction was completed on the Zone 4 force rutin from the Pinery Park to the existing Grand Bend lagoons. The municipality and the Pinery Park had entered into a cost sharing agreement for this portion of the study. The Pinery has since completed their own internal col- lection system and in the spring of 2010 began contributing flows to the Grand Bend lagoons. Council Illtnan said they have been talking about an ad hoc committee for conunu- nication and feels now is the time to do that. She told council since they did eve- rything required by legislation, as described above, they need to go hack and See how tilt' communication failed. "'This is the future of our most important resource," referring to the Great Lakes. She said they need to think about hest practices . That being said, Inman offers when an issue hits you in the back pocket it becomes enhanced. "'This council would do themselves a service if they looked into how they could do better," she said. Honesteel said they art' missing the point. Ile used the mantra heard often coring the election, "We don't need, we can't afford, Nye don't want" 1 le said this is more than a communication prohlete , Deputy mayor Elizabeth 1)avis I )agg sit ) there are two issues and she is willing tui send this to a strategy plan but that this issue is not "rocket science.' Sht' wants to make sure people are assured this is mote than a communication issue, it is also a content issue.