HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-04-16, Page 5aseousammerieesesessenraistacrezerearezzemeese'rseca'
What;bout Your
New Spring
For 14 seasons we have
been selling "20th Century'
Made to Measure Garments
and now we are into the 15th
Season, which promises to
give us increased business.
There are reasons for this.
We have had entire satisfac-
tion. Our customers have
that same satisfaction, and
we know of no better make
of Clothes made in Canada
to day.
The Spring samples for
Suits and Overcoats are here
wafting for your inspection.
Satisfaction -
MacDonald Block Opp. Bank of Commmerce
This is your chance
We have on sale this week
33 Boys' Suits
at $3.69
Iin Tweeds and Dark patterns, double
. breasted coats and bloomer pants, all
' new up-to-date stuff. We are doing
this for one week only.
Sizes: 24,25, 2.6, 27, 28, 29, 30,31,, 32,33
Sale $3.69 Price
Extra Size 34 for $1.00 extra
aiiik\:*4114410.044,0' ewe"
An essential factor in ach:cving success
in a retail business is ADVERTISING—
telling the buyers of your community
what you have for them.
One doesn't need to be PX cep; ionaliy clever or a genius
to be a success, bat one must have an sie , and pmsue
it resolutely and intelligently,
The businesses that are prospering and expunding are
those that purposefully s. elc out new customers and
place before both old and new customers the news
a their service in the form of newspaper advertising.
Who serve you best-husre or halfehuay mon ?
busy or hail -busy shops? Wh'ere is your custot.
most desired and appreciie.ted ? Is it not at those
shops which stretch our tree hend o wricerne
and invitation in the l'terin oil advertisements
in the WINGHAM
Shop Where You Av.) lav iegto Smp
A Tonic Medicine is a Necessity at fills
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People are an all year round tonic, blood -
builder aad nerve -restorer. But they
are especiafiy valuable in the spring
when the system is loaded with, impuri-
ties as a result of the indoor life of the
winter months. There is no other seas-
on when the blood is so much in need of
purifying and enriching, and every dose
of these pills helps to make new, rich,
red blood. In the spring one feels weak
and tired -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
give strength. In the spring the
appetite is often poor Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills develop the appetite, tone
the stomach and aid weak digestion.
It is in the spring that poisons in the
blood find an outlet in disfiguring pimp-
les, eruptions and boils -Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills speedily clear' the skin be-
cause they go te theeroot of the trouble
in the blood. ItLithe spring anaemia,
rheumatism, Undigestion, neuralgia,
erysipelas and many other troubles are
most persistent because of poor, weak
blood, and it is at this time when all
nature takes on new life that the blood
most seriously needs attention. Some
people dose themselves with purgatives
at this season, but these only further
weaken themselves A purgative mere-
ly gallops through the system, emptying
the bowels. but it does not cure any-
thing. On the other hand Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills actually make new blood
which reaches every nerve and organ
in the body, bringing new strength, new
health and vigor to weak, easily tired
men, women and children. Try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills this spring- they
will not disappoint you.
Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
We are indebted to Mr. M Murclie,
clerk of McKillop, for the following
statistical information taken from the
township assessment roll, which has
been completed and returned to the
clerk. The total assessment of the
township is $2,253,630; on lands, $1,695,-
445; on building, $556,575; business as-
sessment, $1,500; income, $100; value
of churches, schools, halls, including
lands, $42,500; number of children be-
tween five and sixteen years, 318; popu-
lation, 2,058; 'number of days statute
labor, 3,299; number of dogs. 308.
James Ramage left last week with a
car load of settlers' effects for Asquith,
Mr. Arch. Martin left on Tuesday for
the west where he intends spending the
next few months.
Robert Mowbray is busy these days
manufacturing a cement mixer at his
shop in Lucknow.
Miss E. Peddle is at present nursing
Mrs. Winfield, who underwent an oper-
ation for gangrene on Monday. We
are glad to report that Mrs. Winfield
is doing well.
H. McLean, who has been learning
the operating for the past two months
at the G. T. R. station here, has se-
cured a position with the Canadian Ex-
press Co. at Luckriow.
Peter and Mrs. Jackson, of Tisdale,
Sask., are here on a visit with the fer-
mer's brother, George Jackson, and
other old friends in this locality.
