HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-04-30, Page 5NNW Big Clearance of Men's and Boy's Suits. This week! Don't miss this chance of purchasing your New Spring and Summer Suit at away below the regular price. W. A. GATUBLLL THE CLOTHIER MacDonald Block Opp. Bank of Commmerce ,,,aaateesrassislassislalelisra asaseaseels111411401164111)11,111411411.11011414,411 HANNA & CO. WHY not leave your order. for a Rogers Suit, made in the newest styles. We take your your measure and guarantee the fit,' workmanship and style ordered. The most exclusive Ladies' Ready to Wear firm in Canada. pailbswase Remember we are sole agents for Art clothes for Men. The time has come when we ask you to leave your measure for an Art Tailored Suit. See our display of good Clothes. rogbom's *o.•••nmme•o•wmoorngmw• HANNA & Co. THE IVINGHAA NIES, ARK 30, DU La -ger Nosiness If the business. of any retailer in this communfty is to grow bigger in the years to come, it will not be a int.tter of acci- dent or due to an increase of population only—it will be the result of intelligence added to energy, plus ADVERTISING. Wherever you.find a big, flouriehing business you will find behind it a strong, pushing man of indomitable spirit, driven by the power of these 5 words --"I can and I will:" This man advertise's- he MUST deliver his message to those with ears to hear. Muitiplied customers and larger turnovers are absolutely essential to his progress. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC Help on the business of those who show them. selves eager to have your custom who invite it and prize it enough to ash for it. Shop where you receive the best service, values, and goods. Reward with your favor those who solicit your favor by messages addressed to sleet each week in our advertising columr.s. Shop Where You Are ifivited to ShGp • A Futile. Cteratisien. There was bound to bsr a reactio i 1 n, {sone!: the "ewat the fly" cc • z a i ors method of campaigningagemst, the tiy nuisaeci seems to have hk,,en altmert ti eely a ne resort per ereatien, Fly-kieing , was made the subject of candler:1'e .coa.- ri petitione, and vei children am naturally . ts eager to win prieee by easy means, mfare. . b' a home became the ecerie of iwvsistrq:( t j aid vigilant extermination of flies. To li the extent that harries were- rid of flies I ri ' ' by tine tneans, the "swat the fly" earn- I paigns- have been a benefit. But it ! I r wou/11 be ueeless to pretend that more : ) inse lreen accomplished. One hundred / and twenty-three English mealcal health / officere have united to appeal to the puulie by cleaningain methods, not by ' a : externiinating campaigns. A few flies j il i! can breed faster, where breeding con- :11 cl.tions are favorable, than an army ol.' i a children can kill them off. The teal I II I remedy is to remove the breeding ) places, and thus prevent fly propagation. / Of•course, there is no harm, and their is much gond, in continuing the fly - swatting. In most homes more or less of it is a necessity if they are to be kept tolerably free of flies. The point the medical authorities make, and it is ob- viously sound; is that general household cleanliness. will do more preventing than willing hands and nimble feet do in cur- ing. The coming of warm weather in the next month or two will bring up this matter with all its phases, and what the English authorities say on the sub- ject has interest for Canadians. We should be tnankful for the long respite given us by the cold weather, so that , each Spring we can make a new and , • early start at putting the fly nuisance ' down and out. -Exchange. ! !114 i nurEva.L"E Operations for the season were start- ed at the creamery on Monday last with Mr. George Burton as maker. Messrs. Jas. Aitcheson and Wm. Mc- Michael will draw the cream. We wish for a successful season for the creamery. WAIT