HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-01-26, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, January 26, 2011
New council members briefed on treatment facflity
Lambton Shores
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
It was billed as a meeting to educate the
new Lambton Shores councilors regarding
the tri -municipal sanitary treatment facil-
ity but some members of council also
wanted the public to be able to question
the expert in attendance. the Mayor Bill
Weber quoted from the procedural by-law
regarding delegations. The mayor said the
last council meeting resulted in mayhem
and that would not happen again. He
explained this meeting was a briefing ses-
sion for council and there would be no
debate or actions taken relative to the
Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg
made a motion that stated since the expert,
Dr. Louise'Pasfi, of Dillon Consulting was
there, this would be a good opportunity for
the public to ask questions. "This is a coun-
cil meeting, not a public meeting"
explained Weber. John Russell said this
was not the intention of this meeting.
Councilor Martin Underwood questioned
if this, the question period from the gallery,
was permitted, what about the people who
would have liked to speak but were not
aware there was a public meeting. Davis-
Dagg asked if in the future people would
be able to ask questions of this expert. The
deputy mayor's motion to let the gallery
ask questions, at this nlc'eting, was lost.
The facility
and its background
Dr. Louise Taski, of Dillon caro` to
council, at their request, to brief the new
members regarding the Grand Bend and
area master sanitary sewer treatment facil-
ity.'Ihis project includes the former Village
of Grand Bend and the surrounding area
including portions of Lambton Shores,
South I luron and Bluewater, and also Pin-
ery Provincial Park. The Master Plan out-
lines sanitary sewage infrastructure
improvements that am required over the
next 20 years to meet the needs of existing
and future development. lion sanitary sew-
age coverage was recommended. A com-
bination of low pressure and conventional
collection systems was the preferred
method of servicing the study area. The
expansion and upgrade of the S'1'F was
identified as the preferred solution for
meeting immediate and future sewage
treatment needs and Dr. Taski explained
For the mechanical treatment two of the
former lagoon cells are to be used as wet-
lands for sludge storage. One of the other
former lagooncells will b e split, with a por-
tion of the lagoon converted into a waste
sludge stabilization lagoon and the
remainder used to store wet weather flows.
Municipal Act, 2001
Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land described below and
will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 16 February 2011, at the Municipal Office,
Finance Department, 4 Ontario St. North, PO Box 340, Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after
3:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office, Finance Department, 4 Ontario St. North, Grand Bond.
Description of Lands:
Roll No. 38 45 410 002 01100 0000; 7297 Arkona Rd. Arkona; PIN 43058-0121(LT)
Lane Plan 7 Warwick abutting Lot 79 Plan 7; Part Lots 77-79 Plan 7 Warwick as in
L510854; Lambton Shores. File 09-01
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 19,666.04
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a
deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or
trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the
tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any
other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these
matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act. 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules
made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount
tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful
Note: HST may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescnbod tom) of tender
Wendy Jennison, Tax Collector
The Corporation of the Municipality of Lambton Shores
4 Ontario St. North, PO Box 340
Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO
(519) 238-8461 Ext. 225
Some of the additional benefits of
the proposed solution are: long
term sludge management al the
site (i.e., not requiring land appli
cation or landfilling; of slutigel. No
additional land \viol he required -
all works will be containett \vithin
the existing site. '1'ht' sludge- con
tainment wetlands will provide
diverse and valuable\\t'thind hahi
tat, consisting of biological treat
ment, tertiary filtration, and (t\'
disinfection was selected.
Some of the additional benefits
of the proposed solution tae:1 ong
tt'rnl sludge iltanagement at the
site (i.e., not requiring land appli-
cation or landtilling of sludge). No
additional land will he required -
all works will he contained within
the existing site. The sludge con-
tainment wetlands will provide
divers:• and valuable wetland
In his demonstration, i)r,'lltski
In background, Dr. lltskl said
the em'iromnental stuffy report tot
the Sl'F was completed in March
2009. The study included the evalu
ation of alternative tr`atmerlt solo
t10115 tend treatment plant upgrade
options such as Wetland, New
Hamburg and ntevhanical plant.
