HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-01-19, Page 18sk ',Imptimmumpiimpummitet 471 1. 18 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, January .19,,2011 Snowmobile plunges through lake ice OPP Briefs Lanlbton OPP warns that not all ice condi- tions are suitable for snowmobiles yet. 'Ibis follows an incident on the 16th of January, 2011 at around 11:45am where a 2008 Yamaha snowmobile was being driven on ice along the shore of lake 1 luron near kettle Point. 'Ihe machine with rider and passenger was being driven on ice covering a deep canal area approximately 3 metres from shore when the machine broke through the ice. 'Ihe passengers were able to get out of the water and were uninjured. The machine remains submerged and will not be retrieved until spring when the ice melts. Ice does not freeze at a uniform thickness across most lakes and rivers. This can he par- ticularly evident at the start of the winter sea- son when near -shore ice is Often much thicker and safer than ice further out. Anglers and snownutbilers should check thickness regu- larly with a spud bar or auger as they move further out on the ice. Not all ice is created equal. Ice that has formed over flowing water, springs, pressure cracks, old Ice holes or around the mouths of rivers and streams can be weaker than sur- rounding ice. Clear blue ice is the strongest. White or opaque ice is much weaker. Ice that has a honeycombed look, common during thaws or in the spring, should be avoided altogether, '?'raveling on frozen lakes or rivers with snowmobiles or vehicles can be particularly dangerous and added precautions must be taken. At least 20 centimeters (eight inches) of clear blue ice is required for snowmobiles and 30 centimeters (12 inches) or more is needed for most light vehicles. Double this amount if the ice is white or opaque. Remember that heavy snow on a froze► Take or river can insulate the ice below cat ing the ice to freeze slower. Appropriate clothing and equipment are critical to safety and comfort. If you should fall through the ice, don't panic but rely 011 your floater suit and your set of ice picks that will help pull you out of frigid waters back onto ice. Network C1issifieds : Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! 80% COMMISSION TRAVELONLY has 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low Investment, unlimited Income poten- tial, generous tax/travel benefits. Run your travel company, full-time, part- time from home. Register for FREE seminar, www.travelonly.ca, 1-800- 608-1117, Ext. 2020. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE. Invest 10 hrs/wk and build a serious business. You guide and train - no sales, no Inventory, no risk. Great Income! www.fromgroen2green.com. WWW.PREMIERSOLARINC.COM "Your Long Term Solar Partners" - System Sales/Installations/ Financing/Dealership. Start Making Money with the 'MIcroFIT Program' TODAY! Call Now! Toll -Free 1-877- 255-9580. 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