HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-05-07, Page 88
—Mr. Wm. Breckenridge is out again
:after being laid up with a kick from a
Chloe of Police Allen bas under way
a number of improvernente to his resi-
elence on Josephine St.
—It is said that Monday, June 29th,
is likely to be the date on which the
rrovincial election will be held.
e -The regular meeting of the Public
$chool Board will be held in the Council
Chamber next Tuesday evening.
—The License Commissioners of Pee
county have given all Peel hotelkeepers
three monthsextension of their Ikea e,
—Several cases of whooping cough
are reported in town at the present time,
o ne or two being of a very severe nature.
—Division Court will be held in the
Council Chamber here an Thursday,
May 7th (to -day), Judge Holt \tell
—Mr. W. S. Currie, of Toronto, has
taken a position with his brother, Mr.
R. A. Currie, furniture dealer and
—.Mr. A. Bell has opened up a gro-
.cery store in the Park House corner.
For particulars see advertisrnent in
another column.
—Many people are asking the ques-
tion:—"When will the hands be placed
on the clock in the post office tower?"
The Timm man is not in a position to
answer the question.
—Mr. Robert Austin, while emplOYed
in beating some heavy iron at the Wes-
tern foundry, accidentally burned the
palm of his left hand so severely as to
n ecessitate his laying off for a few days.
—Dr. W. J. Moon has sold has house
and lot Fee the corner of Frances and
Patrick streets to Mr. W. J. Greer.
The sale was made through Frank Mc-
Connell, auctioneer and real estate
—Dr. A. J. Irwin, Trearurer of the
Wingham General Hospital has receiv-
ed a donation of $25 from Mr. Burville
Griffin and also $1 as subscription to
the Canadian Home Journal from Miss
Maud Fleuty.
--Senator William Gibson passed away
at his home in Beamsville on Monday
morning. Mr. Gibson was a prominent
Liberal and had for a number of years
been President of the Bank of Hamil-
—Mr. J. C. Kayser has purchased the
hardware business from Schaefer Bros.
of Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Kayser left
on Tuesday for their new home. Old
friends wish him success in his new
—It has been reported that Dr. G. J.
Musgrove, of Niagara Falls, brother of
Mr. A. 11. Musgruve, M. P. P., of town,
is in the field as Conservative candidtese
in the Niagara Falls riding of the
county of Welland,
—There passed away in Teeswater on
Sunday a highly esteemed resident of
that town in the person of Mrs, Geo.
Baptist. She was formerly Miss
Dorothy Hague, of Culross and.a cousin
of Mrs. A, M. Fralick, of Wingham.
—The Lacrosse team is practicing
hard these nights and will in all proba-
bility arrange Air a game on Victoria,
Day. New men are being sought to
strengthen the team and the manage-
ment expects to have a winning team
this year.
—Mr. W. B. Elliott, of the North
Huron Telephone Company, has pur-
chased a new Ford touring car from
Mr. A. M. Crawford. Mr. Elliott will
now be able to give the company's
patrons prompt attention, which will
add greatly to the efficiency of the
—The construction of the sewer on
Diagonal street is now being pushed
along rapidly since the trouble with the
manhole at the corner of Victoria and
Diagonal streets has been overcome.
At this particular corner coesiderahle
filling in had been done and the work -
teen had considerable trouble with the
earth caving,
---The advance of Temperance senti-
ment in Perth Co. is made plain in that
in h- 74 there were 145 hotels and 23 shop
licenses tr, ranted weile in 1914 the num.
Ler or hotels liceneed ere 411 and shop
lieenses 5. Before the close of this
year the record may be better than that
as the eleetoets will be nelfiel to express
themselves on the deeireediny oe au Ming
the Canada Temperance Act int.-, efeect.
-th. A. el. Mugil,v M.P.P.,
refdssre. Geo. Spotton tied W. .1. Greer
em re in Dungemeon on %Imlay ;ttton(l-
t. teral of Mr. J. M. Roberts,
one of the eionetne of that section of
Huron, tied who at ono time -contested
the riding against Mr. J. Garrow in the
Conservatives intermits. The funeral
was a very large one and representa-
tives were present from Luelinow, God-
erich, Blyth and ()thee places. The
funeral was conducted under the rites
of the Masonic Oraer.
