HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-04-30, Page 8Seat* ...
-The farmers in this section axe
busy with the seeding.
-Friday will be the lst f May. Trout .
fishing will then be in cadet'.
-Mr. J. H. Baker, successor to Mi.
J. IC. Irwin has anew advt. in this issue.
Read it,
-Regular monthly meeting of the
Town Council will be bold next Monday
-.A. IL Wilford shipped two car load
sof eggs to Toronto on Monday and one
car load for export on Tuesday.
-Buy your railroad and steamship
tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent
/or the G. T. R. at the TIMES Offiee.
-The Citizens Band has been engag-
ed to furnish the musical program at
the Victoria Day celebration in Drayton.
-Mrs. John A. Mowat, Acton, re -
Torts the sale of her house, corner of
'Victoria and Leopold streets to Mr. ;
Frank Bowden.
-John Morley has sold the Metropoli
tan Hotel at Exeter to Wm. Mitchell,
of .Brantford. Mr. Mitchell intends
running a high grade temperancehouse.
--The annual church service of Wes-
tern Star Lodge, I.O.O.F. of Brussels,
was held on Sunday evening last. A
number of Wingharn Oddfellows went
to Brussels to attend the service.
-Through the assistance of the busi-
ness men of town the local Lacrosse
Club has been able to purchase a supply
of lacrosse sticks at half price and these
sticks will be on sale at McKibbon's
Drug Store on Friday morning at
o'clock at half price, namely, $1.00
sticks for 50c. and 50c. sticks for 25c.
-The license commissioners of South
Bruce met last week and renewed all
the licenses, with the exception of the
Dunkeld hotel, a license for which was
not applied for. The British, Mildmay,
and Klemph's Hotel, Walkerton, lose
their licenses and are given three
months to get rid of their stock.
Walkerton now has fourlicenses, Brant
three, Carrick six, Culross one, or a
total of fourteen for the riding.
Is one of the best Lung Builders
A guaranteed cure or prevention for
Coughs and Colds
Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1 .00
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
the day previous, Wednesday, June 3rd,
4;,Do you take much exercise?" ask*
at 8.45 a.m. In addition to the usual the .doctor.
business the morning addresses of Rev. "Exercise!"
exclaimed the patient.
II. Lester Smith, D.D., of Detroit, pre-
ceeding the regular session will be a
special feature. Rev. F. E. Malott,
B.D., ef St. Marys, is to be the lectur-
er before the Thelogical Union, his sub-
ject being "Religious Reality." At
the Thursday evening public meeting
the chief speakers will be Rev. Dr.
Graham, Educational Secretary, and
Rev. Dr. Smyth, of Montreal. At the
reception of ministers Friday night the
speakers will be Rev. J. W. Baird, of
Mitchell, and Rev. Dr. Flanders, of
On Monday evening the members of
the Anglican Young Peoples' Associa-
tion were hospitably entertained by I
Mr. and Mrs IL Davis at their home,
when about fifty young people were
present and enjoyed the fine program of
music and games provided. During the
evening the members took the oppor-
tunity of presenting the Rev. E. H.
Croly with a very handsome leather up-
holstered rocker and Mrs. Croly with a
cameo brooch as souvenirs of the very
pleasant times spent together. The
address was read by the President, Mr.
Ed.tIslash. and R. E. N. Barron and Miss
Robinson made the respective presenta-
tions. Mr. Croly thanked the members
for their kindness and expressed for
himself and Mrs. Croly the apprecia-
tion felt by each of the very pleasant
and profitable relations between the
Association and themselves. Earlier in
the evening the wardens of the church
waited upon Mr. Croly at the Rectory
and presented him with a purse of
money on be half of the congregation
prior to his departure from Wingham
to his new parich, Port Burwell.
Rev. Mr. Thynne, of Palmerston,
conducted the services in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church on Sunday last.
Rev. Dr. F. L. Barber, pastor of Lis-
towel Methodist Church, left on Mon-
day on a six months' vacation to be
spent in Germany, where he will con-
tinue his studies in philosophy and theol-
Twenty-one Preabyterian ministers
in Canada are retiring from their work
this year owing to either old age or in-
firmity. This transpired at the meeting
of the board which deals with the Pres-
byterian old age and infirm ministers'
Sunday afternoon the teachers and
officers of St. Paul's Sunday School pre-
sented their retiring rector, the, Rey.
E. H. Croly, B.A., with a handsome
leather dressing case, as a slight token
of their regard, on the occasion of his
leaving for Port Burwell this week.
