HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-01-05, Page 1411111111111111111111111111 tVAtt H�[i11'►+44►. ,; w .-T -._ .--.v.... •... ..a 411.twYj+11.+ 14 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, January 5, 2011 2010 in review www.lakeshoreadvance.com DECEMBER 2010 1)E(:I:MIIEIt-I luron County Council's composition will remain status thio in the four-year term to come. Following a number Of complaints lodged from the coun- ty's member !municipalities with regard to the loss of county seats as a result of Oct, 26 municipal election, county staff embarked on aft information quest. County Treasurer 1)ave Carey reports that he, (;AO Larry Adams and county clerk Barb Leaman met to pore over the records of when the first few complaints begin trickling in when it was learned (ventral Huron, North Intron, Soot 1 !aeon and 1 locum I?ust would all be losing a seat at the county table due to election results. As it stood, the county was adhering to a 1!)919 bylaw that set the Criteria for representation according to the lower tiers' population levels. IIli( Blit Im 1$19!i, the Progressive Conservative govern meat of Ontario began it campaign to reduce the number of municipalities in the province by one-half. liy 1907, most counties, regions and districts in the province had under- taken some kind of local review of municipal government. 'this month marks 1(1 years since amalgamation. 'l'he marriages in this area resulted in Stephen, Osborne and Exeter became the Town of South Huron; !lay, Stanley, hayfield, l lensull and Zurich became the Town of Bitiewater. lit (.atltbton 1Hosattquet, Forest, Arkona, (;ran( Bend and 'lhedford became the City of North 1.uuL)ton- later changed to LattthtOn Shotes. 111?(;I?' 1Bl{R-Sarnia 1ambtOn was paralyzed Monday by a vicious winter storm ihut closed roads and schools, shuttered businesses and suspended truck traffic on the Blue Water Bridge A nasty series of squalls off Lake I Iuron dumped ftp to 20 centimetres lit sante areas and piled drifts as high as two metres (six feet) on some roads. Lines of stranded traffic reached a kilometre in length and all city and county snow plows were pulled from service until conditions improved. A few plows got stuck themselves. 1 lundreds of vehicles were stranded or slid into ditches as the violent squalls created whiteout conditions, especially east of the city. 1 lydro One pulled its crews off the roads overnight because of dangerous driving conditions, advising its Lambton customers they would he without service help in the event Of an outage. Lampton l?1115 also issued a notice that with no plows and few police vehicles on the road, ambulances could he delayed. '1he Niue Water bridge took the unusual step ofsuspendil commercial truck traffic. Vice-president operations Stagy, horosec said it was only option after 1 lighway 402 was closed. As many as 50 trucks waited at the bridge plaza with nowhere to go. "')'his is pretty rare',' he said. "But lye don't often get snow squalls like this:' Network Classifieds : Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. 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