HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-05-14, Page 22
Grand Trunk Hallway System
Town Ticket Office
- We can issue through tickets via
po_nelar routes, to any point, in America
--East, West, South, Northwest, Mani-
toba, Pacific Coast, etc,
Baggage checked through to destina-
tion and full information given whereby
travelling will be make pleasant and
free from annoyance. Tourist and
return tickets to above points also on
sale at lowest figures, and with all
prevailing advantages.
Single and return tickets to any point
in Ontario. Your business will be ap-
predated, be your trip a short or a
long one.
We can ticket you through to any
point in Europe on all leading steamship
lines. Prepaid orders also issued.
If it's about travel, we have the
information and will give it to you
Town Agent G.T.R.
Times Office, Wingham, Ont.
"Safety That Oath° Ferns.
Don't throw boad an btuX cevers
that still have nails in thern around
promiscuouely. They have an inmate
propensity to fall mischief -point up-
ward, Man or West may be seriously
injured by stepping on them. it takes
S little longer to drive the pails out
when you rip off the box cover, but it's
worth while.
Don't drive short, !stubby stakes into
the ground where any one may trip
over them. Use a stake tall enough to
stand np in sight, and if it is to be 11,
permanent market paint it white, that
it may be seen and shunned.
Don't leave rakes on the ground,
teeth up. They may spike some one,
or you yourself may be the unfortunate
one. Neither should hoes be thrown
down with the edge up. They may eut
some one and lame or hamstring him.
Besides, if one steps jnst right
on such a tool the handle may •fly
up and hit him on the head and even
cause seriotei injury,
Don't leave broken bottles or glass-
ware or earthenware about the premises
in road or field. This is especially for
the safety of children.
Don't drive nails to hang things o
where they evill, by any chance, tear
the clothing or flesh of any one passing
incautiously near them.
Don't put off mending that broken
doorstep. It costs less for a board or
two and a few nails than it does to pay
doctors' bills for setting broken limbs.
If you or your wife or one of your fam-
ily go through the step it will surely
mean grazed shins, possibly broken
lege; and if a neighbor is the victim, it
may Mean a damage suit. -Farm
Notice of changes mut be left at this
.office not later than saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1914
THE wiNG11AM mass, MAY 14 1911
You wilt like the
rich strength and full flavor.
Another piece of evidence as to the
extraordinary way in which the present
Ottawa Government does business was
supplied in the Public Accounts Com-
mittee of the Commons last week when
the story of the purchase of a site for
a post office at Fort Frances, Ontario,
was told, Apparently, all that happen-
ed in the deal was that a friend of the
Government, appointed to act as agent
for the Dominion in the purchase of
the property, secured the land required
for $8,350 and turned it over to the
country for $16,500. A trivial thing to
the Borden Cabinet, no doubt, but it
cost the people of Canada more than
$8,000 of public money,
In July, 1912, according to evidence
given before the committee, Mr. A. D.
George, a prominent Conservative of
Fort Frances, was appointed to act its
agent for the Government in securing
the land for the post office building.
Two adjoining lots were to be. purchas-
ed. One of the two was owned by a
Mr. Frawley, a Fort Frances druggist,
and through a law clerk named Ander-
son, employed in his own office. Mr.
George secured an option on this piece
of ground for $8,000. On the second
lot the option was for $1,500. After
both options had been obtained the
properties were purchased by Mr.
George who, it was testified, represent-
ed that his clerk, A.nderson, was acting
as agent for the Government. Then
the two lots of land were turned over
to the Dominion for $16,500 but in the
meantime a house which stood on the
Frawley property was sold by Mr.
George for $1.150. In reality, then, the
net cost of the site to Mr. George was
$8,350 but the obliging Conservative
Governrnent at Ottawa paid him $16,500
so he would seem to have made a rather
tidy profit out of the public treaaury
which the Borden Ministers are suppos-
ed to guard.
