HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-01-12, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Tax breaks good for everyone Lakeshore Advance MPP Maria Van Hommel says the McGuinty Government's tax breaks are hutting money into I t pie's pockets as we begin 2011. "In the wake of a global economic downturn, Ontario's economy is improv- ing, yet many families are still feeling anx- ious atx)ut their ability to slake ends meet. Every little bit helps during these lean time's, said Van Hommel, 'l'he MPP noted as part of its Open Ontario plan, (www.ontario.ca/openon- tario) the McGuinty government has enhanced existing or introduced new tax credits in 2010 that slake it a little easier for hard-working Ontario families to man- age their household costs, including 'rhe Children's Activity'Mx Credit helps parents with the cost of enrolling their children in extra -curricular activities by claiming up to $500 in eligible expenses for a refundable credit of up to $50 per child or up to $100 per child with a disa- bility. Parents can begin claiming this per- manent credit for activities they paid for in 2010. • Ontarians can ring in the New Year knowing that the Ontario (:learn Energy Benefit will give them 10 per cent off on their monthly electricity bills for the next five years. • The enhanced Ontario Energy and Property 'Mx Credit provides increased tax relief of up to $1,025 for over 740,000 seniors. • 'the Ontario Senior i lonleo vners' Prop- erty fax Grant offsets property taxes for low -to -middle income senior homeown- ers with up to $500 per year. • The Ontario Sales lltx Credit provides low- to middle-income individuals and families with relief of up to $260 each year per person through quarterly payments. •'the Ontario Child Benefit provides up to $1,100 annually per child in tax-free finan- cial support for low-income families with children under the age of i8. The govenn- inent has committed to increase the max- imum benefit to $1,310 annually 1)er child by December 2013. • The property tax classification of fans bunkhouses will change fmnl residential to farm beginning January 1, 2011. Partn- ers with residences that house temporary workers will pay the farm property tax rate, which is 75 per cent lower than the residential rate, • All retirement homes as defined in the Re'tire'ment (louses Act, 201 0 will be included in the residential property class beginning January 1, 2011. They will he taxed at the residential property tax rate, which is lower than the multi -residential rate in most municipalities. In 2011, Ontarians will also continue to save from the permanent personal income tax cut that began in 2010 and saved 93% of it mme tax payers a►1 average of $2()11 FORM 6 Municipal Act, 2001 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF LAMBTON SHORES Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 16 February 2011, at the Municipal Office, Finance Department, 4 Ontario St. North, PO Box 340, Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1 TO The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office, Finance Department, 4 Ontario St. North, Grand Bend. Description of Lands: Roll No. 38 45 410 002 01100 0000; 7297 Arkona Rd. Ancona: PIN 43058-0121(LT) Lane Plan 7 Warwick abutting Lot 79 Plan 7: Part Lots 77-79 Plan 7 Warwick as In 1510854; Larnbton Shores. File 09-01 Minimum Tender Amount: $ 19,666.04 Tenders must be submitted In the proscribed form and must bo accompanied by a deposit in the fomi of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cont of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining those matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and tho Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. Note: HST may bo payable by successful purchaser. For further Information regarding this sale and ae copy of tho prescribed form of tender contact: Wendy Jennison, Tax Collector The Corporation of the Municipality of Lambton Shores 4 Ontario St. North, PC) Box 340 Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1 TO (519) 238-8481 Ext. 225 2010 — a time of economic renewal By Susan Hundertmark The Huron Expositor With "significant investment in rural Ontario" made by both the provincial and federal governments on stimulus funding, I luron-Bruce MPP Carol Mitchell says she sees 2010 as a year when Ontario worked at "coming out of the recession." "The stimulus funding strengthened our communities with all levels of government working together, You could not go anywhere where construction %vas not happening and significant projects were knocked off the table," she says of the various roads, bridge, water and waste water projects done throughout the riding in 2010. Mitchell says that while new jobs may not have been created by the stimulus funding, the projects kept people employed who might not have kept their Jobs otherwise. Looking back at 2010, Mitchell says she also saw local strides being made in the healthcare field with at reduction in the number of orphan patients as family health teams continued their work. "Over otic' million people now have doctors and in my riding, Stats Canada is interviewing people about the status of healthcare and it's safe to say that people are satisfied. 