HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-04-30, Page 3CRAZE ron. BEADS. Beads have the most tenacious 4iold on the modern imagination. Is it that they hold our imagination enthralled? Is it because heads are suggestive of luxury, of splendor, that we like them? Perhaps it is a relic of our Indien pee- decessors but that cannot be the ex- planation, for Paris eeems to like beads as well as we do. However, nobody seems to know whether the Indians would barter their most prized possess- ions for beads fer their brightness and color, or because to them, too beads suggested splendour and luxury? The Indite. he it remembered, were aiel are pemee of imagination, Whatever the reason, we, do cling to our fondness for beads long after we have forgotten some of the things that interested us at the time the craze for beads came in. Beaded tunics are shown on many of the new evening frocks. Sometimes the beads are sewed on net and some- times they are simply strung on silk and formed into long tunics. Beads are worn about the neck. And beads are embroidered on the neck line of chiffon and net evening frocks, A new model by Drecoll is made of black taffeta and chiffon. The sleeves are long end float:ng, like the old angel' sleeves; they are made of chiffon, and bright red beads are fastened along the edge. A double line of beads out- lines the V-sheped neck, and round de- signs worked in heads are used on the bodice and the peplum. OVERDOING THE DOSE. Even so docile an npologist for the Ontario Government as the Toronto Telegram is forced to enter a word of protest against the curb placed on the Public Accounts Committee of the Leg- islatuae. In its Friday issue the Tele- gram has this to say: "Loyalty to piney requires G. Howard Ferguson, M. P. P., to officiate as a traitor to himself. "The ability of Mr. Ferguson should not be frittered away in the menufac- eure of rulings that deprive the Ont- ario Opposition of its right to a wide- , open enquiry. "'I lie Proudfoot enquiry was throttled by the strong-leanded chairmanship of G. Howard Fergasoe, M. P.P. The same authority is being operated as a curb on the activity of the Public Acc- ounts Committee, The rulings of Chair- man Ferguson may be 'justified accord- ing to the strict letter of he law. The multiplicity of these rulings tends to impair the glory of the Whitney Gov- ernment and to lesson the possibilities of Mr. Ferguson's own future useful- ness. There will be fewer blunders in public life when representatives of the people refuse to put themselves on the road to the scrap heap in the proscess of attempting to prevent enquiry into the performance of bunglers and blunderers," THE EXPERIMENTAL FARMS REPOPT, The imformation contained in the an- nual Reports of the Experimental Farms of the Dominion Department of Agri.. culture is so varied and complete as to render these early volumes almost worthy the name of "Encyclopedia of Agriculture". The Experimental Farms System embraces the Central Farm and twenty Branch Farms and Stations, each manned by a staff of specialists. At these wide -spread, well-equipped institutions practically every phase of agriculture, from the study of suppres- soin of plant oiseases to the breeding and raising of all manner of orchard, garden and field crops and classes of farm animals, are taken up. In addition, seven outlying sub -stations carryon and report upon work of an agricultural nature. The report for the year endingMarch 31st, 1913 makes a volvme of nearly 700 pages crammed with the meat of what was accomplished and found out during the year. The information is so elassi- fied and treated as to be readily avail- able to the reader in whatever subject he may chance to be interested. A large edition has been printed so as to supply for some time at least every ap- plicant who will drop a card for a copy to the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. A co-operative society had been start- ed in Welland and a store is to be open- ed. J. W. Evans, C. E., has been appoint ed City Engineer for Belleville at $150 per month. Rev. Canon Richard Hicks of Simcoe, rector of Trinity Church there since 1891, died after a week's illness of pneumonia in his 64th year. Messrs. L. M. Hayes, K. C., of Peter- boro' and Anson Spotton of Harriston, were sworn in at Guelph at Senior and Junior Judges of Wellington county. The area of Alaska is nearly 600,000 square miles, almost equal to that of the entire eastern half of the United States. THE WINGIIAM TIMES, APRIL 30, ...