HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-02-02, Page 24A14 -
1k COWIN**
Court rules with former Maverick Paintball owner
Hillier. "There were a number of mis-
takes I made. But, because of the
involvement of the large number of
people Sandy Hutchens had involved
in the scam, 1 though everything of
was ok because they all seemed like
credible people. That number
included multiple lawyers, real estate
company owners, multiple mortgage
brokers, accountants, and Rabbis. Ile
also had so many reference letters
from seemingly credible professional
people, including a glowing referral
from the TD Bank concerning Moishe
Alexander (whom I knew him then
as), not knowing his real name is
Sandy Hutchens. 1 am convinced that
he uses various aliases, including
Sandy Craig Hutchens, Craig Hutch-
ens, Moishe Hutchens, Craig Alexan-
der, Moishe Alexander, Moshe Alexan-
der, Moishe Ben Avaham, Moshe Ben
Avrohom, Ben Avrohom, Ben Avra-
ham, and Fred Hayes Alexander
McDonald to hide his criminal past
and frustrate any attempts on their
part to do a name search.
Hutchens is a notorious mortgage
lender convicted in 2005 on four
counts of fraud and one of trafficking
in a controlled substance.
With a character reference from his
rabbi -- the Baptist -raised 51 -year-old
converted to Orthodox Judaism dur-
ing his court ordeal — he managed to
score a sentence of two years house
arrest in his comfortable Thornhill
home and was soon back in the lend-
ing business as head of Canadian
Funding Corp.
But allegations he was operating an
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advance fee mortgage fraud continued
-- from exposes by the Sun's Mark
Bonokoski to lawsuits filed in Florida
and Colorado.
One of his most tenacious Internet
critics has been Hillier, who says he
lost his paintball business after I lutch-
ens allegedly reneged on their 2008
financing deal, but pocketed the
advance fee.
After his lawyers warned him that
"we are confident to the point of cer-
tainty that this is a fraudulent scheme,"
Hillier posted his first message on
scanl.com asking if others had a simi-
lar experience with llutchens.
Hillier talks about his Zurich busi-
ness. "Maverick Paintball was a grow-
ing business. It was lots of fun, and
changed people a little even if it was a
55 year old that never did anything as
fun as playing paintball for a few hours
to become like Rambo and work with
their team mates to dominate the
other side. Or see a young 16 year-old
work hard to become part of a tourna-
ment paintball organization that put
Canada on the map. I saw some cases
where shy young kids totally change
and conte out of their shell when they
got into the paintball game. It slowly
built up their confidence. 1 saw it
change people lives. Even parents
thanked me for what it did for their
kids. But, thanks to Sandy Hutchens,
that is all lost now."
"About 6 months into what was to
become a nightmare, I began to real-
ize that things were not right because
of the stalling tactics Hutchens was
using. however, they kept coming up
with excuses, and they tried to gain my
confidence and say the right things to
sell me on my own dream. They con-
vinced me to constantly work on the
Kitchener property with townships for
zoning issues, developers, construc-
tion companies, suppliers, architects
etc. I had done so much planning and
research of what was required even
down to a list of janitor suppliers
required for both properties, includ-
ing costs. They had ale tied up with
lots of things to do to keep me busy
and unsuspecting.
1 really took any eye off the hall when
it came to the Zurich Location. 1 was
told it was not as big a deal as
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Brent Hillier
Kitchener was going to he, so I stayed
focused on the Kitchener deal, but
somehow suspecting that Zurich was
slipping away. 1 was fooled into mak-
ing some wrong decisions. 1 didn't
realize at the time that it was part of
their plan after they received the up-
front fee. They kept me busy sending
them documents, distracting me, etc.,
until 1 ran out of money and time so
they can find a way out of their com-
mitments," says hillier.
Deluged with responses from Can-
ada and the 11.S., he's leen o11 (1 mis-
sion ever since.
"I've probably stopped at least 100
deals," he said.
