HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-04-30, Page 4e TUR WING la TIRES, APRIL 23. 1911 ••••••••Im.......04.*0111. IIBTABLatitlirtD IbT3 .1,11,•1,11 iiiki WINCAN TINES. Bee reeete Mr. Imetasave AND Peoeuretut 011•11.•••• • THURSDAY. APRIL W. 1914 THEY ARE USING THE KNIFE. (Toronto Star.) The people a the County of Bruce elected three. Liberalsin the last Pro- vincial election. It has been decided, therefore, by the Whitney Government or by what is loft of it in the absence of Sir James, that the 'Offending county =net submit to a surgical operation. The three Bruces are to be cut up and restitehed a sect a way as will, it is hoped, her a large majority- a Lib- ene riding, and so reduce their numbereii the other twe that ene bath of them may possibly :lea the emendates of a Geverturen.. that is "tea aea.t idist-tone st" enougl to do this M•irg. Here ie te..e.-eneeet wee+. even in the op. 'Ina' • te, ef men sup- perters. tea :ma e large a meeeeity for its Stwn once r teet of the Pr:eel:zee. And e'en,. iti to ge te the ceuntry withoet nrrargements in ad" ranee to eleease tee Lira l member foe M.ermit. to neeliee the auteeritiee of twa Lie ere', reereters in Beene, to in- erense the repreeentatien a Trento in meta a V.:kiy !;S va:1gv its OWt1 eillidt• the Central Experimental Farm has dates a ge mt, a,ivaeitage. and pare, )1prepared a comprehensive circular en- nateb, eta: setair other relings for the 2 titled Powdery Seab of Potatoes, which benefit !es eat:dilates- is Farmers' Cireuiar No. 5 of the Divi - It is the aetion ene woeld expeee oe'y ,sien of Betany and is avallabie to all freer, a Gemanmettin fear .ef isexis- who make aeplication for it to the teime. Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. THE PEllePLE PAYThe nature, symtorns, and preventire . • metemis are fully outlined and the fol- lowing sumanary a recoramendations In Parlintnent last year Hen. for eentrol f Powders' Scab are given: - W. T. Weetetee ef 4 1 rse only "seed" from a crop free Fintinee, emel ef a searles of Ma!! frora the disease. Oeateetv. . 7, yea= n.e cenfeesea t al 2 Piedrifeet suell "seed" to destroy mach ere. 7_ e etet eles Saieeine eal" " any stray disease germs. POWDERY SCAB. OF POTATOES. " BANISH PIMPLES Some time nett was found that there AND ERUPTIONS. existed in the eastern provinees a Can - tide, vie: ranee Edward Island, Nova11a the Sewing Most People Need a Seetia. New Brunswick anti Quebec. a : Tonic Medicine. I disense of the potato tuber known as l One of the surest sighs that the bleed lis the pimples., unsightle- Corky or better Powdery Seale. which " is out. acbrckef had probably been present, at least in !Iliiri•leli‘ittli7va tg;1:hr•ig. thaftto;.;k:re..elsinftre;r- 1. some loealities, for a number of years. to spring. These prove that the long but net distinguished from the disease helm- r life of winter bas had its, effect known as Common Seab. luporethe blood, rend that a Joel., medi- While this disease. under Canadian 1 there are few one is needed to put it right.' Irdec ! people who do efot nt••ed ad i conditions. has so far only in one instance i tonic at this seesen. Bad Ieloed does I givea indications of being, moredestrue- 1 not meray show itself in distiturin g erup- tive than. Counnon Se.ala it is nevertheal!i,!),,raas.eeleoe treesaran4,e7a..edingeritenisi :It less a very undesirable rnalatle- to have !the sharp stablehmig Pat. iiie "'id sciaileal-4iid, permanently established in growiug I neuralgia; peer appeti* and a desire 1 land. As a reeult of the discovery of ' to areid exertion. Y,ou cannot cure I • Powdery Scab. the United States' these Thies by thi use of purge- i aalltonice,diaciiindeas : autletritiee. through fear of introsincingl: tonniciro•nlet"eineasnd- PanmeMeg(sd the disease, have enacted that potatces , there is noue that can equal Dr. Wil - shall not enter the United States ex-. Ham' Pink Pills for their tonic. lif e - %mica under n rigorous systemof certiti- ril.