Ku HQ Rell The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper wagdispensed in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last. Rev. Mr. Boyle, of Belgrave conducted preparatory service on Friday evening. The Directors of the Whitechurch Creamery are putting things in first class condition, in anticipation of a successful season. The drawers will start on their different routes on Mon- day, May 4. Mr. C, A. Morrison has been re engaged as butter maker far the coming season. Mr. H. D. Henderson is at present confined to his home through illness. As Superintendent of the Sunday School and President of the Young People's Society. Mr. Henderson has given years of faithful service and was much missed on Sabbath by his many young friends accustomed to see him in his usual place. OODErti CH The stables of the Merchants' Deliv- ery and several surrounding buildings were destroyed by fire of an unknown origin, on Friday. Four horses belong- ing to the deliving company and one be- longing to Del Gardiner, a commission merchant were burned to death, and damage to property %mounted to near- iy $20,000. All the uniforms and equip- ment of A Company of the 33rd Regi- ment, which were stored in one of the burned building, were lost, with the exception of the rifles, which were saved. AMU RIS Mrs. Wm. Ainlay, of Toronto, a former well known resident. of Brus- sels, is enjoying a holiday with Mrs. Will McCracken, 4th line, Miss Irene Clegg, who has been at- tending the Normal School at Hamil- ton, has been successful in passing her examination. She is now at the On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph, being instructed in Agriculture. We hope she will enjoy her stay in the Royal city. Wm. Taylor, 9th Con., keepa the right kisd of sheep for breeding purposes. One of his ewes gave birth to five Iambs, four of which are still living. The Harry Duncan 100 acre farm, 4th line, has been leased by James Cardiff & Son, of the 7th con., of Grey. Mr. Duncan is in the West. They are good farmers. Wednesday afternoon of last week the matrimonial knot was tied at Melville manse, Brussels, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A.. between James E. Rhoades and Miss Alberta Lavine Nichol, both of this township. The bride is a daughter of Robt. and Mrs. Nichol, 6th line. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades will take up residence in Brussels, Mr. Rhoades holding a pos- ition in the W. W. Ilarris Butter fac- tory. We wish the young couple smooth sailing over the sea of life. Wrn. Smith and his fourteen -year (Id son of Port Ryerse narrowly escaped with their lives when their team of horses were killed and their wagon • smashed by a train at Simcoe. 444,444444,"4,6444,44444444w44144,444","444,44,4444,44444 BABY'S OWN TABLETS GUARANTEED SAFE. Baby's Own Tablets are the onlyAhed- icide for little ones that are absolutely guaranteed to be strictly, free from opiates, narcotics and other harmful drugs. They carry the ,guarantee of a government analyst Ur this effect, so the mothers whose little ones are ailing need have no fear in using the Tablets. They cannot possibly do harm and never fail to do good. The Tablets cure all childhood ailments such as constipation and indigestion, worms, colds, colic, simple fevers, etc. Thousands of mothers thoughout Canada say they would use nothing else for their babies. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. AV ITECH [MCA' Mr. Wilson is busy at the saw mill cutting timber for the• new shed for the Presbyterian Church, which is to be a very fine one when done. The floor is to be of cement, we are told, and the building will cost about $1300.00. Miss Edythe A. Peddle left far Grand Bend on Saturday, where she has taken the position of teacher of the junior classes in a large school. It EXT33. The Bowling Club has been re -organ- ized with the following officers: -Hon. President. S. H. Gidley; President, Dr. McTaggart; Vice -President, W. Moore; Secy.