HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-04-23, Page 88 TRE MOAN MD, APRIL 23 1911 ,,,,,-.„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,...,,,,,,..,..,.„..,....,..........4,..o. .,,,........; -,........, . )71:744.*:7Z,,:t,1%„,,,,,,,..., , • -,,,,...• .. .. . MINOR LOCALS. —Have yon done 3 oue Sprieig clean- ing yet. —The High and Pui.dic Peline1e re- opened on Monday, --A DOMIDIOO Bey cel ti will be held it Wiogbare —All back yerde meet be deatled up before the first of May. —Whitecheech ereaneore will com- mence operatitees 4:11. —The Goderich Town Couneil hes ordered the curfew tell to be, ruet 9 o'clock, at night. —Regular rreetitio ')k' Court Mitand Canadien Order of Foresters on Friday evening of this week, —Winghare's feur phase orchestra urnished Blusit:. for a bell at Bruseelts on- Fridey evening, April 17th, - Mrs. Haslam and Miss Niro. Haugh 'have returned home erne- visleinowtli Mr. .and Mrs. E H. Bird, irk Tonto. Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Stephen:ton were in Camlackie for a few &tee, where they attended the funeral of Mr. SteTh- enson' .1 brother. —Keep in mind D. McDonald Or Son's big auction sale of mitch cows at the Queen's hotel yards on Saturday after- noon of this week. —If you intend travelling east, west, north or south, buy your railway tickets from II. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES office. —Mr. James B. Reynolds, of the British Exchange Hotel, Goderich, has purchased the license, fixtures, furnish- ings and good -will of the King Edward Hotel at Guelph. — Owing to a decrease in population the town of Harriston will in future have only three licensed hotels. The license of the Mansion House will terminate on the lst of May. —Mr. Peter Wilson, along with Mrs. Wilson and family, leaves this week for Kenora, Ont., where he has been ap- pointed manager of the Liberal weekly, The Kenora Examiner. —Word was received here of the death ia Toronto last week of Stanley Mitchell, son of Mr. Wm. Mitt:eel', for - merle Wingham. The e oung man had been ill fur only a few days with pneurneeia. —Mr. Wm. Evans, cne o the pioneer and respected reeidenteof Hotsick town- ship, died at his hense in Caelle on Sat- urday last. The d entleman was a cousin of Mr. T. L. Jobb, of this town, ,—The meinbere of the Wingham Choral Society eiljeyed aeettiel evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Christieton Monclee eeetieee. I'lene for next season's Wortz were diecueeed and a financial statement, showing a small balattee ca hand, wee ea:emitted NA- DRU- Go COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY IT two sizes 5oc. and $1 .00 Put up in Agra...owe 1 nemiwrtrgeeMINEEMM=735sept= 6-$4,SAVVVY41.4 KJ NCI EIRC3S. 1 Je DAVIS. 11 CORNER DRLTG STOWINGHAM 11 k Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON RE ---- maamasourac,--aw,szcs The Hospital Coacert. On Tuesday evening a very enjoyable concert was held in the Opera House for the benefit of the Wingham Grner- al Hospital. A fair sized audience as- sembled, though the wet evening no doubt prevented many who had bought tickets from attending. The program was as follows: Piano duet, by Messrs. Birkett. ,Song by Miss E. Griffin. Readings by Mrs. Herb. Campbell. Violin solo by Mr. Peter Wilson. Sketch' by Messrs. Coutts and Jobb. Song by Mr. P. Wilson. Piano duet by Messrs. Smith and Birkett. Song and Chorus (Jimmy Valentine) by Misses E. Pattersoo, N. Smith, P. Smith, L. Maddison, H. Buchanan, R. Walker, N. Gracey. Died in Toroneo. Mrs, D. D. Halstead,' a foimer resi- dent of the Wingliara Toon net, died in Toronto on Mondey st, aged GO years. Since the death et her husband a few years ago the deceased lady had been reeiding in Toronto. The remains are beingsbrought here for 'interment and the funeral will take place this (Thursday) afternoon from G. T. R. station on arrival of 2.80 o'clock train from Teronto. CHURCH NOTia Smith and Real Estate Transfer Ritchie Se Cosens report the following sales of Real Estate during the past week., Mrs. Reese's cottage on Albert street, to J. Walton McKibben. Dr. Price's residence street to N. 1'. Sinclair. on Frances Om Authority Bradstreets makes the following re- view of the conditions in the County — Orders in the hands of factories and foundries, while they have increased encouragingly during March and this month the, are not normal, taken as a whole, and this is because of lack of funds in the consumers