The condition of ex -Councillor George
Jaeltson's health continues much the
same with less vigor however. Many
old friends would rejoice to hear of im-
Mrs Wm. Craig, (nee Mamie Gosman)
has returned to the home of her father,
Thos. Gosman, where she will reside
for the present. Mr. Craig died some
months ago in the West following a
severe illness.
T H R tl- N,r+VRS A L CAR
The Ford —the Lightest, Surest,
Most Economical --the very essence
of Automobiling ..and all Canadian
MuR onclelab0 T $
u t 600
f.o.b. Ford,
Get particulars feorn A. M. Crawford, Wing -
ham, Ontario •
1 .
1 -
' 4 ,•,00 / le
"" tt3k• ''
, , —
110 ,,,,' "t110e*Ili' f ilmiiiimmosmil -
0,- • ^,'N' i ' , ,,o, . •
Wrn. Nethery sr., has purchaeed the.
h 11.0 and lot owned by Mi68 O's ens, of
Algon•a, widen bee been
o iu.d for [ionic time by W. 3. Geri -
;teal Mrs. eleteery wid take
th..s.,,...4.6enee in the village in the
eu.ir arid erijoy a well earned
Kate Telfer has re-signed her
posit.eti as teacher in Grey township I
and11 nomnpany her sister, Mrs.
.I!'arquhareon, who leaves next week
Prevost, Alta. Miss Telfer has ac-
kssii'•.1 a similar poeition near Provost.
1.Prod Gilpin, of Chicago, spe st
i'ees days in town this week. Ho is
sales masager of the Chicago 13rar.ch
ef tire.. Ford Automobile Go, and wed
poel,d in his work.
J. Warwick V S. has inversted in
a brand new five passenger Ford tour-
ing car. J. H. Galbraith, the local
agent, made the sale. The (meter will
make an expert chauffeur and all that is
wanting now is good roads.
Brussels Football Club has been re-
organized with the following officers: -
Hon. President, Dr. F. T. Bryans; Presi-
dent, Br. T. T. McRae; Secretary Treas.
Cecil McKinnon; Manager; Jas. Ballan-
tyne; Captain, Alex. Anderson: Man-
aging Committee Jas. Anderson, Wal-
ter Scott, II. E. Hughes, W. Holmes;
Finance Committee, B. S. Scott and
Cecil McKinnon,
Death of Miss Mary Keith.
So soon again has bereavement' come
to the home of Mrs Irwin Elliott, as
we have to record the demise of her
sister, Mary Keith, early Thursday
morning, April 2nd, having passed away
Wingham, in her 42nd year. Her
illness was of short duration, being
critical from the beginning. MiSE3
Keith was born near Listowel, being
the eldest daughter of the late James
Keith, of ElmaTp. Her mother passed
sway when she was hot eleven years'of
age, which left her with a great respon-
sibility, and ever since has shown a
motherly love for the rest of the
family. Few could have shown the
bravery and patience with which she
bore her sickness and approaching
death, showing a strength of character
well ripened in faith, Believing that
her Redeemer liveth and would again
raise her to life eternal. Two brothers
and three sisters survive, viz.: -Mrs. I.
R. Elliott, of Wingham; Evelyn and
Mrs. B. Kennedy, also of ,Wingham;
William M., of Regina, Sask., and
James, of Listowel. Friends were
present from Preston, Guelph, Listo-
wel, Britton and Blyth. She was a
staunch believer in the Christadelphian
faith. Her life is with Christ in God
till resurrection morn. Mrs. Elliott and
sisters have the sympathy of the corn-
Hard Work.
Its hard to swat the lyre red hot, and
keep the blamed thing twanging, when
you've got a cold, with aches untold
around your brainpan hanging. 1
have the grippe, and bark and yip,
until I scare the neighbors; still I mu -
do the long day through, "literery'
abors. My lungs are lame and all ir y
frame seems sore and dislocated; I
cough and sneeze and bite my knees in
anguish unabated. Yet I must raise
my locoed lays, some optimism spring-
ing, and urge the toffs who have no
coughs. to keep 9n dancing, singing!
My eyes are red, my aching bead feels
like a football seedy, and when I speak
my pulleys creak, iny voice is hoarse
and weedy; I sob, I pant, kerchoo, and
rant, I whoop and squeak and strangle,
my works are punk throughout my
trunk, my nerves are all a -jangle. I
punch the lyre, but there's no fire or
rapture in my swatting; the winged
steed is lame indeed, and stumbles when
he's trotting. Don't roast toohard the
halting bard, or load him down with
cursin'; yot. do not know how much of
woe he may have on his person.