„ecing,:t itresvmemedetering prers. Reel; eation, which includes a certifieate to ' MO' od whilel h drives out slitne - le effect that the potatoes were raised , ulates every organ and brings a feeling in n area ia which neither potato care of new health and energy to weak, tir- ker nor l'otvdery Scab exists. If the ed, ailing men, women and children. lf expert with the fanned States is te be ., ' Na-ntirliaarie atnlittsoefe shoo?: gem: this medicine quicely it will re - r, gained in face of the existing regula- store the appetite. revive drooping spir- tions the methods directed towards the eradication of the disease must be fol- lowed intellig,ently and in a thorough spirit of co -operations. In order te familiarize the farmers of ere:lade with tide disenee Mr. J. W. Eastham, Chief Assistant Botanist of its. and fill your veins with new, health - giving blood. You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for s2.50 ffom the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. BELO RAY E The annual Easter vestry meeting of Trinity church was held and the var- ious reports presented marked a year of no small success. Treasurer R. Procter presented the Financial report which showed the receipts to be $555.- 60, with expenditure of 544.18, leaving a balance $11.42 but this will be in- creased to about 875.00 when all the contributors are heard from. Rector, Rev. E. H. Farr, thanked the Belgrave congregation for their general support, and spoke of the encouraging prospects for the future. Average attendance for the year ending at Easter 1914 was but the tem:et:am wes tett teazeable te e 1. selana krien-n to be free from the well up to the hundred mark. Follow - any leesenerie ef. the tariff taxateme idisease. In most areas this will havebag are the office bearers for the ensuing twee the ee,ene eut te siren causes as tote lard net previensly planted to , yeart-Rector's Warden and Treasurer, the fa:area:el eeereseiee wee& set in ":, petatees. • R. Procter; People's Warden, R. Mc - urea Car eaa with tee tame -ream eff the!! 4 Pe not plant patatees again in land' Crea: Delegates to Synod, Jerry . Bee.. ee ... ave.. meet to effiete. Nam :ilia ', whieh has stewn tate ,d,:scase. Ir pes- re gee at a a: e Mr. Write animeree ti. ezeg,ramme ef ; eible seed seen Zan; deem te grass. • Clerk, Bert Bradburn; Sidesmen, et 1 ed upon its course by the same hand ,. Behnore, was something of a cora- l ee: - --- -- tariff revisinn dewnwarast on the am- I :5 Iselate the eree free* any field, MeMurre.Y. Archie Dredges, Neil Mc- that still guides its progress and shares ' P Heated nature and occupied all day traryneay ery ene ef It:, atesee:Ting the se ntake rese ; crera„ Henry seehesea and Charles Joe,. it. prosperity. But we have repeated Tuesday. It appeared that Walter had enanges .annenneed was in the wey et' '. sliele prezautiers te anrid the speres :sere er. The envelepe system has been i this fact eo often that the story itself ,; purchased a dry goods business from . rlevtte" eisee. ee on. revision en:wards. .; frem tee creep seattere; where thev