New to the case, Hutchens' lawyer
Lorne Honickman maintains Hillier
has a vendetta against his client.
"'she story here is about a man who
has a troubled past — it's pretty well
documented -- and he's gone over-
board to rehabilitate himself and has
now been the victim of a defamatory
rampage," I ionickman said.
"He's on Youtube. He's even coming
into his neighbourhood putting flyers
in people's mailboxes."
So 11n March 2009, i kitchens went to
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"/a Robot Sian Vow 211M,Ort Faxes u porn sayer."
The convicted cotillion
launched a defamation
action against scanl.com
and won an interim injunc-
tion against the website
posting "derogatory
The outrageous order
went even further — allow-
ing Ilutchens to enter scam.
cont offices and search for
the iP addresses of four
anonymous posters alleg-
edly libelling hint.
Hillier, though, was never
mentioned by the court -- he
didn't post anonymously.
But Hutchens still had two
OPP officers bang on his
door and demand his com-
puter — which Horkins has
slammed as a "ridiculous
and unnecessary use of
police resources," and a
"gross misuse" of the court
1n the meantime, with
Ilillier's computer seized
and websites warned off
posting against hint, the
judge accused llutchens of
dragging his heels on his
original defamation suit
because he'd achieved his
real goal: "Ile silenced Brent
But no more.
Saying Hillier's "free
speech has been seriously
limited", Horkins ordered
the return of his computer
and an end to the temporary
injunction "'This experienced
has changed my life in pro-
found ways. 1 have lost my
entire business making it
difficult for me to give my
wife and children things
which they deserve. This
nightmare caused by Sandy
llutchens has so negatively
affected my family. Sandy
!kitchens has hired Private
investigators to follow ale
and any family around, to
watch my wife at work in a
local mall for hours, and to
sit in front of the office
where 1 now work, again for
hours. 1 have recorded some
of my encounters with those
Private investigators, includ-
ing a message where one
Private investigator is chat-
ting with another one about
ale, my wife, and children.
Admittedly, it is quite scary
and stressful. When I had
confrontations with therm, I
would call the police, but
the police would do noth-
ing. I think the worst day
was when i had to tell my
teenage daughter she had to
quit Nursing in college and
move hack home because I
could not afford it ail more.
My family will he affected by
this for the rest of their lives
as dealing with not only the
stress of losing everything
but the dynamics of
relationship changes and
the disappointment a
worthlessness i felt as a t,,
ther for not do their job as
the family provider. That
would be enough for anyone
but it does not stop there try
having private investigators
following you and your fam-
ily around off and on for
years. Even to the point of
talking to our land lords,
neighbors and friend to tell
them we are the bad people,
and we are the scammers.
'Then to see web posting and
youtube posting that tall lies
about our family and then
having people tell you about
them and question you as if
they were real and then the
friends just stop calling"
"For two years Hutchens
has improperly used the
courts to be his sword to
defeat people who had every
right to speak their mind,"
said Hillier's lawyer, Brian
"It was a gross miscarriage
of justice that was finally
corrected after my client
spent tens of thousands of
dollars just to defend
himself from a nun, he says,
who has victims littered all
across North America"
So, look out Moishe
Alexander or whatever your
current name is.
"1 will continue to investi-
gate him," warned Shiller,
who is assisting Ilillier.
"My client's not going to
stop until he's in jail"
Life after being scammed
"'Ihe best advice 1 can give
people is to do their home-
work, search the Internet,
and don't take ,anything for
granted. Unfortunately,
some scams are pretty
elaborate that it's difficult to
really recognize a sophisti-
cated scans. If you do get
scammed, expose it, and try
to make sure they do not do
the same thing to others.
Part of the problem is that
people don't report fraud-
sters and scammers. They
just figure that someone else
will do it so why should 1
bother. I don't want the
same thing happen to other
families, so that's why i've
been doing any best ►
publicize and expos,
- Iles from Michele
Mandel, lbronto Sun