Walt Mason
Aprll argains
at Isard's
DOLL.M IlAnciP,Irgiq
Two cases Flannelette Remnants o.1 SI] B
Saturday; Length ranging- from yds to 10 yds,.
You will savo from 23 to 25 pr cent. buying thcse
ends at our cut prices.
A number of Ladies' and Girls' Riiincoats, to
clear on Saturday at One Dolhr each. Sp!enclid
Wearing Coats. See them.
30 pairs Womens' Boats. Fine
Dongola Quality, Flexible Sewed
Soles, reg. $2.75, for 0.98
Saturday Bargain in Ladies'
Tailored Suits, fine Serge, Blue
or Black, $15 value for $11.93
Men's fine Tweed Sui;s, well
lined, good strollg wearing suits.
Factory overrnakes. We bought
them at a bargain on sale Satur-
day at $6.98
20 lbcotton bag Cane Granu-
lated Sugar 90c.
100 lbs Cane Sugar for $4.40
Terms: Spot Cash or Trade
I.E. Isard & Co.
The best seed obtainable.
Bright colored seed, selected
for purity and specially re-
t, Red Clover, Alsike Clover,
Mammoth Red Clover
Alfalfa and Timothy
Buy Now—Don't Wait
"Seeds are Cash"
STOOe. 51.11tILETS
Toronto, April 13 -There was a good
active market to -day for light butchers'
Cattle. Heavy steers were not so much
in demand, though one or two lots sold
at $8.50. Choice medium butchers' sold
steady from $7.80 to $8.10. Choice cows,
to $7.25.
Stockers firm and in good demand.
Hogs steady.
Union Stock Yards -Receipts for to-
day, 71 cars, with 1,470 cattle, 25 calves,
221 hogs, and 19 sheep and lambs.
Export . ....$ 8 00 $ 8 05
Butcher cattle choice 7 75 8 251
do medium.. ..... 7 40 7 60 I
Butcher cows choice . 7 00 7 25 I
do medium.... 6 50 6 15j
do common
bulls 7 00 8 00
5 00 6 00
do 1
Feeders , 0 75 7 39
Stockers ... 6 50 7 35
do medium ..5 75 6 00
do light . . ...... 500 5 50
Canners and cutters..... 3 50 4 00
Milkers, choice..... 75 00 90 00
Springers .", „ • . , , „ 60 00 75 00
Common and medium—. 35 00 45 00
Lambs .... 950 975
Light ewes .. 6 25 7 50
do bucks 575 62
Hogs fed and watered... 9 00 9 10
do f.O.b..... .. 8 75 8 85
Calves 6 00 10 00
In the seclusion of your own
home let me select, fit and
show you how to wear a
Spirella Corset
It adds beauty to your
figure, subdues irreg,ulari-
ties; a basis for correct, tasty,
becoming dress.
The flexible, unbreak-
able, non -rusting
Spirella Boning
found in no other corset-
positively retains its shape;
admits of frequent laundering. '
The Spirella Corset is hygienic,
comfortable, modish. To know su-
p reea0nir cnoe . mf or t paTonitersasoty,ceno drr pe octs:Icrcard w
MIIS. M. .r. litri'01-114.7t1
jOSEI'MNI,) Sr., '‘V IN 0 It Ar.01
11210 g 'DSO InglArlVeirgant:vj'araindeVO=
For DYEING and
Give us a trial. Clean-
ing, Pressing and R pairing
neatly and promptly :itiencl•
ed to. Clothes call( d for
and delivered. Shop one
do y north or Patterson's
jevecIlery State.
F( k Anton
Announcement •
Having purchased the grocery busbies con-
ducted bv Mr. E 13 Hart, I invite ali his old custom -
and a i ,ther citizens to give us a trial. New
woct-ries of the best qtt t'ity mra s i‘n hand Watch
Ibis spa e 1 r announcem,nts from week 10 wt ek,
t,i!s and Vecetables in season.
The steamer Wolfe Islander eroesed 0
Kingston harbor, opening navigation Ihe
there two vreeks later than laatyear, 1 "‘ tilatt45040$40~02.100113003.0W4
T. Thompson
to E. B. Hart