le- ' adepted by the mengregation. Rector is growing old. Yet who should blame Thomsen in Belmore and gave in ex- a:eft:eine an the C'erme zee dering the .' feet ether netatetes, Farr is rezedering meet efficient service ; us for priding in a story that few atnong change for it some property he had in the newspaper men of this great land , Toronto and some notes. Sometime of ours can tell? Like all earthly things, 'after Walter wishing to advertise and the Advecate in its long career under , sell his gamis issued a number of bills. one management has had its ups and To these bias Teomsen objected on the downs. It has gene through two fires , grounds that they advertised "a sacrifice and various other azeidents common ta i sale" ani an altercation ensued. Wai- st newspaper's precarious life; yet it ;! ter had paid one note for $2.50 and never onee failed to come out on ramie refused to pay aim more. He alleged THE DO INION BANK Sig EDMUND OSLER P.P., PRESIDENT. W. 0. MATTHEWS, V,OE-intEEDENTi C. A. BOGERT, General Manager.. Do Your Banking By Mail If yeti live at a distance frcm a branch of The Dominion Bank. Dem:sits may be made -cash wItbdrawn-or any other Banking Business may be transaeted by mail, just as easily as though one made a special trip to towa for the purpose. A Savings Account may be opened in the name of two persons -man and wife, er two members of a faraily-so that either one can deposit and withdraw money from the same account. WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. 1 Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000,00 Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000 Surplus - - - 3,750,000 SAVING. Sieving money does not indicate a miser. ly or stingy character, but rather one with self respect and foresight. The best way is to open a Savings Account here. It is the safe, way as tvell as easy and convenient. The money is :eways availeble for an emer- geetcy. C. P. SMITH, Manager Wingham, Ont. .te". r • ar aOlk Lime Works Iliarioaramihselotam4".04101PokfaelprIa0M11414arrelia0040.4%040413/404V1P*4114fa I SPECIAL SALE AT J. H. BAKER'S We have decided to reduce our stock of Dry Goods, Crockery, Chinaware, Clothing, Boots and 7' Shoes, a .he following reductions: I Neckwear, Laces, Gloves etc., going tt 10 p'er cent. off regular rice. Buttons. Ondid line, i must go at 20 per cent. off regular price. All C p Ladies White Wear going at 10 96 cent. off reg - 1112r ular price. LInderwear, all kinds, 20 per cent. off 1 regular price. See our full)fhe of Spring Prints. A complete line °floats and Shoes, Gents' 1 , Furnishings, etc., going at a reduction. China and Crockeryware, we are clearing out this line at 20 per cent. off regular price, for Cash. All our ready-made Clothing is offered at 10 per cent. off regular price. Sale starts SATURDAY MORNING. Come and save Trioney. Remember the Place. 1 1 J. H. BAKER SUCCESSOR TO J. K. IRWIN Try us for Groceries 1 1 1 awereeeekeeeeeeramaseeelereeverearesefearireorearerisimelmseamsreenewei Teeswater A Unique Record. The County Court The Mitchell Advocate of which Mr, His Honor Judge Holt presided at the W. R. Davis, brother of Mr. H Davis, ' a periled session of the county court " on Tuesday, April 14th. The majority of Wingharn, has beeri the guiding Of the cases were laid over until a later spirit for over a half a century and session. An action to recover e2.5e and who is still hale and hearty, in its issue damages, brouglit be J. P. Walter, of of last week says: -Four and fifty years Wingham, from Henry