During the sitting of the committee
evidence was given by Messrs. Frawley
and Anderson bringing out the facts as
outlined in the foregoing paragraph.
Mr. Frawldy elect testified that at the
very outside the property could not be
valued at more than $11,000. A rather
remarkable fact was that officialof the
Post Office Department admitted on
the stand that the, d partment had =de
ne ae teeh of the title to the property.
Suth a search might have saved some
thoesards of dollars to the public trees-
; Wtr, then, of eausse, a friend or
G wet TIMP Itt MiUlillitt have got the
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY &CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by
his firm. WALDING. KINNON 41s MARvIN,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Cattarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces, of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price, 75c. per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
ea 49 good tea
From the TIME of May 11, 1894
Mayor Hanna's cannon is still resting
in front of the town hall. Is it not
about time it was placed in position on
the 5ark?
Mr. W. J. Chapman's tannery and
glove works is one of the busiest places
in town, there being tniwardsof twenty
hands employed in the different branch-
es of the business.
On Saturday last, Mr. John Gillespie,
while drawing a car load of lumber
from the station to Messrs. C. Lloyd &
Son's sash and door factory, drew over
3,000 feet of lumbar at one load. It
was a very large load, and required
eareful driving on the part of the team-
ster, Mr. Wm. Blatchford, to keep it
from upsetting. It was dry pine lum-
"Speaking in a somewhat radical way
I think that if a government at any
time finds that it cannot do things it is
that government's duty to give place to
another." This pointed comment upon
the failure of the Borden Government
to take any action to reduce the At-
lantic freight rates was made in the
Commons a few dats ago, but not by a
Liberal member. It was made by Mr.
3. H. Burnham, an Ontario Conserva-
tive, and may be found on Page 3039 of
the Unrevised Hansard.
It was part of a more or less extend-
ed statement in which the Convervative
member made many critical references
to the Government's inaction upon this
most important matter. The difficul-
ties were not trifling, he admitted, "but
that does not excuse the Government -
Great governments will do great things.
The farmers ought to feel that those in
charge are capable and are ready and
willing to do their duty in this respect."
But neither the frank comment of
Mr. Burnham nor the earnest urging of
Liberal members that something be
done to compel a rate reduction In jus-
tice to the Canadian producer brought
any favorable response from the Gov-
ernmen t.
Lack of control of Atlantic freight
rates is operating against the interests
of Canadian products and Canadian
trade. Heavy freight rates, the result
of a steamship combine, are injuring
Canadian millers and, indirectly, their
employees. Those rates are hindering
the prosperity of Canadian farmers
who ship their grain and other products
across the water. Before, and during
the 1911 campaign, the Liberals were
roundly attacked by lion. Arthur
Meighen and other Conservatives be-
cause rate reduction had not been ac-
complished. With the attacks went
many Conservative promises as to the
early and effective action which would
be taken by Mr. Borden if he were re-
turned to power.
Mr. Borden was returned to power
considerably more than two years, ago.
The ocean rates have not been reduced.
No really reiruest endeavor has been
made to gain any measure of control of
thoee ratee. Inetesel the farmers and
tha ro mail the 4): her Cum in.
t t cont., nt with a
,•li ly !Ton. Cir I: Poster ning-
tlp , of the problem. ,
"Oure ef ti.e vernment to
uii;:o:'(;11.1.tt,4 11( e,,..sary in the
3"neda 1iieit lms lend the
OW win t 1;11gge,It URA-
! 1,\1 that a 4.;t0v-rnment cannot do
t ";,VVo 1v1V4k 10 talOtilOr."
I );.,1 rJi!", OW, GrA7*Itl-
u .0te;C:: or 4 tLeadian intereets in
' 14w of IN own sup-
. Po'1" .en feelo ealhd u1;7n tn snlmest its
Investing By
WE transact bttsiness
by mail with clients
in ail parts of the Prov-
isacc to their entire satis-
fact2on. We can do the
same for you.
