HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-01-26, Page 7Wednesday, January 26, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7 Eat your fresh vegetables & fruits all winter long Want an easy way to help yourself eat your fresh veggies and fruits this winter? Try the Huron Good Food Box. The Huron Good Food Box is a lunteer-based program that pro- oess a monthly box of fruits and getables to all Huron County resi- dents for only $15.00! The Good Food Box also provides an introduc- tion to delicious new products and recipes. "The program runs year-round to offer fresh vegetables and fruits at an affordable price to all Huron County residents, not just low - SHOPPERS 4116- DRUG man 65 Main St. E., Grand Bind 238-8540 FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY Toll Free HEALTH 1-800-551.0723 Get Rid of It With the Find buyers for your unwanted items with a classified ad. Call Today! 25 Words only $8.25 (plus HST) • Grand OBe Bend St. N. 238-5383 JJGIAND BIND DECORATING i FLOORING G'usrte i RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Benjamin Moore Paints • NMNpaper Carpet • Flooring • Binds GRAND BEND 48 Ontario St. S. 238.8609 FOREST Hwy 021 786.87111 1 Income families," says Good Food Box Coordinator, Brittany Fry. "We continue to purchase locally -grown foods throughout the year, but in the winter months, we purchase about half of the box items from a local grocery store," The Good Food Box offers great value because the program is able to purchase produce in bulk and pass the savings along to the customers, often saving up to 40 per cent off of grocery store prices. 11 provides con- sutners with access to healthy, nutri- tious food products while support- ing local farmers and suppliers, the local economy and the sustainabil- ity of a healthy community. "As outlined in the County of Huron's 'Take Action' report, the Good Food Box is a great initiative to support the long-term health of our communities as well as the local economy, says Huron's Sustainabil- ity Consultant, Lindsey Goodchild. Grand Bend and area residents can purchase the Good Food Box at their neighbourhood host sites, the Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre and the Zurich Public Library. Orders must be placed by the first Friday of every month, and must be pre -paid in cash ($15.00) at the time that orders are placed. Pick- ups occur on the third Thursday of the month: Grand Bend Area Com- munity Ilealth from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and the Blessings Community Store from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. February box orders are due Fri- day, February 4, 2011 and will be picked up Thursday, February 17, 2011 at the Grand Bend Area Com- munity Health and the Blessings Community Store. Please bring a bag/box to carry your items home. "There is no obligation to order every month, but we do encourage customers to try boxes over a two or three month period because box contents vary according to season and availability, says Fry. The Good Food Box program has distribution sites throughout Huron County including: Bayfield, Blyth, Clinton, Exeter, Goderich, Hensall, Seaforth and Wingham. A complete list of order and pick-up sites in Huron can be seen at www.huron- county.ca/health/food/gfb.php. For more information please con- tact Brittany Fry, Iiuron Good Food Box Coordinator at 519-482-3416 x 2244 or bfry@huroncounty.ca. WHAT'S HAPPENING? If your non-profit group or organization would like to list their event on this page please contact Cindy Maxfield at the Grand Bend Community Health Centre 238-2362 or fax 238-6478 by the third Monday of the month prior to the event being held. Our thanks to the advertisers who made this page possible. What's Happening February 2011 Jan, 27th "Good'1).me Country Jamborw" 1-3:30 pm Port Franks Community. Centre. Tea and coffee provided, please hung cookies. Call Jim 519-243-4036 or Bev at 519-243.2297 for more information. Feb. 1st Weight Watchers St. John's Anglican Church Parish Hall 6:(10pm Feb IM "Healthy Lifestyle Exercise in Pon Franks ": Linedancing starts at 8:30 followed by exercise from 9-10 a.m. Pon Franks Community Centre. Instructors Cathy Jones. Call Cindy Maxfield at the Grand Bend Area Community. Health Centre 519-138-1556 ext 231. Feb 2nd "Savanna Strollers Pinery Park or Lampton Heritage Museum Indo r Walking Program' every Wednesday we meet at the tamhton Heritage Museum parking lot by 9:30 a.m. Now you have the choice of walking either indoor or outside all winter. Pinery group will head