T. Thomson, of ago this week the Advocate was launch- sessien et' l'amh7. Hem. Geemge E..' a Pay speeds: attendee to the clean- • a....ea las wor.s. apprectated. Fes.ter. as repeated teneen Page tea cf •dame sma. if netesearea Eesinfeetheet of H -zeal-dee that :Lear. :made three stateei in:rear:eras weele tray ca.rry the dis- I eteirse ees ... ea. ments: "I: is tee eaeiest thir.,1 the lease, Befere. leaving Brussels for Gederich, wered te make a eumana, Tee !Meister Atder: leleeneae wee presented with an of. Rearm one' a's ze"emeues ean rake WHAT TOMFOOLERY 'addrese. fee= the Presbyterian Sabbath it even 'larger than er is if they wish. .1 AS:heal aceareparded by a set of mill - .An thee- leave te az) is te take ce:t mere !I•ro the F2itcr:-- %tam- brashee Mr. McQuarrie made a. tametere, me e eel en to tee tateatiee meme' "At the reeetireesef the Zar_ited Zing- ; suitable ref eye He was superinter:dent ... cation day. Its pregressehas been steady that Thomson had prevented him from but sure and its presperity never had a !!. the transaction of business and was e*.eee ay me:ere:, ---d the mere they take .. dem Ale ET.e l'a Mareehester. Englatee 'i of the Surelay Schou& v.:Ad the r71,-:t.eee cease& ie, areateee Cenair.gazetrrs all ever the werla, in -t A sister a Mrs. John Deweing ee , lean year. But the story of the Advo- .' therefore entitled to aM50 anddamages. tee lareer their serenes wen eeeeeat," • ei.e.dierg Chinese Phys.:leans, cf the high- '. tmen, Mes. Te.laelpwas seriously en_lcate has another unique gee to it as .. There was a lot of evidence taken In lel: tte Llama! Gevernment wentA est rank ar....e. repeetaten In teem ;melee-. eured by being rundewn by a btevezsa ' well as the story a its own unehatiging :4 and abeut noon Judge Holt suggested a... and =broken ranee,. . whne it has li that both parties attempt to make a e attemet te te...e.mee .s.ien were isr,a-se.ente They ale spake of She had been visiting in Brussels-. quite the etzeteres tamatien armee the ear.aa-; aleeleel es a dreaafee pretareeeemempeesen '• rezently. gone four years past the half century I settlement and adjourned the court. ant ef effize in ,After tonsiderable banteringboth coup - 'fee pezede arei te eaMain nelearmar'e.ets ,.: :Yeah !ewers the vitality and readers Mrs. Gettrge 'Thomson arrived heme mar, 76"' its editor wb° 13r°11ght it into fen the fare -rare Hen. Ma Weitz ani ,t1.7e syste= mere liable to disease. es -1 teem CaZifernia last wee ek. where she: L!e!!tg ha.s himself passed by nea.rly four i• sel admitted that asettlement.emild not i years the allotted span of life. In all , be made. The case then dragged weari- es eel:eaves isavireg team sereeesserel im .,ee.,ciallee censumptien. This mere ter- has spent ene and a half years. She their ere -dearer tz defeat the:. LiberaZ.,,rliele el a:: diseases is the meet aaadisq ezzemeratfied her sen szethwee was ie i these years helike his newspaper, 'has ly on until court adjourned on Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning it was &tie:re:et te better the cenditiee ref the , disease En the world. A great ealeres•i: a reeariee..„s coneitian, but has improve t never lost a week themighindispasition. I iHis fireside bas been as unbroken in its l, finally decided to edit -mica the case until' Cares:Ilan peerree are rem. eeet =pen ineldezterfeemd that there was no geesen ed acd is remaining there. ,, i a later date when it will be argued. 