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9, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 15
Bleck History Month: A key
dart of Ontarlo's rich history
Lakeshom Advance
As Ontarians, we are blessed to
live in a province with a rich his-
tory and great diversity. It is one
of our greatest strengths. A critical
element of that history is the
experience of the black commu-
nity in Ontario, which is an inte-
gral part of the social, cultural and
economic fabric of our society.
Lambton-Kent-Middlesex has
a rich history of diverse settlement
as well. As a result of a Bill I co-
sponsored with MPP Ted Arnott
in 2008, Ontario now proclaims
August 1st as Emancipation Day,
under the Emancipation Act,
February is Black History
Month, an important opportunity
for all Ontarians to pay tribute to
the valuable contributions black
Canadians have made to our
province and country, and to
celebrate the history, culture and
heritage of the black community.
It is a time to celebrate the peo-
ple who, despite many historical
barriers, helped build, develop,
and defend this country.
People like Anderson R.
Abbott, the first Canadian -born
black doctor; or Leonard A.
Braithwaite, the first Black
Canadian to be elected to the
Ontario Legislature; or Reverend
Addle Aylestock, who was the first
black female minister in Canada.
People like Mary Ann Shadd,
who started the first integrated
school in Canada, and was both
the first female newspaper editor
and the first female black lawyer
in North America.
And people like Mathieu Da
Costa, the first recorded person of
African heritage to set foot on
Canadian soil. HP was an inter-
preter who worked with Samuel
de Champlain in the 1600s, and
with Pierre Dugua de Monts, a
leader in the establishment of
French settlements in Eastern
Canada. Da Costa's interpreting
skills were vital in bridging the
language barrier and cultural gap
between early French explorers
and the Mi'kmaq people.
And while history records the
accomplishments of these
individuals and many more, it
also tells the story of Ontario
communities with strong
African -Canadian historical ties
like Dresden, Buxton, Owen
Sound and'Ibronto.
The history of Ontario is deeply
entwined with black history in
Canada, and serves to highlight
our greatest strengths as a
Black History Month presents
us with an ideal opportunity to
learn more about who we are and
what we can be when we learn
from each other and work
together. I urge everyone to get
out and take part in the festivities
that take place across the prov-
ince, recognizing the important
legacy of the great black pioneers
who have gone before us.
For more information on the
history of the black community in
Ontario, visit the Archives of
Ontario website at http://www.
Semester two at St. Anne's
M{kenna Late
Lakeshore Advance
Welcome Semester Two! The
doors have opened and students
are starting a fresh new semester.
It was great to have a few days off
after exams. Now that we've had
a chance to catch up on some
much needed rest, we are right
back at it. We are so excited to be
starting four new classes and to
glbe starting up our winter sports, io
ur clubs and our teams again.
Our Habitat for Humanity group
had a Winter Family Day and
student cabinet is planning a
'Winterfest' afternoon on
Wednesday, February 16th. These
are great opportunities to get
outside, to be active and have fun.
Speaking of getting active and
having fun, we are so pumped to
have a brand new Fitness Centre
at St. Anne's. With multi-purpose
strength training equipment and
brand new cardio machines, the
room is looking very inviting. Our
Grand Opening will be on
Wednesday, February 23rd at
7:30 p.m. If you are interested in
joining our commitment to
healthy youth, please plan on
joining us for this exciting event.
Many of our students, parents,
community partners and local
businesses will be on hand to help
us celebrate. Have a terrific week!
Library committee asks for support
Lakeshore Advance
A nice meeting was had by the
Ladies Auxilliary at the Blue Water
Rest Horne on Nov. 1. It began with a
musical program by 'Tom and Rose
Merrigan from Hensall singing and
playing the guitar for the residents.
Delicious refreshments followed.
Nine members and two honourary
tnembers attended the business
portion of the evening with Carmel
Sweeney presiding.
Stacey Pfaff handed out the
February calendar and went over the
variety of activities offered this month
at the home to keep everyone busy
during all these snow days. She also
gave an update on the tuck shop cart
saying that it was doing very well.
If anyone wants to help with this
twice a month for a couple hours on
Tuesday morning please call Marlene
Gingerich for more information at
Hilda Lansbergen gave the
treasurer's report and announced
that we can afford to buy a few more
needed items for the beauty shop at
the home.
A letter from friends of the library
was read asking for our support as
they are looking for a new building.
The World Day of Prayer is on
March 4 at St, Boniface church at
Shrove 'Tuesday will be March 8
with a pancake supper at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church from 5 to 7 p.m.
We welcomed two former auxilliary
members, Della Gascho and Viola
Ranier who are now living at the rest
home. This gave us a total of 15
members including 2 honourary
members. Our next meeting is May 3
at 6:30 p.m.
