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Wednesday, January 19, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Collection system talks deferred for new council members
Lynda HNknan-Ripley
Lakeshore Advance
The sewer collection system
discussion continued at Lamb -
ton Shores council last week
th the outcome being a defe-
.until new counilors are up
to speed regarding all the back-
ground of the entire sewer
process. The Service Area
includes existing and future
development in Zone 3,
including Southcott Pines,
Huron Woods, Beach ()'Pines,
Merrywoods, Wee Lake Estates,
Pinetree/Riverview Drive, and
Pinedale subdivisions.'Ihere is
currently a hold on the Zone 3
EA process. Zone 4 continues
south to the Cut. Regarding
approval of the Zone 4 EA, the
only component Lambton
Shores proceeded with was
the Pinery Park and Southbend
Estates, they have done noth-
ing further with sewers in Zone
4. A tri municipal (South
Huron, Bluewater and Lamb -
ton Shores) Sanitary Treatment
facility has been in the works
for many years. A collection
system began in the late 1970s
and was never completed past
the southern edge of Lake
Road in Grand Bend. In the
past 20 years there have been
at least three Environmental
Assessments done and so far -
no sewers. The EA is only a pre-
liminary step to get the possi-
bility on the radar, there it stops
until a financial strategy and a
phasing strategy is developed.
Lambton Shores staff have
repeated often that an EA is
done to enable them to make
application for special funding,
but does not mean people are
going to be forced to connect.
On July 13, 2010 a motion
was presented to the council of
the day that stated, "Councillor
Bill Weber advised that he had
presented a "Notice of Motion"
pertaining to the Zone 3 Sani-
tary Sewage Collection System,
as he felt it was necessary to
assure the residents that the
Council is listening to their
concerns, and that a decision
had not been made with
respect to the type of system
that will be selected. He noted
that the project is a long way
from final design and Council
is exploring the options and
issuesso as to be prepared for
4iture legislation changes and
ady for any possible funding
So council confirmed this
and they would take no further
action regarding implementa-
tion of any plan to extend
sanitary sewer services to Mine
3 until such time as a thorough
community dialogue regarding
alternative sewer systems,
including gravity and a hybrid
gravity/low pressure system, is
This motion also stated that
Council ootid( continue LIS
pursuit of financial assistance
grants etc. on the condition
that no further action relative
to implementation of any
sewer system be taken and that
this Council formally confirm
that a decision relative to sani-
tary sewers in Zone 3 will not
be made within its remaining
So, responding to this
request, it was recommended
by Peggy Van Arterio -West.
Director of Community Serv-
ices at the January 10th meet-
ing that Dillon brief cauncfl on
alternative collection systems
for the Zone 3 sewer system
along with time frames and
Council nienibers asked what
the value was by bringing Dil-
lon back in- asking if they had
already provided this informa-
tion. Counc. Doug Bonesteel
asked what it was costing every
time they asked Dillon to come
back. Deputy mayor Elizabeth
Davis Dagg suggested if there
are people who have docu-
mented information pertain-
ing to these alternatives and
would provide this for free, why
wouldn't they use it. Mayor Hill
Weber asked if thecae people
could hack up their informa-
Ward 7 Counc. lobo Russell
said they do have documented
data from the engineers
regarding alternative systems,
but that the new councilors
were not on council when this
information came forward,
"This was part of the proc-
ess," explained Russell.
Weber said the motion was
to investigate other options
and that is what Zone 3 asked
for. Ward 4 councilor Ruth tit -
man agreed stating only three
or four of the existing council
sat in on this and since there
was a new council- they should
read the material at hand and
hear what Dillon has to say fires
At the Dec. 20 meeting Ward
2 council Doug Bonesteel
asked when a discussion on
the Zone 3 Ad Hoc Committee
Thrms of Reference would take
place, CAO John Byme advised
the matter was scheduled for
the first meeting in January, It
was on the agenda for the Ian_
nary10 meeting but was
deferred after council d1s-
cussetd they would hold off on
collection system talks until
the new council was brought
up (0 speed on all previous
information provided,
Deputy manor F.tiiaabe h Davis
Dagg said, ...we have to keep
the 00 action option on the
Want comic. Doug Bonesteel
said this is a hugely cootriver-
siarl issue and they have to
..represent those who want,
those who don't and those
who ate undecided;'
During the question period
of the regular 1 a mbtan Shores
council meeting last tveek resi-
dent Walter Matt told mem-
bers and the gallery he had
some comments tvga ruling the
sewer project,
Laden with folders and
hand-out material, Kratz said
he wanted 10 discuss stopping
the Zone 4 implementation of
the pressure sewer collection
system for the "yet ti -serviced
portion of Zone 4."
Kratz said he had sent an
e-mail to the mayor asking for
time to speak to council.
When told this was not the
forum, he should have hooked
as a delegation, there was an
uproar from the crowd, Ntayor
Bili Weber asked council if they
wanted to hear from this man
at this time, tt being 10:40 p,m,
It wits decided that because
of the late time, it %vtal(' serve
the rate payer, gallery and
members of council better to
be able to defer this matter to
another meeting in a proper
delegation format and time for
council members to read his
The letter, authored by Kratz
stated the residents of Lamb -
ton Shores living in '(.one 4
were "victimized by a faulty
Notice of Completion dratted
by Dillon Consulting and the
Municipality of 1 anhton
The letter states the NoC for a
grinder pump sewage collec-
tion system prominently
shower) the names of the Pin-
ery Park and South Bend
estates but failed to mention by
name as part of Zone 4. 'those
names included Dalton, Deer
Run, 1)efore, Kelders and Rus -
Ton Trailer Parks, North
Boeunquet, (kik Forest Estates,
VanDongen, Walden North
and Walker Woods.
Krata stated they were
informed by the Ministry of
Environment (MOE) the
project file for Zone 4 has been approved and
a group from this zone sent an appeal to the
MOE asking that this NoC be re -issued.
On behalf of the residents, Kratz is asking
council to reconsider this situation and stop
further zone 4 implementation of a grinder
pump sewage collection system until residents
are prmerly consulted on this project.
fill' Zone 4 Pressure Sewer was approved
under the Envirotrnental Asseseannent Act and
allowed to proceed to Detailed Design and
construction. The sewer was designed to serv-
ice Pinery Park, Southbend Estates and exist-
ing and future development south of the
Grand Bend STP to the Ausable River "Cut"
Part of the system has been constructed and
now services Pinery Provincial Park. The
Project File was available for public review at
Lampton Shores' Port Franks Roam and
Ontario Street Offices as well as the Library.
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