Upon request we shall he
pleased- to suggest
able investments for you,
A. H. Martens & Co.
Memiene Toronto litoell Exchange
••••••••••6101....,. -
TO VVIki nutEcrom.
BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath servtces
at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School
at 230 p. m. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev, John
Pollock, pastor. B. Y. 1'. U. meets
IVionday evenings 8 p. n. W. D.
Pringle, S. S. Superintendent,
11/NamOr1s1 CHURCH -Sabbath ser-
vicee at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m. Sunday
School at 230 p. nt. Epworth League
every Monday everting. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev,
J. W. Hibbert, pastor, F, Buchanan,
S. S. Superintendent.
at Mr, Wm, Wray's residence, on the
corner of John and Shuter streets, Mr.
Robt. Aitken's and another man fell
with a scaffolding on which they were
standing. Though the distance they
fell was not great, Mr. Aitkens had his
colter bone and right hip hone broken.
At the meeting of Anchor of Hope
Lodge, I.O.G.T., last Tuesday evening,
there was a very good attendance. The
officers for the current term were in-
stalled by D. Sutherland, Lodge Deputy,
as follows: W. P. 13roekenshire, P. C.
Td Jas. Wilson, C. T.; Miss Cameron,
V. T.; M. Blackwell, R. S.; Miss M'
Etling, F. S.; Miss Elsie Bainton, Treas. ;
A. Bainton, M.; Miss Morrison, D. M.;
Wm, Beck, Chap.; E. Blackwell, S.,
W. F. Brockenshire was elected Lodge
DePuty for the ensuing year. W. F.
Brockenshire and Wm. Bisbee were
elected delegates to Grand Lodge,
The Maple Leaf Base Ball Club was
organized the other night, with the
following officers: A. H. Musgrove
presilent; A. Stewart, captain; G. A.
Newton, secretary; D. McKay, treasur-
er; D, McKay, A. Stuart and F. Angus,
managing committee,
Mr. David Rush has the street water-
ing for this season, and will commence
watering early next week.
On Tuesday afternoon last, the In-
spector of the Mercantile Insurance
Company, in which Mr. R. Green's
house was insured, arrived in town and
adjusted the claim. Mr. Green received
$600 for loss on dwelling and $180 for
loss and damage to bis furniture.
The annual meeting of the members
of the Merchamcs' Institute was held
on Monday evening last. The election
of officers for the ensuing year resulted
as follows: A. H. Musgrove, presidtnt;
J. A. Morton, secretary; R. MKndoo,
treasurer; Peter Fisher, .T. ft, Mac-
donald, R. Vanstone, Dr. Towler and
S. Graeey, directors; Alex. Ross -and.
Wm. Robertson, auditors.
Mr. Thos. J. Scott lately choir leader
of the Wingham Presbyterian church,
leaves shortly to take up his residence
in Toronto.
The contract for the foot bridge
across the river at the Salt Block has
been let to Mr, John Foster, of town.
The bridge is to be completed by the
lst of July.
On Tuesday morning, while working
PRESBYTERIAN CtImteN-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11. a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev,
D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A, J. Irwin, S.
S. Superintendent.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Eainonsia-Sab-
bath services at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m.
Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev. E.
H. Croly, B. A., Rector. Alex, Al -
demi, S. S, Superintendent.
at 11 a.m„ 3 p.m, and 7 pm. an Sunday.
At 8 o'clock on Thursday everting.
There will be special music provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.ra.
to 6:30 p. rn. Open to box holders from
la. in, to 9 p. in. P. Fisher, postmast-
Pure= LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe net 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9;30 o'clock. Miss V, Cook, lib-
number of gentlemen in town are
making an effort to secure the forty
acres of land owned by Mrs. Wm, John-
ston, on the prairie, for a public park
and race course.
