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Lakeshore Advance, 2011-01-26, Page 19
Wednesday, January 26,2011 • Lakeshore Advance '19 Fergie Jenkins and Canadian Ball Hall partner in new exclusive trophy line The Canadian Baseball hall of Fame & Museum and Nothers proudly announced today the release the first in a continuing series - The Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame Collectible Baseball ard. The trophy wi11 feature a 41pique Canadian Hall of lamer nually, and is available to every baseball organization across Canada. The inaugural award, available for the 2011 season with orders placed by March 1, proudly dis- plays an autographed picture of Fergie Jenkins - Canada's greatest all-time pitcher. The award stands over seven inches tall and is hold in its pride of Canada. The maple leaf and has been incorporated to represent the love of the game and recognize the strong history of Canadian baseball, 'Ihe Ball hall, located in pictur- esque St Marys Ontario, has part- nered with Nothers Signs & Recog- nition, which is based 30 minutes away in London, in this beautiful way of honouring the spirit of the game and its Canadian heritage. A portion of the proceeds from each $8,95 award will be directed towards funding the participation of at -risk boys and girls in the I!till's Kll)S ON DECK summer camp program. last year, more than 200 youths participated in the week-long camps held in July, and were instructed by icons Kelly Gruber, 'Pony Fernandez, Robbie Alomar, and Team Canada. The focus of the KOl) program, tar- geted for kids aged nine to 15, is on baseball FllNdamentals, as well as using baseball as a medium to promote social justice, cultural awareness to boys and girls, base - hall and softball players, beginners as well as the well -skilled, Jenkins, the Chatham, Ontario native who won 284 games in the major league's and struck out more than 3,000 hitters, has long been a supporter of the KOI) program, "The 1 lall has done a fantastic job honouring CanadInna and operating its magnificent 32 -acre complex," said Jenkins, whose mother's family came to Canada via the Underground Railroad. "'the camps for kids are a natu- ral extension of the education and promotion of the game to Canadi- ans. ihe boys and girls learn base- ball, swim, attend a Blue Jays ganle, and have all kinds of fun - it's just a fantastic opportunity. But I'm most proud at how well the KO1) program breaks down per- ceived harriers such as race, reli- gion, gender and language. It is much easier to get thein to embrace differences in their youth than to try to uproot intolerance in adults." For details on the ordering and supply process contact Jeff Scott at Nothers Signs & Recognition at 1.800.265.1554 Ext 502 or Jeff@ nothers.com - Nothers has served youth sports organizations coast to coast for over 40 years. For further information on the Canadian Base- ball flail of lame visit their website at www.baseballhalloffame,ca Network Classifieds 100% AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL - We can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your cir- cumstances are. Drive a little and save a lot. Over 300 vehicles to choose from. Apply online www.gables.ca. 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