HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-01-26, Page 3Wednesday, January 26, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 3
MP Bev Shipley gets input from Lambton Kent Middlesex taxpayers
Lynda Hillman -Replay
Lakeshore Advance
strong banking system. We provided financial security to are also looking at ways to reduce that come from the federal
injected stimulus into the economy families through the global government waste and protect government . Ile talked about
before the crisis by cutting taxes. recession. Canada has entered the taxpayers' dollars. Our Government funding to help provinces reduce
Lambton Kent Middlesex MP And we rejected the job -killing recession stronger, and has been will balance the budget by 2015, improve the delivery of health
Bev Shipley visited Grand Bend on carbon tax. less harshly affected, than other reduce government waste, and services.
Saturday on his town hall meeting Shipley said once the crisis hit countries," he said. keep taxes down. We will continue Other questions centred around
r. The meetings are to gather we didn't panic. Instead, we went While the recovery is fragile, to provide the economic certainty, pension programs within small
`A and views, regarding budget to work. We fast -tracked our Canada's economy is recovering. stability, financial security and business and how difficult that is
1 and with a riding the size of Budget. We created jobs by Our economy has recovered more opportunities that all Canadians for an employer to make it a reality.
PEI, Shipley was hoping to speak to investing in roads, bridges, public jobs than were lost during the deserve.' Shipley agreed with the small
as many of his constituents as transit and other infrastructure. global recession and since July Q&A business man in the gallery stating
possible. The information he We stimulated consumer spending 2009 over 450,000 new jobs have Question from the floor began that 65 per cent of Canadians don't
collects will be submitted to the by delivering further tax cuts and been created across the country. with Hill Metcalf asking about have pension plans. Shipley said
Minister of Finance. Shipley encouraging families to improve "We know that Canadians are reduced spending in every budgets and savings should be
explained that Canada's economy their homes through measures concerned about the economy. department as Shipley had taught to youth so they have some
is recovering but the global such as the Home Renovation Tax Canadians are concerned about discussed earlier in the meeting. awareness before they accept the
economic recession continues. He Credit. We supported workers and their jobs, their retirements, and "Is that a fact?" asked Metcalf. many credit cards offered in
said now is the time to plan the families by freezing El premiums their families' financial security. Shipley said yes and that he had university and are unable to pay
next phase of the Economic Action and enhancing unemployment Moreover, the ongoing difficulties sent out releases to state that them off. "Young people are not
Plan. Grand Bend's meeting at the benefits for those hardest-hit by in the American economy, the information. Metcalf said that was educated in the school system
public school, was the fourth on the global recession. economic situation in Europe, and key to the principle of what Shipley about retirement planning," he
his tour. There were 25 people in " W e know Canadians are the ever present risk of was saying and he should make said.
attendance. Shipley has conducted concerned about the economy. protectionism, are clear signs that sure people know that. Another resident told Shipley the
town hall meetings and stakeholder Canadians are concerned about the global economic recovery While one man asked about Internet was a way he should be
groups on various issues since first their jobs, their retirement and remains fragile and uncertain," agriculture and NAFTA, Jordy looking at better communication,
being elected in 2006, their families' financial security," Shipley said the economy Speak asked about export and and that the government site
He told the crowd the he said. Living within our needs remains the number one priority of asked how the government could should be reader friendly -which
Conservative Government will and reducing waste and reduction," our Government. We must make coordinate Canadian and she feels is not.
introduce their 2011 budget in the he explained adding this sure that Canada comes out of the American codes to make transport A heckler in the crowd, NDP
very near future. "As your Member government will nor make global recession stronger than ever. easier. Shipley said candidate Joe 11111 disagreed often
of Parliament, 1 value and dangerous new government Therefore, our Government is Cam Taylor was interested in to what Shipley said. A Shipley
appreciate your views," he said. spending commitments this year beginning to focus on the next what Shipley had to say about supporter made it clear he was
As you know, ourGoverntnent that would trigger higher taxes, kill phase of Canada's Economic health care and privatizing being inappropriate and should
met the challenge of the global jobs and reverse Canada's fragile Action Plan to sustain the fragile insurance. Taylor sited from the have his own meeting if he had
economic crisis head-on with the economic growth. economic recovery. January 14th McLeans magazine. information t0 share.
Economic Action Plan. First, we "Today, it is clear that the "We are looking at low-cost ways "We should allow our health Submissions for Shipley can be
took preventive action. We paid Economic Action Plan is working. of creating jobs and economic insurance to be private,"'Taylor sent t0 360 Alpert St, Strathroy On,
down debt when times were good. lt, being $65 billion in infrastructure growth while staying on track to said. Shipley spoke about the N7G 311, by fax to 519-627-4635, or
We strengthened our already dollars, has created jobs and balance the Budget by 2015. We Canada Health Transfer dollars email t0 shiplblbooparl.g;c.ca
Lakeshore Advance
Ise Shipley b Grand Bead Sander/
Through tho muster planning process, the Lake Huron Printery Water Supply System hes
Identified that twinning of Additional segments of rho 1200 rem transmission mein Is required. This
Is In order to ensure the efficient long term operation of rho Lake Huron Primary Water Supply
System This project Ix being conducted under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
process for Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects (Municipal Engineer's Association. Juno
Under This process, agency end public Input Is Invited for Incorporation Into Iho planning and
design of this project. A second Public Information Centro will bo held on Wednesday February
2, 2011 from 7:OOpm • 9:OOpm at the North Middlesex District Community Centro (224
McLeod SI, Parkhill) to present the proferred study alternative and to obtain public and agency
Input on the project. This meeting will have a formal presentation starting at 7;30pm.
Representatives from LHPWSS and the project's consulting team will be available to answer
questions and discuss the study. For further Information on this project, or If you have any
questions regarding the study, please contact one of the people listed below.
LHPWSB Board of Management
Brian Lima, P. Eng
Capital Projects Manager
c/o City of London
Regional Water Supply Division
300 Dutferin Ave. P.O. Sox 5035
London, ON NBA 4L9
Fax: (619) 474.0451
Rmall: blIma®Iondon.ce
Mantes) Consulting Ltd.
Michele Oxlade, B.Sc., EMX
Environmental Coordinator
800-171 Queens Avenue
London, ON NSA 5J7
Fax: (519) 545.6575
Small: mlchele.oxlnde®stantec.com