The annual meeting of the rest
home will be held on March 2 at 7:30
p.m. in the chapel this year. Carmel
will give a report from the auxilliary.
The Zurich Lions Club held their
monthly dinner meeting at Smiley'z
Pizza and Pub on Ian. 26 with 14
members and three guests attending.
President lion Henry Drzewiecki
opened the proceedings with the
singing of O Canada, a toast to the
Queen and the Lion's grace.
After a delicious meal, Lion Bruce
Hodge of Exeter introduced Zone
Chair lion Paul Anstett who brought
greetings from the Zone. A video on
Lions Club members being a beacon
of light was viewed.
Preparations are underway for the
annual Zurich Lions Club fish fry and
silent auction to be held April 15 at
the Bluewater Recreation Complex.
'To register a team for the co-ed
Knights of Columbus hockey
tournament at the Zurich complex on
Feb. 18 and 19 call Dwayne LaPorte at
519-236-7277. If you are interested in
registering for the volleyball tourna-
ment please contact Peter Mathonia
at 519-236-4388 or Dave Regier at
519-236-7120 soon as possible.
Anyone interested in doing a day of
scrap hooking will have the
opportunity at the Zurich Mennonite
church on Sat., Feb. 12 from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. for $30 or from 12 to 5 p.m, for
$20. Lunch will he provided by Zurich
Public School Parent Council with a
pot -luck dessert. Contact Chris
McAdams for more information at
A night of worship with Chris Bray
was enjoyed by nutny on Ian. 29 at
St. Boniface church.
A 'Comforter Tying Blitz' is being
held 'I'hurs., Feb. 10 at the Zurich
Mennonite church at 9 a.m. ladies
are welcome to come for a whole or
half day. If you're staying for the
whole day, please bring a hag lunch.
Indoor winter walking is still taking
place at the Zurich and Hensall
arenas Tues., Wed, and Thurs.
mornings from 8 to 10 a.m. 'There is
no charge for this exercise.
Several youth members of
St. Peter's Lutheran Church along
with their leaders had a sleep over at
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church parish
in Kitchener on Feb. 4 and 5. While
there, they enjoyed various activities.
They will also be having a special
Valentine's event here on Feb. 13.
Be sure and get your pledge sheets
for the Big Brothers Big Sisters 'Bowl
for Kid's Sake.' It is an annual fund-
raising event for the organization that
will take place on Feb. 25 at Town and
Country Lanes in Zurich from 5 to 9
p.m. or on Feb. 26 from 1 to 7 p.m. For
more information call 519-237-3554.
Congratulations go out to Katrina
and Brad Robinson of Zurich on the
arrival of their baby girl, Isabelle
Antirah, born on Ian. 31.
Donna O'Brien along with family
members from the Zurich area and
daughter Pam Bedour recently spent
ten days in Florida enjoying
themselves at Disney World. Donna's
son Brent and friend Natalie from
!long Kong also joined the family for
the vacation.
(rade 2 and 3 classes at the Zurich
Public School will be traveling to
Vanastra every Wed. at 12:30 to go
swimming during the month of Feb.
The older students will be having a
Valentine's dance Feb. 11 in the gym.
Report cards will he going home
Feb. 14.
Storytelling and speeches will take
place at the Legion in Mensal! on
Tues., Feb. 15 at 6:30 p.m. The snow
date is Feb. 22.
Shuffleboard scores
4 wins - Grace Martin 268; 3 wins -
Judy Voogel 249; Helen Gingerich
274; 2 wins - Elaine Weido 285; Doris
I iamilton 282; 1 win - Cecelia Farwell
245; No wins - Lucille Masse 212.
Anyone interesting in playing
shuffleboard at the Zurich arena on
Monday mornings at 9 p.m. can Join
the group anytime. Everyone is wel-
come to take part in this fun exercise.
Valenhinos dance and winter cemNal at Stephen Central
and Emily
Hello again! It's Baylee and Emily. Our
students loved the big snow fall and
enjoyed their PA day. This week is going to
be exciting. We have our annual Winter
Carnival on Friday the 1 lth. Our grade 8
students will be running the events like
making the biggest snow pile, three-legged
race, parachute, snow soccer, obstacle
courses and of course we have a
visit from your friend
Bonhornme de Neige. This is a
very fun day with our students
learning teamwork skills and
leadership. We also get a tasty
treat of hot chocolate and
timbits. Lut week, many classes
got the opportunity to go snow -
shoeing and boy, oh boy is that
ever Aunt I remember last year I
could barely stand, Next week
our kids will be celebrating Val-
entines Day with their classes
by handing out cards and our
students council is holding a
Valentines dance on Friday the
18th. Our students always have
fun and enjoy dressing up in
spirit. If you or your child attend
Stephen Central remember to
get them all dressed up funky in
red, white and pink! (:
Talk to you next week!