'cress:mg the terdeme emen tee eneele :that the ream whe tees: alezhel in hew- !!, ezrarad Opeensizer, while assistime in `tL, tranquility as his office. Abaut its sac - by tarifa. inereerme lemere tut the ever. small ems.ntitles intrmaccei into !! sawing stave:belts at the Ament m 110 red inviroament ten sons and two !I Mr. R. Vanstone, of Winghant, appeared' werst cf anienemagemert wia: erevent , his Emed that whieh tMeraeri3easly7Ifell =dim:eke two ribe. i daughters have grown to mnnhood and for the edaintiff and Mr. Dudley Holmes Mr. Whele tram 1: a7:1'ng a 7.:17..ger rar- :owed the pewee of the white eelle to!'" Werkmen are hear ball'aih. •mg the new .:I to weimanhoedand the only grave that K. C.. of Wingham, and Mr. Charles phes. tees yeer than ae eel En eineeenr; evereeme themihrebe. That has beenC5 inelesezi be'rse sbea fee the 4 shadows the family circle marks the T Garrow represented the defendant, Metheeist ethemeh it is 55 by 120 feet lreadlog place of a beloved. daughter -in- i Es tarite? inereeees make ties cents:in; ererea direeCY aeai hrareet:IS bee etatIse tee win eaves -a ="etai rear. law. With this exception, scattered hut the grearthe .S..117i,'",c..s teal earee ties tef ;settees whe have visited Paris", Ithough we may be, the fold remains 1,1 teem themeekets ea. the r leeavie In exam-. to be treated of varies diseas-1 er em.tems taxatime. te," MAST WAWN.S.01.11. ... "unbroken., ard thirteen grandelelidr.en maim Areele White has diszevered that teem eneres. ef S. S. Nee :1. East Wawa- have been adeed to it. If there is The fel:erring is theses:at of promo - the germs me ceteenreetie,n are fceard in eese, another newspaper proprietor in all A EIZSD CREETLY ELAYED reEPCRT eareseleat rd:-.7ebarsirl the bad:72= of a Entrwr.ze_pasz,10 e Rea Currie, 7841: tziAmaee,riacasinearcsatneryte:awweictteereuaaulrgreat:- z. 1;1211"n that 1-e :11°' FI''ra 3 -1e -Neil; 6'55- gratelatiens and rejeice with him." : ".- 4 l''''''''2'•'`"z."5-19 t1:5 ".-"', It is_ tedemaaynemezneeelthat the Eten eee, mar:kir:3 is tete mutliz bat -reams "meeeeie eeeet., veant esepeerees„ easeeir ear 'alst-zz:20-el Dr Nivea'. are !7:1' eel% RenagDeazen. 447: The Feacable te Albert ileral aet reseezting juvenile ; ab tz cemne e ,atmers er. teme te • Graze W.! htmge. 474: Alba Waakerml Cast of LI -g Cemenissine net te meeree.a: oteecetts leeea:te Make a reertre tee Parliament derrir.g the _eee,,t vete; that cmeee,„ a emeeee yeaeg .,delireuerts has by Remal preclamatien teen made pplia_ F. A Lawson has been engaged for threeyears as Secretary of Welkin. I County Temperance and Moral Reform League. The centraat far section 4.A. of the raw Welland Canal, to connect with the old canal. has been let to alagaire & Cam- era:I/or sligb the less th aief, a Ole Mr. N. W. Rowell, K. Ca addressed t: the Smith Welgem Liberals at , Guelph, severely criticizing theOntatio .Government' extravagance mei its ad- ministraEon in other respects. 'S."111.-F" ST. te Jr. IV -Pass 4 -Si -Phemie ,11 ' alseeez. When the Ceseereets- iLt'sde 4. :1 Sin Sr.rieNtea last seem= it was ease,;_e=- 'Ir'lerra*Izre!'11Cell- See to Jr- 1:2 27;5-6=8:a ne- n teat their week weediteex- , Cana. 1144. Tuererzelesis remt in Pares a a repzat, wrz...3, be reassfcr was atter...aed ley the Wafers greeese • , Jr. II te Sr. II-Paes eena-reetels cane. ts in that ...le-sec:ea. Teateemerrees ;Tamar. eleamare Feeay,, nen; amentto amide the Gevereenent tn ple„!eze.aree„..emee eeseeareee aeleash sa„..re, Deeetm. teete„ i.eefe: zleararesthissessien. Betweenee ecreeeeeeee ee --ern.,,nent ee , Pte II te Zr. II -Press lee -Bessie --.7e'rr•ate '°freatirg ard erZ. , evere -------. --- eeee e..!ezt teat tea teeetera mem; Pemie Yeeng. itatngb °t1"wa•• the Cnm:ss:aabss agat Sr. te Et Pe.ss lerh-Allerta been Iler.76411:7 getting 'evideeze behind erete teen:: !zee yhth the ee- et aver:et „. walker :4_ eleseed de.ersts ta why the ceet of %Wing eheeee., ts steeeile geing nee Meanwhile en. ' Or. I re Se. L Peas lee-isnet Re"- -f- ee,- the Gevertreent hes esu hr estirg *eat e• -'1"-e r:sl'z tarifa aedweee net eem ''stte -.a, Fred Leed-een _ ...