He said the detailed design is
complete and was submitted to
South 1 duan for site plan apptuval,
They have secured Building Can
aria fund of $1.1.9 million for plant
expansion and upgrade and a
$4I(X),000 grant and $''million Iran
tltlm the federation of Canadian
Municipalities under the Green
Municipal titrit Outstanding items
include the Official icia l flan and /on
ing by Lav amendments to add u
NOVO ;wound 5 lel site, the C of :\
application <nal the lir`-selection
lit t'ontlat'toms Gild se`let'tltlll lit
The existing lagoon is made up
atom ponds, Although the lagoon
is not at capacity the spate that is
theme is earmarked for battle &\t'1•
opntetu already in the planing
stages. That includes parts "�
Southltend Fstates and the exgc
sion of the Huron Comm
Less drunks on the road
l lump's2011 tally began early.
At 2:30 arta. New fear's I )ay, offic-
ers patrolling in I Lensall stopped
an "erratically" driven vehicle. A
37 year old male mesident of dine •
water allegedly blew three times
the legal limit.
Middlesex OPP CSO Chris
hinter said her department's ten
mow total tog' 2010 is 97 changes
but may rise as officers' reports
ate completed, Firm figures from
previous years are 85 charges in
2009, 113 in 2000, 10. in 2007 and
68 in '2006.
"Prior to 2016 the numbers
\vete around 60 to 70 per year so
we have tncleased and slaying
about the same," Constable
1linter told the A
fife 1)PP reported from its
tlrilii;a headquartets that,
ptovtnce wide, its officers
checked mote than 1,0911,000
vehicles during the November' 26
through kanualy 2 Festive 11.1.1).F.
campaign, those checks resulted
in 291 people being charged with
impaired driving, over ,Ug blood
alcohol content or refusing breath
1)uting the previous year's
initiative, officers checked
1,199,280 vehicles and 299
persons \vete charged with
alcohol-related offences,
Preliminary 2010 statistics
indicate ;tall persons lost their
lives on roads patrolled by the
OPP, Sixty-eight deaths were
alcohol-t'elated, an increase of 17
from 20t)9,
"The OPP is committed to
reducing the tragic loss of lite on
our roads and will be conducting
regular 11,1,1).F. emigrants all year
long to reinforce this important
message," OPP Deputy
Commissioner Larry lleechey
said in a news release.
The Municipality of 1,� nihton Shores
A ►vooAly Uptlate on tho Alunrcrp;tl f vt►nts rn your Community
Administration Department 768:1 Amtrtaeom Parkway, P.O. Box 610, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
Tol 1-87t 7ttti•:'33S, !►19•lttte•:3.1!►, 1 As SItt Mt; :1,15, 1 meed ctdnm►istiotiondlan►btt►nsht►los ret
VISA aur 1' Jot, tiito cat www lcm►hh►nshoros rn
Discussion - Pt. Franks Ice Management Issue
Date: Saturday, January 29th
Time: 10:00 an) till noon
Pt. Franks Community Centre -- Main Hall
In response to community concoins about tho
most roeont 'co lana in i'1 Hanks, Council has
asked reprt►sonlativos of thtl Ausablo IRayfiold
l:onsorvation Autltolity to hnot rosidonts Hurl
property ownois on tho "Ica► Alanatit►nlnnt' done)
in 20OIt, 1 ocont studios rend possible) solutions o'
rospon;<os 1 ho mooting) is also holm) called to
allow attondoos the oppoitunily to repress thou
concerns, piovidr input on how tho pioblom
Wright ho addiossod and to lot Council know tho
impact those) 'co Iain; clio having) on thorn
Council is concornatl anti wants to hrai tient you on how it can hole, what proboity ownoi s
thontsolvos can do and how tho Ausablo N;lyliold C'oitsotvation Authonly nlight bo stir to assist