Mr. H. B. Elliott, of the TIMES staff,
Sundayed in Kincardine,
Miss B. H. Reynolds spent
and Sunday last in Goderich.
Walker -In Wingham, on tbe 4th
inst., the viefe of Mr. Geo. Walker; a
Purdy -Rush-At Minneapolis, Minn.,
on the 20th of April, by the Rev. S. J.
Jerdee, Mr. Walter Purdy, of Minne-
polis, to Miss Vina Rush, of Wingham,
Murray -In Wingham, on the 9th
nstant, Catharine, wife of Mr. Sohn
Murray, aged 34 years and 4 days.
Smith -In Morris, on April 25th,
Mary, relict of the late Rutherford
Smith, aged 78 year and 17 days.
Grain -In East Wawanosh, on the 3rd
instant, Henry Grain, aged 48 years
and 6 months.
The Tithes Mee Steno Blee,
WINCIV.614, ONTI.uro,
Menace or Buneriairn0w-$1.00 per annum ifl
advance, $1.50 If not so paid. No paper (Wean'
tinned MU all arrears are paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
One Year $.1 10 (80 eaoh insertion)
131x Mouths2.00 (103 "
Three Months.- ,. „ 1,09 (Itio "
One Month ,e4 (too
One Week ,20
Legal and other similar advertisements, I0o
per Has for first insertion and. 4c per line for
each subeequent ineertion, isioasured by a
nonpariel Boole; twelve lines to an ineh.
Business cards of six lines and under, $5.00
per year,
Advertisements a Situations Vacant, Situa-
tions Wanted, Rouse e for Sale or to rent,
Articles for Sate, etc,, not exceeding eight
lines, 25o each insertion; $1 for limit month,
50o for each subsequent month. Larger ad-
vertisements in proportion. •
Business notices (news type) 5o per counted
line; as local or news matter, 1Qo per line each.
Ttni JOB DAPAIneitaiNT 1 stet:dose With an
exteneive iiegortment et aU requisites for print -
ng, affording fatillities not equalled in the
eourityfor turning out first class work. Large
type and. appropriate outs for all styles of Post.
ere, Hand BIlla, eta., and lite latest styles of
°hole* fano, type tor the liner alseiee of print
Proprietor and Polilloher
TovvN 001114m -Dr. A. J Irwin,
Mayor; J. W. McKibben, Reeve; H, B.
Elliott, Wm, Isbister, W. A. Currie,
A. Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell,
Councillors; John F Groves, Clerk and
Treasurer. Board Inee to first Monday
evening in each month at 8 o'clock.
Manic SCHOOL BOARD -H. E. Isard,
Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E Lloyd,
Robt. Alien, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Ricker, Principal; G. R Smith, B. A..
Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing,
Specialist in Classics; Miss White,
Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss
B E. Anderson, First Form.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley.
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
A lake in Tasmania at an altitude of
3,400 feet is to be harnessed and the
electrieity produced to supply light and
power for the entire island.
George Staton, of Toronto, an em-
ployee of the Weston Shoe Company at
Campbellford, was caught by a freight
train on middle of a bridge and hurled
to his deatla m the Trent River,
Calgary sorting men say they will
, shortly have One of the attest rack,
traClis in Canada.
OW soon -will your roads, that now take
the heart and soul out of every man and'
horse that uses them, be made into a con-
tinuous stretch of road that you and everyone
in your county will be proud of?
How soon will you stop filling the ruts and
mud holes with your road taxes, and build
roads that will permit you to put your road
taxes into more good roads?
Concrete Roads
cost no more to build than any other good road, and their
upkeep expense is practically nothing, which makes them
the cheapest kind of good roads.
Concrete roads benefit the farmer, constuner, merchant,
newspaper, board of trade and railroad. They make for
greater prosperity g,enerally, by increasing, land v.ducs and
production; brinoing more trade; more intlustiks; more
employment; ftreater trithic. 'They &ere:Le the cost of
.marketint% All of these factors iscanbinc to decrease the
cost of living.
