HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-02, Page 3Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 3
Zone 4 residents would like to see an independent evaluatlon
116 Sewer collection
�"` s a long time resident, Walter
Kratz is concerned with the long-
term viability of decisions made
by the municipal council.
At the January 24 regular council
meeting, Zone 4 resident Kratz pre-
sented a well documented review
for council to digest. Kratz, who first
apologized for attempting a late del-
egation at the January 10 sleeting,
explained his reason for being there
was to ask council to perform a crit-
ical review of all the facts and crite-
ria relating to the proposed Sanitary
Treatment Facility (S'1'F) expansion
and upgrade.
"I aril not a member of any spe-
cial interest group in this commu-
nity or any other community in
this province," he explained to
Council in al hand-out.
Kratz said contrary to sugges-
tions by Dillon Consulting in their
Environmental Study report of
2009, there is contradictory infor-
mation. He says Dillon Consulting
massively enhanced the popula-
tion projections for the next 20
years in order to justify a larger
than required STF. "The
projections were mathematically
incorrect," the report said adding
consequently the projected sew-
age volumes were incorrect. The
review presented by Kratz said
there is misinterpretation regard-
ing Planning Act requirements,
discussed home owners who
would never be on the system and
the cost for a system that is larger
than is needed at this time.
"It is my sincere suggestion that
the Municipality of Lambton
Shores council obtain an inde-
pendent evaluation of this project
by another accredited engineering
firth before proceeding with the
current S'1'F expansion upgrade"
Kratz wanted to make sure
council was aware that Zone 4's
Pinery and South Bend have no
residents but this zone consisted
of subdivisions and developments
and had signatures from a ineln-
ber in each; Dalton (Dennis Mcln-
tyre), Walden North (Gary king),
Oak Forest Estates (Mary Curry),
Walker Woods (James Rimmer),
before Development (Aaron Wil-
cox), Deer Run (Cliff Grasdahl),
North Bosanquet (Ronald 1Iod -
ins), VanDongen (Jim Davis),
Klondyke Trailer Park (Bernie Kel-
ders) and Rus Ton Family Camp-
ing (Kathy Russell).
Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis-
Dagg questioned the expectations
and whether the STF was designed
with the potential for Zone 4. Are we
itnplementing a grinder right now?"
asked councilor Martin Under -
It is my sincere
suggestion that the
Municipality of
Lambton Shores council
obtain an independent
evaluation of this
project by another
accredited engineering
firm before proceeding
with the current STF
expansion upgrade
— Walter Kratz
wood. "It is not being implemented,
we have not gone to the next step,"
explained CAO John Byrne adding
it has been highlighted in the fore-
cast as part of the process but there
is no design work"
In the report conclusion, it
states "It is quite possible that the
existing Grand Bend STF is dis-
charging effluent that would not
sleet the more stringent require-
ments of a new sewage treatment
facility. Consequently, this facil-
ity should be upgraded to accom-
modate increased usage require-
ments and higher standards for
effluent discharge." Councilor
Ruth lllnlan asked if Kratz
believed there was a need for the
facility as he stated in his report
to council. Ile said yes.
"The new SI'F should bt' a mod-
ular facility that can be expanded
over time as required. The new
facility should he limited to meet
the anticipated service require-
ments of existing users, Southhend
Estates and the Rice Development;,
Kratz stated in a letter to council.
Ile felt that the New llanlburg
process was sufficient to these
needs. !Milan, explained the
mechanical system has the capa-
bilities of achieving more than 90
per cent removal of nitrogens. ''Can
the same be said of the New 1lanl-
burg system?" she asked. Kratz said
he was not an expert and could not
answer the question.
In the gallery, after the meeting,
resident Bob Sharen had a Lake-
shore Advance article from a
public information open house in
July 2008. The article states that
Phase One is the construction of
the force plain in the Pinhery Patrk
and Phase two is the actual
tri -municipal (Mummer, South
Huron, Lambton Shores) system
on the Mollard Line. It was noted
in this article that the final design
will he complete by the end of the
year and that the actual sewers at
the homes from the Pinery to St.
Joseph will not likely happen until
2012. Sharen explained that article,
shows intention of sewers at tone
4 from the beginning.
Russells motion
John Russell brought forth ;t
motion ht' had voiced a week beton'
Ina (11(1 not get onto the agenda
ttntil this meeting. 1'ht' wording
stattt'ti that 111t' (.At) prepare a ieport
o11 t11t' aa•tions necessary to rt'lllovt'
all references to the employment of
grinder pumps its the Zone 4 Sew
age Environment Assessment
Approval, excepting, of course the
Pinery Provincial Park.
And that tilt' County of Lambton
Building Department he asked to
prepare a report on the implemen-
tation of a Lampton Shores septic
tank education and maintenance
plan and make a public presentee
tion on this in the near future. 'ibis
motion was passed.
Supporting turkey industry in Huron County
McGuinty government supports local food
processors, creates and supports 66 jobs
Lakeshore Advance
A local food processor in Dash-
wood is increasing its production
of Ontario turkey products to meet
growing demand, create jobs and
support local farmers.
Through the Rural Economic
Development Program, Hayter's
Turkey Products Inc. is renovating
its existing facility to improve
production capacity. The company
will also expand its retail store and
establish a test kitchen to develop
new, healthy turkey products.
Together, these improvements
are expected to help triple sales,
create up to 6 jobs and retain more
than 60 positions that will help
boost the local economy.
A strong agri-food industry is
part of the Open Ontario plan to
Serving families since 1882
create jobs and opportunities that
will grow the province's economy.
"Ilayter's Turkey Products is
important to our agri-food sector
and important to our local econ-
omy here in Huron -Bruce. By help-
ing rural abattoirs and meat plants
Tike Hayter's grow and expand their
business, we're creating Jobs, sup-
porting farmers, and investing in
high-quality local food in our corn-
munity," said, Carol Mitchell, Min-
ister of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Affairs and MPP for Huron -Bruce.
"Modernizing and expanding
our production capacity will make
Ilayter's Turkey Products more
competitive - that means meeting
growing demand for our Ontario
turkey products, retaining and
creating jobs, and allowing us to
continue to support farmers and
other related industries. This
investment will help improve the
lives of people in the Dashwood
area for years to cone," said Sean
Maguire, Manager, Hayter's Turkey
Products Inc.
Ontario is investing close to
$350,000 in Hayter's Turkey Prod-
ucts through the Rural Economic
Development Program.
In 2008, Ontario's food
processing industry was the third-
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M\I\1 1,\ \\ititI
223 Main Street, Lucan 519-227-4211