bands to pay the merchant, who pays the wholesaler, who pays the manufacturer. Before normal activity is resumed in the various departments of trade, another good crop in Canada specially Western Canada, must be an assured thing. Finally the money, which is porver to buy, must COMO chiefly from the agseiculturalists. Thos. Riley was found guilty at London of manslaughter in the death of Geo. Blackburn, barteetrer at the Hotel Cecil. Rev. W. M. McKay is resigning as pastor of KISOX Presbeteelan Church at Harriston. Rev. J. A. Bradford, of England will conduct the services in the Baptist Church on Sunday net. Regular services wille-be held in the Methodist -Church, morning and even- ing. Patitor will preach at boeh services. Morning service will be an infant baptismal service. Evening subject, "Under -rated People. " Rev. C. J. Cameron, of Toronto de- livered an interesting addreate in the Baptiet Church on Tuesday evening $1.1 the subject: --"Canada's Geeats.st Pro- blern—Canadianizing tl,e:eaangere that are within our gates." The adjourned mete shoe of the Vestry of St. Paul's Church Wa:3 held on Mon- day evenfaig laiit with a large number in atteedariaa "ly. Iteseetet P.Ilen was elected Peopten'W;,..2,l,?!. Oer the ewe -dries ,year. A letter was sent te Mr. W. If' Willis or:pie-see:1g the deep eppeeciation oi the erereitai'Zi 1.1 the Veeiry el': the ex - e. wee eoeviect feed pl, e,1 attendance ef tbe eiele throtighoutt the year. . At the entintei tetesting of the Mettle- distTecineo..e Committee h(Ad in Toron- to on Thurday °float week, the follow- ing trensferS were wale affecting Lon- don orinference:-1. T. C. Morris, Lon- don to Hamilion; E. A. l'evson, Hamil- ton to London; 11. F. Perry, London to Montreal; F. G. Robinson, Montreal to London; Rev. D. E. Mato, formerly of Stratford, London to Hamilton; G. A. Xing, Hamilton to London; S. J. Budgette, Montree to London; 11. Hetherington, London to Manitoba; W. W. Shoup, 'Manitoba to London. Supek- aro:mated—Richard Hobbs, London to Toronto. 1 Porter Shaw of Montreal in the C. P. R. Company's employ at Orillia, was drowned in the Severn River by a canoe upsetting The body of a man thought to be G. J. Pilette, a Belgian, evidently a C.N.R. timekeeper, was found in the bush near North Bay. David McAuley, the first shipper of apple e from Platen to the British mar- ket, died at the age of eighty. Capt. William Allen, well known on the Great Lakes, died at his home in Ford, Ont., aseed eighte-three. Edward Cook, jun., of Sheet Harbor, N. S., was sentenced to bo -hanged on June for the murder of Chas. Assaff, a Syrian peddler. news HasTin—In Turnberry, on April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hastie; a daughter. ZURBRIGG —In Wingham, . on April Oth, to Mr. aoel Mrs. M. E. Zurbrigg; a son. Eowaons—In Wingham, on April 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Edwards; a son, MARRIED, BONE • SELLERS—At the home of the bride, on April 8th, by Rev. J. E. Cooke, Mr. George Bone, to Miss Ethel, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Sellers, all of Morris township. S1NNIMON —MC MICHAEL—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J, E. Cooke, on April 8th, Mr. Hugh Sinni- mon to Miss Ada, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.McMichael. D1111 D. RAGGITT —In Blyth, on April 4th, Ed- ward Haggitt, sr., aged 95 years and 1 month. JACKSON In Morris township, on Aprll llth, George Jackson in his G8th year. Cameeone—In Morris, on April 15th, Kate Campbell, sister of Messrs. D. I -I. and Arch. Campbell, in her 56th year. WEIR—In Turnberry, on April 19th, James Bell Weir, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Weir, aged 5 years and 9 months. • ANGUS—In Wingham, on April 21st, James Angus, aged 70 years and 6 months. BURLEY In Walkerton, on April 18th, Coleman Burley, formerly of Wingham, aged 65 years. HALSTEAD—In Toronto, April 20th, Ellenor Halstead, relict of the late D. D. Halstead, of Wingham Town Plot, aged 00 years, About 150 Renfrew citizene have pro- vided a $10,001 hotel for the local option town. It was formally opened Friday night with a Canadian Club banquet at which Hon. Arthur Meighen was the orator. REPOBTS. Wingham, April I, 1013 Flour per 1001bs 2 70 to 3 10 Fall wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats .... .0 40 to 0 40 Barley .0 52 to 0 52 Peas . . 