over to the park the indoor walkers will go into the Lambkin Heritage Museum to walk safely through the galleries. No cost ! Contact Cindy. Maxfield at 519-238-1556 ext 231 for more info on the indoor program. Please bring clean dry running shoes if walking outside please dress appropriately. Feb. Ind St. John's Matters St. John's Anglican Church Parish Hall 111:(X1 am -noon Feb 2nd "Grand Bend Golden Agers" Annual Lunch 12:30 p.m. Shuffleboard every Mon 10-12 and Thurs. from 9:30 am., Euchre every 2 & 4 Thursday at l pm. Contacts: Shirley Pok 519-238-8205 or Fred Willem 519-238-6028. Feb 2nd "Meditation Relaxation Circle" Free program every Wednesday 7 p.m. Community Room at the Grand Bend Area ('HC . Everyone welcome. Instructor Diane Littlejohns. Call 519.238.1556 ext 231 for details. Feb, 3rd "Healthy Lifestyle Exercise and ('gentle Exercise Classes Grand Bend CNC" 9:1X1 a.m. and 10:30 a.nt. !:very Mon. & Thurs. Please bring clean indoor running shoes and wear loose comfortable clothes. Contact Health Promoter Cindy. Maxfield at 519-238-1556 ext 131 for details. Feb 3rd "Early Stage Alr.heim is Support Gawp" This series is for individuals who are in the early stages of Alzheimer's.Adult Day Centre Grand Bend CHC from 10.11:30 am Contact Jennifer Bums First Link coordinator atl-8(X1-561-50122. Feb 3rd "Sunset Cinema" al the Grand Bend Area ('HC community room. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the tilin starting at 7 p.m. Mov is is ' Coya's Ghost" It is a historical drama spanning the Spanish Inquisition. Feb 7th "AI/helmet Caregiver Support" 7 p.m. Grand Bend Area CH('. Group program that provides education and suppxm to caregivers. Plea.e contact the Aliheimer's Society of Huron at 1.801-561.50122 for details. Feb 8th "Grand Bend Women's Probus Meeting" 9:3(1 a.m. Grand Bend Legion. Topic :Valentine/Ncan & StrokelWinter ('aurical Runde Feb 8th Weight Watchers St. John's Anglican Church Parish Hall 6:0X0pnr Feb 9th "t coking for One or 1\vo" Grand Bend ('HC. 11:30-2 p.m. in the Community Roost. Loam hove to scale down recipes, tree/e portions and make new friends! ('all Miranda 519-238-1556 ext 222 to register. www.ghachc.ca Feb 9th St. John's Matters St. John's Anglican Church Parish Hall 10:(X0 am -noon Feb 10th Dining for Seniors St. John's Anglican Church Parish Hall noon F'eb ISIh "Pon Franks Garden Club General Meeting" 7:30 p.m. Pon Franks Community Centre. Guest speaker ('athenne M,nielh speaks on Communities in Bloom. Everyone Welcome! Contact Heather for into 519.2243.1818. Refreshments and door pn/cs' Feb. 15th Weight Watchers St. John's Anglican ('hurrah Parish Hall 6:(0 pm Feb 16th St. John's Matters St. John's Anglican Church Parish Hall 10:(X) am -noon Feb. 17 th "Grand Bend Women's Institute meeting" 1:30 p.m. Adult Day Centre Wing.lopic !lean and Stroke speaker. Feb 22nd Weight Watchers St. John's Anglican Church parish Hall 6:00pm Feb, 23rd St. John's Matters St. John's Anglican Church Parish Hall Ill:(Xlam•no n Feb 23rd "Men Can Cook" 10-1 p.m. Grand Bend Area CH('. Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a tasty health) lunch for $5. Contact Miranda at 519-238-1556 ext 222. www.ghehc.ca. Feb 23rd "Huhn Country Playhouse Guild" regular monthly luncheon meeting to be held at the Schoolhouse ouse Restaurant staving at 12 noon. Please call Marguerite at 519.238.2331 for further information. New members and guests are welcome! Feb, 24th "Blood Pressure Clinic" Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre 2-4 p.nt. in the Adult D.t) Wing. Everyone wehoume! Feb. 24th Dining for Seniors St. John's Anglican Church Parish Hall noon Feb 28th Milne Living Well Chub" Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre 2-4 p.m. Join us for our free monthly program. Refreshments, guest speakers on community services, nutrition, assisted devices to help you live a better quality of life and much more. Everyone welcome! Contact Kate Macon at 519.238-2362 ext 241 for details. FINANCIAL PLANNING BRIAN HALL, CLU RHU Certified Financial Planner Chartered financial Consultant 519.238-8892 45 Ontario St. N. Grand Bond ENTHUSIASM... SERVICE... SOLUTIONS. "Over 28 veers experience ire helping to plan bright futures" 'ax/point Financial (Irotip Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre Primary Care Health Promotion Programs 69 Main St. E Grand Bend For information call 519-238-1556 ext. 231 GRAND BEND CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTRE Chiropractor Registered Massage Therapist Orthotics Ultrasound Natural Safe Effective Care 519-238.1111