Annual anniversary services in con-
nection with the Methodist Sunday
School will be held in the Methodist
Church on Sunday, May 10th. Ivor
Brock, Esq., of Toronto, will be the
speaker and give an illustrated address
at the morning service and a chalk talk
in the afternoon.
The Rev. E. G. Dymond, rector of
Markdale , has been appointed locum
tenene of St. Paul's Church during the
month of May. by His Lordship the
J3ishop of Huron. Next Sunday there
will be the usual monthly celebration of
the Holy Communion at the close of
morning prayer. Rev. Mr. Dymond will
be preacher and celebrant,
Services will be held in the Methodist
Church next Sabbath at the usual hours.
Regular quarterly Communion service
will be held at the morning eervice.
All members are especially urged to at-
tend this service. In the evening a re-
ception service for new members will
be held, The Pastor will preach at
' both services.
At the regular semi-annual meeting
of the Eureka Bible study class, Meth-
odist Church, held Sunday afternoon,
April 26th, the following officers were
elected: -President, W. J. Greer; Vice
Pres., H. E. Isard; Teacher, J. A. Mor-
ton; Secretary, J. W. Iles,er: Treasur-
er, Jno, McCool. Heads of Commit-
tees: -Devotional, Mrs. Bt eck; Social
Miss Powell; Membership, Mr. Bailey;
Visitation, Mrs, Armstrong.
On Sunday last the Rev. Edgar Ti.
Croly, 13. A., closed his ministry of four
years and three months as rector of St.
Paul's Chureh here. Large congrega-
tions assembled both morning and even-
ing to show their appreciation and good
will townrds the reverend gentleman,
who has made many friends in the town
during his 8tay here. Mr Croly preach -
"Why, man, I have to put the dog
down cellar every night, and I chase
him at least seven times through every,
room in the house before I can catch
him." -Denver Republican.
The prosecutor said, "Tut, tut:"
.And stamped around in fury.
Be tried to hang; the prisoner, but
He only hung the jury.
-Cincinnati Enquirer..
He -I don't find the song of the
nightingale so exquisitely lovely as
you do.
She -It's only when you're with mei
that it seems so beautiful.-Fliegende
The Minister of Trade and Commerce,
Hon. George E. Foster, unwittingly em-
phasized in the Commons last Thursday
the main argument of Liberalism for
free flour. Sir Wilfrid Laurier had
quoted figures in the House showing
that the millers of Canada were selling
flour in the home market at the present
time for from $5.30 to $5.40 per barrel.
Mr. Foster, in seeking to combat this
argument, quoted figures, from what
A young theologian named Fiddle
Refused to accept his degree,
"For," said he, "'tis enough to be Fiddle
Without being Fiddle, D. D."
-Philadelphia Yublic Ledger.
Smith (introducing his "latest")--,
How do, Jones? This-er-is my sis-
Jones -Delighted, old man! She was
mine once. -London Sketch.
My heart leaps up when 1 behoi,i
A rainbow colored tie,
But when upon my vision glai
One of those new cerise affairs
My heart lies down to die.
-Yale Record.
"MrS. Blinn inerpate wrote a great
book called 'How to BecOnie Bealiti-
"Did it hare a big saler
"No; she made the mistake of pub-
lishing her own pieture on the title
page." -Y ()angst° w Tm
n elegra.
I dreamed 1 had insomnia.
I could nut sleep, yuu see.
But 1. awoke to iind mysetr
A -snoring peacetully.
-New xot It S.un.
"What is the charger asked the ser-
geantess. "en rryi lig concealed weap-
ons," replied Otlievivl,i4 Mayme Hogan.
-we found thl.; cape oi
hig eon I.."... Vox 1r, y*.t• ,•,.
Notices 'Under This Head ten cents line
for ..rst insertion; five cents for subse-
quent insertions.
Get Parnell's Bread at Chtistie's.
For Wall Paper and WindOw Shades
go to KNoX'S.
FOR RENT Good c iortabfe house
was apparently an official document, to • to rent. Apply to
show that the price in London was The Cadillac Electri hand Vacuum
Cleaners to rent at ard's.
Notice. -My office will closed
every Wednesday afternoteefrom May
1st to October 1st. G.el.C.-Ross. D. D. S.
LOST - On Josephine street north, a
lady's open face watch, and gold chain.
Finder rewarded by leaving at TIMES
from $6.33 to $6.81 per barrel. Perhaps
Mr. Foster did not intend to mislead the
House intentionally but when challenged
by the Liberals as to his basis of com-
parison he had finally to admit that he
had been comparing the English price
per sack of 280 pounds with the Cana-
dian price per barrel of 196 pounds.