***,=•,•••••••••.......Moron••• "MY ONLY MEDICINE" Says Mrs. Corbett, Are "Fruit-a-tives" "They Keep Me In Perfect Health" 1911 Mns. ANNIE A. CORBETT ONT., May 14th. 1913 "I have used "Fruit-a-tives" for Indi- gestion and Constipation with most excellent results, and they continue to be my only medicine. I am highly Pleased with "Fruit-a-tives" and am not ashamed to have the facts published to the world. When I first started, about six years ago, to use them, I took four for a close, but I cured myself of the above troubles and gradually reduced the dose to one tablet at night. Before taking "Itruit-a-tives" I took salts and other pills but the treatment was too harsh. I thought I might as well suffer from the disease as from these treatments. Finally, I saw "Fruit-a-tives" adver- tised with a letter in which someone recommended them very highly, so I tried them. The results were more than satisfactory and I have no hesitation in recomtnending them to any other person. They have done me a world of good. I get satisfaction from them, and that is quite a lot". ANNIE A. CORBETT. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. The Prison Reform Commission in its report makes -several important recom- mendations for better discipline in the prisons and more humane treatment of prisoners. Mayor Carter of Guelph was petition- ed by several hundred citizens of both political parties to be a candidate again- st the Government in the coming Prov- incial election. Premier Borden introduced a motion for morning sittings of the Commons but withdrew i t on Sir Wilfrid Laurier's protest of need of most careful con- sideration of C. N. R. legislation. There are 450,000 saloons in the United States. impommillsenesnocolonemplew Dr. Chase's Nerve Food increases weight by enriching the blood and form- ing new, firm flesh and tissues. Do not confuse it with fat producing oils. GAINED 30 .POUNDS Was thin, pale and weak. Had frequent headaches and stomach troubles. Cured by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Mrs. H. Laich, Cannington Manor, Sask., writes - "You will remember me writing you last spring. Well, I gave up my doctor and began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This treatment cured me rapidly and I was soon myself again. I was pale, thin and weak, suffered from stomach troubles and liver complaint and frequently had sick, nervous headaches. I was surprised to find that in a few weeks time I had gained 30 pounds in weight. I never felt so strong and well in all my life. Headaches never bother me any more and I am grateful for the cure. If people would only give this medicine a fair trial they would certainly be cured." You can feel yourself gaining in strength incl vitality while using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. You sleep better, eat your meals with, more relish, and digest them without dis- comfort. But it Is also interesting to note your increase in weight for this is proof positive that your system is obtaining additional nourishment from this food cure and that new, firm flesh and tissue is being added to the body. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers or Edmanson, Bates 8c Co., Limited, Toronto. GRAIN GROWN IN CANADA, .A, bulletin isseed to -day by the Cen- sus and Statistics Office reports on the proportion of grain of last year's har- vest that proved of merchantabh qual- ity and upon the quantities in farmers' hands at the end of March, 1914, the report being based upon returns by crop -reporting correspondents on March 31. Of the total estimated production of wheat in Canada in 1913, amounting to 231,717,000 bushels, 224,810,000 bush. els, or 97 p. c., proved to be a mer- chantable quality. This is a larger proportion than in any previous year since estimates were first obtained in 1910, and bears out the known results of last year's excellent ripenieg and harvesting season in the Northwest provinces, The corresponding percent- ages in previous years were 92.87 and 94. By provinces the proportions are lower throughout eastern Canada, be- ing about 87 p. e. for Prince Edward Is- land and Nova Scotia, 90.5 p. c. in New Brunswick, 90 p. c. in Quebec and 91 p. c. in Ontario. In British Columbia the proportion was 85.6 p. c. About 16.5 p. c. of the total Canadian wheat crop in 1913 is reported as re- maining in farmers' hands at March 31, 1914, this proportion representing 38,- 353,000 bushels. This too is a lower figure than in any previous year and is consistent with the high records of in- spection and