-----mg :,e :es ...ene.e. the :nen whe devettd-;"-"7- ":‘,5‘r--" t•-• ; --1---- "Nl'A 1:1";')N. Big Intereets. that they nee 3 feat' re stedm Of =here" es'e-aevE-Ite ti;,; ' tariff revisicn dewnwarris. Metre -wee. Y..":• al, e ga•r-g 7--3 -5-';-"'!-*9: - - -- ."-- ' EXCURSIONS TO ; ener ...nil TitU rr.:St 't.,- a the Ifeeri's cn P -*" -- 4 se,ma.tireeenesire, !get tem -heed* In v"few 'AC" .1-1-z1E-ICERS. ,. ene amend ..`,Treede Eallerey System Ile. tariff taxteldeeetsmi1 metempelies see Ami witkt terder a. :.:.z t!'-, maneteen rea-es e.1cejeseerndeleIeze.1.Sc.:1,cr,r2e..reee'"':.,.5,!: reeleet's : az:Metes and te•eaif restrietien ce trade. et!!!-.11.e.f.,:--"„, ,,,f'zz,--7:-"-n ,r-'1 at tha ' e••'''ia;-••• :374-5'n-'4:1-sii-e-'-e-e-7--;-*Z--":";-- -'''..-±-3i- The repatt elf the Cereamiesien it beiag -;;;-;,:ttt-.;e2e-t-i'e-erer:";""...•••Zadle,,;;e3,,81:„„,,„24 ''s ahz1 2-1 :--;,.,--a-':3 ar.e,'!' L'?°-.1•'-e;;;;a-h-'11--"we'" , eieereetre ten fee tele ateetree...4 1&..., .. --"1.1.1, ..-..-- :::-V ...,-.1: j11 U.?... F.: er. ....;.r.r_k, r'"'"': -e-ve ,...., 41,... , 4 nett: 11.0 . II.C.P.S. !Ceeeetee• it -Pae: cr n-,:a;:i::-4 I - tr_.,,,,,e-,,Imr. sNo... siretelee beitaeree the teem- ' ' Ei S.', i e L-, 5 2 _e c.".: C.E`ZW.n' C:e4:04,-S: WV:L:8.4 errn ent Wattle en exease tor farther ', 'Senna tee 3 learteeen Navegmiten Cam- h delay it tecaliteg the reel ereteem tea I ..-- fare the peeele seed =revive:* wishes ; to tetVeY the trnp.ess that it is sm. 1.----:' tre s--, --. . .- •. , ..,,.... --.... . . - ' t.. <I ---._--e-1 -.-.-!'• 4 .,-- - , st. : : 2 zr . . . 1 • '.1;6,tz' :, 72E , ....: ::.,..:-:. . . .1.:catf:-.. 1-ga . . .7 :7P-:. :s.:-)s,s ....'!,41,.: e,.." 3- 1, ...- -..... r "as. tTia' 1 , Viva:1y etating tist pe_.*.tt-_,. w!th to -s i... :-. - - averesertee emea e or- etemelta: ! e ----- el ea -se -e me -ermee* t e --t" aerana e ;ear tc ite se:atten. ' ,r„, -,--...v ..„.„.e..s.--,1.--. t..., • ;;;:, --.-- ' `--77-:' `"--', - -- "---“-- - -^c.,,,i Ir.r.7.71t t-Zriet ti',":"44.. Er“:7".:_e9lekere tem _me:mate:1 -' re - - -- ' , enee'e ate mild reteme'tg 'two menthe , '...t:Z*25::'n 7.5 Er.r..' _ (c -t7" ::-.. =if--- free-. -ate ef '-esee 'fir:* AGrer.3 Teeek heal te eteeece e set es _ Tees „ere-,ehe„,,,, t. ,-,,,ee reeereee, _ik.....,„„I,3.,c,..-.:zetW. /tete between Waermete,- e mese teett ret at t -47m "erv -e ;c WESTERN C/e-NADA. steadily pedeting theta:ear reasen tee tale: sdetet " - 4.'*) ' sr. C:tt V.r" '11 the ettreate the eeett of :Mtg. ts,=.,g. attkee_ng 'the tmese. A MISTAKEN IDEA ,Itater Teet :man Peleman Tete:nett Sleep- ; asere zee emeaterl taWfmnatten etiteh Ren. W. T, Where, nee:seer cf *nee. hot given nethe et a ttot Corranete ;rev ai'res toe the reenapre leg of de pee:torn v.:et:leant t reamers' Burk. thee ianpdernentieg ona .1 the pre-aeterteaa pledgee a Consirvavoe caniadiatia Ontarite fee= team:: it "-le, mere • . - 4Prinde e.seeray fe the sierereet and tee S.:3 t) threw mei seek;▪ :me• Z Tee 11 1• --: tr-t"'4-21:4*17;'' hZ!.1.:1. free: am a„., aremere =el &jib at eeemee eheeeeeteceeteeteeeeeee 1....