Dr. S. M. Ilenry, ex -Mayor of liar-
riston, and for four year member of
the Board of Education, resigned his
chairmanship at a special meeting of
the board.
'141.444- 1441
1.11E, %INGHAM TIMES, AlAY 7 1911
Is one of the best Lung Builders
A guaranteed cure or prevention for
Coughs and Colds
Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1.00
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
LEF.Cli -In Morris, on April 2,3rd, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. Leech; a daughter.
Mr. Arthur C. Riley, of MesIester Dotroxaes In Brussels, on April 27th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas; a son.
University, commenced his duties as
pastor of the Baptist Church last Smumetits—In Dresden, on April
to Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sinclair f
Sunday. Brussels; a son (Ronald Mansfit Id.)
McDotreetee In Hamilton, on April
27th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDoweill
formerly of Wingham; a daughter.
on Wednesday, April 29th, by the Bev.
Mr. Lacklaod, Miss Victoria Simmons
to Mr. William G Patterson, all or
W roxeter.
LESTER LANGILLE At the residence
of the groom, Fordwich, on Saturday,
April 25th, Mrs. Adelia Langille, of
Montreal, to Mr. Edward Lester, M. R,
C. S. Eng., of Fordwieh, Ont.
Rev. Mr. Peckoyer, a retired minister
of Toronto, occupied., the pulpit of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church morning
and evening.
The Anglican Young People's Am -
elation was bold the animel Closing Ban-
quet and election ce offieere on Monday
evening next.
Rev. D. Perth', pastor of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church condneted the
services in St. Paul's Presbyterian
Church at Ingersoll on Sunday last.
At a session of the Synod of Hamil-
ton and Huron held in St. Thomas last
week it was decided a Summer School
will he held at Goderich commeneing
the first of July.
Services in the Baptist Church next
Sunday as usual. The pastor, A. C.
Riley will take as his subjects :--Morning;
"Through Death to Life " Evening,
"Character and Peogress."
The Rev. E. G. Dymond, rector of
Markdale, occupied the pulpit of St.
Paul's Church, morning and evening.
There was celebration of Holy Com-
munion at the morning set vice.
The Rev. Canon Davis, rector of
St. George's church, Sarnia. will le
the special preacher in St. Paul's church
on May 10th. This is a special Mission-
ary Sunday throughout the Anglican
church with a general exchange of pul-
pits. Canon Davis is a brother of Mr.
H. Davis of town.
After three years of careful work,
the committee appoieted to revise, en-
rich and adopt the Book of Common
Prayer fos the use of Anglican church-
es in Canada, have at last completed
their labors and are to present a draft
book to the General Synod to be he1.1 at
Vancouver next September.
At the meeting of the board of man-
agement of the Missionare Society of
the Church of England, bele in Toronto
the primate presiding, the following
report of the home mission general sec-
retary for 1913 was presented and adopt-
ed: Total amount of appertionment
$155,236, promises for support of "own
missionaries" $9,531, received for appor-
tionment 0.41,474.82, received on our
missionary $8,979.98, received not on
apportionment $22,702,.1e; totals for
191e, $173,246.99.
News of the death of Rey. J. H.
Hector, universally known as the Black
Knight at his home, York, Pa., has
reached the Ontario Branch of the
Dominion Alliance. He was eery well
known in Toronto as in many other
cities and towns, as an influential tem-
perance speaker. He was the son of
negro elaves, and although he had little
education, was a gifted speaker. After
fighting as a volunteer in the Civil War
in the U. S., mid being employed as
railway engineer, he became a minister
of the African Methodist Episcopal
Zion church.
The anniversary services of the.Sun-
day School of the Methodist Church
will he held (1).D.) next Sunday. Ser-
vices will be held in the morning at 11
o'cioelt, aftemnoon at 2.110 and evening
at 7. when Mr. Ivor Brock, of Toronto,
will preaeh, and the pastoe at the eve-
ning sersice. Spacial musie by the
noteliers of the Sunday School In
connection with thews eervicee Mothers'
Day wilt be celebrate). The evening
subject will be, "lhe Story of Mother."
All are welcoine. On Monday evening
the annual Sunday School entertainment
will he Inld in the Church when. a splen-
did progransine will be given by the
menther.lof the Sunday School, consist-
ing of choruses, dialogues, &Me, reci-
tation, pantomines, etc. A good time
is anticipated. Let all come..
