HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-02, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Social services gets reprieve 16 social agencies faced lir eviction Cathy Dobson OM1Agency The 16 social services being evicted from their offices Tuesday at the North Lambton Community 'lealth (:entre have been granted a two-week reprieve and offered alternative space. "We've offered to relocate then in our building," said the centre's chairman Gavin Hall. "'There's no need for any loss or interruption of service. "Anyone who suggests that is just fear mongering;" The social agencies, including Canadian Mental i lealth, Lamb - ton Elderly Outreach and the Family Counselling Centre, serve Lambton's rural population from satellite offices operated in downtown Forest. The space has been leased the past 12 years by an umbrella agency called North Lambton Social Services. But in November, the govern- ment -funded health centre received new funding to accom- modate a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) team, which requires the space that the 16 social service agen- cies occupy. As the Feb. 1 eviction date loomed for North Lambton Social Services, chairman Andrew Bolter publicly appealed for a three-month extension. When board members with the health centre met to discuss the dilemma Thursday night, a handful of demonstrators met NLSS T.CHC Run by the Community A group of supporters staged a rally at the health centre last week them at the door and handed over a petition with about 150 names on it, flail said. On Friday Bolter received an offer from the health centre's board that includes alternative space in the same building. "This is very encouraging," Bol- ter said. "The devil is in the details but I'm happy we've got a reprieve and I'm hopeful the new space they are offering is big enough." The health centre hoard had previously offered alternative space in its building but it was deemed too small by the social services group. It also didn't offer the confidentiality the group's clients require, Bolter said. Hall said the new offer is for the same space but the health centre is willing to do renova- tions that will provide several offices and some privacy for the social services. "There was no reason to gener- ate any fear that the services would not be available in Forest; Hall said. "A lot of misunder- standing was created:" Bolter said he looks forward to working with the health centre on the new plan. "We're grateful for this exten- sion because we were literally looking at closing our doors on Feb. 1," he said. fut w,*1 ; ilial;aifgrh'.#ts$19) 0 11 of La bion Shores LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events In your Community Administration Department - 7889 Amteleoom Parkway, P.O. Box 610, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0 Tel: 1-877-788-2335, 519.788-2335, Fax: 519-788-2135, Email: administration©Iambtonshores.ca Visit our Web Slte at www.Iambtonshores.ca NOTICE of MEETINGS to DISCUSS the 2011 LAMBTON SHORES BUDGET Please be advised that the Municipality of Lambton Shores Council will meet on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. at the Port Franks Community Centre - Main Hall to discuss the 2011 budget. Budget discussions will continue at the regular Council meeting held Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at the Thedford Village Complex, with the meeting commencing at 2:00 p.m. If required, budget discussions will continue at the regular Council meeting scheduled for March 15"', 2011 at 3:00 p.m. HISTORY OF FOREST'S CHC 1992 —1999 A study of deficiencies in medical and other health care services In the area was done with a resulting proposal being made to the Ministry of health to establish a Community Health Centre 1994 North Lambton Community Health Centre was approved for operational funding with two locations, one In Forest and the other at Kettle and Stoney Point First Nations Territory, to serve approximately 14,000 permanent residents and 15,000 seasonal visitors In an area stretching south to Highway 402, north to the lake(not including Grand Bend) east to Arkona Road and west to County Road 26. 1995 Services began at North Lambton Rest Home in Forest and at Kettle Point. 1997-1998 Capital Funding for the new building In Forest was applied for and received under Canada Ontario Infrastructure Program with Canada, Ontario and North Lambton each contributing about one third of the cost. 1999 Building completed and occupied by the Health Centre, North Lambton Social Services, Community Health Services (Lambton Health Unit), and Sarnia General X-ray Clinic with provisions for meeting rooms for health and social service functions in the community. Information from Steering Committee: September 1995 A capital funding request for facilities In the two communities was submitted to the Ministry of Health in September 1995 and updated several times during 1996 and 1997 In June 1997 the NLCHC put forward a facilities plan for funding by the Canada Ontario Infrastructure Wake (CQIW) Program, If approved, new facilities will be ready for occupation in December 1998. The original facilities plan was for a 3 story building, however the ministry wouldn't authorize additional expense tor the 3rd level as the space wasn't going too utilized at that time. With that in mind, the building was constructed so a third floor could be added when the additional space was required. In April 1998 — In order to receive the Infrastructure funding from the federal and provincial government, the NLCHC steering committee had to ensure that the space was required. The Community Health Services( Lambton Health Untt) Nath Lambton Social Services Centre, Rotary and Sarnia General Hospital (X-ray) had to submit a letter of Intent for offices, Each partner met with the architect to put forth their ideas for their offices requirements. Approved Building Costs: $1,853,000 Federal Share: .„ 6617,667.00 Provincial Share: 6817,887.00 Community Share: $ 617,867.00 From Rotary Fundraising The Rotary Club Pledged $140,000 plus $31,000 to furnish the kitchen. One office downstairs & meeting room and kitchen was too made available to them for weekly meetings for a fee of $1.00/year. However, due to some misunderstanding the Rotary Club never moved In, but still fulfilled their end of their agreement in providing funding to furnish the kitchen $350,000.00 was raised from Business, Churches, Service Clubs and Special Name, Projects and General Population. The follow Information was taken from the Rotary's Campaign: The location chosen for the NLCHC was selected from five possible sites within Forest. The site on King Street was selected because It is the most beneficial to the community; the Centre will be built on vacant land in the downtown core, It is central to the drug stores and Post Office, tt will provide ample parking for both staff and patients at the rear of the building, It *ill be handicapped accessible, and will, in all likelihood, generate busi- ness for our downtown merchants. This sate will be shared with the Health Centre by the Community Heatth Services (Lambton Health Unit) Sarnia General X-ray, Laboratory Ser- vices, Social Services and other agencies. in other words, all health and social services will be in a convenient, readily accessible and confidential location with all of these ser- vices contributing to the one utility and maintenance cost. The Centre aim was to comple- ment and enhance, rather than duplicate, existing services. The North Lambton Social Services, the community, and Service Clubs were lead to believe that when the mortgage was retired the rent would be reduced, To date the only reduction In rent was in 2005 when the Social Services gave up their intake room and shared space (lunch room).