HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-01-12, Page 13Free meds to quit smoking Lakeshore Advance Is your New Year's resolution to quit smoking? Now there is one more way to do it! Smokers in Huron County can take part in the ,,��'y '�,,TOP program and receive counselling '-�5rupport and free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), such as the patch, gum, lozenge or inhaler. Program participants will be tracked over months to determine how effective it is to distribute NRT, free of charge, in this manner. STOP, which stands for Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients, is an initiative being rolled out by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMII), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport, and the Huron County Health Unit. A workshop will be held at the Huron County Health Unit in Clinton on Tuesday January 11, 2011 from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. At the workshop, participants will learn about quit smoking aids and receive information to help them quit smoking. Participants will also receive five free weeks of nicotine replacement therapy (patch, gum, lozenge or inhaler), "Sometimes the cost of NR's' can hold people back from making a quit attempt. With our program, we get rid of the cost barrier and allow people to begin the quitting process so they may prevent smoking-related illness," said Peter Selby, Clinical Director of Addiction Programs at CAMH and Principal Investigator of the STOP initiative. "There are more choices than ever for smokers who want to quit," says Kim Ross Jones, Public health Promoter at the Health Unit. "We are happy to be partnering with CAW! and the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport to give Huron County residents another opportunity to quit smoking." "Smokers who are ready to quit smoking frequently need support, and we are ensuring that they have access to effective support to help them along the way. That is why the McGuinty government has made unprecedented investments to improve access to smoking cessation resources for Ontarians who are ready to quit," says Minister of 1Iealth Promotion and Sport Margarett Best. People who are interested in participating in the STOP workshops can call the Huron County I Iealth Unit at 519-482-3416 or, if long distance, 1-877-837-6143. Wednesday, January 12, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 13 Bluewater skating busy with competitions Camel Sweeney Lakeshore Advance The next Agricultural Society Fair Board meeting will be held on Tues., Jan. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the I lay lbwnship Hall, New members are most welcome to attend. The Bluerlvater Zurich Skating Club have been busy going to competitions at various places during the past couple of months such as Ttllsonburg, Windsor and Grimsby. The club will he holding a "Show Case" at the complex on Tues., Feb, 15 from 6 - 7:50 p.m. for the parents, friends and relatives to come out and see what the children have been learning at skating lessons. Also the Futures Competition is being held in Zurich on March 5 -6 with skaters coming from all over to take part. So be sure to mark it down on your calendar and plan to attend. They also will need volunteers to help. 'the Community Connections Mobility Bus is on the road again after the holidays going to various places. 'lb mention a few day trips: Goderich-'Ihurs., Jan. 13, London - Fri, Jan. 14. The bus is also going to a "Snowflake Luncheon" in Hensall Jan. 17 at Queensway Nursing !Ionic. On 'lues,, Ian. 18 and Lan. 25 the bus goes to Exeter and Seaforth jamboree, You can go bowling at the Tbwn and Country Lanes on Jan. 20, to the Exeter Villa for a "Snowflake Social" on Jan. 27. You can also take a indoor walk at the Huron Ridge Acres Green house on Fri., Jan. 28. for more infor- mation call Doris at 519-236-4373, ext - 632. The Zurich Golden Agers held their first meeting for the New Year on Mon., Jan. 10 at the Maple Woods apartment in the common room at 7 p.m. with a good attendance. Presi- dent Irene I loffman welcomed everyone. Their monthly progressive card party will be on Mon., Jan. 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Maple Wood apartment and the cost at the door is $3, The next men's breakfast will not be held until Sat., Jan. 29 this month, it has changed from the usual date. The children's "Thy Bus" will be hack again in town every Thursday at the Lutheran Church hall from 10-11:30 Students at the Zurich Public School will be going skating at the complex on Fri., Lan. 14. lhe children are to wear helmets to keep them safe when falling. Pastor Nadine of St. Peter's Lutheran Church along with husband Andy and four children enjoyed spending a week's vacation atter Christmas visiting relatives. BLUEWATER WINDOWS & DOORS Sales • Service • Installation flaw 145 Huron Rd., Roderick 6144674 1148 .blsaweaterwlndows.oaOfttatlo Si. ~omit asleelltslueundarreinderrnaea GreedNMN Old Laminate Flooring 61443I.000R 0441) CAL_! FOR A f FILE ES1IA1,111 ON 1VINl)OWS AND 1111Oft`.: YOUR AD HERE This Space ould Be Tour Call 519-138-5383 Today! Your Roofing, Siding & Wlw Proiessionolsl Installation AvaiiloW. Call Novi► for Eat! mat. a Forest �. (S11)1�E2 271 M E. (511)1414733 P U T' S This Space Could Be (burs Call 5I114138-5383 Today! 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