• .e. • Arttel elareecee: el:Sect:Mee fee eedert- ir" • 1•'' • at thtt I Manufacturer of High-grade Lime Prices are right and we will be pleased to supply you with any amount of lime from a bushel to a carload. Orders promptly attended to Write or call an F. A. Nicholso n Box 439 Teeswater Ont. Another graft scandal looms up in connection withthe Marine Department at Quebec, padding of pay lists being alleged. Homeseekers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until October 27th, Inclusive, at low fares, Through Pullman Tottrist Sleepers to Winni- peg on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No change of cars. Through Pullman Tourist Sleep- ing Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m., No change of Cars. RETURN' LIMIT, TWO tlONTlfS The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Edmonton, 1 with excellent through service to Regina. Trains are now running into Calgary. B.wth reservationS and fall particulars. from B.ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent. Thone 4. W. 1" BURG - MAN. Station Agent. 'Phone 50. Or write C. E. Horning. D.P.A.., Toronto, Ont. I WALLPAPF,R I AND WINDOW SI IADES A straight cut in the prices of New Spring Wallpapers while they last. Regular 5c Paper for Regular 7c Paper for Regular 10c Paper for Regular 121c Paper for Regular 15c Paper for Regular 20c Paper for Regular 25c Paper for Regular 35c Paper for Regular 50c Paper for 4c Roll - 5c Roll - 7c Roll 9c Roll - 11c Roll 15c Roll • 20c Roll 25c Roll 35c Roll Also large stock of Win- dow Shades at cut prices A. M. KNOX 'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel 1-,---'-' d---"'Nommo'' & "OrCr TEE t..Nairk.ERSAa. EAR I The Ferd-the Lic,,htest. Surest. mast Ecznclnica!-the very essence of autemtbil!ng-and a:7, Canadian. N11 -)del T $ 600 Ranee out f re b. Feat GEt • i ze2stuinrs frt.= A. M. Ceawfoe3., Wa - Leen 'meter e. h. - rL 11, - 1 ---------------, , n _ Pr , 1 it Manufacturer of High-grade Lime Prices are right and we will be pleased to supply you with any amount of lime from a bushel to a carload. Orders promptly attended to Write or call an F. A. Nicholso n Box 439 Teeswater Ont. Another graft scandal looms up in connection withthe Marine Department at Quebec, padding of pay lists being alleged. Homeseekers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until October 27th, Inclusive, at low fares, Through Pullman Tottrist Sleepers to Winni- peg on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No change of cars. Through Pullman Tourist Sleep- ing Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m., No change of Cars. RETURN' LIMIT, TWO tlONTlfS The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Edmonton, 1 with excellent through service to Regina. Trains are now running into Calgary. B.wth reservationS and fall particulars. from B.ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent. Thone 4. W. 1" BURG - MAN. Station Agent. 'Phone 50. Or write C. E. Horning. D.P.A.., Toronto, Ont. I WALLPAPF,R I AND WINDOW SI IADES A straight cut in the prices of New Spring Wallpapers while they last. Regular 5c Paper for Regular 7c Paper for Regular 10c Paper for Regular 121c Paper for Regular 15c Paper for Regular 20c Paper for Regular 25c Paper for Regular 35c Paper for Regular 50c Paper for 4c Roll - 5c Roll - 7c Roll 9c Roll - 11c Roll 15c Roll • 20c Roll 25c Roll 35c Roll Also large stock of Win- dow Shades at cut prices A. M. KNOX 'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel