HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-04-16, Page 88 • MINOR LOCIU.S. - to 7', • , i celebration will he held in Duek- 'now on Donaheeny. 6 THE WIATITAM T1311?3, APRIL 16 1914 —Plan of bail for Ifos!•tel onno; r will open ;:t L Ubob (Lug n friday, April 17th. Many friends are pleased to see Mr. Wm, Vessant able to be dOWli tov, after his serions ifinces. --Work was commenced on the sewer on Victoria street on Monday and the work is going alta -a; nicely. An interesting budget o 1utve, news is crowded out of this issee. It will be given a place next week. —Choral Society Concert tomorrow (Friday) night in the Opera House. Ad- mission 25c. No txtra, cLarge for re- serving seat. —Mrs. Agnes Dewar, wife of Mr. E. H. Dewar, editor of the Harriston Re- view, died in the hospital at Fergus on Saturday last. —The High School and Publ'e Sehools are closed this week for the Easter holi- days. Both schools will re -open on Monday next. —The Waverly House at Clinton Las been vacated and it is said the oaner will tear duwn the building and move the lumber to Toronto. —Mr. Frank McConnell, auctioneer and real estate agent, was in Hullett township on Tuesday conducting a big sale of farni stock and implements. —Mr. B. 11. Cochrane has been seri- ously ill at Oakville, but his many friends will be pleased to learn that he is now sometvhat improved. Mrs. Cochrane visited in town on Tuesday. - At the meeting of Court Maitland on Friday evening, Messrs. Geo. Oliver . and H. B. Elliott were selected as dele- gates to attend the annual meeting of the Canadian Order of Foresters which will be he:d in Quebec city in June. —Many triends will be pleased to learn that Mr. W. 11. Kerr, editor of the Brussels Post, has so far recovered as to be able to return to his home from thehospital in Clinton. We trust Bro, Kerr will soon be fully restored to good health. - The license commissioners for Peel County decided today, in view of the recent mojority in favor of the Canada temperance act, not to issue any new licenses. The present licenses will be extended tor three months from May 1, in order to give the. hotelkeepers an op- portunity to dispose of their stocks. CHURCH NOTES. NA -DRU -CO OD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY IT Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1.06 ONNIa.•••.m.r...-nors.1...,••••1•.••••*...••••• to•••••••••010.. 1.11.11•001.0.1..• AVI Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE W INGHAM ••••••••,,,W Regular services will be held in the Methodist Church next Sunday, morn - big and evening. The pastor will preach at both services. Rev. W. McDonagh, of 232 Pearson Ave., Toronto, and a former pastor of Wesley Church, Clinton, celebrated his 87th birthday a few days since, about a dozen ministers being his guests. While he is in the best of health ordin- arily, he is a cripple and confined to his room, an injury he sustained to his knee some years ago keeping him confined. The services in St. Paul's Church on Easter Day were of a very bright and inspiring nature, in keeping with the great, glad festival which commemor- ates the Resurrection. At Matins the magnificent Te Deum by Edmund Turn- er, and "Songs of Victory" by Lacey were sung. A very successful Child- ren's service was held at 2..30 p.m. when the children of the Sunday School sang Easter anthems, solos, and choruses very sweetly. Mr. Hinkley assisted at this service with cornet accompaniments and a cornet solo. The Rector, Rev. Mr. Croly, gave a short, interesting address to the children. At Evensong Caleb Simper's "King of Kings" was splen- didly rendered by the choir, and during the OffertorylVliss Alice Mann sang "Re- demption" The Easter music will be repeated next Sunday and a solo will also be given by Mr. Peter Wilson. The annual Easter vestry meeting of St, Paul's church was held on Monday evening in the schoolroom for the pass- ing of accounts, election of officers and other parochial business. The follow- ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Rector's Warden, Mr. E. C. White; Advisory Board, Messrs. R, Clegg, A. E. Porter, W. J. Boyce, j. H. Stepheason, R. Vanstono, W. F. VanStone, C. P. Smith. Lay Delegates to Synod, Mr. Wm. Moore and Mr. John Nethery; Substitutea, Messrs, R. Vanstone and A. E. Smith. Organist and Choir Master, Mr. W. IT. Willis. Vestry Clerk, Mr. C. N. Griffin. Sex- ton, Mr. 1. Cole. The Financial State- ment for the year was received and pese,1 and sidemen elected. The election of the peoples' warden and the discussion as to whether or not the pews should be rented was left over until the adjourned *vestry, which win be held next Monday evening. OCEAN TICKETS Via all stetunship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Couutry. Lowest quotations current fer rates or tickets by any route, Apply B. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingbani Special Announcement AVING purchased the Wholesale PrOduce Business of Gunns Ltd., we will be in a position to handle' your produce more satisfactorilythan ever before, We prefer to handle wnat you sell through your merchant, but if he cannot accomodate you then ask us for the names of the people who want it. Prices on Farm Produce will depend on Quality. It costs no more to bring good eggs than to bring rotten eggs, and the good eggs are worth 20 times as much as the rotten ones, at the present time. 61001CFRANI3 ICIOR1117106=111121=1ZI A. H. WILFORD Telephones: WINGHAM Office, 174 Residence, 108 BOKN SCOTT—In Seaforth, on April 7th, to Mrs. Whitmore Scott, formerly ot Wingham; a son. Lamoan3Y—On April 4, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Austin A. Lamonby, Dunn- ville, Ont.; a daughter, DIED. SimrsoN—In Culross, on April 9th, Adam H. Simpson. ANDERSON -In Wingham, on April 12th, Agnes Robinson, beloved wife of Mr. Chris. Anderson, aged 67 years. HAMILTON—fn Howick, on April 2nd, John Aamilton, in his 70th year. LEES -At St. Joseph, Mo. on March 21st (after a brief illness from pneu- monia), Jennie S. Lees, daughter of Andrew Lees, formerly of Morris town- ship. MCCARTNEY—In Grey, on April 8th, Jane Wilson, relit of the late John Mc- Cartney, in her 82nd year. A Cigarette Boy. (Michigan Advance) All narcotic poisons tend to benumb the nervous system, weaken the mental power and corrupt the moral nature. The boy who begins to smoke cigar- ettes before the age of twelve will doubtless become a degenerate, and the first symptom of his degeneracy will b e to lie about his being addicted to the habit. Many a fond mother has been fooled by the heartless lies of her fiendish cigarette offspring too far gone into deprevity to care a rap whether he has any mother. If such boys live to get out of their teens, they generally man- age soon to get into the prison cells. A large percentage of heartless crimi- nals are eigarette fiends, Judge Gemmill, of Chicago, recently stated that of twenty-five thousand or more criminals that have passed before him many of them Intel the tell-tale yellow stains on their fingers. Go to the cell of the newly arrested murder- er and you will see the cigarette in his teeth or hear him call for it. Cigar, ettes harden the heart for terrible deeds and unfit the mind for any useful service. "Smoking eigarettes," says an imp- loring mother,"has made a wreck of my son, once bright and full of brains and ambition, Now he can't think; he can't hold a subject in his mind. He was a Stenographer, but now he is no- thing." Japan and China have prohibited cig- arettes and opium, but we Amerieans Who think ourselves superior to the yellow rates are allowing our youth to practice a habit which will utterly ruin the nation in one generation unless checked and snpressed. Examination of the books" of, Russel - township reve als a startingly unbusiness- like conduct of the township's affairs. An inquiry is ordered. A fire of mysterious origin at the Wolverine Brass Works at Chatham did damage amounting to at /east $30, 000. .11•1•I••••••••••••mg..........1 Notice to Creditors. IN THE ESTATE or JAMES EIENDEIOVN, Cresitors of James Henderson te of the Towhship of Morris, in the Co y of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died or about the 25th day of March, 1914, an 1 others having claims against or entitl to share in the estate of said deceased, e hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, otherwise deliver to the undersigned, oh before tho 1.3th day of May 1914 their names, addresses and descrip- tions, and full particulars of their claims, accounts or interest, and the nature of their security:, if any, held by them. Immediatly after said last mentioned date, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the Parties entitled thereto, having regard only to r claims or interests of whicli the executors blall then have notice and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any • art thereof, to any person or persons, of whose claim or interest they shall not have received notice at the time os such distribution. J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors, Dated this Ilth day of April, 1014 TENDERS WAN D. Sealed tenders will b eceived by the undersigned up to Sat day, April 25th, at 4 o'clock p. in., fo all exterior paint- ing on Town Hall, o coats. Awn to furnish paint. Wfgrk to be finished by June 15th. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN F. GROVES, Town Clerk. Public Notice The Public Health AJrf 1912 re- quires all premises to be eared of rub- bish and other refuse or before the first of May of each ear. After that date the SanitaryI pector will examine all premises and delinquents will be punished according to law. By order of the Board of Health. JOHN F. GrovES. , FOR SALE Buggy in thorough repair Saddle and Bridle No, 5 Taylor Fireproof Safe, new Gasoline Engine, six horse power Dynamo, 80 cycle, 16 candle power Also Eight -roomed Brick House fo sale or to rent. Apply to Geo. McKenzie ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c, getioee Under Thin Head, ten cents line for first ineertion; five coma for subse. anent incertioes. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. For Wall Paper and Window Shades go to KNoX'S. .