HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-09, Page 3Wednesday, February 9, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 3
Area school boards seeking
feedback on 2011-2012 calendar
Committees suggest changing
ministry recommended
holiday dates
Hilary Long
QMI Agency
Both the Avon Maitland and Huron Perth
Catholic district school hoards are looking for
feedback on a modified 2011-2012 instructional
school calendar.
Discussions around setting the calendar for
the upcoming school year have already taken
place between the AMDSB and IIP(:Mit School
Year Calendar Committees.
The committees have conte to a consensus
and have agreed to align all dates including the
start of the school as well as the end dates,
holiday schedules and the placement of P.A.
Days. This year, they are recommending filing a
modified school year calendar, different than the
one suggested by the Ministry of Education,
In this case, a modified calendar indicates the
boards will be requesting to change the ministry
suggested dates for the Christmas and March
break holidays. 'lhe ministry calendar indicates
Christmas Break would begin at the end of
classes on Friday, Dec, 16, 201 1 with a return to
class on Monday, Jan. 2, 2012, March Break
would begin at the end of classes on Friday,
March 9, 2012 with a return to classes oft
Monday, March 19, 2012.
The modified calendar calls for the Christmas
Break to begin at the end of classes on Friday,
Dec. 23, 2011 with a return to class on Monday,
Jan. 9, 2012. March Break would begin at the end
of classes on Thursday, March 8, 2012 with a
return to class on Monday, March 19, 2012,
Steve Howe, manager of communications with
the AMDSB, said the added day at March Break
is something the school boards tried a number
of years ago.
"In the early 2000's it was a pilot to see if it
impacted on attendance, What tends to happen
is people, when planning Man:h Break vacations,
want to get the jump on the busy times and we
found there was a dramatic dropin attendance
on the Friday before March Break."
he said,
"'That was one of the considerations, but there
were a number of other things that were
considered in all of this," he added, "It all
depends on the year, you are the mercy of where
the normal stat holidays fall.
"In 2011-2012, we have a leap year, 'lhe extra
day in February gives us a little more flexibility
on meeting the required number of instructional
Almilays because every school board must have
j94 instructional days," he continued, "When
calendars are determined, that is the primary
guiding factor."
"The other big modification from what the
ministry has suggested is the Christmas break,
'Ihe ministry suggested starting Christmas break
on Dec. 19. That means students would have
nine days off before Christmas. It was felt by the
two hoards here, that they would prefer to end
classes on Dec., 23. 1t is the same number of
days, just a different configuration," said lime.
Ilowe said now that the calendar has been set
the hoards have put it out and are seeking
community feedback.
Dan Parr, Superintendant of Education with
11PC L)SB, said they received public feedback
prior to setting the calendar.
"Two representatives from our regional
catholic school council advisory committee were
at the meeting and from that meeting we
gathered everyone's wishes and intentions and
then 1 worked with Kim Black from AMDSB to
set the calendar," he said.
"Ln addition 10 that level, we have posted the
draft calendar on the hoard's website as we do
with every policy the hoard considers - and any
member of the public can contact senior
administration to offer their feedback on that,"
said Parr, noting a calendar has also been sent to
every school council chair in the system.
the IIP(:1)S1l hoard of trustees will be staking
a final decision on Feb. 28.
"Any submissions prior to that would be
welcome feedback," said Parr.
'the AML)Slt is collecting input until Feb. 16 on
the website or directly to school principals.
"All of that information will be taken to the
hoard of trustees on Feb, 22 where our final
decision will he made," said 1 Lowe.
"At that point we will finalize our calendar that
we then have to submit to the Ministry of
Education for final approval," he said, noting he
does not foresee the ministry having any Issue
with the modifications,
Ilowe said the board has already received
a ton of feedback. As of Feb. 3 over 215
submissions hall been received through the
"An early look says the majority is in support
of the modified calendar," he said, noting it is not
a majority rule but If the hoard saw a large per-
centage not in favour of the modifications that
may cause a chane.
Rowe said he knows of a number of other
boards in area that are looking at making the
same change to the Christmas break,
1Lowe said the two boards work together so
that the calendar is Identical,
Lie said it stakes sense in terms of logistics.
"We share busing so it just makes sense from a
financial perspective as well as child care and
other issues,"
Rowe said the extra day at March Break is
something that will be decided on a year-to-year
'lb submit feedback to the AMDSB visit http://
hlog.anttdsb,ca/ or contact your school
To submit feedback to the IIPCDSB visit
http://www,huronperthcatholic,ca/ or contact
the hoard office at 519-345-2440,
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