0 90 to 0 00 Butter dairy .0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per doz 0 18 to 0 18 Wood per cord , 2 25 to 3 00 Hay per ton. ...... :12 00 to 13 00 Hogs . ..9 10 to 9 10 Manitoba is willing to guarantee C. N.R. bonds for a branch line from Mc- Creary or Laurier, torthward, to con- nect with the Gypsemville, extension of the Ithdeon Bay R,ailroad. Allan Wesley Wesee died without a moment's warning while th his motor boat on the Bay of Quinte. CASTOR IA For Infants Itta Children: the Mod You Have Always Bought Bearn the gignature of OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Coeutry. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times (Mice, Wingham. Two women license -holders in Morn - ton had their licenses renewed, while those of two men were cut off,. Just received a car. of seed barley. Call us by phone and secure what you will need. Howsori & BROCKLEBANK. PUBLIC NOTICE. The Board of Health desires to 41 the attention of householders to he following sections of the By-law a ed to the Public Health Act:— Sect. 14 -No privy -vault, ce:. .00l or reservoir into which a prey water- eloset, stable or sink is dr ed, shall be established until the pproval ir writing of the Medical realth Officer has been obtaine Sect. 16 —If thj ex stances of the privy -vaults, -shall be allow ncies or circum- ality require that lois or reservoirs in accordance with AGENTS FOR NORTHWAY'S READY-TO-WEAR IIIMINEMME....M.4.11111W1-4.1341:1311. touR NEW SPRING 'WRAP We are now showing some very dressy coats in the well-known Northway Brand in the newest styles and shades made in Serge, Ratine, Brocaded Jacquard, Gab- ardine and Sports Cloth. Prices, $10.00 and $20.00 MEINSIN•11111111:•112..Nailirlirtd.C.,Vm.31:alairt0211.1111•0•Mr.M...1 Ladies' and Misses' Raincoats for April showers, Ladies' Para- matts waterproof coats in shades of Navy, Black, Gray and Olive, special value $5,00 Ladies' Raincoats at 11.2.50. This is a guaranteed. all -wool waterproof material in plain and tweed finish, Gray and Brown shades, all sizes loainialatcr...=.==.114/c=. ...01061acessamacii•COMI Nev Sports Cloth, Coat lengths in Mahogany. Tango and Paddy Green, No two alike, $4.50 per . length Special Values in Men's and Boys' Clothing Boys' 2-pihce Norfolk Suit in fancy Greys, Browns and Navy. Prices, $5.00 to $17.50 Men's Norfolk Suits. We are showing a nice range of these suits in black and white checks, greys, navy and brcwns. Prices $10.00 to $20,00 Agents for "Fit Reform Tailoring" Prices $20.00 to $35.00. Fit and Workmanship guaranteed, PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 71 Ki BROS ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices thider 'This Head ten cents aline for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bad at Christie's. For Wall Papeutiond Window Shades go to KNox's. Reduced Prices in Wall Paper an& Window Shades at KNOX'S. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Blg stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. For the Newest Designs in Spring Wall Paper go to KNox's. To RENT - Comfortable rooms in the Meyer Block. Apply to A. E. Smith. FON SALE A good istnbator and brooder. Apply to With. Williamson. WANTED—Maid .0 general house- work. Apply to Afrs. George Mason, phone 78B. FOR SALE—A good fruit farm in the Niagara district. Get particulars at TIMES office. Foo SALE —A good milch cow, five years old, due to Calve May 1st. Apply at TIMES office, FOR SALE—By Mrs. H. F. Hicks, a baby carriage. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Field, Wingham. WANTED YET—Have 51 makers on now. Want nine more to fill up mach- ines. W. D. Pringle. Go to C. TEMPLENIAN, tailor, 44 John st.,` for cleaning, pressing and repairing your suits. FEED CORN—Car load of feed corn just to hand. Get your supplies at the feed store or at warehouse at G. T. R. TIMING & MILLS Fon SALE --reur light double wagons with or without tops, one dray and two bob sleighs. Apply to THE WM. DAVins CO. LTD. Wingham, section 14, they shall be cleaned out at least once a year, on or before the Ist day of May, and front the 1st day of May to the 1st day of November in each year they shall be thoroughly disinfect- ed by adding to the contents of the vault, eesspools or reservoir, once a month, not leas than two pounds of chloride of lime, dissolved in two pail- fuls of water. JOHN F. Gnovn9, Secretary of 'Board of Health. FOR SALE Buggy in thorough repair Saddle and Bridle No. 5 Taylor Fireproof Safe, new Gasoline Engine'six horse power Dynamo 80 cycle, 16 