shipment. Of the total oat crop of 1913, amount- ing to 401,669,000 bushels, 94.58 p. c. is estimated to have been of merchantable quality, representing 382,754,000 bush- els. Only in Prince Edward Island (87.7 p. c.) and Nova Scotia (86.8 p. c.) did the proportion fall below 90 p. c. The figures for 1913 are the highest on record. The amount in farmers' hands at March 31 is placed at about 40 p. c., or 161,537,000 bushels. the proportion of the 1912 crop on hand in 1913 being 44.22 p. c., or 173,178,000 bushels. Barley the total yield of which was 48,319,000 bushels, proved of merchant- able quality to the extent of 46,186,000 bushels, or 95.58 p. c., the proportion in previous years being 87 p. c. (1912) 90 p. c. (1911) and 92p. c. (1910). The quantity remaining in farmers' hands on March 31 was about 30 p. c., or 14,- 440,000 bushels, as compared with 17,- 289,000, or 35 p. c. of the 1912 crop in hand at March 31, 1913. Of other crops corn for husking prov- ed of merchantable quality to the ex- tent of 78.8 p.c.; rye 90.9; buckwheat 82 p.c., flaxseed 94.8 p.c , potatoes 82 p.c., turnips, etc. 81 p.c. and hay and clover 88 p.c. The quantities of these crops on hand at March 31 were estim- ated to be: corn 4,308,500 bushels, flax- seed 2,295,000 bushels, potatoes 27,426,- 000 bushels, turnips, etc. 11,230,000 bushels, and hay and clover 2,675,000 tons. Live stock have generally wintered well and are reported as being on the whole in excellent condition. The spring appears likely to be rather late in the Eastern provinces of Canada, but in the west the ground was report- ed as generally in good shape after a mild winter. It was anticipated that seeding would begin about the middle of April under favourable conditions as regards soil. REST ADD HEALTH TO MOTHER AND MHO. MRS. 'WINSLOW'S SOOTITING SYRUP IIRS bent ased for over StXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of moTimics for their CHILDREN WHILE TF,ETIIING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALI,. VS al: l'AIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRIICEA. It is ab. solutely harmless Be sure and ask for "Mrs, WiriNioves Soot'Wng +Syrup." and take no othdf kind. Twenty-five. edits a bottle. ELECTRIC RAILWAY SUBSIDIES. "The Sun sees a great futere ahead for rural electric lines in Ontario We believe this is the real 'good roads rolicy' for the province. Such lines could be made the means of bringing producer and consumer closer together but all such lines should be built at the cost of those directly benefitted. If this is provided for, only such lines as are really needed will be constructed, and there will be greater economy in construction than will be the case if the cost comes from the Federal treasury, the outpourings from which too many still believe comes as manna from heaven." A Wowler Worlier "It heals like magic," is a favorite expression when Dr. Chese's Ointment is used. It works quickly, stops all itching at once, often heals in a single night. For eczema, salt rheum, bar- ber's itch, skin irritations or eruptions, it is a most satisfactory treatment. Being antiseptic, it prevents Wood poisoning. IN MEMORIAM OF litwiN R, ELLIOTT WHO DIED APRIL MTH, 1013. Death from out our ranks has taken, One, a brother whom we loved; By his faith and love unshaken, He a steadfast comrade proved; And in death he speaketh yet, By that bright example set. Yes, though dead, he lives forever, - Registered his name on'high; Shall he be forgotten? Never, One with Christ, he cannot die. Sweetly sleeping in the Lord, Hid his life with Christ in God. The Toronto Weekly Sun, a sturdy ad- vocate of the farmer's rights, in an- swering a correspondent who expressed disappointmect at its attitude in oppo- sition to electric railway subsidies, says: 'The Sun holds very strongly to the opinion that Dominion money should be spent only for national purposes; that Provincial revenues should be expended only on undertakings ef benefit to I ' Province as a whole; that works ad" ei are of a purely local nature should oe financed at the cost of those they are intended to serve. "Coming to the special case under consideration, that of local electric rail- way building, what would be the effect of departure from the general principle laid down? If the buildingof such rail- ways is confined to one particular sec- tion of the Dominion, and a federal sub- sidy is granted towards such building, the whole Dominion will be taxed for the benefit of one particular locality. That would be a manifest injustice. If, on