-Treas., Jas, McMurchie; Execu- tive Committee, J. Coombs, A. W. Sloan, J. Strothers. Tournament Com- mittee -J. M. Hamilton, G. E. Mc- Taggart; Membership Committee -J. M. Hamilton and T. Stewart. It was also decided to hold a concert during the year and the following con‘mittee have the arrangements in hand -Messrs. Dr. MeTaggart, Jas. McMurchie, A. W. Robinson, BOWICIK. Gorrie lost one of its highly respected citizens on Saturday, April 18, when Mr. Wm. Evans passed peacefully away at the age of 75 years. Although in poor health for the last three or four years he had been about as usual until • Thursday morning when he suffered a stroke which resultad in his death two days later. Mr. Evans had been a resi- dent of Howlck Tp. for 34 or 35 years, living about a half mile west of Gorrie until 10 years ago when he and his family moved into the village. He had been a member of the Howick Agricultural Society for 35 years, and for the last three years was an Hon- orary member. The Society sent a beautiful wreath which was laid with others upon the casket. Mr. Evans was an active member of the Methodist church. Besides his widow, Mr. Evans leaves to mourn his loss four daughters, Mrs, Wm. H. Gregg, Mrs. Hilton Ashton Mrs. Miss Edith Evans, of Gorrie; and and Eltner Fallas, of Fordwich. 1111 VAST W AWANOSH. Results of Easter examinations in S. S. No. 7, East Wawanosh; - Promoted from Jr. IV to Sr. IV - Annie Robinson, Joseph Finleon. From III to Jr. IV -Melville Beecroft, Mary Finleon, Lyla James, Mary Boyle, From Sr. II to Jr. III -Wilfrid Rob- inson, Charlie Robinson, Clarence Chamney. From First Book to Jr. II -Cecil Chamney. From Primer to First Book -Clayton Robinson. Almond Jamieson. . 1. IL A. Taylor, Teacher. There died at the home of her son-in- law, Mr. J. T. Cohltes. lot4L Con. 6, E. Wawanosh, on Wednesday, Aprll 15th, Mary Bradburn, widow of the late George Vancamp. The late Mrs Van - camp was born in the Township of Cav- an, .County Durham, in the year 1828, and after her marriage came to lot 41, concession 6, East Wawanosh, thirty- eight years ago. In religion she was a Methodist and the services at the house and grave were conducted by Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick, of Belgrave. She was a person cf amiable disposition and held the esteem of a wide circle of friends. Her husband predeceased her eight- een years. She was the mother of a family of seven, five of whom survive, namely: John, of Morris; George, Gov- ernment Inspector of Thoroughbred Stock, Ottawa; James A., of Chatham Business College; Mrs. John T. Coultes on the homestead, East Wawanosh, and Mrs. George Irwin, 10th concession of East Wawanosh. Mr. P. P. Gutelius has asked twelve United States firms to submit tenders for a year's supply of coal for the I.C.R. and F.B.I. Railways. Mrs, Clark Murray launched at West - mount, Que., a scheme to draw the parts of the Empire closer together by action pictures in the schools, The new 420,000 building for the Nurses Borne in Woodstock was form- ally opened. ',INV ST0(1 n. MARKETS Toronto, April 27 -Trade was brisk to -day for good butcher cattle, and owing to comparitively light run pricss moved up 10c. to 15c, from last week. The advance affected chiefly the class of handy -weight butcher cattle, the heavy steers over 1,200 lbs. not being much in demand. A small branch of 10 baby beef yearlings tepped tha mar- ket at $8.50, but these were very choice and an exception to the general run of prices. C'noice lots of butcher sold firm around $7.8a to $8, and a few extra choiee picked cattle at $3 10 to$8.20. A heavy load of cattle stood at $7.90 bid. Choice cows were stronger at F,10.30 to $7, a a few extra choice at 37.21. Stockers steady to firm. Sheep and lamb trade quiet. Hogs steady. Union Stock Yards -04 cars, with 1,181 head of cattle, 08 calves, 779 hogs, 30 sheep and lambs. Export ....... .......