'the fancily health teams are very successful," she says. In the area of energy, Nlitche'll says while there is still nothing going ahead with a proposed ethanol plant for i lensall, the Bruce Power nuclear plant was recently given the go-ahead by the Ontario Power Authority to retool the plant, creating 3,100 construction jobs. "'the path is paid out to make sure they're there for years to come. The future has been secured at that site for decades," she says, adding that she's hoping to see Bruce Power return to the days when all of its units were running and employees were bused daily from as far as Goderich. As well, Mitchell says over 10,000 farmers have signed up across Ontario for solar installations on their properties, creating a "huge economic benefit" for the agricultural sector. She says similar economic benefit will conte to farmers who put industrial wind turbines on their properties but she adds that the province will continue to address concerns about the health effects of turbines. "1 hear them and I am listening," she says, adding that the research chair created as part of the Greej) Energy Act will continue to follow health concerti related to industrial wind turbines. Mitchell also argues that part of keeping taxes at a sustainable level is closing coal -tired nuclear plants so that the negative health effects of air pollution Can he reduced, lowering provincial healthcare costs. "'There are strong health reasons to close coal plants," she says, stating the coal plants are related to cancer and lung disease rates. As well, she says there has not been a significant investment in the energy system of Ontario for decades and the Liberal government is investing in a system that meets the needs of the future. "'There has to be an investment - no party disagrees with that," she says. Looking ahead to an upcoming provincial election in 2011, Mitchell says she will concentrate on staking sure the issue of how to strengthen rural Ontario is on the Liberal platform, as she says she has done in past elections. "(low to strengthen agriculture is what it's all about," says the provincial Agriculture Minister. "What are the next steps - more processing, ►pore retail shelf space and local retail strengthened - all of that has to be a part of it at the end of the day." Mitchell says she's also excited by local opportunities iIt the local food ntove'ntent, especially since her riding has the biggest agricul- tural industry in the province. "Local food is beyond a trend - it's now a shift. So, what are the opportunities? I low much do we process locally and can we do more value-added work'?" she says, adding that she'd like to see the renewed interest in a Brussels beef plant conte to a successful conclusion. The Municipality of Larnbton Shores LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, P.O. Box 610, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0 Tel' 1.877.786.2335, 519-786.2335, Fax 519-786-2135, Email: administration@Iambtonshores.ca Visit our Web Site a1 www lambtonshores.ca NOTICE OF AVAILBILITY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF LAMBTON SHORES' WATER FINANCIAL PLAN On December 20, 2010 the Council of the Municipality of Lambton Shores passed by resolution, pursuant to Ontano Regulation 4534)7 the Municipality of Lambton Shores' Water Financial Plan The Financial Plan is required for water systems and encouraged for wastewater systems under the Safe Water Drinking Act, 2002. This Financial Plan represents ono of the key elements required to obtain and renew a Municipal Drinking -Water License. Copies of the Water Financial Pian aro available upon request from the any of tho 3 offices and available on our website at www.lambtonshores.ca. Lambton Shores DRAFT Recreation and Leisure Services Master Plan On November 30th the Draft Recreation and Leisure Services Master Plan was unveiled at a Public Information Centre in Thedford. Once approved, the Master Plan will be a strategic working document to assist Council to butter meet the needs of our changing demographics in t.ambton Shores. The draft Master Plan has been presented to Council, and community input is being sought for the Draft Plan. Tho Draft Master Plan can be reviewed online al www lainlbtonsht)rt3.;:&i1. Hard copies of the Draft Master Plan will also be available for review In public libraries and Lambton Shores Municipal offices. Comments can bo forwarded to Ashley Farr, Facilitator of Recreation and Leisure to atttivatattlktQn§tvatQs,c8, by fax to 519-243-3500, or dropped off In person to any Larnbton Shores Municipal office. Comments are required by January 15, 2011.