When the reluctant correction was made
it was shown that even on Mr. Foster's
figures Canadian floar, which sold in
Toronto for $5.40 per barrel, was sold
in London for $4.80 per barrel. Mr.
Foster did not pursue further the argu-
ment that the millers must have Pro-
tection and that it wciuld be' ruinous to
the Canadian milling industry to give
free trade in wheat and wheat products.
"To begin with, what is your age ma-
dam?" was the lawyer's question.
"My own," she a.nswered, promptly.
"I understand that. madam; Imean,
how old are you?"
"i am not old, sir"; with indignation.
"I beg your pardon, madam, I mean,
how many years have you passed?"
"None; the years have passed me."
"How many of them have passed
"Al!. I never heard of them stop-
"Madam, you must answer my ques-
tion. I want to know your age,"
"I don't know that the acquaintance
is desired by the other side."
"I don't see why you insist upon re-
ed two eloquent and touching sermons fusing to answer my question, said
in bidding farewell to his congregation. the lawyer, coaxingly. "I ani sure 1
would tell you how old I was if I were
Particulars have been published of asked."
the program of the coming London "But nobody would ask you, for
everybody knows that you are old 1.1-
Methodist Conference, whieh meets
to know better than to be asking
-this year Sarnia, the full sermons "14h
opening Thtirsday, Jun. 4th, at 2 a Inorgehrarwaygeei'p' assed on to the next
p.rn., the ministeral session meeting question.
and heavy
In light,
Now is the Time
to replenish your House Fur-
nishing requirements. Great-
er values than ever.
We are showing all the
newest patterns in different
widths, from the best Scotch
Rugs and
Art Squares
Very novel patterns in
Wilton, Axminster and Tapes-
try in full range of sizes.
Prices $7.50 to $75.00
of Dress Goods -and Silks, Spring
Suiting and Coating. an all the
newest shades and weaves. Prices
to suit everyone,:;
"1.!' Wash Goods Cotton Foulards'
Fancy Crepes, Raines, Mulls'
Ginghams, Prints
Embroideries, Shadow Lace
Trimmings. We are showing a
full range in the latest designs
at popular prices.
Kayser Quality
21 Silk Gloves
. -
f7-7 These gloves bear the makers
narne, and are guaranteed to give
satisfaction. Made in the newest
styles. Priceg`50c to $1.50
Phone 71
RHOADES - NICHOL - At Melville
manse, Brussels, on Arril 22nd, 1914,
by Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A. Mr. Jas. E.
Rhoades to Miss Alberta Lavine, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Niel Si, both
of Morris township.
dence of the bride's parents, North
Mornington by Rev. John Little, on
April 15th, Mr. Richard Robinson, of
Grey township, to Miss Ida May, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hast-
ings, of Mornington.
April 25th, at 90 Yorkville avenue, Tor-
onto, by the Rev. C. 0, Johnston, Ham-
ilton, Eva Mary Pickering, of Toronto,
to M. S. L. Homuth, of Toronto, and
formerly of Wingham. •
Reduced Prices in Wall Paper, arid
Window Shades at KNOX'S.
NOTICE -My office will he closed
every Wednesday afternoon -from May
lst to October lst. A. J. D.D.S:
select from at lowest prices.
For the Newest Designs in Spring
Wall Paper go to KNOX'S.
To RENT- Comfortable rooms in the
Meyer Block. Apply to A. E. Stith.
FOR SALE -A comfortable seven -
roomed house, with cement cellar and
coal bin. Hard and sofg.water, a good
garden. Apply to F.CF. Sperling, Min-
nie street or at his office, Salt Block.
FOR SALE -A good incubator and
brooder. Apply to Wm. Williamson.
WANTED -Maid for general house-
work. Apply to Mrs. George Mason,
phone 7811.
FOR SALE. -A good fruit farm in the
Niagara district. Get particulars at
TIMES office.
FOR SALE -A good rnilch cow, five
years old, due to calve May 1st, Apply
at TIMES office.
Fon, SALE -By Mrs. H. P. Hicks, a
baby carriage. Apply to Mrs. Wm.
Field, Wingham.
Go to 0. TEMPLEMAN, tailor, 44 John
at, for cleaning, pressing and repairing
your suits.
FEED CORN -Car load of feed corn
just to hand. Get your supplies at the
feed store or at svarehottse at G. T. R.
Via all steamship lines, outward or
prepaid from the Old Couutry.
Lowest quotations current for rates
or tickets by any route. Apply
Times Office, Wingham
Just received a car of seed barley.
Call us by phone and secure what you
will need.
The Board of Health desires to call
the attention of householders to the
following sections of the By-law append-
ed to the Public Health Act: -
Sect. 14 -No privy -vault, cesspool or
reservoir into which a privy, water-
eloset, stable or sink is drained. shall
be established until the approval in
writing of the Medical Health (Meer
has been obtained.
Sect, 16 -If the exigencies or circum-
stances of the municipality require that
privy -vaults, cesspools or reservoirs
shall be allowed in accordance with
section 14, they shall be cleaned out at
least once it year, on or before the Tat
day of May, and from the lst day of
May to the lst day of Nevember in each
year they shall be thoroughly disinfect-
ed by adding to the contents Of the
vanit, cesspools or reservoir, once a
month, not less than two pounds of
chloride of lime, dissolved in two pail-
fuls of water. •
Joust F. Gnovue,
Secretary of Board of Health.
D.L. & W. COAL
All Sizes Promptly Delivered
Buggy in thorough repair
Saddle and Bridle
No. 5 Taylor Fireproof Safe, new
Gasoline Engine six horse power
Dynamo, 80 eyde, 16 candle power
Also Eight -roomed Briek House for
sale or to rant.
Apply to
Geo. McKenzie
3 X, for 95c. per Bunch
4 X, $1.00
5 X, $1.05
tt it
41 Si
Dry Cedar Kindling, $2 cord
Dry Hard Wood - $3 cord
Dry 4ft Hard Wood, $4 cord
Dealer in
Notice to Creditors.
This illustration is an
exact cut of our best
farm shoe and without
fear of successful contra-
diction, we may state
that it is unbeatable for
for Quality, Comfort and
Low Price. The uppers
are made of good heavy
Canadian Calfskin which
we guarantee will not
get hard ---take notice to
that claim ---Will Not Get Hard, The soles are made
of good Hemlock Tan -and every pair is fitted with
flexible undersole which makes them as smooth (on
the part that comes next to the 1 -cot) as a sewed shoe.
No tacks:or wax thread to worry you .and the price
within:the reach of every man that works, namely
$3.00 per Pair
in all sizes for men 6 to 11
W. H. Willis & Co.
Sole Agent s."0 ,,Affze-5../ogi For Ladies
Creeitors of James Henderson, late of the
Township of Morris, in the County of Huron,
Yeomen, deceased, who died on or about the
25th day of Mardi, 1914, and all others having
claims against or entitled to share in the
estate ef said deceased, are hereby notified to
send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to
the undersigned, on or before the 18th day of
May, 1914, their names, addresses and descrip-
tions, and full pariiculars of their claims,
accounts or interest, and the nature of their
security, if any, held by them. Immediatly
after said last mentioned date, the assets of
the deceased will be distributed among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
claims or interests of which the executors
shall then have notice and the said executors
will not be liable for the said tweets, or any
part thereof, to any person or persons, of
whose claim or intereqt they shall not have
received notice at the time of such distributiOn.
J. A. MORTON', Winghgrn, Ont.
Solicitor for the Executors,
Dated this Ilth day of April, 1914
Public Notice.
The Public Health Act of 1912 re-
quires all premises to be eleared of rub-
bish and other refuse on or before tlre
first of May of each year. After that
date the Sanitary Inspector will examine
all premises and delinquents will be
punished according to law, By order of
the Board of Health.
Joitt•1 F. GrovES.
William Carroll, employed in the pulp
Imaiil of Out .Drydeo & rower Co.,
was accidentally drowned in a Tat.
All kinds of seeds now in stock -Clovers of all
kinds and grasses for permanent pasture, Red Clover,
Alsike Clover, White Clover, Lucerne Clover, white
Blossom, Brome Grass, Orchard Grass, Kentucky
and Canadian Blue Grass, Rye Grass, etc.
All high Grade Government Standard No, 1.
Also Mangel, Carrot, Turnip seed, Early Potatoes,
all 1914 seeds, a few last year Loose Mangel seed at
15c per lb.
A Car of Hand Selected seed Corn to arrive
about May ist; all Essex Grown. I buy only the
best. No Faliure of crop when buying from one who
understands Seed Corns, Teaming, Bailey, White
Cap Wisconsin No. 7. Comptons Early and Long-
Caldwells Calf Meal, and Bibby's Cream Equiva-
lant for rearing Calves without milk.
Good Luck Baby Chick feed for young Chicks.
Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and Chop.
Royal Household, Robin Hood, Purity, Univers-
al and Golden City.
Wheat and Oats taken in Exchange for any o
the above, also Butter and Eggs at cost prices.
Sstece4sor to T. A. Mills