the other hand, we have these local undertakings springing up in all parts of the Dominion, and all are aided from the Dominion treasury, the burden upon each will be no less than if each financ- 04 its own enterprise at its own cost, Indeed the burden will probably be greater because the incentive of ex- pected Federal aid Would doubtless lead to the promotion of lines for which there is no existing need, and the whole com- munity would be saddled with the cost of these needless enterprises. Precise- ly the same line of argument applies to the proposal to secure a Provineial guar. entee of bonds. Yet, we mourn a fellow creature, Right it is to sympathize; "Jesus wept" 'ds human nature, He was heard in tears and cries; And exalted still retains Sympathy with all our pains. He both died and rose and liveth, That he might be Lord of all; His they are whom God forgiveth, And they sure shall hear His call; Brought by Him, His blood the price, His by cov'nant sacrifice. On the sure foundation resting - Rock of Ages, living stone, Trial, faith, and patience testing, Makes us trust in God alone. Fight the fight pursue the strife, °Laying h Id on endless life. Life and light and resurrection. Immortality He gives; Gone for ever imperfection, Christ the Lord of glory lives; And for ever strong to save, Gives the vict'ry o'er the grave. Sweet the mem'ry of our brother, Sweet the comfort from above; Sweet the greeting of each other, Should the Lord of us approve; Till th, . day in peace he sleeps, Christ His own in safety keeps. From Christadelphian Brethern, Hamilton, Ont. HEALTH OF CITY AND COUNTRY CHILDREN. SONG OF SINGING. [Richard le Gallienned Singers all along the street, Singing every kind of song - One man's song is honey -sweet, One man's song is hammer -strong; Yet, however sweet the singing, However strong the hammer -swinging - All the bees are round that honey Which the vulgar world call money, Singers singing down the street. I believe there is a song, Could you sing it, that would beat All the sweet and all the strong; Just a simple song of pity, 'Mid the iron of the city. 0 we are so tired of birds, Of rainbows and the love-siek words! Sing us but one manly tune, (Leaving out the rising moon). Sing the song of Hope Eternal In the face of Facts Infernal And make your singing somehow prove it - Faith so firm no doubt can move it - Then the bees will leave the honey Which the vulgar world calls money. The Youth's Companion shatters the general imbression that country child- ren are healthier than city children by recalling the. fact that the National Council of Education and the American Medical Association studied this ques- tion for two years and found that there was a margin of from 10 to 50 per cent. in favour of the city chi]d. Some of the causes might be noted. Four kin- dred American cities look carefully after the health of their school child- ren. They furnish medical inspection, school nurses, medical and dental clin- ics, and buildings designed with proper lighting, ventilation and heating. On the other hand not one state in five pro- vides the simplest medical inspection of children in country schools. A study of twenty-five typical cities and hun- dreds of rural districts chosen at ran- dom in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Idaho show- ed the percentages of curvature of the spine, ear trouble, eye defects, and en- larged tonsils were much larger in the country. Stranger still school children in New York City were found to have less lung affection than a county in Vir- ginia. The agitation that is going on in some quarters to have medical inspec- tion in rural schools in Ontario would seem to be warranted by these facts. Our country school houses are better generally then they are in the States, but there are diseases and defects which cannot be traced to the school- house and their discovery would result in good just as medical inspection in cities has resulted in benefit wherever it has been adopted. I NO AL.,UM vectiemoriv ish'eeeetz PLAINLY PRINTED. ON THE LA 13 Great Britain will likely send to the San Francisco Exposition the arts and crafts exhibit shown at Ghent. The cost will be about $500,000. IL Do not suffer another day with Itching, Bleed- ing, or Protrud. ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. 