Every citizen owes it to himself to investigate 0:e eriventeges
of concren roads :1:1(1 learn how they will directly benefit
him. 'Ellis information is free for the askin!:.:. Write for it
tosday to
Concrete load e Departraont
Canada Coment Company Limited
801 Herald Buiiding, Montreal
Ororosa-Corner Patriok and Centre Ste.
Offices 48
Residence, Dr. Kennedy 148
Residence, Dr. Calder 161
Dr. Kennedy speoializes1» Surgery.
D. Calder devotes special attention to Dis
eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses
properly fitted.
L. R. 0, P. London.
Office. with 13r, Chisholm,
Late Member House Staff Toronto
GenerAll Hospital.
Post Graduate London and Dublin.
Successor to Dr. T. It. Agnew.
_Moe Macdonald Block.
The Railway Commission overruled .
Toronto's objections regarding the 1
Linton Station, plans, and ordered the
work to be begun within thirty days, or a
sinety if the contracts are let en bloc,
according to the draft agreed on. „
,_..., c
..d...,.., h.ving live stook or other
trtioles they wish to dispose of, should adver- 1
ilee the same for sale in the TIMM. Our large
droulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
rou do not get a easterner. We oan't guarantee
lhatyon will sell beeatuse you may ask more
tor the artIole or stook than ii is worth. Send
your advertisement to The TDOis and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other (
Orders for the insertion of advertisements i
such as teachers wanted, business chances, .
mechanics wanted, articles for sale or in facit •
any kind of an advt. in any of the 'Toronto or I
other city papere, may be left at the Trims
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding adyertieements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or send your next work of this kind to the
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection) 1
Pleasantly situatd. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RAMS Fon PATIENTS -which
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of '
room. For further information, ad- l
dress I
Miss L. Matthews, i
Superintendent 1
Box 23, Wingham Ont.
TitA/D18 1,51AVII 5.08
London 8.85 a.ra 8.80ean
Toronto &East:11.004.m- 8.45 a.m.- 2.81p,nt.
1 :ecru dine -11.59 3.1'.11... 2,83 pen- - 0.15 pan
arrarita PROM
Kincardine - -0.80 - 9.30 pan
........- 11.64 a.m.- 7.05 p.m
Palinerston.............. 11.24 &tn.
Toronto - 2.80 p.m.. 0.15 pail
, P. 130/4G31A.071 Agent, V?10gintn
CANADIAN memo ItaxLwli.
larAngs ra3,3:vs iron
Toronto end East...-. 0.40 a 1.00 e,,t1
Teeewater 1,00 . 10.23
A.RiaVil Mott
Ver3Water... 5.405.1i1.... 0.0 j„rn,
Toronto and Ras!;,,, 9.1r1.-104'2 p.m
X. If . 1.313%2IN3. AFent,Vitingtera.
ovr.ri 05' VEALIV
14, liambly, B.Sc.. LLD., 0.111.
Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of women
d ohildren, having taken post graduate
ork in Surgery, Bartcrlology and Scientific
Oilloe in the Kerr residence, betWeen the
ueen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 64. P. 0. Box 118.
r. J. R. Macdonald
Wingham, Ont.
Book rruefiatty nntil Ootobee 2/th inclusive
W in.tiitaOg and Return $5$.00
Edmonton and Return 45,00
From Toronto and Stations West
and North of Toronto. Proportionate
fares from stations East of Toronto.
Return Limit tive mouths.
Partioulare as to Rail or Ocean tielrets
from W A, Sanderson, town Agent
phone 47; J. H. Beemer, station agent
phone 7 ; or write IYL es Murphy, D.P,A.