The muml export of food and drink
products from Ireland mainly for con-
sumption in Ureat Britain, exceeds
LEPARD —To Wingbarn, on May lst,
Edward J. Lepard, aged 31 years, 1
month and 28 days.
HENDERSON —In Whitechurch, on May
4th, H. D. Hendersan, aged 75 years
and 9 months.
NAYLOR—In Morris, on May 2ncl, Ann
Taylor, relict of the late Fountain Nay-
lor, in her Mith year.
BRAY —In Grey township, on April
25th, Mary Jane Howard, beloved wife
af Williarn La ay, in her 48th year.
WILSON • In Brussels. on April 21/th,
Mrs. James Wilson, in her 770 year.
, Carssert —In Ashfield, on May 4th,
Charles Caesar, aged 7U years, 2 months,
and 14 days.
Notices Under This Head ten cents a lino
for trst insertion; five cents for subse-
quent insertions,
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
For Wall Paper and Window Shades
go to KNOZ'S,
Fon RENT Good comfortable house
to rent. Apply to J. A. McLean.
The Cadillac Electric or hand Vacuum
Cleaners to rent at Isard's.
Lose On Josephine street north, a
lady's open face watch, and gold chain.
Finder rewarded by leaving at Times
Reduced Prices in Wall Paper and
Window Shades at KNOX'S,
select from at lowest prices.
For the Newest Designs in Spring
Wall Paper go to KNOX'S,
To RENT Comfortable (rooms in the
Meyer Block. Apply E. Smith.
PASTURE -000d papture can be fur-
nished for a numbEie of ctle. Apply
FOR SALE—Good bugegy and cutter.
Almost as good as dew( Made by Wm.
Dore. Get particulats at TIMES office.
FOR SALE—A comfortable seven -
roomed house, with cement cellar and
coal bin, Hard and soft water, a good
garden Apply to F. G. Sperling, Min-
nie street or at his office, Salt Block.
Fou SALE —A good incubator and
brooder. Apply to Win Williamson.
Just received a car of seed barley.
Call us by phone and secure what you
will need.
Howeint & BROCISIaltANR.
WANTED—Maid for general house-
work. Apply to Mrs. George Mason,
phone 78B.
FoR Same—A good fruit farm in the
Niagara district. Get particulars at
Teems office.
Fenn CoRN—Car load of feed corn
just to hand. Get your suppliee at the
feed store or at warehouse, at G. T. It.
NOTICE — I annpreperedto again keep
lots in the cemetery/ good shape at
the rate of $1 per, 1 for the season.
Orders loft with Me le. Groves, Town
Clerk, will be given prompt attehtion.
NoTion—Our dental offs will be
closed every Wednesday/afternoon frine
May 1st to Octobet let*
Donee D./.1),S
G. H. litiass,
NogrcE At parties indelited to me
must pay their accounts Aefore May
20tb or accounts will be Vaned in other
bands for collection.. pliyment may be
made at my old stand.'
Belgrave. •
Vocational studies by correspondence
with the University of Wisconsin ex-
tension division ere being taken by
needy 5,600 students.
110111111111100111111110111111111111EMZei= '
In light,
and heavy
weights t
Now is the Time
to replenish your House Fur-
nishing requirements. Great-
er values man ever
We are showing all the
newest patterns in different
widths, from the best Scotch
Rugs and
Art Squares
Very novel patterns in
Wilton, Axminster and Tapes.
try in full range of sizes,
Prices $7.5(/ to $73.00
of Dress Goods and Silks, Spring
Suiting and Coating. In all the
newest shades and weaves, Prices
to suit everyone.
Wash Goods Cotton Foulards,
Fancy Crepes, Ratines, Mulls,
Ginghams, Prints
Embroideries, Shadow Lace,
Trimmings. We are showing a
full range in the latest designs
at popular prices.
Kayser Quality
Silk Gloves
These gloves bear the makers
name, and are guaranteed to give
satisfaction. Made in the newest
styles. Prices 50c to $1.50
Phone 71
kZ=retteleZereette=12.1`13 9a1320152effelefelareiss§mieSt!
There passed away on Saturday last
another of the older residents of this
section in the person of Ann Taylor,
relict of the late Fountain Naylor, in
her 08th year. Mrs. Naylor was held
in high esteein in the cornmunity. Her
remains were interred in Brandon ceme-
tery on Tuesday afternoon.