‹.1N- Ck EtIRC)S. AGENTS FOR NORTHWAY'S READY-TO-WEAR en.TVOL 1,11•••10.1111.01M•111 Special Values in Men's and Boys' Clothing Boys' 2-pihce Norfolk Suit in fancy Greys, Browns and Navy. Prices, pm() to $17.50 Men's Norfolk Suits. We are showing a nice range of these suits in Wank and white checks, greys, navy and brcwns. Prices $10.00 to $20.00 Agents for "Fit Reform Tailoring" Prices $20.00 to 35.00. Fit and Workmanship guaranteed, • YOUR NEW SPRING WRAP We are now showing some very dressy coats in the well-known Northway Brand in the newest styles and shades made in Serge, Ratine, Brocaded Jacquard, Gab- ardine and Sports Cloth. Prices, $10.00 and $20.00 Ladies' and Misses' Raincoats for April showers, Ladies' Para- matts waterproof coats in shades of Navy, Black, Gray and Olive, special value $5 00 Ladies' Raincoa:s at$12.50K This is a guaranteed. all -wool waterproof material in plain and tweed finish, Gray and Brown shades, all sizes New Sports Cloth, Coat lengths in Mahogany. Tango and Paddy Green. No two alike. $4.50 per length PRODUCE, WANTED.71 E3R POhcirie.KING_S malaissmouramowsionis Reduced Prices in Wall Paper and Window Shades at KNOX'S. We have some very choice seed Oats for sale. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANKL TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. , W. J. EER. For the Newest Design n Spring Wall Paper go to KNOX'S FOR SALE—By 'Mrs. F. Hicks, a baby carriage. Ap to Mrs. Wm. Field, Wingham. WANTED YET—Have 51 makers on now. Want nine more to fill up mach- ines. W. D. Pringle. Go to C. TEMPLEMAN, tailor, 44 John at,, for cleaning, pressing and repairing your suits. FOR SALE—Peninsular Range and pipes, $12.50; chairs, bureau trunk, small articles, &c. Wilson, Catherine St. FEED CORN—Car load of feed corn just to hand. Get your supplies at the feed store or at warehouse at G. T. R. TIPLING & MILLS FOR SALE —Four light double wagons with or without tops, one dray a two bob sleighs. Apply to THV WM. DAVIES CO. LTD. 'Wingham. FOR SALE --Aly popular po , "Teddy." Also buggy, cutter, flame s, blankets, robes, fly -netting. Ev9atthing in St - class order. Apply to A. F. Ho th, near grist' mill. Fon SALE —An eight-roo d, new brick house, corner f oria and Leopold streets. Har soft water. Large lot. Terms . Would sell part of land separatelk. Apply Box 406, Acton, Ont. —Greyhound Excursion 1914 an out- ing; going to have nearly three days for the Detroit visit. Leavey'Goderich 9.30 A.M, Friday, June 124 arriving in Detroit at five; and for the return trip, leave Detroit at one P.M. Monday. June lath, arriving in Goderich at nine. Standing Field . Crop Competition --- The Turnberry Ag cultural Society offers $75.00 divided as ft:Mows: $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $6 add $4 for the best Field of White Oats, The Ontario Depart ent of Agricul- ture will furnish the jdges. Nature of Competit n—Fields enter- ed for competition mt consist of not ass than five acres afitl not more than twenty. i Competitors - Conmiti don will be lim- ited to members of th Turnberry Agri- cultural Society. Conbetitors can only enter in one Society and but one entry can be made by each ilompetitor. Any individual can make eRtry oor this eOlt- petion by becoming a member of the society. ) All competitors most be within 15 of Wingham. All applications must be in by the twentieth clIfy of April. Entry forms and f ther particulars may be had by aripl g to . ELLIOTT, Se ataxy, Wingbam. GENUINE THE TWO I BEST SHOES 0111 8f, W. COAL All Sizes Promptly Delivered Bi C. SHINGLES BEST GRADES 3 X, for 95c. per Bunch 4 X, $1.00 " 5 X, $1.05 CC CC FIRE WOOD Dry Cedar Kindling, $2 cord Dry Hard Wood - $3 cord Dry 4ft Hard Wood, $4 cord J. A. McLEAN Dealer in LUMBER, COAL, WOOD New Telephone , Direcotory The Bell Tele one Company of Canada is soon to pint a new issue of its Official Telepho e Directory for the district of Wester Ontario including WIN4IIAM Parties who contemplate becoming Subscribers. or t .ose who wish changes in their present entry shoulh place their orders with the loigal manager at once to insure insertion in this issue. Connect g Companies should also repo in their list of the local manag Directory Ddpa The Bell T additions and changes ubscribers, either to or to the Advertising ment, Montreal. ephone Company Canada • Thick neck and goitreticancerst tum- ors, piles, gali stones A"asthrsa, bron- chitis and- eafness res red when hope- less. Will be at Quee 'a hotel, Wing - ham on April 17th: Ingham's hotel, liarriston, April 2 t; Teeswater, on April Itth. Mail or rs promptly at- tended to. Mrs. S. Gibon, 95 Nor- folk street) Guelph QUEE QUALITY f r omen DRBY for MnEeI W. & Co. Sole Agents ,:276f 4, For Ladies New Spring Goods Are still arriving. New Cords, Stripes, Woollen and Cotton Crepes, and Ratines, all leading shades. White Waists, very pretty, good Crepe Gowns, House Dresses, Etc., Etc. Linoleums, several new.patterns now in, Rugs, all sizes, all kinds at popular prices. A full line of Fresh Groceries found here. All kinds of Seeds now in. We deal only in the best obtainable. Car Redpaths Extra Granulated Sugar to arrive about March 26th at $4.50 cwt. Leave your order at the store and Sugar will be delivered from car. No Sugar charged at this price. omermeownwokorewomegammea aL, A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. VVINGHAM, ONT.