HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-01-19, Page 17General Help Wanted r mi (,eneral Hull) Wafted General Help Wanted Food Services Assistant Summer Student (30 hrs !week) May 1 to July 23, 2011 lue ater.ompa�sion K>'re mntunih' est ome QUALIFICATIONS: • • Post -secondary student In Nutrition, Dietetics, or Food Services • Saye Food Handling Certificate required • Computer Skills • Background in gerontology and / or experience In Long -Term Cars an asset Joe; wend be a pelt of our dynem c, high puakty orgarwietion Wet neve it st te-o the-ef Long -Teri Cam e►v,mnrnentwet deeverlune community services in beteutinil southern Huron County Apply to: Blue Water Rest Home, R.R. #3, Zurich ON NOM 2T0 T: 519.236.4373 F: 519.236.7685 email: d.erb@biuewaterrosthome.com Deadlloe tor Applications: February 4, 2011 Wo nppreoate the efforts of a1 who apply. only those solocled for en union ew w,11 be contacted FUNDING FOR THIS POSITION FACILITATED BY "HEALTHKICK HURON" L Queensway Nursing & Retirement Home Is currently seeking motivated caregivers to assist Residents. Personal Support Workers Food Service Workers Part time hours are available, The ability to work various shifts including, weekends and cull in shifts is required for all positions. A Personal Support Worker or Fowl Service Worker ('cititicate is required to he considered for these positions. Please submit Your resume to: Administrator Box 369— 100 Queen St. E. Hensall, ON NOM 1XO Or entail to quecnsway.ad min O tcc .on.ca by January 26th, 2011 We thank you for applying for these positions hut only success- ful applicants will lx contacted for an interview. Queensway Nursing & Retirement Home Retirement Living & Long Tenn ('are BUSINESS OFFICE MANAGER QUEENSWAY NIIRSIN(', Sr RETIREMENT HOME?, an ac- credited Nursing and Retirement Home in the Nensall area, requires a self-starter with excellent organizational skills, who is also a prompt and professional multi-tasker, willing to accept an exciting and challenging position in a fast paced environment Responsibilities include: • Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll Requirements are: • Solid knowledge of accounting fundamentals • Strong computer accounting experience • A(Y'PA(' and Microsoft Office (Word/Excel) experience preferred Please reply in confidence with resume and cover letter by January 26, 2011 to: PROVINCIAL LONG TERM ('ARE INC. 1090 Morand St., Windsor, ON, N9(: 1J6 Attention: Linda Poupard, Controller Email: Ipoupard.pltc@cogeco.ca Fax: 519-966-3002 We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted General Help Wanted General Hell) Wanted Accepting Resumes for Experienced Mobile Crusher Operator Please fax resumes to: McCann Redi-Mix Inc. 519-237-3644 or email to urnoLVaul.cotu No phone calls We thank all that apply but only those being considered for an interview will to contacted Seminars K Workshops WANTED: FIREARMS STUDENTS. Our noxt "Ono Stop' Firoarms Courso is In Dashwood on February 5, 6 812th. Advanco rogls• tration only. Email terryr 0 hay not or call Torry Rompht at 519.237.3248 and leaver mossago Business Services "HONEY DO" property Itl(tlrllt►natl►co Homo repairs, mkt lobs, grass cutting, Inin- ruing, snow romoval. Largo Itropertios oasily maintained Glonn Pfaff 519-237-3835 Vl)1!1' 11311111 CUOMO VIM D00I\ S WIndowS WINDOWS 8 DOORS Call for a lino esti mato. Sales, Service and Installation. Blue. water Windows P. l)(x)is, 145 Huron Rd., Ciodorlch, 524.1250, o- Il►all sttlnsabiliewattor windows co or 48 Ontario St. N., Grand Bond, 519.238•Door (3667), o•mall bluowa- Inrsalnsohay not, www bluowatorwin- (tows cat 111011? /Saw Marking your milestones. For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 e•m•II obituaries a yourllfenioment..ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 • nt•11: mileston•s.sunn ourlifemoments,c• ()l,itu.nr ia•-. In Nl.'nn,,i i.u►i 1 leans.•. 1(II(0'. ( ,•I,'l,,.tla„n•. riot*, Coming Events GOOD TYME Country Jamboroo• January 2P', Port Franks Com- munity Centre, time 1 pm to 3:30 pmt. Ploaso bring cookies, Coffee and Tea provided. Fur- ther Into avallnWo from Jim 519-243-4036 or Bev 519.243.2297 Wednesday, Janusry,19.2011 • Lakeshore Advance 11 yoursi - /��moneents. Marking your milestones. For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 ••m•ll: obituaries uyourlllemomenti.c• All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 •-mall: mlleston•s.iunu ourllflmoment•.c• ()hitt 1,11 If-. In N1,'nt„ri.unn 11t,tttl.,, l',Irllt'. l Ir l,a.tla.,nti 1'101 t• In Menmrmins In Men►oriams John Baker Our lives go on without you But nothing is the same Wo have to hkie our heartaches When somoono spooks your nano Sad aro the hoarts that love you Silent are the tears that tall Living our Uvos without you Is the hardest part oI all You did so many things for us Your boort was kind and true And whoa wo Hooded someone Wo could always count on you Tho special yoars will not roturn Men we wore all togothor But with the lova within our hoarts You will walk with us lorovor Forever lovt,d, your wile ,inn, Brad & Lon, Bryan & Jodao, Becky R Brian, Jonatyn & Matt, Marley, Jonathon, Jarrett, I3ryanno, Carly. Cayloy & Cullon Obituaries MASSE, Theresa Marie (Rau) - At Bluowator Rost Homo, Zurich, Ont. on Friday, January 14, 2011, Thorosa Mario (Rau) Masse formerly of R.R. 2 Zurich passod away in hor 82nd yoar. Bolovod wifo of tho late Leo John Masse (2003). Dear mother of Beverley and Bob Eichler of London, Garry and Elizabeth Mosso of R.R. 2 Zurich, Dan and Karon Masse of Zurich, Susan and Randy Lovio of R.R.2 Zurich and Doug and Debra Masse of R.R. 2 Zurich. Loving grandmother of 15 grandchildren and of 12 groat- grandchildron, Doar sister of Antoinotto Taylor, Joan Geoffrey, Anthony and Patricia Rau, Henry and Matilda Rau, Harold Denommo, Mario Rau, Donna Rau. Sadly missed by her many niocos and nephews and the Onozimo Masso family. Predeceased by hor parents John and Matilda (Bedard) Rau, ono son Loo in infancy, ono sister Madeline Denonnmo and brothers Willrod Rau, Joseph Rau and Anthony (Alida) Rau. Visitation in tho J.M. MCBEATH FUNERAL HOME, 49 Goshen St. N., Zurich on Monday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. The Funeral Mass will be colobratod on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 11 a.m. in tho St. Potor's Roman Catholic Church, SI. Joseph, Ont. Fr. Gary Ducharrno colobrant, Spring interment St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery. Tho family would like to thank Dr. C.J. Wallace, Margie Vlsschor and tho staff of Bluewator Rost Homo for tho excellent caro of their mother. Memorial contributions may bo given 10 Multiple Sclerosis Society or a charity of ono's choice. Condoloncos forwardod through www.Jmmcbeathfunoralhome.com A tree will be planted as a living memorial to Thorosa Mosso. Obituaries DUCHARME, Raymond (Ray) Louis - Unexpectedly, at his residence, Friday, January 14, 2011, Raymond "Ray" Louis Ducharme, of Exeter, formerly of RR 1, Dashwood, age 78. Beloved husband of the Tate Grace Marie (Regier) Ducharme (1991). Loved father and father-in-law of Brenda and Jon Gaiser of Exeter, Christine and Scott Stewart of Thedford, Karen and Ruban Chelladurai of London, Mary -Ellen McBride of Exeter, Deb Feeney and fiance Jack Andrews of Mildmay, Janice and Jarett Kobe of Grand Bend and Donnas McBride. Loving grandfather of Meghan and Mike McLellan who are ox ecting Ray's first groat -grandchild, Jodi Gaiser, Micholle Gasser, Cori Stewart, Sean Stowart, Jason Chelladurai, Shane Cholladural, Taryn McBrido, Ben McBride, Maggio McBride, Bocca Feenoy, Matt Feeney, Charlotte Foonoy, Claire Kobo, Grace Kobe, Brooke Kobo and Eve Kobo. Dear brothor and brother-in-law of Boa Spitzer, Joan Rooth, Carol and John Vandormolon, Marion and Pat Sullivan, Torosa arid Jim Corny, Don Rogior, Charlie and Jacqui Rogior, Richard and Becky Regier. Romemberod by his many niocos, nophows and their fnmilios. Prodocoasod by his paronts Josoph and Edna (McClinchoy) Ducharme, brothor Jack Ducharmo, brothors-in-law Harvey Spitzer, Mol Rooth, Lloyd Rogior and Hay's formai wit° Janotto McDonald-Ducharme. Resting at tho T. HARRY HOFFMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME, Dashwood, with visitation Sunday 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Family and Parish prayors at tho funeral homo Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Tho Funoral Mass will bo colobratod at St. Bonifaco Roman Catholic Church, Zurich, Monday, January 17, 2011 at 11 a.m. Tho Rov. Father Grog Blonde Celebrant. Intorment St. Boniface Comotory, Zurich. A special thank you to the Town & Country Support Services and the Saint Elizabeth Health Caro for their kind and compassionate caro for Dad. If desired, memorial donations to those organizations or charity of choice would ho approciatod. Condoloncos at www.hoffmanfunoralhome.com HENDRICK, Elgin Albert - Peacefully, at South Huron Hospital, Exotor, Monday, January 10, 2011, Elgin Albort Hendrick, of Grand Covo Estates, Grand Bond, ago 79. Bolovod husband of Patricia "Pat" Anno (Mitcholl) Hondrick. Lovod father and father-in-law of Poter and Chario Hondrick of RR 1, Dashwood, Kim and Kon Pindor of Exotor. Loving grandpa of Kristy Pindor and Karly Pindor, both of Toronto and Kolsoy Pindor of Exotor. Doar brothor and brothor-in-law oI John and Ruth Hendrick of Grand Bond, Emil and Pat Hendrick of Exeter, Holon and Jorry Drysdalo of RR 1, Dashwood and Eleanor Hondrick of Exotor. Romonborod by his many niocos, nophows and their families. Prodocoasod by his brother Hugh Hondrick, paronts Samuol and Florence (Turnbull) Hondrick. Resting at tl►n T. HARRY HOFFMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME. Dashwood, with visitation Wednesday, 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. whom tho Funoral Sorvico will bo hold Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 11 a m. 'rho Rov. Harry Dishor officiating. Intormont Grand Bend Comotory. If dosirod, momorial donations to tho South Huron Hospital Foundation, Grand Bond United Church New Building Fund or a charity of your choice would be apprecintod. Elgin was a life time (armor and insurance agont with Hay Mutual Insurance Company for many years. Condoloncos at www.hoffmanfunoralhomo.com