Via all steamship lines, outward or
prepaid from the Old Couutry.
Lowest quotations current for rates
or tickets by any route. Apply
Times Office, Wingham'
Having opened a Groceoky Store
in the old stand knot as the
North End Grocery,/4 solicit a
fair share of the 4tronage of
the people of Wseig am and vicin-
ity. We will atafs keep a clean
and fresh stock '9
Grocerfes, etc.
and can assure you satisfaction.
Try us with your next order.
'Phone 195
Cash for Butter and Eee's
Coal and Wood
Genuine Leigh Coal,
Hard, Bright and Clean,6"/
Prices for present delivery,
Stove and Hag ,,,/$7.10
Chestnut.$ 7.35
„ee '
Pea 6.10
Connell Anthracite from 15e to 85c
per ton less, awarding to size.
WOOD, per eord, $1.15 UP*
Leave your order at
Dominion Expresa C's 0 Bee
Best results have shown
that when buying your spring
coal, you should be sure
you get
Genuine Anthracite
The name "Scranton"
stands for all you can wish
for in Coal, having the high-
est analysis of Coal mined,
yet selling at a price to com-
pare with the lower qualities
Why not have the best?
Hard and Soft Slab, for
summer use at lowest prices.
Dealer in
Notice to Creditors.
Ore 'item of Jameenaersov, late of the
Township of Morris, in I 4 00u003' of Huron,
Yeoman, deceastd, who led. Oh or about the
25th day of March, 1014, nd all others having
claims against or anti ed to share in the
estate e said deceased./ re hereby notified to
May, 1014, their name addresses and deserip.
send by post, prepaid, otherwise deliver to
the undersigned, ort ot before the 13th day of
tionp, and full eine tilers of their claims,
aecounts or interest and the nature ot their
security, if any, he by them. Immediatly
after Said last Mel) me1 date, the assets of
the deceased will e distributed among the
peruse entitled the to, having regard only to
obtains or interest of which the executors
l tetn have nice and the said executors
be liabl for the Said assets, or any
part thereof, to ,liny person or persons, of
whose claim or *terest they shall not have
received notice at the time of such distribution.
S. A. MOUTON, Winghlun, Ont.
Solicitor for the Executors,
Dated this nth day of April, 1011
I3uggy in thorough repair
Saddle and Bridle
No, 5 Taylor Fireproof Safe, new
Gasoline Engine, siX horse power
Dynamo, SO cycle, 10 candle ,over
Also Eight -roomed Brick House for
sale or to tent.
Apply to
Geo. McKenzie
n Exceptional
V 1 e for Women
This fine patent buttoned
Boot of good quality
Matt Calf Tops, pew shap-
ed toe and military heel,
‘. in all sizes for women,
211to 7.
1$ 2.75-
We keep the above Shoe in stock at all times.
Keep in mind that we sew all rips
and tack the soles on all shoes
bought from us, free of charge
Also we take Butter and Eggs in
trade and allow full cash value
Also we give a cash discount on all
Shoes excepting "Queen Quality.'
W. H. Willis & Co.
Sole Agents
swoei For Ladies
All kinds of seeds now in stock—Clovers of all
kinds and grasses for permanent pasture, Red Clover,
Alsike Clover, White Clover, Lucerne Clover, white
Blossom, Brome Grass, Orchard Grass, Kentucky
and Canadian Blue Grass, Rye Grass, etc.
All high Grade Government Standard No. 1.
Also Mangel, Carrot, Turnip seed, Early Potatoes,
all 1914 seeds, a few last year Loose Mange' seed at*
15c per lb.
A Car of Hand Selected seed Corn to arrive
about May 1st; all Essex Grown. I buy only the
best. No Faliure of crop when buying from one who
understands Seed Corns, Teaming, Bailey, White
Cap Wisconsin No. 7. Comptons Early and Long-
Caldwells Calf Meal, and Bibby's Cream Equiva-
. lant for rearing Calves without milk.
Good Luck Baby Chick feed for young Chicks.
Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and Chop,
Royal Household, Robin Hood, Purity, Univers-
al and Golden City,
Wheat and Oats taken in Exchange for any
the above, also Butter and Eggs at cost prices.
41.1. A. MILLS
Successor to T. A. Mills