G. P. liy., Toronto,
ffice-Stone Block, over the TIMES
Subjects taught by expert instructora
at the
Y, M. O. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
,LW. Westervelt 3.W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chattered AcCountant
pecialty-Chronic and nervous diseases
yea scientifically tested. Glasses fitted.
uesdays 11,30 a.m. 9 p.m. Office over
hristie's Store). Consultatioti free,
J. A. FOX, D. C.
Chiropractic is soccessful in such difdeult
ases as Insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheeins-
ism, Hoodeches, Constipation, Chronic Stom-
a, Liver and Bowel Tronbie,Feinale Trouble.
Office in Knox house, back of Post
idea. Entrance over Presbyterian
Mirth Walk. 'Phone 191.
Office hours: 2 to 5 pan., 7 p.m.
Homeseekers Excursions
Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba
Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St
Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until
October 27th, inclusive. at low fares,
Through Pullnein Tourist Sleepers to Winni-
peg on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m.
No change of cars.
Through Pullman Tourist Sleep-
ing Cars to WINNIPEG on above
dates, leaving Toronto II p.m.,
No change of Cars.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the
shortest and quickest route between
Winnipeg, Saskatoon, ald Edmonton,
withexcellent through service to Regina.
Trains are now running into Calgary.
RUMS .7. IRWIN, D. D. 13., L, D 5.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
.otal College and Licentiate of the Royal
ege of Denial Sammie of Ontario. Office
6 • cdonald Block, Winghem.
Roe closed every Wednesday afternoon
rom May 1s0 to Oct. let.
O Et. ROSS, D. D. 5„ L. D.8.
Honor graduate ot the Royal College of
Dental Sureepis of Ontario and Honor grade -
ate of the Uhiversity of Toronto, Faeultr of
Woe over IL R. Isar(' & Co'e., store, Wing -
ham, Ont.
Office closed o.very Wednesday. afternoon
from May lst to Oct. ist.
W. J. Moon
Veerinary Surgeon
'Mee of late Dr, Wilson Residenee
Wingham, Ont. Cor. Prancea and
Patrick 56s.
Office Phonel7e, Phone 182
Berth reservationa and full particulars,
from H. &ELLIOTT, Tow m Passenger and
Ticket Agent. 'r'hone 4. W. P ISURG-
hIAN. Station Agent. 'Phone 60. Or write
0.15, Horning, D.P,A., Toronto, Ont.
13A111118TB11, sot,xamoa,nu
Private/m(1 company tends to loan at 14‘....rat
rate of interest. reorseaRere 'town tat farm
properir siought 4nd, sold,
Beare:! 3100114 Wh2ghere
InOnt"Tigg."3-44%C. J.
Areyreascaaterg er.ett4ier,iac... 7,1 may
rnin.idy eepenale fru)
ItgecenstiVel tiav r.".1",lemell;n1.1i.t`;`S'.F4Tet.1.4'd'"d:V„.2;
meet free. I.1 '.1 t.Vtlea,f, th17:gttg.
I'..t.ntits taken throvw% ;Slane sesaee
reetat some, tem i0113 elfr2,1'0, Mai()
A Uma wally Musts*: 4,.(1V7C,CicIst. Lareq, ea.
tattto,a r.f trly jtaittlai. Plt`
ft PMI's n.,,taio 121 L'.. 17:0/4 br
'WORN &C03V1R7or-hvaY. New Yerk
Bow, ,r et.. wt.g.theuri.
A. hI0AT011,
Wine:ant, Ont,
DUDI13Y Fr axles
Barrister, Solioitorf Etc,
Wilco: Meyer Elock,Wingbarn,
Become a specialist in business
It offers more opportunities than
any other calling. To reap the full
measure of succees you must have
the best ..possible training. This 'is
Ontario's best Business School. We
give individual attention. You may
enter our classes any time. Three
Shorthand and
Write at once for free catalogue.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
C. N. Griffin
FIRE AWrotirtir
7 Insurance
Coupled with a- REAL ESTATR and
lkicignY LOANING Business.
Issuer of -Marriage Licenses.
Office over the Advance Office.
Good Local Agent
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