candle power Also Eig'ht-roomed 13rick House fo sale or to rant. Apply to Geo McKenzie GENUINE ••=1.111nIelt DI& COAL 'All Sizes Promptly Delivered Fon SetaH—My popular pony, "Teddy." Also buggy, cutter, harness, blankets, robes, fly -netting. Everything in first- class order. Apply to A. li. Homuth, near grist mill, FOR SALE —An eight -roomed, new brick house, corner of Victoria and Leopold streets. Hard and soft water. Large lot. Terms easy. Would sell part of land separately. Apply Box 400, Acton, Ont. --Greyhound xoursion 1914 an out- ing; goirg to h e nearly three days for the 1)ctroiJ visit. Leave Goderich 9.30 A,M, Fri y, June 12th, arriving in Detroit at e; and for the return trip, leave Droit at one P.M. Monday, June 1Sth, a iving in Goderich at nine. Public Notice, The Public Health Act of 1912 re- quires all premises to be eleared of rub- bish and other 'refute on ot before *e first of May of each year, After that date the Sanitary Inspeotor will examine all premises and delinquents Will be punished aceording to law. By orderer the Board of Health. JOHN F. Grown, 3, C. SHINGLES BEST GRADES 3 X, for 95c. per Bunch 4 X, $1.00 5 X, $1.05 " Cc FIRE OOD Dry Cedar Kindling, $2 cord Dry Hard Wood - $3 cord Dry 4ft Hard Wood, $4 cord J. A. McLEAN Dealer in LUMBER, COAL, WOOD Notice to Creditors. IN TRH ESTATO Or JANES HaziallitSON, DE - (Masai). Cre'itors of ;tomes Hendersor, late of the Township of Morris, in the Dounty of Huron,. Yeoman, deceasf d, who died on or about the 250h day of March, 1914, and all others having claims against or entitled to share in the estate of said deceased, are hereby notified to Send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, on or berore the lfitla dey,or May, 1014, their names, addresses and doscrip- tionv, and full particulate of thkir ehoms, accounts or interest, and the nature of their security, if any, held by them. Immediatly after said last mentioned ante, the assete elf the deceased will be distributed amonr the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to olaims or interests ut which the executors shall then have notice and the Said executors will not he liable for the Said assete, or any art thereof, to any person or persons, of whose claim or interest thee shall not have received notice at tho tiltq of such distribution. A. MORTON, Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the, Executors, Dated this 11th day of April, 1014 TENDERS WANTED. yklue•Pmr••••••••Mkplimmielai4MMIlt • Big Sale LA IES' SHOES on Friday of this week at 4 p. m. 56 pairs of Women's Shoes consisting of Pumps, Strap Slippers and Oxfords. Regular $2.00 to $3.00 per pair, on sale Friday at 4 p.m. for $1Q17 :.er air One shoo of each pair is being shown in North Window All sizes for Women 23. to 7 MIIIISZt26121113Billier 111114011111LIZEIda NE144611111/112411 AllIONSW=171=110,1=111=1=1 W. H.Willis & Co. Sole Agents For Ladies leilettettletellebeeeeltealtetaleeteelett Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, April 25th, at 4 o'eloek p. m., for all exterior paint- ing on Town Hall two coats. Town to furnish paint. Work to be finished by June 15th. Thelowest or any tender not necessarilyAccepted. JOHN F: Gnovus, Town Clerk. Four hundred Hindus are said to ba on their way to Vancouver from Shang- hai and Hong Rong. SEEDS, FLOUR AN FEES All kinds of seeds now in stock—Clovers of all kinds and grasses for permanent pasture, Red Clover, A.lsike Clover, White Clover, Lucerne Clover, white Blossom, Brome Grass, Orchard Grass, Kentucky and Canadian Blue Grass, Rye Grass, etc. All high Grade Government Standard No. 1. Also Mangel, Carrot, Turnip seed, Early Potatoes, all 1914 seeds, a few last year Loose Mangel seed at 15C fier lb. A Car of Hand Selected seed Corn to arrive about May 1st; all Essex Grown. I buy only the best. No Faliure of crop when buying from one who understands Seed Corns, Teaming, Bailey, White Cap Wisconsin No. 7, Comptons Early and Long- fellow. Caldwells Calf Meal, and Bibby's Cream Equiva. lant for rearing Calves without milk. Good Luck Baby Chick feed for young Chicks. , Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and Chop. FLOURS 1 1 iccd allHoucs.eholci, Robin Hood, Purity, UniverS al an - Wheat and Oats taken in Exchange for any o the above, also Butter and Eggs at cost prices. N oN,MMIM.V.1.110•Ndah011•1•*•••• .WM1 • Mb J mr Ai MILLS Successor to T. A. Ms PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. s