60e. a box; all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and enclose 2c, stamp to pay postage. In Geneva, Switzerland, every old picture and antique must be registered in the town hall and its value stated. This is done to protect purchasers of such articles. PIMPLES Are an "EYE SORE." Pimples are caused by the blood being out of order. Those little festering sores appear on the forehead, on the nose, ou the chin and other parts of the body,/ and although they are not a dangereus trouble they are very unsightly to both you and your friends. There is only one way to get rid of them, and that is to purify the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters is without a doubt the best remedy on the market for this purpose. Wm. F. Donohue, Jr., Hamilton, Ont., writes: -"About six months ago my little son's face was literally covered with pimples. / tried every preparation I was told of by my friends, but to no avail. Scon I thought I could not have them fixed up, and would have to wait, and let him grow out of them, but thanks to Burdock Blood Bitters they are all gone, and I gladly recommend it to anyone." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufac- tured solely by The T. Milburn Co., limited, Toronto, Out. - 4- --- Berlin has a store where the pictures of women who wish to become brides are displayed. American magizines are almost un- known in the bookstores of India. Scotland possesses only 31,382 motor vehicles, including motorcycles. Austria, from September 1, 1912, to July, 1913, produced 515.996,000 gallons of beer. Five hundred and forty pounds of blood pass through the heart in one hour. .01.10166101.1011•••••••1611•6•6101•11611•16 ++++4.444. 44.4.444-44414FRiWIRS44., ÷ 4. + 4. + 3 ... The Times • + . + + 4. + Clubbing List! + + 4. + + + 4. + Times and Saturday Globe 1,90 + + + + + Times and Daily Globe 3.7o + t + + + Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star1.85 4: + S Weekly t d Times anToronto un 4- + 1.70 * I +4. Times and Toronto Daily News + + + + + Times and Farmers' Advocate + Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) .. Times and Daily Mail and Empire. Times and Farm and Dairy OOOOOOOO 09.4 2630 ... 1.80 Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press, . 2.304.502 . 1,60 .0 1.60 36 5 +44 .i Times and Weekly Mail and Empire + + 4. 't + + Times and Toronto Daily Star ; * 1 Times and London Daily Free Prest, Morning Times and London Advertiser (weekly) ... .... 1.60 + Edition ... .. Z ........ 2.85 Times and Daily Advertiser + + + + 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 4. + 4' + * + Times and Montreal Daily Witness 3.50 + + 4 + Times and Montreal Weekly Witness 1.85 + + + + Times and World Wide 2.25 4 + Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg..... 1.60 + + + + 2.25 + + Times and Presbyterian + +2.25 + Times and Westminster + Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 t + Times and Toronto Saturday Night . 3.40 *4. + I: Times and Busy Man's Magazine 2.50 * + Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.75 + I: 4. Times and Youth's Companion 2.90 + 1.35 + + Times and Northern Messenger. * + .. 3.10 * 4. Titi and Daily World ..... ..... + + Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) . 2.90 + 4. I.: Times and Canadian Pictorial .... 1.60 + + 3.15 + + Times and Lippincott's Magazine 4. + Times and Woman's Home Companion . 2.66 + + 2.40 + + Times and Delineator 2.30 4: + + 4. Times and Cosmopolitan 2.50 4. 4. 4. + Times and Strand X + i. + + Times and Success 2.46 2.60 . Times and McClure's Magazine... 2,55 t + +. Times and Munsey's Magazine kt + + Times and Designer 1.85 i Times and Everybody's 2.40 4. + + -4. These prices are for addresses in Canada or Greatl: 4: ,t Britain. + + • The above publications may be obtained by Times.t. • 3:subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-$ 4tion being the figure given above less $1.00 representing; .1' the price of The Times. For instance. • * 6 o The Times and Saturday Globe.... $1.90 • * • • The Farmer's Advocate (6'2.35 less $1.00). 1.35 * 4, • • • • $3.25 • o • :making the price of the three papers $3.25. • • • • • The Times and tbe Week)y Sun.. . . . $1.70 4, •• • The Toronto Daily Star ($2,30 Mss $1.00)1,30 • •• • The Saturday Globe (61.90 less $1.00) 90 • • • : $390 • 4, 4, :the four papers for $3.9o. 4. * 4. ÷ 11 the publicat on you want is not in above 1 . (.1. + +us know. We - ,n supply almost any well-known Canal: • +dian or American publication. These prices are strictly+ • • $$+cash in advance + S nd subscriptions by post office or express order toef. I The Times Office 1 + + + /4. Stone Mock ÷ WINGHAM ONTARIO I I sket+.4.4114:+3aMeAtiitv MIA:* it+ 44,444t44****1**441.44.4+444