$ 8 00 $ 805 11 Butcher cattle choice ... 7 75 do medium. 7 00 Butcher cows choice . 0 25 do medium ... . 6 00 do common 4 50 do bulls.... 7 25 Feeders 7 25 Stockers ........ 7 00 do medium -. . 7 00 do light.... •6 25 Canners and cutters . 3 50 Milkers, choice.. - 75 00 Springers 00 00 Common and medium.. 35 00 Lambs ..... 7 50 Light, ewes 6 25 do bucks .. 1 50 Hogs fed and watered do f.o.b Calves . 0 00 8 0) 7 60 6 75 6 10 5 50 7 60 7 50 7 50 7 35 7 00 4 00 90 00 85 no 45 00 9 50 7 25 6 50 0 00 05 10 00 144.. D'S S1'..i.:IA.L CUT PRICES in Ladies' and Missei' ,S,Jting Son=mtte C vits and Sk;rts. We oeII the Germ-nt of Merit. Only first class materials are u,ed in these garments. They are thor- oughly shrunk before making up. Take a look. We can save you money. HOSE— a o doz. La.dies' and Children's Cotton Hose on sale Sat trd4v 10 cents. CORSETS—Big bargains in Saturday. See our North Window disp'ay of Lauies' Wear. Sixty pairs of new D Aar Co,sets of the best make, go )d style, perf, ct fitting, on sale Saturday G9c UN DE RS K I RTS Ladies' ind .r.kirts, new style, made in EngLani, colors are Ros,-,• Nik Gr Red, Pink, Purp!e, Blue, Ceri:e, your pick Sat'day 89c Bargains in mill ends of Flannele.ctes, plAin white. and fancy striped. s-iling in le.ip ills of two to ten yds. You c in save 2 to 3c p( r yd on these Remnants, MEN'S WEAR STORE—More Men's Tweed Suits on sa'e Saturday at $6 98 5 pairs men's black ribbed socks, 250 quality for $1.00 Men's good strong wearing pants, cut price $1-.25 Men's working top shirts, large roomy make, sale price 50c. Men's Rain Coats to clear at Bargain Prices. Higest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. 5 new Corsets for BARGAIN STORES, WINGHAM PURE SEEDS The best seed obtainable. 1Bright colored seed, selected I for purity and specially re- cleaned. Red Clover, Alsike Clover, Mammoth Red Clover Alfalfa and Timothy Buy Now—Don't Wait "Seeds are Cash" WINGH.Arit MARI; ET lir Polo's, Wingham, Ap-il I, 1013 Flour per 1001bs 2 70 to 3 10 Fall w eat .... 1 00 to 1 00 Oats.,.. 0 40 to 0 40 Barley 0 52 to 0 52 Peas .... •. 0 90 to 0 00 Dater dairy ...0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per dos ..... .... ..... 0 18 to 0 IS Wood per cord .... .2 25 to 3 00 Hay per ton . 12 00 to 13 00 Hogs.... 9 10 to 9 10 KING BROS. In the seclusion of your own home let me select, fit and show you how to wear a Spirella Corset It adds beauty to your figure, subdues irregulari. •.S ties; a basis for correct, tasty, becoming dress. The flexible, unbreak- able, non -rusting Spirella Boning found in no other positively retains retains its shape; admits of frequent iaundering. The Spirella Corset is hygienic, comfortable, modish. To know su- preme comfort and tasty, correct dress wear one. Phone or send post card MRS. .T. I3 tiq'cumn. ,Tos:Firirrtqm Sr., WINCIITA.M YgrI)VglArTiaVorltwr?catrVitit=. 114.1MMINIMIMMOMPIEMOM.seuel.aaa.M.rinINO Johnston's Pressing • dors For DYEING • and FRENCH DRY CLEANING Give us a trial. Clean- ing, Pressing, and R pairing neatly and promptly nttend• ed ,e. Clothes calk d for and delivered. one do a- nor h of Patterson's Jewellery Stole. /01103.81,54CVS701:22311312aa.. ed Johnston PROPRIETOR PHONE 151 01121IMMIRIONEISISOWISIIX.HAVIZIVXMOI=Q111,111111115MINCENCIIERMS. iiervap~ispestwozztvakauottimaxtommodeliii Jo THE QUALITY GROCERY •I• 'PHONE 9 We carry a complete line of CANNED and BOTTLED GOODS also a full stock of GROCERIES) and CONFECTIONERY Green Stuff received three times n week, (sh nid for Butter, Eggs and Potatoes. Leave your orderyat tlexammtvtlisiMMI:71:.......1 altialmottiliseiRM Henry T. Thompson and inure satisfaction. • ;61411( g qatecratmotelhatgusitmiktotitewftikestmosidtwoupwww. s