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Lakeshore Advance, 2011-01-26, Page 4
4 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, January 26, 2011 opliiim Lakesiloro Advaoco PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: ladvance@bowesnet.com SUN MEDIA A Quet &'co, Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/ Advertising Manager nclltford©bowesnot.cam LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor ladvance®bowesnet.com STEVE NORTHEY Advertising Sales JUUE HARRISON Typesetting/Classf ieds KATHY YOUNG Accounts Receivable SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular $39.95 (38.054 1.90 CS1) Online subscriptions avallable--acme rates Publications Mall Agreement No. 40064689 PAP REGISTRATION NO. 7591 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.0. Box 119558 Ontario St, North Grand Bend ON NOM 1 TO For any non•dellverIes or delivery concerns: phone: 519.238.5383 e• mall: ladvanceGbowesnet.com Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to Lakeshore Advance at the address Indicated here. Advertising Is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising apace occupied by the erroneous Item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates. °Nor adaawlape the INtanclalsupport o/tln GovorrrrnenlotCanada, though tut RubiloadbnsAsskdlrtce Program (114P)towaadourrlatingcoet " Canada Aocna eft opc letters to the editor Everyone should play Why is it that when your child tries out for a team, example volleyball or basketball, and they make the teem. 'lhey only get to play minimal games. If there is a tournament or an important game, they have to sit on the bench. Shouldn't all chil- dren who make the team, get to play every game. I thought it was a team sport. If you make the team, then you should get to play. 1 have seen, over and over again. children sitting on the bench because they want the older children to play. One example I saw, was when the coach actually saki, you are going to sit out the major games, because I want the older chil- dren to play. Another year later, it was, you're going to sit our because I'm trying to build a team with the younger players for the next 3 years. What is hap- pening in school sports. All chil- dren who qualify to play, should play. 'Thanks for your time. DI Osment, Dashwood Where is your focus now; Fergusson 1 read with interest the recent articles in the Lakeshore Advance on the decision by the I heron County administration to embark on an information quest on the composition of 1 Iuron County Council and defi- nition of "elector" within the current County bylaw. It raises several questions as to who is in charge. Process would dictate that such a important decision to the level of govertgrnent that collects the highest percentage of our property tax should come under the direction of accountable elected officials. The bylaw governing the com- position and thereby the gov- ernance of I luron County was adopted in November 1999 and was not questioned when the number of councillors was raised by 2 after the 2006 elec- tion. It would appear that as long as representation was increasing no objections were raised by the Municipalities, Councillors or the CAO. 1 have not been able to find where this decision was ratified by the County Council but 1 expect it will he carried as the 4 Municipalities who have retained their 3rd representative collectively hold 11 votes which is a majority in the 20 member council. What does all this mean - the impact to the residents of 1luron County by following the existing bylaw would have meant a min- imum reduction of $400,000 in the cost of County Council over the next 4 years. So I ask where are all those now elected councillors who only weeks ago were campaign- ing on accountability, transpar- ency and financial responsibil- ity in Municipal government. Thanks for your time. Jim Fergusson, Bayfield Concern for completion of Legacy 1 am very concerned with respect to the completion of 1.egacy Centre/Ihedford Arena because, when you say delayed until later in 2011, does not give me a specific date on the com- pletion of the Legacy Centre project. From reading other papers and, receiving corre- spondence from the Munici- pality of Laughton Shores, it stated that the best they could do is a cotnpletion date of March 2011. The reason 1 am concerned is, that the 2010- 2011 season was lost for'Ihed- ford-Bosanquet Old Timers League because, of these reno- vations and, we do not want more time lost and, having to fold the league which the league will not do. I've been involved in the 'Ihedford-Bosanquet Old Tim- ers League since 198(1 and, have done hockey games at Medford Arena since 1982 and, I would like to continue my career which goes into, my 30th year in the 2011-2012 season. I would like to see this project done and, gatnes happening at Thedford Arena again in this newly renovated facility and, make sure Ihedford Arena doesn'V*it empty and, our taxes going through the roof. Paul Augustine Thedtord, Ontario, This diamond ring... A big congratulations to Prince William and Kate Middleton on their upcoming impala's in April. Kate (a "commoner") and Willy have given the Royal establishment and the rest of the world a breath of fresh air as they have publicly stated that they will not require any servants to attend to their every ‘vhinl, as they prefer to lead as much a private and 'normal" Iif(' as possible. Kate will arrive for the ceremony not in a Royal Coach, but by car, and if it weren't for the tradition of Royalty in England, I'in sure they would prefer a quiet ceremony with family and close friends....how common. Interesting to toot(' that (lad Prince Charles and now wife Camilla Parker Bowies, require no less than '3 servants to assist them in tl.k daily lives...hnlnunm. You can see a great deal of mother and "commoner" Lady Diana in Prince William. Let's hope that Willy and Kate can negotiate a better security team than Charles and Camilla had when they were driven through ,t large crowd of rioting student protesters a few %Ve('ks back. ihev will surely need it as their big day will snake a great target for Al-Oaeda and other Islamic extremist groups....a situation that's becoming all too common. Good luck to the next King of England and his outstanding fiance. Mark Simpson, Port Franks Evicting social services not part of the plan Congratulations to the (rand Bend Community Health Centre on receiving funding to provide Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease services. 'They should also be commended for finding a suitable location without disrupting community partners located at the Ilealth Centre. The effort of this community to raise $617,667 was with the understanding that Social Services would be in partnership with NLCHC in the same building and NLCHC should honour that commitment." The North Lambton Community health Centre has also been awarded COPD funding. Unfortunately they have chosen to evict the present social services from the premises that the residents of Forest and area have been utilizing for 12 years. Does it no make more sense to keep the present services intact and find another location for the COPD Rehabilitation Teanl? North Lambton Cl IC was to service all of Lambton County.Grand Bend is to service South Huron to Sarnia. If the GBCIIC branch is being placed in Thedford would it not make sense for the other to be located in the Petrolia or Wyoming area to ensure equal accessibility for all residents? The COPD program is to service a min. of 55 people in each location. Social Services in Forest host 16 agencies and provide programs on average for 2000 individuals annually. I strongly urge the people of Forest and the surrounding area to speak out and stand up for the services they deserve. February 1st is coming fast. Without a change to the present direction taken by NLCHC your services could become less accessible, fragmented or crease to exist in the area. The effort of this community to raise $617,667 was with the understanding that Social Services would h in partnership with NLC11(. the same building and NLCHC should honour that commitment. Kim Percy, Grand Bend